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Everything posted by Mountainair

  1. I have kids and try not to take them in public period- I kid- but I am fortunate enough to have family around and my spouse so that I don’t have to take them grocery shopping with me every time, etc. A while back we were invited to my husbands cousins wedding and only her kids were invited. This would have required airfare and a hotel stay for our then family of 4 to attend. The bride and groom graciously(ha) provided a sitter in a hotel room for any out of town children. I’m sorry but I’m not leaving my kids with someone I don’t know and my kids would have pitched a major fit if I left them with a stranger like that. We did not attend the wedding. In my family it’s a given that children are invited. Especially for out of town family!
  2. Yep. JD sounds like he's a total ass but there are kids involved not to mention a long term relationship. I'm not a perfect mother but I would be beyond pissed if a "friend" I confided in let the whole world know that I was laid up in bed needing an intervention every morning just to get up, especially if I have children in the home. I doubt that's the truth but even if it was, Naomi had no right to intervene on Elizabeth's behalf. Sure, call JD out on his asshole ways but don't invoke the other spouses name like that.
  3. Even the "white room" guys kept the sculpture Doug put on the wall. They hated the room but liked the art enough to keep it.
  4. I never said I liked her. I just said I didn't mind her as much as others seemed to. She was never someone I'd be friends with in real life but I don't think she was an awful person. Entitled, yes but not a hateful shrew either.
  5. I looked up from my book long enough to see Thomas and slut-nurse coming out of the bathroom. I'm naive enough to not have realized they were in there having sex. I mean surely grown ass adults can make it through a 3 hour party without feeling the need to fuck in the bathroom, right? I enjoyed Cameron sitting down and eating all alone- that's what I'd be doing if I had to deal with that group of people. She's there for the food and the paycheck. So, Thomas and Kathryn were supposed to vet potential nannies together but Thomas took it upon himself to go ahead and hire someone without Kathryn being involved? As much as I think she is a crap mother (he's not much better as a father) that would piss me off too. As immature as it was for Naomie was to call out JD at the dinner party (wrong time/place) I thought she and Craig had a very mature conversation afterward. I think Craig is far and away more mature than she is though even with the lack of a career.
  6. Oh gag me! I’m glad I was watching whilst reading a book therefore only half listening really.
  7. I thought she looked good as well. I was always envious of her original run body. I don't mind the cut of her hair now but I think the color is too dark.
  8. Good Lord that's awful! I mean, I have no clue why he would hold such an emotional to attachment to some random girl he painted on a wall 10+ years ago. Enough of an attachment that the show decided to bring this now teen-aged girl out to meet him. Unless he's been involved with this family more deeply than that one episode. Still, I was a mess. Crying right along with him. I cry easily obviously.
  9. I quit watching probably about the time Ty left the show so I think some of the rules might have changed? I'm not sure what's new for the reboot and what was already in place back in its original run. Did each homeowner always have a carpenter? Did the homeowners have much say in the budget? At the beginning Paige said it was up to them to keep the budget in check. I liked Doug's room the best although I hate the idea of fabric on the walls. How do you keep it clean? Hildy was way over the top with her attitude this time. She kept bitching about the homework not being done but that was freaking ridiculous! That's a shit ton of intricate painting to do and they said they were up until 4am! Where was Hildy? Sleeping? Egg blowing, while hilariously funny to watch seemed cruel and pointless.Won't they break as soon as someone touches them? Back in the original run there was barely cell phones let alone social media like it is today. I wonder how they handle cell phone usage during the two days.
  10. I've enjoyed catching up with the designers especially after binge watching Trading Spaces these past few weeks. The styles in most of the rooms are incredibly dated but I did agree with the point made about how kids really watched the shows because it aired after school. I think I was a junior in high school when it first aired and I remember watching after school and being a dedicated viewer for at least 4 years. I always had a girl crush on Amy Wynn- the clip of her cussing out Hildy over the air gun was great!
