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Everything posted by Bruinsfan

  1. I don't know if that would necessarily be true to the source material, though I suppose audience sympathy toward him will grow with familiarity. Jenna Coleman was channeling Mark Sheppard HARD in her performance, but then his whole career has basically been playing versions of that stock con-artist character. I like Patton Oswalt in general, but his voice completely breaks immersion for me every time Matthew speaks.
  2. But but but... how could they be expected to do that AND make a 10th Batman movie at the same time?
  3. I think for this character, narrating his own story is highly appropriate.
  4. If the damn thing has a tendency to explode like that one woman alleged in her lawsuit, it's more dangerous than the other Goop quackery. Maybe Paltrow should get the VFX artists that worked on Sauron in the Lord of the Rings movies to do her ads for it...
  5. I still have my spring/summer painting on the door of my apartment. But come October I'll be swapping in my gigantic werewolf painting from college, and if I have the energy after getting back from a family wedding I may carve a jack-o'-lantern to put on a pedestal beside it.
  6. If not something worse, like a shootout with the FBI or ATF. Charismatic nutcase + groomed teenagers/followers + drugs + farmhouse full of guns gives me a very bad feeling.
  7. Ask the designer. Sounds like those commercials are just being true to life.
  8. I'll hold off on labeling Marvel movies "despicable" until I hear about the Russo Brothers or Jon Watts suing a child actor for breach of contract over turning their molester in to the police, as Coppola did to protect his convicted pedophile protege Victor Salva. Until then, he can sit down and shut all the way up!
  9. Yeah, Tina is clearly the most qualified candidate based on the successes she's had on her own. Which means Lorne will probably turn the reins over to Kristen Wiig instead.
  10. I've gotten surveys recently asking my opinion on "plant-based whole food meal alternatives." Just call it what it is: imitation meat.
  11. I'm thinking Pepper may have been forced to cut all ties with Peter/Spider-Man after Jameson's big reveal at the end of Far From Home. Happy was all mixed up in that mess equipping a private individual with orbital weapons technology that might have placed him on the Top 20 list of military powers in the world. Plus, there might be a bit of unconscious resentment that guilt/grief over Peter was probably the top motivating factor that got Tony involved in the mission that killed him.
  12. Was Scott ever officially an Avenger anyway? He helped Captain America out when he went rogue against the team's overseers in Civil War, then popped up in Endgame to give them the key to undoing the Snap. But it was all informal, I don't think he ever would have had security clearance or a team ID or anything.
  13. I heard that Dwayne Johnson got booed by the audience when his answer to a question implied that recasting Superman was a possibility. Which was frankly shocking to me, and probably something he hasn't encountered since his days of playing a heel in wrestling. Warner Bros, you might want to take notice when a crowd turns on The Rock over your thumb-twiddling...
  14. They wouldn't want to do an event at a strip club. Maybe Dave & Buster's?
  15. I don't think I'm ready to buy Keanu Reeves as the world's greatest detective. I already spent about 2/3 of Batman v. Superman shouting "No, dumbass, you've drawn exactly the opposite of the right conclusion!" at Ben Affleck.
  16. He has enough mental weaknesses to make up for the lack of physical ones. Even then, I think most screenwriters have a very poor idea of what advanced military grade weaponry can actually do when they're claiming that someone is invulnerable. When they think of bombs/artillery fire they tend to envision this: and not this: https://i.imgur.com/MHImUAt.mp4
  17. They only had so much budget, and the CGI for Korg and the screaming goats isn't cheap.
  18. PA ANNOUNCER: Ladies and gentlemen, Academy Award-winning actor Russell Crowe. ZEUS: It's-a me, Mario!
  19. Germany and Italy didn't surrender the moment the Allies took the beaches of Normandy. Soldier Boy may very well have fought Nazis once he was in Europe; all we know for sure is that he wasn't the hero of the initial D-Day operation like his propaganda said. I interpreted it as genuine remorse (if a bit less intense than a decent person would have after accidentally vaporizing a score of innocent people), and I'm in no way influenced by Ackles worship to give his characters a free pass. Soldier Boy is selfish, crude, dripping in toxic masculinity, and far too quick to respond with violence to any disagreement or opposition, but he does seem to be a three-dimensional character that still thinks of himself as a human being. While he likely is deluded in his protests that he's not a bad person, he at least seems to want that to be true, in marked contrast to Homelander. When I rewatch this episode I'll be fast forwarding everything but the scenes Maeve was in. Definitely the MVP, both within the narrative and in Dominique McElligot's performance.
  20. If Black Noir's cartoon vision flashback is to be believed, that "moving on up" comment seems pointedly racist, and it casts Soldier Boy's sabotaging of his movie career in the light of reminding the "uppity" black teammate of his proper subservient role when he dared to want success for himself. But he didn't really demonstrate any racist views in his live-action scenes. I think MM is just assuming the death of his relatives was racially motivated when it's just as likely events would have played out the same way if a white family had lived in that house.
  21. I mean, when Wanda first saw the Darkhold it was prominently displayed in the creepy dungeon lair of a witch with mystical flames licking around its edges, and Agatha flat out told her it was the Book of the Damned. I don't think she was stupid enough to believe everything would be rainbows and stuffed animal tea parties if she read it.
  22. Her FIRST go-crazy-over-her-kids-and-become-a-villain storyline was in West Coast Avengers in the immediate wake of Agatha Harkness erasing her memory of Tommy and Billy (which made them, and Mephisto, go kablooey). The cruelty she displayed in MoM was more in line with that storyline than her anguished lashing out in the events you listed, actually. Though as Raja says, also very much in line with being corrupted by the Darkhold. In the comics I believe Dr. Strange is the only person who's ever used that thing without losing his soul to it, and he was very much aware of the danger and spent a whole issue fighting the book and bringing it to heel before doing so.
  23. Specifically I think they named him that because he was wearing the outfit Strange wore in Matt Fraction's Defenders limited series back in 2012.
  24. Not terribly surprised about the big paternity reveal, but the nearly immediately lethal effects of Temp-V took me off guard. As did Black Noir's cartoon friends, though I laughed my ass off at Soldier Boy as a cartoon bald eagle swearing up a storm in Jensen Ackle's voice. The Kimiko & Frenchie and Kimiko & Annie scenes were just wonderful. I really like that Annie has genuinely befriended all of the team apart from Butcher, and is no longer "Huey's supe girlfriend that maybe can be useful to us." Both the ladies overcoming their fears to do what they have to in order to protect people were powerful story elements, and I really like how Frenchie's reactions and acceptance of being the weaker half of a couple(?) contrast with Hughie's. I'm also enjoying Soldier Boy a lot more now that more of his horribleness is showing through.
  25. I wonder if those commercials are made by the same people responsible for Dr. Squatch's ad campaigns? Maybe they do so at the Starbucks in West Hollywood or the Castro?
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