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Everything posted by Mountainair

  1. I’m a straw person. I don’t like putting my lips on restaurant glasses and while I like ice cold drinks the ice makes it hard for me to drink without one. When I heard about this straw crack down (I mean of all the things polluting the ocean/earth we have to take a stand against straws?) I was worried I would have to start bringing straws with me when I went out. Luckily I’ve only ran into one paper straw and it was in a drink my husband got with the intention of sharing with our 3 year old. Well- paper straws aren’t very conducive to sharing. That thing was so nasty after my 3 year old got her hands on it. She lucked out and got a whole slushee to herself that day!
  2. I've been firmly "team Amy" since this whole mess started but last night when she was in the barn talking to Matt about the party it seemed like he was being quite reasonable with wanting her to decide what she wanted to do about staying or leaving the farm and she was being catty and indecisive about the whole thing. I was shocked to find myself on Matt's side of the debate there. She needs to make a decision and move on (or not). Zach (and I agree- he was looking really good last night) sounded just like my husband when it comes to having people over/parties. My husband would be fine serving no food/ can of beans to our guests. He also complains about party decorations when I buy them. Therefore, I never take him shopping with me and I tell him what day/time the party is and that's that. There was no excuse to run out of food. One hamburger and hot dog per person and were there any sides? Either way that Jackson is such a cutie pie.
  3. Yea... I don't get that and I am a millenial. I rarely buy clothes for myself as it is (I have 3 kids- that's where my wardrobe money goes) and you best believe If I buy myself something I wear it out! The jeans I'm wearing today I've had for 10 years! I also keep all my clothes because I tend to fluctuate in weight so I've got my "skinny girl" jeans and my "big girl" jeans ready to go depending on my size at that particular moment. I did hear of one online clothing swap type site that was intriguing. I think it's called Rent the Runway, for those times you might need a fancy outfit you only intend to wear once and then you return it. I thought that was a good idea.
  4. How "Asheville" of them. I kid 🙂 But, seriously, one of my most favorite 6 year old's name is Willow- named after her father- Will. It's also the store brand at Aldi so I always think of her when I shop there.
  5. Zena I have to say, I follow Ryan on Instagram* (of which I look at all of once every couple weeks if I think about it) and never saw any mention of them expecting a child. He even posted some more recent pictures (December?) of him and Emilia somewhere tropical and she didn't look pregnant at all to me. I suppose that could be because they are saving it all for the show. I follow all of the MDL people on Instagram because I am addicted to real estate porn 🙂
  6. I was hoping for an Eric win but I guess Kelsey was the next best thing. I didn't mind Sarah but I thought that of the two Kelsey had better food all season. I'm from the south and used to love, love, love boiled peanuts until I mysteriously developed a raw peanut allergy. I can eat processed peanuts all day long but peanuts straight from the shell do bad things to me. I've never been a fan of cornbread though.
  7. Oh hell no! The way they treat some of their hosts on the daytime talk show is the reason I quit watching that all together. I think Lori should be out of a job and face consequences for her actions as much as I enjoyed the Garage Sale series but Hallmark doesn’t mess around so she’s gone for good. I hope Garage Sale can continue on in some capacity without her.
  8. While I'm totally down with dancing at a wedding reception I feel like most of the Bates' wedding guests are probably of the same belief system and therefore would not dance at the wedding even if the Bride and her father started with a ballroom type dance. I bet 1/3 of them would want to but would feel too guilty to do it. At least it seems like these wedding guests get fed real food so they have that to keep them from getting bored. Most of these people seem like the most boring people on Earth so I find it funny that they might even get bored in the first place!
  9. Yep- Alex has been a part of my life since I can remember watching TV. My own dad would watch the news with dinner and then follow that with Jeopardy. I do the same with my own kids (my kids are young enough that dinner is well over by the time Jeopardy airs here) but they know Jeopardy time is after dinner and my oldest (9) sits and tries his best to give some correct answers (he'll surprise himself every now and then). I was sickened when I heard the news!
  10. I agree. And not only that- I lift weights almost daily and see plenty of self absorbed hipster dudes on a regular basis that I'm pretty sure I could take down with one arm tied behind my back. And I am a woman. The gender argument doesn't work with me here.
  11. I get that Nene told everyone to get out of her closet but she really didn't give much of a shit until the camera man started to head in that direction. I'm no Mrs. Manners but when I host people at my house I clean my whole house. Even the closet that surely no one's going to go into because you just never know what door people might accidentally open looking for the bathroom or something. I've also got nothing to hide. We've been remodeling our home for several years and I expect people are going to want to see our newest project- the master bath- because I've talked about it. I just had everyone over to celebrate my daughter's 3rd birthday and you best believe I cleaned my bedroom and the under construction master bath/closet area just in case someone wanted to take a peek. I'm not even on a reality show with cameras in my home and I know better to do that! Nene took it way too far and she can miss me with that shit when she herself parked herself in her room away from her invited guests. She's an asshole, not funny in the least and I feel for Greg having to go through a cancer diagnosis with someone like Nene by his side.
  12. Oh man! I love French Broad Chocolates! Too bad Josie and Kelton didn't stop in at any of the breweries by the coffee shop (they passed by at least 10)! I've never been to Summit Coffee- I love my coffee but if I'm downtown I'm getting some bomb ass food and drinks- not coffee. I'm sure they were completely defrauded walking around downtown. It only takes about 5 minutes to see something completely crazy. It's hard to believe that is the first time they've been alone together- I just couldn't imagine a life like that. They were glad they saved their first hike for a time without "chaps". Ugh! Their breakfast didn't look all that great- the bacon looked weird and with so many amazing breakfast places in Asheville they should have had breakfast out at least once. She's pregnant now, right?
