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Everything posted by Mountainair

  1. The Mama Dee and D’Andra situation hits a little too close to home for me to get any enjoyment out of it. My husband and his mother have been in business together for 10 years. He does all the manual labor and she keeps the books. She hired his sister to take my place in the office without consulting him and never since his mom has been telling him the company is failing and won’t let him look at the books. He went in to the office while she wasn’t there only to discover that she’s been paying her personal credit cards and doing home renovations on the company’s dime. I haven’t spoken to her in close to a year because of the way she treated me when she hired my SIL, our family is in a state of disrepair and come the New Year he’s going to break the news that we are liquidating the company and starting the business over on our own. The main difference here is that my husband works his ass off 7 days a week in a labor intensive job and we have 3 children. My son went through a period similar to that of Brandi‘s kid between the ages of 8 and 9. He was a mess and disrespectful as all get out. We didn’t raise him to be that way and I’d like to think I’m not as dysfunctional as Brandi appears to be. Sometimes it’s just a stage and having cameras in her face doesn’t help. I can’t stand LeAnne. She’s an asshole and doesn’t deserve anyone to show up at her wedding. She’s no worse than Brandi’s kid at this point. Her dress wasn’t all that bad. Not something I would pick. It was the tiara that was awful!
  2. That’s actually a myth. https://idmprogram.com/fix-broken-metabolism/ Dr Fung is a highly respected dr in the intermittent fasting world. I’ve been fasting for about 9 months and have never been healthier. I eat what I want and don’t have to count points or eat salads all the time and I’ve lost close to 30 pounds.
  3. Funny you say that. My 9 year old son was in the room while I was watching and the first thing he said was, “that guy would look better with a darker hair color”.
  4. Panthers played well today but their defense gave up a lot of points in the 2nd half. They had such a big lead and then lost it. Glad they won! I’ve been a Cam supporter for a long time (while my dad continued to give him shit). My husband surprised me with tickets to the Panthers/Titans game for my birthday so I’ll take my dad while he stays home with the kids. I only hope Allen is still playing QB! There’s no way they can bench him now, right? He’s proven himself to be a defat better QB than Cam has been as of late.
  5. While I agree that mother’s need time away from their children sometimes I have to say that it was pretty fucked up for Gina to miss her kids sporting event to go on a date (a date that she knew wasn’t going to show up before she even went). Her kids need stability right now more than ever and it sounds like her ex husband didn’t even go? I for one am sick and tired of seeing people get their vaginas worked on. It’s gross and personal and offers me no entertainment value. The khakis and white polos on the beach would have looked far better than what’s Brawynwyn showed up in for the family photos. My grandmas would have a few choice words if I sent out our family Christmas card looking like that! I thought Eddie was very respectful and professional when dealing with Emily. Tamra not so much.
  6. Resurrecting this thread to say that I found out last night we have been granted permission to tour the White House on our upcoming DC trip next week. We are staying with family in Maryland while we visit and no bags are allowed on the tour. I’m traveling with 3 children (ages 10-3) so a bag is a must. I can not figure out what the hell to do with this bag while we go on our tour. Everyone says, “keep it at the hotel” but we don’t have a hotel nearby. We will be driving to the greenbelt station and parking for the day but I’m not sure of the distance between there and Penn. Ave. anyone know of a place with lockers or something nearby to store my bag for an hour or two?
  7. Yes- was not expecting Carolina to show up today but they did! Amazing what benching Cam can do for the team! Maybe they’ll keep his “foot injury” excuse all season. I say that as a Cam fan too but I think his time has come and gone.
  8. Tonight’s my night! Emmy night! My name is actually Emmy and I’m a TV addict so it all works out! This year I actually had Netflix and Prime so I feel like I have a good grasp on all the nominees and have seen or at least heard of most of these shows. I’ll be flipping between this and football tonight when the speeches get too political or boring 🙂
  9. Very true! Carolina ditched Heineke (sp?) after pre season for Allen and Grier. Heineke was actually pretty decent so I’m not sure what they were thinking unless the thought was to intentionally tank the season. I’m just glad I didn’t waste money on tickets this year. Me and my Dad can watch them suck at home for free 🙂
  10. And as of this afternoon evidently Cam was back in a boot and not even at practice today. I mean he hasn’t been great for a while but we’ve got two rookie back ups as QB so I think it may be a tie for first round pick between Panthers and Dolphins this year!
  11. We've been on a major Asian kick lately but I prefer to make my own. Hot and Sour soup is a favorite for sure! I've been making a lot of dumplings lately and freezing them for dinner or a late night snack on the weekends. They are a lot of work but damn- so yummy! I've made Pho the past few weekends as well. I only eat one meal a day and like to make it count- lol! Since I only eat one meal I decided to make breakfast for dinner tonight-(I've been craving breakfast food lately) eggs, bacon, sausage, french toast, etc. Hit the spot for sure!
  12. It really is. I’d have it on as background noise while I got chores done around the house. It was a good enough reason to quit tuning in though.
  13. For me it’s not just that the dudes in this show don’t work-it’s the fact that they don’t do shit period. I don’t have a job outside of the house. I take care of my children. While they are at school I workout, do housework, make dinner, volunteer and I am a musician that actually has to practice and play with other accomplished musicians. What do these fools do? Fucking nothing. Their bodies are jello, their houses are nasty as fuck. They don’t give to the community, unless you count STI’s. I’m fine with them making money off the show or having a trust fund and not needed or wanting a conventional job. But damn, do something.
  14. I really don’t see the big deal about the outlets. My youngest is three and I’ve never put outlet covers on. We did put the cabinet locks on some of the kitchen cabinets but by the time kid #2 came along they were taken off because they were a pain in the ass. My kids just never cared about outlets of cupboards. Perhaps Jackson is the same.
