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Everything posted by silverspoons

  1. The maze they went to is one of the largest and hardest in the country. The maze takes hours to finish and is several miles of walking, It is certainly not the fun pumpkin patch snoopy corn mazes that I take my kids to. I wondered if the show gave the a budget for the trips and the couples paid for anything over it or how much time off of worked played into it. NYC could have been more expensive then FL. Flights are cheap from MA to FL and hotels are much cheaper then NYC (Ryan & Jackie's hotel room was pretty large by NY standards with the dining area). I sure hope that Jackie is not being wooed by Ryan's nice act on their trip. On unfiltered Jackie always seems to have a sad or disappointed look when watching clips so I'm hoping she has left him. I was sure confused when Jamie said how happy she was that Molly finally came to join her on unfiltered. Jamie and all the others have the same clothes on so I assume the segments were all taped on the same day. So did Molly just get to the filming late? maybe that is why we did not get a few weeks of unfiltered since Molly was not in the rotations. Also the questions Jamie asked Molly and Jackie seemed like what people are talking about online now, so when was unfiltered taped?
  2. Jon brought up that he was still unemployed on the unfiltered segments with Jamie. Unfiltered is taped after the season? so I guess he was unemployed the whole 8 weeks. I think Jon does not seem being unemployed as anything bad. He has traveled, gone back to school, and gotten jobs in between. Molly might see this as a big deal , I know I would. I probably would be seen as horrible but during my husband's big career move, I had him work 2 full time jobs , I did not let him quit his first job till I knew his new job would work out. I hope Molly and Jon have had lots of talks off camera about his time frame for work and his financial situation. I really think this has to be her bigger issue then attraction. While I agree with others that Ryan likes to be around others, he may be renting out the properties because it is the best financial situation. My husband when he was single built (himself) a family suburban home. He lived in it for a short time, but who wants to pay utlities on a huge house as a single guy and live in a neighborhood with a ton of kids near schools? My husband also had a 45 minute work commute. He rented out the house for good money and rented an apartment with a friend 5 minutes from his work in a more single friendly area. Boston area rentals especially if in the right school district can go for crazy high rents. Lets hope Ryan is doing something right and making good money for his future.
  3. I can total see Ryan selling himself to the experts (remember all he had to do is talk to them for a few hours and he got a wife without months of dating, wedding planning etc). I'm sure the experts were excited to see another firefighter, like Jason plus Ryan was an established home owning firefighter from an intact supportive family. Ryan even talking to his buddy last night knows how to command the conversation and push his points. I'm sure can see him listing his 1001 best qualities to the experts with 1 joke fault like I can't cook or I leave the seat up. The experts probably ate him up. My take on Ryan's buddy saying you have been in relationships before: Ryan tells Jackie he has not been in a relationship for 9 years, I believe this statement. I bet this was the last regular date, bring home to mom , relationship he had right after high school by the time frame. Now he is not going to sit around the firehouse or go out with his buddies and not talk about women. He said he has been on dating apps but my guess is that they didn't go more then a few dates, hook ups but that is what he talked about with the guys. They were probably diasters because he was looking just for a hook up or looking for an instant wife without the work. The last two times Jackie has called Ryan out on drinking she said you get drunk, not a few beers with the guys. Last night when she walked out of the kitchen , she said something like she wasn't going to talk to him while he was drunk? Ryan said he walked home from the bowling alley. Jon and Jep did not appear drunk at or after the bowling alley. Did Ryan drink more then them or stop off for a few more before he came home. Interesting the only thing he took from the conversation with the boys was does your wife respect you? Such selective hearing. As for Jon's education , he seems proud of it. I went to a high school in MA that had alot of students competing for top colleges. There were the true IVY's like Harvard, then the next step was like the Mt Holyoke-Smith schools and then what was called tier 1 and Suffolk could have been tier 1 but I think it was tier 2, meaning pricey nice school but not as selective but you probably leave with some good networking and decent education. My biology partner went there on a full scholarship, wasn't her first choice but it was 100% paid for. Certainly not ivy league but at least in the 1990's Suffolk was not a diploma mill.
