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Everything posted by Mountainair

  1. In my house 10 minutes isn’t that long to have a baby crying- especially when trying to get them to sleep through the night. However, in a hotel or shared space with others outside of my family my baby will cry no longer than about 30 seconds before being tended to. If Peggy was so concerned why didn’t she try to go find Meghan? Instead she decides to tape the other ladies? Besides that, Meghan needs to grow a pair and stop going full on water works when someone mentions her baby. Stand up for yourself woman! I also think she should have left the baby at home in the first place. Pump some milk, teach the baby to take a bottle and go on a ladies trip! Besides I’m sure she had to pump and dump quite a bit while in Iceland anyway.
  2. I’m here! I can watch Christmas movies any time of year and lately Hallmark’s mid year offerings have been a big miss for me. I can apparently only stomach the sap if there is a Christmas tree or snow in the background :) A Harvest Wedding was decent though and I stuck it out until the end but I liked the leads so that helped. I’ll probably turn it on again as background noise at some point which is saying something since most of the others I would not even do that for.
  3. I agree. I think 2001 is when I quit watching. I'd check in every now and then but it wasn't ever must watch after that. I remember certain episodes but not all of them. For example, I had no clue that Elizabeth Mitchell played Dr. Weavers first same gender love interest! I noticed the food as well but I also like how the character dress according to the weather. Big Sweaters, heavy coats, etc. What season is the Romano/Helicopter episode?
  4. He is the best we have had in a while but damn, you'd think he'd learn how to play the press game by now. I didn't see the interview nor do I really give a shit what happened. The Panthers just won against the Pats on their turf. Give a nice interview Cam and go home. More and more he's acting like a petulant child and his game play really isn't all that anymore.
  5. Holy Mother of Pearl! I've been on the road all day and doing the fall vacation thing with the kids so have been unable to watch all the early games. It would figure that the one week I pick the Panthers to lose they pull out a win against my most hated NFL team and I didn't even get to watch it!
  6. I don't mind Austin but Pasha bugged. Jeopardy! could certainly stand to gain a bit of "fun" and I think Austin is good for that. Two personalities Iike that is overkill though. Two Instagets on FJ in a row for me! I've never seen any Bond movies nor did I think I knew anything about the Bond Universe but my first instinct was to say, "Q" for some reason and it was right! I must have heard it from somewhere long ago! I read Zelda's biography last summer and recently watched Z: The Story of Everything (I think that was the title) on Amazon so that was an Instaget for me as well.
  7. I liked it! It was actually the first Halmark movie I didn't turn off 5 minutes in. I hope the rest of the fall themed movies are as watchable!
  8. From what I could surmise on Instagram it appears that Naomi confirmed she and Craig broke up. Will they both be back next season?
  9. After pulling in extra help so Kate could properly train the stews I thought it was in poor taste that she left the boat that night on their first charter after training. What would Captain Lee say? Also, I am glad that Lee gave Bruno a compliment! Maybe he is learning!
  10. Party of one here but I'm glad Dolly didn't join in on the political jokes going on. Almost looked like she gave them the side eye. She just made her usual boob jokes :)
  11. I'm surprised the Panthers won this week. Not a single touch down and Cam got sacked a shit ton- he had zero time in the pocket to get passes out and when he did they were overthrown! I'm glad he's ok but Olson being out with a broken foot doesn't bode well. Our stats are already better than last seasons! Overall my picks this week sucked!
  12. Not digging the announcer at all. Makes the Emmys seem less classy the way they are screaming at us!
  13. You can go ahead and gag me with that birth announcement!
  14. I love Adele so I'm bummed that I got FJ wrong. I also watch the Grammys every year. My guess was Taylor Swift but then I changed my mind to Drake (both artists I don't really follow) because he made a stink about some sort of record being set when he won an award at this past Grammy Award Show. I'm glad the answer was Adele and not either of those two!
  15. Oh no! My five year old is a Mason! We named him after our beloved dog Macy who was tragically struck by a car the day we found it we were having a boy. Later I found Out it was one of the most popular names that year! Any how, best of luck to little baby Mason. He's got one hell of a shit show to deal with!