  15. So... Wasn't Madison the one that beckoned Shep over to start the argument in the first place? She was on the couch and he was at the bar minding his business? I'm not defending the douche bag, I'm just making sure I have the sequence of events right. Then she tells him that she can out argue him which hell yea- please (someone put that asshole in his place)! Next she decides to throw Danni under the bus. Of all the things she could have said to Shep she decides that is her ammo? And then she continues to throw Danni further under the bus by calling her out on her smoking habit? I mean, WTF? How does this prove to Shep that you won't take his shit? All it does is prove Shep even more right about what an asshole you are. I wish there was one damn person on this cast who could hand Shep his ass on a platter. Why is it so damn hard? And everything after the spa scene was weird. They came home and packed and then just sat around for hours asking if everyone was ready? Were they just going to show up at the airport whenever and catch a flight or did they have a scheduled flight? It seems like there was a lot of hours just sitting around. What a lame trip.
  16. I'm going to Washington DC for a week in a few months. I know we have some fellow cheftestants with restaurants out there right?
  17. I certainly don’t envy Kathryn’s position but isn’t Naomie considered a full time cast member now? If she was able to opt out of the Colorado trip due to potentially hurting her lame boyfriend’s feelings surely Kat could have opted out due to her past drug issues. I know. I was implying that she did and therefore nothing was forced on her. Just like the dinner. THC was not cooked in the food so she had a choice not to partake.
  18. Doesn’t Kathryn have some stipulation that she can’t drink alcohol as well as smoke pot? Correct me if I’m wrong. I get that abstaining from one might be easier than the other but she still goes to functions where alcohol is present without a problem. For this dinner the standard serving was THC free and then you could chose to add it if you wanted to. She didn’t have to get off the bus to go inside the dispensary. It seemed like an attention grab to me. Shep and Austin acted like it was their first time smoking and there’s no way that could be true. Nothing more annoying than 30-40 year old grown adults acting like that. Harkens back to the Reefer Madness Days and why pot will never be legalized in the South. It’s possible to be high and act normal (not that I know). Craig and Whitney needed to chill in the hot tub with a spliff or something. Good Lord. They are both wound way too fucking tight. I don’t give a crap about Madison and Austin. She could do way better than him.
  19. I got a chuckle out of the Hawaiian episode. I swear those three (house hunter, friend and realtor) were involved in some sort of romantic relationship. Or at the very least high school sweetheart was part of the reason for his recent divorce. I didn’t see the issue with the shared entrance at one of the houses. Stairs go up to your place and stairs go down to the renters place. I don’t know. He was weird and at the end he was for sure posing when he was leaning up against that coconut tree.
  20. Count me in on the Bomb Girls love! I was so sad it ended but have enjoyed seeing it’s various stars pop up in other projects!
  21. I appreciated Cam being honest early on when Palmer was born about breastfeeding not working for her because so many times you hear that the only “right way” to feed your child is by breast. I’ve had 3 kids and only attempted breastfeeding my third for about a week and said, “screw that time for formula”. So, I get it. But damn girl, hold your baby while you feed her. There was a time or two, especially with my third baby that I would lay her down and hold the bottle but usually when I was helping the other two with homework or something. By the looks of it Cam was just sitting there. It takes 20-30 minutes to feed a baby. Give her that undivided attention. I hope she’s really a more loving mother that what we’ve been shown and she’s just playing a part for the cameras. At least Palmer has Grandma and Jason. Every timeI think I’m back on the tolerating Katherine train she does something to screw of all up. I’m rooting for her to succeed but she makes it so damn hard. I had a friend like that in real life who I just had to let go for good. Her lack of respect for anyone including herself is mind boggling. Just because you can galavant to NY and FL doesn’t mean you should. Maybe stay your ass home and plan/communicate details of the tree house trip. It is her job. Volunteer in SC. It’s ok to not have sex sometimes. Especially when your options are Whitney and another former disgraced politician! The treehouses were cute but why plan a vineyard tour if you can’t drink? Plan a hike or something. Nice to see less of the boys this week. They just ooze “loser” and I can’t deal!
  22. Now when I have time to cook (weekends) I can whip up some bangin’ Mexican food. Tonight however, especially after all this talk of hard taco shells -that is precisely what I am feeding my family! But yea, on a yacht I should never see what that “chef” fed those guests. I feel like the first and last guests on these charters always get the short end of the stick.
  23. Up until 2 years ago I only got my haircut about every 2 -3 years. I’d grow it out and donate it to Pantene. I never colored it either. Well, after doing that for 15 years I decided I wanted cute hair. So I go to the best stylist in town and get highlights now. He’s pricey as hell but I only get my haircut twice a year and he’s totally worth the money. Fast forward to a few months ago and he sends out an email to let everyone know that he’s no longer offering color services because of the health risks to him. I get it. I barely have time for a haircut as it is and now he expects me to schedule with someone completely different just for color. Unfortunately that means I need a new hairdresser. I’m not going to tell him. I’ll just never go there again. My husband works in the service industry and had a job at a brand new hair salon in a swanky place downtown. He knew of my hairdresser situation and offered a barter. His services for free haircuts/color for me until they are even which should be about 5 appointments. I checked her out online and talked to her and it seems like this will be a good fit. My first appointment is Thursday.
  24. Love Takes Flight was one Hallmark movie that I actually watched without zoning out or doing something else so it had that going for it. The premise was a bit of a stretch for me as others have mentioned. I did not cringe at the child actor so there was that. The scenery was beautiful and I really loved the actor playing the older father in the movie. The one year anniversary of losing my own grandfather is coming up so this was just a bit much for me so I had to fast forward through a lot of the scenes involving him because I was bawling like a baby!
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