  4. I dislike how they are going back and forth between cities with each contestant. The original years of idol, they would make a big deal about going to a city, show us some of the city, talk to people in the lines and at least half if not the entire show was on one city. They used to have stats like 10,000 people came to XYZ city, 53 people made it in front of the judges and 19 got a golden ticket. Some cities had better talent then others which made some weeks better then others. It was exciting to see your closest home city be shown. On top of missing the spotlight on the cities, jumping back and forth just makes me feel like they are putting together a show with clips that "fit" every week rather then the best talen
  5. As for working at 2 stores, at least where I live it is based on department. My niece worked at Walmart in the bakery, and Kroger wanted her to work in their bakery and she could not work at both bakeries. It was because customers might be loyal to a cake decorator over the store? Cheyenne at Cloud is a cashier and works jewelry? and at Target appeared to be in the baby area. Those jobs don't seem to conflict as much a a baker or butcher. I also wonder where Cheyenne had been this season. Is the actress working on other projects? or is she just not getting a big story line this year? @fishcakes mentioned all targets becoming super targets? Is this true? We have 5 walmarts and 1 regular target (next closest retail area is 2 hours away). Our target has been undergoing a weird LONG transformation. First the cafe was turned into a starbucks with a wall of icee machines but it never opened. It is not like there is anymore real room to expand since it is at the end of the strip mall so the made the aisles so close together you can't fit a cart down them. Our target was once the decent go to place and now since the renovation or whatever is going on , the shelves are bare for the last 2 months. I have to go to our only CVS which is inside target and I could not even find nail polish remover, plastic easter eggs, and not a barbie or doll in the store. There was just a few workers, teens and part of the ceiling was leaking so I didn't press to ask questions since they were panicing reading a manual of what to do. Are the products shown in the background on these episodes paid product placements? Like the beverage delivery guy had LaCriox Water he was bringing in or Tostitios chips are being stocked as they talk? It is all food brands that are noticeable. When Jonah was making up the apartment , the bedding all had the names not shown or paper over the name.
  6. I have not gotten Unflitered the last 2 weeks and I checked my cable box listings and TV guide and didn't see any?
  7. I can only speak of rural Utah firefighters which could be different then Boston, but on 24hr shifts , they sleep in shifts if needed but must be ready and awake in something like 120 seconds to leave. Rural firefighters are almost all volunteer. One of my son's teachers had 53 kids in her classroom and was a volunteer firefighter on the weekend. She used the downtime to grade papers and do classroom prep. I was amazed at her dedication. Boston firefighters make a salary, probably not enough for the cost of living in the city but not volunteer. I'm more curious in 2018 what is excessive drinking and going out. I am from MA but am now in Southern Utah. When I was in MA it was the thing in college or once in a career to go out of friday to drink/party, chill at home on a saturday maybe watching movies, but weekdays were not for drinking except maybe a glass of wine with a special dinner. Where I live now there is 1 small bar for 200k people and very little alcohol sales just in remote state liquor stores off the beaten path so if you want to drink you have to go out of your way to drink, like drive 75 miles. Is Ryan drinking even 2 beers with buddies 4-5 days a week and it being a top priority a signal of a possible issue with drinking or is that the norm these days to hang out in a pub with your buddies 5 nights a week.
  8. I didn't care for seconds chances that much (I did enjoy the David snark). If anyone gets a second chance from this season it would be Shawnice. She is the one that really wants to be married. Sure she is not everyone's cup of tea but at 29 I think she has the life experince , knows what she wants to do with her life and really wants to settle down. Jon I think might have signed up for the show as another life adventure, great if it works out but if it doesn't he will be fine and move on to the next adventure. Ryan just wanted an easy way to get a wife. Jacyln I don't think would be ready for another marriage after Ryan and her dead boyfriend.I don't know what Molly wants. Jep is if he can't make it work with Shawnice , he needs to spend some time working on himself before another marriage.
  9. I think I know why Ryan choose to be married at first sight. He got a wife without having to date, woo, and invest a ton of time. A wife, without having to spend one night away from his boys drinking or playing paintball. I don't think Ryan could ever put in 6 months of courting a young women to be his ideal stay in Boston wife to cook and clean while he hangs with the boys.