  11. I actually thought that was the best Whitney ever looked! I never minded Landon as much as others. I did tire of her weird valley girl accent she had going on but as a cast member she wasn't terrible. Kathryn looked healthy except for that crazy bruise she had on her arm. I bruise easily and had a really bad stick at the dr's office the other week and bruised pretty bad but nothing like Kathryn's! But, I guess if she's getting weekly blood draws her arms are bound to look like crap. I hope she keeps her shit together for her kids sake but also to "rise above" and show Thomas what's what. I'm not a Thomas fan but have had to begrudgingly take his side the last few years when it comes to Kathryn. I'd love for her to prove everyone wrong!
  12. or as Kathryn said.... "dehydrated! No one came across particularly well this episode. Craig and Shep still bicker like an old married couple and now Austen is team Shep. Thomas' new sidepiece couldn't have looked more like a hooch (imo) with those booty shorts for the party. She should have worn one of the dresses if she wanted to be Switzerland in the never ending Thomas/Kathryn drama. She's coming in with guns blazing!
  13. I found Audrey's medical "scare" funny especially since we know she had a normal birth and healthy baby in the current timeline. Jer saying that she has such a high pain tolerance so something must have been wrong only to find out it was a foot in her rib.... I've been pregnant three times and if a foot in the rib is causing emergency doctor visits ain't no way your threshold for pain is that high. I honestly can't remember, did she have a natural childbirth?
  14. Me too. I wasn't looking like Alyssa Bates though :) After baby number three I didn't have a choice but to be out and about. I was usually on bed rest for a month or so leading up to delivery so I was always ready to be out of the house. With my third, my mom picked me up from the hospital when it was time to leave (we own our own business, paying $1,500/month out of pocket -at the time -for health insurance and it was our busy season- husband was there for all of the delivery but had to get back to work), we went straight to Babies-R-Us because I needed bottles- thought the baby would nurse but that wasn't happening, went to pre school to pick up my middle child and then went home. Less than a week later my kids were on spring break so we went all over the place!
  15. My Peeve for today is technology. It started yesterday actually. I always get my kids a movie as part of their Easter and it's usually Star Wars. The Last Jedi just came out on DVD so I went to the store yesterday to buy it. They were sold out of just the regular DVD version. All they had were blu-ray and digital. We don't have a blu ray player so that doesn't work for me. I drove to three more stores and the same scenario played out. Feeling defeated , on the way home my husband texts me that he remembered our x box one plays blu ray. Well, too little too late. I'm already almost home. I called my dad who works near a place that had the DVD and he offered to pick up the blu ray for me. Problem solved. Tonight we decide to make it a family movie night and watch Star Wars downstairs on the big screen- usually the kids watch movies upstairs in the play room on a small tv with a DVD player attached or on the x box. Of course, we don't have a DVD player downstairs (we used to but it's been missing since we started our home renovation and we can't find it) but I figured the Digital component of the movie would be our answer. We aren't complete idiots when it comes to technology but it literally took us an hour and a half of logging into this, getting a text verification, logging into that, downloading this, downloading that, setting up user interfaces to connect and "talk" to each other, etc. By this point I've already sent the kids upstairs to watch something else. But, we are ready for Star Wars movie night later in the week though :) I'm in my 30's but remember the day when you had one device that played movies- a VCR. You bought or rented a movie and put it in the VCR and you were done (be kind, rewind). None of this app shit, blu ray compatible shit, digital shit, etc.... I just wanted to watch a damn movie! In a small way it was a win for me because I'm not into Star Wars at all and didn't really want to watch it but was going to take one for the team and participate :)
  16. Native North Carolinian here as well and I've never considered Richmond to be south.
  17. I just watched the black and white episode and both rooms were awful! I felt sorry for the friends having to do the white room knowing the homeowners were going to hate it and they'd have to re do it all again later. And homeboy was pissed when he saw that white room! Who ponies up the $1,000 in the first place? The homeowners or the show? Then the homeowners have to pay out of pockets to fix the rooms if they don't like it? I didn't recognize the carpenter so this must have been by the time I quit watching.