  16. Yea, Kate vs. Hannah on crew night out was completely different and the way it should be done and I'm not usually a Kate fan. Nico handled it professionally as well. They were both on top of it and knew when they should call it a night. I have a feeling Chris Brown isn't going to last long. Was it him or the Chef that said something about Bri's balloon knot? Totally gross and inappropriate! I think Bruno would be better suited to interior crew. What did Capt. Lee say? That he'd hire a day crew to come in and flip the boat so Kate could teach her crew how to work? They should just start over with a new crew. I'm surprised not that many vets from previous seasons want to return. I actually miss Amy and Emile. And Ben. This cast just isn't doing it for me.
  17. It's funny. I am half Scottish and come from a long line of red heads. My husband is Italian with dark features. Our first two children (boys) do not have red hair so I assumed our third and final child (a girl) would also not have red hair so I specifically named her after two of my favorite red heads Amelia Earhart and Lucille Ball. She does not have red hair and if she did have red hair at birth I probably would have changed my mind about those names for her. Too cheesy, IMO. I did do it as a way to honor two bad ass red heads that I admire and to give a shout out to my own genes that get lost amongst the Italian ones when it comes to making babies :) Ember is just like a country person mispronouncing Amber. I hear it all the time. I would have gone with Ruby personally if I had to go with a name that is also the color red.
  18. I'm a band nerd so I always prefer an instrumental rendition over a bloated vocal one! I thought it was lovely and it actually stopped me in my tracks while making dinner to stop and listen to it.
  19. Oh good god! Seriously?! What a damn shame! I myself got married at 19 so that didn't bug me too much (I was certainly more adult than Joy at that age though- I had been working since I was 14 and had a full time job with benefits by the time I got married) but even we didn't start popping out kids that soon! I knew I didn't want to be a mom that soon! We had our first child at 25. I don't feel sorry for her at all really. She got what she wanted. A child bride and a child mother.
  20. She did say that but those swim diapers don't hold pee in- only poop. It's been my experience with my own kids when they wore those diapers I'd get pee all over me if they peed in them while I was holding them. I quickly learned to put the diaper on just before entering the water. It's really gross and the reason I don't swim in public pools if I can help it.
  21. A few days ago Kim posted a picture of the kid that got bit with his brand new pit bull puppy in the car. Now, I'm not trying to get into breed disputes but if my kid was bit by our family dog as severely as hers was, adding more dogs to the mix would not be on the top of my agenda. Maybe the 8 (or however many ) dogs you already have and don't take care of are enough!
  22. I've been to a few concerts in my life: Duran Duran - my first concert Then come my boy band days: Hanson (3 times) Backstreet Boys 98 Degrees Goo Goo Dolls Then my after high school days: Allman Brothers Phish Jimmy Eat World Incubus Rusted Root Mumford and Sons Tonight was a new one for me: Tony Bennett A friend and her mom had an extra ticket so I tagged along for a rare night out without kids or spouse. It was a cool setting - outside at The Biltmore/ mountains all around. He started at 7:45 and ended at 9:15. I will say that for 91 he can still croon! At one point he forgot the lyrics to a song and then he sang the same song twice. But, hey. He's 91! Tickets were supposedly $80.00 a pop but my friends mom would only take $20.00 from me. I'd be kinda disappointed if I had paid full price.
  23. With my first child they wanted me to put him in a helmet. I opted to get a CT scan done instead to see if there was any abnormalities before going that route. We are in the south and it was summer so if I didn't have to go the helmet route I didn't want to. CT scan came back absolutely normal so we didn't do the helmet. I was very viligant about rotating which end of the crib he slept on and tummy time. He ended up fine. That being said, Aspen definitely had a more obvious flat head than my son ever did but she's still cute as hell!
  24. One of these. It's not like it's a long way to the sink from my oven but it's so nice to not have to fill up heavy pots of water and carry them back and forth. It's totally a luxury item and I also like being able to fill up my coffee pot tank from it. Of course we started over from studs so adding the additional plumbing wasn't a problem.
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