  10. on demand like via cable? Our cable company was sold to some small unknown provider that does not have DVR service (I own my DVR). Comcast and Charter both left our area after some lawsuit so we are stuck with some rural local company that charges $120 for basic service like what I had in the 1980's and our internet is too slow in most of the city for prism TV to be launched. I have Plex and it goes back 14-21 days but not into feb. I wish Itunes would do a monthly rate. I have a hard time paying $40 to itunes for one month when I pay $120 for cable and $31 to hulu , CBS, and Netflix and Canada TV . It bothers me that Sony is so greedy that is wipes everything off of youtube and facebook and only post a few days on the nbc site.
  11. Is there anywhere left to watch Feburary episodes. My DVR didn't record during the olympics, the show was half on the CW and half on at 3am on NBC. The few people I usually go to don't have 2018 yet.
  12. Thanks. That is what is being said, Derek is Freddy Jr's bio dad and Mila is Fredrick's. I just see 2 very cute babies and couldn't tell the difference. I was suprised Fredrick would admit the bio dads on the show since he adores those babies and does not seem like a yours and mine type dad.
  13. I stopped watching after episode 3, couldn't take Bethany anymore. Has Fredrick shown his twins on the show? I have seen posts on social media with viewers claiming he admitted on the last episode the paternity of the twins. Just wondering if this is true and what he said.
  14. I heard that to Jep had never been in a relationship and it had been 9 years for Ryan (so like high school girlfriend was his last relationship?). I guess Ryan was busy working and playing to date. I am assuming Jep thinks relationship is like living with someone or engaged or very committed? I can't imagine he has not dated, but maybe since he had such a crazy unstable childhood home, he didn't want to make a commitment to a girlfriend until he was stable? Not dating much (and having it not due to religion) can happen. My ex BIL (he was much younger then my ex) had moved a ton in his childhood, and bounced between family members. He was good looking and girls were all over him in college but he didn't even want to date. He was focused on getting out of college. Then he focused on a career. I can't tell you how many people asked about him. Suddenly at 31, he brought a girl for us to meet, a co-worker also with a PHD (I would have never imagined him with this type of girl). They married a few years later and have a wonderful life, their educations, mutliple languages spoken, and work history got them a pile of job offers and they built a wonderful life. My ex BIL said he had to have security before he thought of serious dating or kids. I can't imagine Jep who slept on the floor with 12 siblings in a 1 bedroom, does not have some sort of issue with having financial security and trusting women. I have wondered if one of the reason he did not sleep with Shawnice right away was in fear of her getting pregnant. I;m sure he has seen his share of baby's mama drama growing up.
  15. I wish we got to see more about the couples parent's relationship and what their nuclear family was like growing up. I think that would give another important take on Ryan's behavior. He is 29, obviously financially secure (2 jobs, owning multiple properties) and seems on paper ready for marriage. We saw his parents and they seemed like a nice happily married couple for 30+ years. My guess is he grew up in the type of home where his father worked hard and provided and his mom raised the kids and was into the PTA, scouts, cooking meals for neighbors. His parents maybe took a yearly vacation and had special evenings once in awhile but both were busy with their own lives. For some reason I can't see Ryan as 100% selfish since he has a hard work ethic and loyality. I think he really thinks that if he works hard and gives a great life to his wife, is present for the big events (births, birthdays anniversary) he does not have to do much more. Jacyln is a needy person, not needy in a bad way but it looking for more in a relationship then a provider. There are perfect matches for Ryan. There are women who would be thrilled with a man that was financially secure, hard working and let them pursue their own interests and spend times with their friends. It also seems like he has great parents, almost makes me think Jamie would have better off with a Ryan, then chronically underemployed Doug. I don't see them working out. You can see Jacyln seems sad in the unfiltered segments. My first husband was a doctor. I could have had everything materially I ever dreamed of but I was lucky to get 1 night a month with him. After he did something to break my trust and thought long and hard about rebuilding trust and if I wanted a life that I had everything materially but no one to share the it with. I left, married a repairman that is home at by 2-3 pm everyday and we spend almost all our time with our kids and and 2-3 hours a night snarking on reality TV. I honestly don't miss a fancier car or house, and after having a serious illness I am so glad I choose a husband who was able and wanted to spend countless night up with me and going to every doctor visit. I'm originally from MA and there is a women for Ryan, either someone with a career that is their passion and more then a 9-5, or a women that wants secuirty and a large family. Jacyln is neither, she was a best friend spouse and Ryan already seems to have many best friends and Jacyln doesn't want to share. I was confused about the phones. Ryan and Jacyln were pretty straight forward. Then I thought the first clip, Jon said to Molly we would be broken up if you saw what I wrote in my phone? Then they decide later just to trade and not look? Then Jephte suddenly can't even meet half way. Like maybe just sharing some old photos with friends. Maybe he could say he is not ready to show his whole phone but just give a part way try like, here is a photo on me and my buddies on a boat or look at this stupid meme my pal sent me. Has Molly been in any of the unfiltered segments? I have found the pairings odd and the questions uncomfortable. Jamie isn't the best interviewer to begin with but why would Jon want to be asked what do you think of Shawnice on the stripper pole, or Shawnice what what do you thin of Jon letting Molly see his phone and then she opted not to look. They should not aks questions about the non present couples. I would be happy ith just bonus footage!
