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Everything posted by Bruinsfan

  1. He felt right, even if the attack was deserved. Grace's comments were meant to belittle him, not provide helpful information.
  2. I'm just crossing my fingers no innocent bystanders get hurt in the crossfire during the police standoff he seems to be barrelling toward at full speed.
  3. Man, I bet Kripke never anticipated experiments resulting in rage-filled hamsters would turn out to be this timely an issue!
  4. I'm just glad that if one celebrity is going to be hawking EVERYTHING on TV, at least he's not one I find problematic.
  5. The scenes with Victoria and her daughter dashed my forming idea that Stan Edgar might be an actual psychopath (albeit an urbane one), and thus neurologically incapable of feeling fear of Homelander or anyone else. His composure is more impressive than anyone else's on the show, including Grace Mallory's.
  6. That was still 100% Dean Winchester to me. Fast draw insults whenever someone isn't impressed with his bravado.
  7. That soon? Well, I guess that settles any question I had about paying to see it in the theater a second time.
  8. Eh, I've heard enough direct quotes from Ackles about that issue and in response to fans' other LGBTQ-related questions over the years to be more than fine with him getting his share of the backlash. He can go eat his feelings about it at Zaxby's with his anti-gay bigot friends from Duck Dynasty. As PurpleTentacle said, it was pretty clear that Black Noir is the same person. Also Crimson Countess is played by Laurie Holden in scenes set more than three decades apart, so she ages extremely slowly if at all as well. I assume the supes with functional immortality have regenerative abilities rather than merely being bulletproof, which means Kimiko is likely one of their number as well.
  9. Of course only Kripke and his writers' room really know the truth, but I would bet folding money that scene was in reaction to all the Ant Man memes between the last two Avengers movies. Charlize Theron is really jumping into the superhero entertainment thing with both feet with this and the Doctor Strange sequel debuting within a few weeks. She was great though, that really seemed like blockbuster movie footage when most of the powered stuff has more of a TV budget vibe.
  10. More like three to me, which I guess would work with the year jump between seasons 2 and 3.
  11. I like Grant Gustin, but I'm doubtful about him influencing the film's reception to a noticeable degree. Despite being one of the top rated CW shows his gets what, 600,000 viewers to tune in each week? Even if every one of them goes to see the movie opening weekend, it won't be what makes the difference between success and failure.
  12. I really enjoyed the first half, and thought the second half was an okay adventure-romance movie. But did everyone forget halfway through the movie that it was also supposed to be a comedy? The only joke I recall after the hour mark was the hashtag girl reading Loretta's latest book to Nana in the final scene.
  13. I too was a quiet read-the-books-or-comics-while-parents-shop type kid once I was old enough to read. Though I've been told an earlier tale of giving my dad the slip in the mall and prompting a panicked search before I was found in a dressing room making funny faces at a mirror. Little kids are going to do annoying stuff; up to a certain age I don't blame them for behaviors they lack the maturity and brain development to control. Likewise attentive parents if they're at least making an effort to rein them in, even if that effort is unsuccessful. It's the oblivious parents and the ones who willingly ignore misbehavior that get me steamed. You're an adult, you should know better!
  14. I had a run-in at Walgreens with the unconcerned mother of a hyper preschooler who was running around knocking things off shelves. I said "calm down, kid" to him in a normal voice and immediately had a pop-eyed harpy in my face telling me not to speak to her child. We got into it and when she yelled "ARE YOU INSINUATING I'M NOT A GOOD PARENT?!?" I had the pleasure of looking around and asking "where'd your kid go? Was anyone paying attention to him?"
  15. The sense I got was that he might not have forcefully raped Becca, but she knew he was a psycho and was scared enough of what he might do if rejected to be intimidated into submitting. Would she have been aware of the people in Queen Maeve's life that mysteriously turned up dead after their breakup?
  16. I have no idea what's going on in this movie, but I am sold!
  17. Some say Weinstein's behind-the-scenes maneuvering. Though I think she turned in a good enough performance to earn the award, despite my dislike of her.
  18. IIRC, more cells inside us are symbiotic bacteria than our own body cells (though the latter still make up most of our mass thanks to their larger size).
  19. I'd agree on the Jane Foster as Thor story, but Gorr failed to impress me in the comics. And Christian Bale is not helping by mixing plural subjects and singular verbs.
  20. I think Devan is pretty well prepped for cold weather filming as well.
  21. I'm guessing they're too squeamish to mention butts?
  22. I've conducted some, but for a graphic design position at a tiny company. I'd have been fine with the candidates showing up in Halloween costumes as long as they brought portfolios indicating some aptitude for the work.
  23. Not being Asian-American didn't seem to interfere with me relating to the characters and enjoying the story I saw depicted onscreen. Ditto with Everything Everywhere All at Once, which has been by far my favorite film of 2022 so far.
  24. They also apparently left Thor to wallow in despair for years after the Snap. So much concern over a guy with a bow going vigilante, so little over the effect of becoming an orphaned refugee on someone who can create hurricanes and summon a planet-destroying transporter beam!
  25. David Fury was a co-executive producer on Lost's first season and infamously said "There's no plan!" once he was off the project. If Lindelof did have a set story for the show he didn't share it with the writing staff or anyone else actually working on it that year. That said, I loved what he did with Watchmen.
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