  18. I had to laugh at the "drawing" Flynn gave to Lucy of Paramount. Was it just a bunch of triangles? It looked like something my 2 year old would draw and somehow Lucy figured out where they needed to go from that horrible drawing?
  19. I think he also painted a tablecloth on the formal table in this same episode. Paint can be expensive! I saw the one episode where Hildy I think completely covered this couples fireplace with a huge entertainment monstrosity! This particular couple was kind of anal about their sconces because they were part of a historical homeowners society or something so the fact that their beautiful fireplace and mantle were now hidden from view I just knew they'd have a heart attack when they saw the room but they seemed to love it! Not only do the designers make built ins for those big box tv's that aren't really around much anymore I've also seen them make built ins for CD's and magazines which have also gone by the wayside.
  20. We weren't allowed to leave school for lunch in high school, although I did pretty much every day. I wasn't a big eater in high school either. My lunch consisted of a Whatchamacallit and gatorade. We did have a taco bell line and when I stuck around school I always got some nasty taco bell thing called a Chillito. I thought it was good back then. No way in hell I'd touch that now. In high school we also got to have real triangle pizza instead of the rectangle pizza from elementary and middle school. My kids now don't even have a cafeteria. They attend a new school (four years old) and they are in a temporary location until they get a new facility built which should be completed in two years. I make their lunch everyday. You do have the option of buying what they call a "boxed lunch" and I believe it is a catered lunch from a local place. They eat lunch in their classrooms and have a strict no peanut policy. I have learned to expand their lunch menu to include several options but sometimes I get in a rut of what to pack for them that is different and not just a sandwich everyday. This is our first year attending this school after going through grades K and 1 at a different school that did have a cafeteria. Lunch was $2.10 a day and I felt I could make lunch cheaper than that so I would let my son buy lunch on Fridays only.
  21. I always say stuffing too. I was confused about the Disneyland category. Did it include Disney World as well? They are two separate things for me. Does Disney Land have a Carousel of Progress as well?
  22. I've really "enjoyed" this season and was surprised to see that tonight was the finale! On the episode two thread I asked if I was supposed to find Cunanan (really, Darren) attractive. Tonight for the first time I felt sorry for him and now I feel like I'm some weirdo or something. I guess I just felt sorry that anyone feels that they have to resort to this type of murderous lifestyle. Like, what went so wrong in your brain that this is the only answer? The fact that you can't cope with life and relationships in a semi mature matter without resorting to murder makes me feel sorry for you. I have two boys of my own and watching this play out just made me even more sad. For the victims, for Cunanan, for the families. He was a supreme douche that deserved to die for his murderous rampage but damn.I can't help but think how someone could have helped him before it got to this point if his parents weren't such ass wipes one of them would have been able to speak to him, steer him in the right direction. I came to like the backward story telling and really appreciated the way it worked to make me feel vulnerable, scared, intrigued.
  23. Nah, it's a $200 baby swing that connects to wifi so you can control it with your phone. I was gifted a $65.00 swing for my first born and used it with two babies. For my third baby I went to a baby sale and got a used one for $35.00. Nice to know about the birthing noodle do- hicky. I assumed the bowl was to catch the baby in case it dropped out. I am totally against Duggar home births but not home births in general. However for me, I like going to the hospital because they clean up all the mess. I don't have to worry about my mixing bowls being tainted forever or assembling birthing pools in my living room. I hate hospitals but I will gladly go there have my babies thank you very much.
  24. My 5 year old is the best at "Chandler Bing-ing" every picture he takes. Great, perfect little smile in everyday life but tell him to smile for a picture and he just can not do it. He thinks he smiling but it is so not a smile.
  25. Tonight we had a few family and friends over to celebrate a birthday. We made BBQ (husband smoked a boston butt last night), home made mac and cheese, Green beans with bacon and coleslaw.
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