  16. I also am bothered by much of Drake/Josh/Wayne roles over the years. I have just accepted where things are now but as someone that watched the entire 1980's ,Josh was Jake. I think Josh's acting is flat, he was Jake at best (watching Hogan family reruns that just came on Antenna TV he plays all 3 characters the same, and Josh being a lawyer IRL shocks me since he should have some range just from law school). The pawn/prism storyline had me hooked, I did not like many many turns that John's story took. I did not like the way the ended it with the creepy dad in the warehouse (interesting to watch but I didn't like it as the 30 year "answer"). Wayne coming back as an abusive doctor was such a waste of him coming back and another bad recreation of the past. There are a few little things that bother me. Maggie's egg being taken (heck how many eggs have been taken in Salem?) and Victor not being the father. I thought it would have been a romantic connection for them. There was no reason to have a crazy story that Maggie was the mom and not stretch it to Vic being the dad since he was the Godfather. JJ was suppose to be born with no limbs, you can't miss that on an ultrasound. That story really hit a nerve as some that has had some tough pregnancies. I just think of that almost every time I see him. The Tony/Andre switching , I loved 80's Tony and having evil Andre pop up once was fine but I wish the rest of Theo's role was Tony, not the back and forth lets blame Andre. The SORAS are starting to get annoying. Hope being a grandmother or Marlena being a great grandmother is starting to be a big stretch. We know Marlena finished med school, residency and had her career (and a marriage and stillborn ) before Sami. Hope is really suppose to be in her mid 60's? I know she is a chain smoker IRL and could have aged better but she doesn't act or appear to be in her mid 60's. Belle said Grams and I thought Alice, and it took me a few minutes to click in Hope is now Grams? I could probably go on forever. But I appreciate the show still being on despite some of the storylines. My daughter always gets upset when we watch a TV show and a character is on only one time but the show implies that the they cast will always visit them or be friends forever. At least with Days we have been lucky enough to see many characters some back even if their time gone does not line up and see them again. As absurd as some of the age differences I'm glad we get to see Salem "grow up and grow old".
  17. I feel bad for Joy. Joy really saw Jill as her "mom". How is young Joy suppose to question her Jill Mom's education and training? I also remember Joy taking care of Israel at night so Jill could sleep the first few weeks. Joy should have been in school at the time but she was staying up with a newborn all night so her "mom" could sleep. Then Joy suddenly finished home school and said she just wanted to take care of the littles. I knew she would be married quickly. I think life would have turned out much different for Joy if she was on Jinger's buddy team. Joy had so much life and spunk until 12/13. As for the birth, I agree that Jill should have known about the breech. I had a C-section planned for other reasons but during the end my was transverse. I had to see a urologist for a kidney problem and he and his staff without ultrasound knew the position, all the OB staff knew again just by feeling no equipment. . I could tell the position. I knew where the head was poking me for the last few weeks and the feet were kicking. I wonder about Austin and his family. Did none of them question the birth plan? I know in laws don't want to disagree but even in laws with similiar belief systems can have differences. It seems like these fundies avoid conflict and hold in feelings. It is one thing for Derick's mom to disagree about getting paid for the TLC show but another thing to have Austin's family speak up about their grandchild's safety. Austin only has one sibling, I can't imagine the mom didn't want more but for some reason was not able to have more. You would think Austin's mom would want a safe delivery of her grandson, or at the least try to avoid a c-section so Joy would have the max number of babies.
