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Everything posted by Bruinsfan

  1. Hope he put up a warning sign about that thing burrowing at the sight of blood!
  2. Grand Funk Railroad's "I Just Want to Celebrate" wasn't necessarily the most inappropriate song for a soup commerical, but juxtaposed with the visuals and the scene that had aired the moment before, this use must have dropped jaws all across the country:
  3. This was one of the rare ones that hit on all points for me. Good job, show! That and his retirement fund, and anything he may have inherited from Gwyn. I'd guess that all of that defaults to Owen if he doesn't make a will stating otherwise. Carlos technically bought the house himself, though he apparently had TK's name added to the title after the fact. I'm not sure how that would be distributed if TK died while they were just living together. But marriage should make each of them the other's principal heir.
  4. Natasha Lyone has cracked me up in several comedies, so I at least have hope this means there will be some good sketches. She's certainly not afraid of committing to the joke!
  5. I don't understand how Denny's stays in business in a world where Waffle House and IHOP are options. Of course, I also don't understand how Applebee's stays in business when there are ANY other restaurants people can go to.
  6. Strange had a line about Mordo trying to kill him (repeatedly?), so the 616 version clearly committed to his heel turn and became a Dr. Strange villain off camera through the years. Not the person you asked, but I think Clint should be in prison for the people he murdered even if everyone he killed was guilty. He had no right to be their executioner. I think the third eye is inspired by this sequence from an Illuminati/Incursion story featuring Strange. It's not specifically Darkhold-related in the comics, just a visual signifier of Strange being corrupted by using powerful black magic.
  7. It's also possible that the blast couldn't reach back in time to the 1950s where Judd apparently lives.
  8. I think it's a combination of the glasses, unkempt hair, and no longer having a sharply distinct jawline. If he's had work done by anyone except tattoo artists, I can't see it.
  9. I would be more than fine with a storyline featuring Tommy having a romance with a hot younger man and being conflicted with how her feelings about Charles impact that. But making him her brother-in-law is just ICKY! I do not like feeling the urge to throw a bucket of cold water at Gina Torres through my TV.
  10. I'm completely unfamiliar with this actor, but he seems charming. Hopefully he can manage the gravitas needed for the role (something I think only Matt Smith failed to of all the Doctors).
  11. I recall from Photo Lab in college that you always want to use color film to take pictures of people with dark skin, even if you're going to be making B&W prints. The 4-color film captures a wider range of skin tones than B&W film does.
  12. Also, in what world is a billionaire interviewing candidates for an unpaid internship himself? Unless the internship is of the Monica Lewinsky variety, there should be multiple levels of employees buffering the CEO from contact with entry level workers, never mind prospects for same. That guy would be personally handling top-level executive hires and maybe celebrity spokespeople, not high school graduates hoping they learn from developers and SEO personnel while getting their coffee.
  13. Since when is the whole firehouse addicted to Settlers of Catan? I don't remember that from any of their other after work gatherings. I actually thought the Nancy & Mateo storyline was pretty well done. Of course Mateo was being an idiot about it, but it's not as if that's a plot point that strains credulity. As for Tommy and Julius, I had a dreadful sinking feeling they were going to revisit this, so I watched the show after the fact with the fast forward button at the ready rather than viewing the live broadcast.
  14. I dearly hope this is the case. Randi doesn't strike me as the type to put up with any crap whatsoever from someone she doesn't like, and Nick would be expecting to smirk and get things his way with no consequences or real opposition as he appears to have done in all his dealings with Kat. The premise of the show doesn't really require that Kat own the cat cafe, she could just as easily work as the cat wrangler while Randi handles the management of the money-earning coffee shop part of the business.
  15. Maybe it's just the residual sort from her career for the last 15 years.
  16. What kind of crazy do you have to be to look at that face and decides things need to be changed?
  17. Still won't beat Paul being defibrillated in the midst of his physical fitness gamut and hopping up to complete it in time to qualify for duty. I suspect the greater success the parent show has in spreading meaningful screen time and story focus around has to do with the combined egos of Angela Bassett and Peter Krause not equaling Lowe's. (Jennifer Love Hewitt might give him a run for his money based on her previous shows, but she was a latecomer after the premise was set.) That said, I do like the supporting characters of this show more even if I'm only seeing cameos of some of them half the time.
  18. I'll always give her credit for letting them make her nose job a running joke on that sitcom, It's Like, You Know. At least she was able to have a sense of humor about it (or successfully pretend she did in public!).
  19. She's beautiful. And can smile warmly instead of having a rictus grin the Joker would be proud of.
  20. Fingers crossed for Racacoonie!
  21. And my best friend is a paramedic, so I have a fairly clear picture of how likely they are to give up at a simple "no thanks." The firehouse guys in the early 70s were probably even more persistent.
  22. If Daisy had bunches of paramedics constantly hitting on her at her job (where they, too, are supposed to be concentrating on the welfare of the patients they bring in!), I have no problem with her redirecting their energy to something productive rather than having to devote hers to rebuffing the ones she wasn't interested in dating.
  23. I took it as just her not wanting her husband to be made to feel worse in his final moments, and not being particularly sympathetic to a stranger who had a prior claim on him. It's not noble or fair, but it is realistic. Like Tommy, I consider that something that never happened and never needs to be mentioned again. Listen up, writers!
  24. I'm just cracking up at the mental image of Darryl sipping espresso out of a tiny cup while wearing a beret.
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