  13. I have my own SIL issues but I have my nieces over all the time for sleepovers. No one ever has my boys over. Ever. Does Teresa ever have her neices/nephew over? Yet Melissa is expected to help out with Teresa's kids all the time? Why? I fail to see what Teresa is so busy doing? Her kids are old enough to be in school all day so other than after school activities I fail to see what Teresa is struggling with. Sounds like Nonno helps drive kids around. Gia at least is old enough to drive herself. The video montage of Teresa and Joe facing their prison terms did make me feel sorry for the kids but she's got no right to play the victim card and the "bad Aunt and Uncle" card when she failed as a mother to those children. That's not Joey or Melissa's fault.
  14. I have no desire to ever see A Star is Born (as mentioned above) but I have heard Shallow a few times and so far of the nominated songs I've seen tonight this is one of the best. Anyone who plays their own music automatically gets bonus points from me.
  15. I saw Bohemian Rhapsody and loved it! I've never been a huge Queen fan girl- was born in 1984 so they were a bit before my time but I've always loved most of their music. The movie legit brought tears to my eyes and had me going down a huge Freddy Mercury/Queen internet rabbit hole. As a side note, I am a musician. I am part of a flute choir (there are 8 of us). I play both the bass flute and the regular C flute most people are used to seeing and one of our pieces is Bohemian Rhapsody. We play at the medium security prison twice a year and it's so awesome hearing these guys belt out the lyrics while we play!
  16. I did not like Bette singing the song from Mary Poppins. I agree- if the song is nominated the original performer should sing it if able. It was much better in the movie.
  17. I usually watch TV with captions on but for some reason my captions are way behind the actual dialogue so I had to turn them off. As usual I haven't seen most of these movies. I saw Bohemian Rhapsody and loved it- Adam Lambert is no Freddy and I really didn't like the opening number. I wish they had picked better songs. Rami was great as Freddy though. I watched Crazy Rich Asians last night and really enjoyed it. Started First Man but didn't finish it before my rental was up. Glad to see Black Panther picking up some wins- I need to watch it. As far as I'm concerned A Star is Born should have never been remade after Judy Garland did it. She was and always will be that movie for me. I will never watch any other iteration of it.
  18. I enjoyed Chronicle Mysteries quite a bit. I hadn't really heard much about it and had it saved on my DVR to watch later in the week. I spend 95% of my life driving and True Crime Podcasts keep me going. One that I listen to had Ali Sweeney as a guest host (not her first time guesting). So I thought that was a cool tie in with the movie. She really is into True Crime podcasts!
  19. I remember way back when Layla hosted an American Gladiator type show? That's when I first really came to know and like her. Her father was way before my time but I always appreciated his determination and fight to stand up for what was right. I think Eric is my favorite followed by Kelsey (mostly I like her food- her personality is hit or miss). My parents will sometimes pick up KFC on Sunday's after church when they bring the kids back to us (they sleepover most Saturday's with my parents and while church isn't my thing- it gets the kids out of the house and gives me and my husband a free night). It's edible but not something I ever choose to eat when I'm out. That being said, TC is certainly dictating my weekend menu as of late. Last weekend I had to try a Juciy Lucy burger- it was ok. I still like Five Guys better. This weekend I'm going to have to get my fave chicken sandwich at Buxton Hall https://www.bonappetit.com/story/best-fried-chicken-sandwich-2016?verso=true. We can get there early and grab a beer at the brewery next door before there is a line at the restaurant. By 5:05 there is usually an hour wait. I'm not much of a fried chicken person in general ( from the south and my mom never made it growing up and I certainly never have) but this chicken sand. is seriously yum!!
  20. As a musician myself I always love seeing people playing their own music. Now get off my lawn! I haven't listened to the radio in months (podcasts have been my jam lately) but I still know who most of these people are. And.... don't be dissing my LL! That is one fine piece of man right there and I wish he still hosted the Grammy's. He used to host A Very Grammy Christmas but I didn't see one on last year. Must not have done well.
  21. Oh my gosh! That sweet kitty looks just like my Miss. Meowme! She was a Maine Coon. I've posted here about losing both our cat and dog last year. They were 15 years old and passed away within weeks of each other. Lately I've been having a lot of dreams about our cat and after dinner tonight we decided to adopt a new kitty. I've been missing animal companionship something fierce. I'm not ready for another dog quite yet- his death hit me the hardest. The kids are at my parents house tonight so we plan on surprising them tomorrow with our new addition.
  22. I've been craving a burger for weeks now so me and the husband decided we would go to Five Guys for dinner tonight. After watching this episode today I decided we should go to Juicy Lucy's Burger Bar instead (we've never been and that burger looked seriously good). So, thanks Top Chef! I've never been a fan of Sarah's so her pouting made me dislike her even more. I mean- yea the heckling may have been over the top but it wasn't done out of malice. Everyone thought they were having a good time with it until she was in the stew room crying about it! White teams food looked the best- Kelsey's dumpling looked seriously good though! I was sad to see Michelle go as she's been a favorite of mine since the beginning.
  23. Her mouth was distracting to me this episode for some reason. I don't know- I turned it off and deleted this episode about 20 minutes in. It was weird and really dumb.
  24. My grandpa made me a peanut butter soup the last time I visited him and oh my god! It was divine! Rich but divine! I wonder if it is the same as peanut soup? Tonight my parents and brother are coming over for the annual anyone but The Patriots super bowl get together. I'm making wings, sausage balls and spinach artichoke dip. My mom is bringing Shrimp, taco dip, stuffed mushrooms and cocktail dogs. I made some brownies and picked up the most generic football cookie cake I could find and my in-laws brought over some girl scout cookies I know I won't eat so I'll lay those out as well. Go Rams!
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