  18. I didn't think the dead boyfriend was the real issue with Ryan and Jackie, so now we are seeing what it really is. Did the experts miss this? Jackie says she was a school teacher but changed jobs to work for an education company to have a 9-5 job. She obviously really values the 9-5 work hours. Lets say Ryan wasn't into paintball and gaming, the fireman 24 hour shifts is a hard match with some who changed their profession to get a 9-5 lifestyle. I doubt he will give up 11pm friends nights. After 8 years of the firefighter hours, he is used to being up late nights, sleeping at odd times and it is something that is going to be hard to change. I was married to a surgeon and we ate dinner at 10pm, I put our child to bed at 11pm (before they were school aged just so they could spend some time with dad). I accepted the crazy hours and got used to them as the norm. I also had to accept kind of being a single mom, going to school, activites, and doctor appointments alone. I do not see Jackie as someone that is going to want to have kids with a man that is gone 2 ,24 hours shifts a week and then off being a house flip landlord and have hobbies. I think she has the dreams of family dinners at the dining table, dad watching junior play soccer and be at all the school meetings. I guess now we know why Ryan was single. When I first saw him I thought, fireman, owns a home plus rental properties, nice family...why isn't he finding someone? I guess paintball and gaming got in the way. With the 10,000 applicants (or whatever the show boosts) not one girl liked paintball or gaming. I would think anyone into paintball or gaming would have been a better match then 9-5 Jackie.
  19. I had wondered if Jon was employed or not during the show and if that was Molly's reason for keeping her distance. Jon confirmed to Jamie that he was )or perhaps still is) unemployed. Both Ryan and Jephte have 2 jobs. I think Jon's lack of employment just has to be what is holding Molly back. It was also telling that Jaclyn was complaining about the 2 jobs and Ryan's social life and then we learn Jephte is a full time teacher and on the weekends works at a home for troubled youth. Jephte said that he makes time for his wife and they have date nights. The edit I think is crazy this season and we are not seeing the real situations. I feel kind of bad for the couples, since having the cameras around so much has to play into their issues and the viewers get to see so little and sometimes distorted views of what is going on. I think the show would be better off having the couples tape a few fun activties on the honeymoon, have them film a few clips of them moving in, a clip of a date night, clip of the in laws meeting and having the episode be a combo of the clips and the couch talk (not Jamie please). The could do away with the camera crew except for the wedding and couch talks and it would be much more natural. I know if you stuck a cameraman in front of my husband and myself at dinner on a specific day reguardless of what was going on (like bad day at work, sickness) it would be frustrating and end up dull, but letting us film a funny dinner moment ourselves over the course of 1-2 weeks, it would be much better when we could pick a good night. From past couples, it seems the cameras come once a week and you have no choice but to film dinner, outing, questions, even if real life is happening. Sure not the best way to start a marriage or to give viewers a good show to watch.
  20. I'm not a photo shop expert but his "girlfriend" has pictures of her and Steven together posted on her page. There are 4 different poses. My husband said she looks like a fame whore and I thought maybe she was paid friend? I wonder how many people are paying the $20 for a song and dance? I was stupid and looked at the recent one. I always wondered what the brown stuff he had on his face was in others videos? I always thought it was chocolate. I wish I was correct, but the last video has him holding feces. How can any doctor still be handing him piles of pain pills??
  21. What does the Bravo reruns mean for renewal? Are they trying to gain more viewers or bring old viewers back? or does this signal the end is near? As a long time Days fan I wish they would go back further but I understand they don't want to look dated if they are trying to get new viewers. Lately when the show has had its up and downs during the downs I rewatch the classic story lines to keep up my Days love. I have every episode saved since the early 1980's and now am have most on hard drives so I can access a year and episode. Interesting to see how much they rewrite history.
  22. Meri did not have a choice but to build that big house. Kody had to have the lot with a view. The lots had minimum building requirements. It is a huge pet peeve of mine , I tried to build and every lot I could find (in the good school districts) had to have a minimum sq ft on the first floor (for appraisal) and a bedroom on the first floor and then a minimum second floor. Meri of course could have lived in a nice casita or shared a house. I have a neighbor with a brown stucco box house. It looks like every other stucco box house, but her parents live there in an apartment within the home. It is a very nice apartment, kitchen, living room, bedroom bathroom and private. The family has 8 kids and the grandparents say the apartments is quiet and private. The basic issue was Kody had to have that stupid view of the lights. They claim they could not find a lot to build one big house. How did Penn Gillete build his HUGE house in Vegas? or the many others that have 15,000 sq ft homes. I still wonder how much of the system they are taking advantage of because of the single family homes? How are they applying for financial aid for college, health insurance, loans? I felt bad for Ysabel. One reason I would never move to Vegas with 18 kids is medical care. While Salt Lake is not perfect it does have most medical care needed for kids. Las Vegas is so limited. I can understand Christine who has always seemed afraid of doctors and hospitals of wanting second opinions especially outside of Vegas but why not Phoenix. I drive my son who has medical issues to Phoenix (and I live 100 miles farther then the Browns) between Phoenix children's . Barrows and the Mayo Clinic my child has gotten the best care and I have always been presented with may options and not all drugs and surgery. Just like watching them give Truely LIV water to cure her when she had kidney failure , I don't understand why they aren't at least interviewing different surgeons and talking to patients that had the surgery over going out of state for unproven treatments. I hope Ysabel is properly informed and not just by her mother.
  23. The welfare and bankrupcy could have been full of fraud but even if the state (or feds) came after them which is rare I think the penalty would be small. There was recently a HUGE 11 million polygamist welfare scam that was caught in Southern Utah/Northern AZ. Basically the FLDS had their own "grocery store" and took in 11 million dollars in food stamps money and didnt not give out the food. Basically single moms got the food stamps and the FLDS "grocery store" processed the food stamp money and gave the moms no food. There was at least 10 big arrests, including rings leader Lyle Jeffs (who was on the run and a witch hunt to find him). Everyone thought the fraud was going to be punished but surprisingly even Lyle just got probation or a small house arrest for 11 million dollars! There is just not the resources and time to go after the small Christine's taking medicaid and 300-400 a month in food stamps. Rural Utah had few resources for the single moms, abused women, disabled, it is basically no questions asked welfare. In the years I have lived in southern Utah, the only time I saw the police was to stop a man from trying to offer help to polygamists. I was in the grocery store and a few polygamists women were shopping. A man yelled, I'll help you, leave the FLDS. Other customers told him to be quiet and let them be. The women just kept shopping and the man kept saying leave the FLDS so customers told the women to ignore him and got the police to escort him out of the store. I do not want to reveal whom but I have seen plenty of high ranking political and law enforcement in Utah hire polygamist to do construction on their homes. Polygamists are known for good construction quality at low rates. Sometimes they use child labor and it is looked the other way. Last year I was driving the carpool home and a young polygamist man maybe 13-14? was on a backhoe and was in the road stuck. It was dangerous. I was driving kids home from school about the same age. I realized the house belonged to an upper up and nothing would be done about the child labor. I have never understand Kody's desire (except for fame) to make polygamy legal. If it were legal he could not have had all the welfare he has had, the multiple bankrupcy and I'm sure they are not being honest on financial aid forms. The last big case of a polygamist going to jail was Tom Green, he married four 14 year old girls when he was 35+ and one of their moms and they lived in terrible conditions in the desert and the 1-2 Kingston's that had minimal jail time for marrying underage 1st cousins/nieces (I was at the Hospital when a 14 year old Kingston had an emergency birth and it haunts me). The laws are still there only to protect these underage girls. Does Kody have a solution to the rare but still happening underage problems? Does Kody have a replacement law?
  24. Marissa was the person I wanted to win the least. I would have rather seen Omarosa win, since she had no one on her side and managed to last almost till the end. I would have been so much happier with Mark, Ari or Ross winning. As someone who watched the feeds way to much this season, I hope BB20 takes 2 lessons from CBB. It was SO NICE not have less or almost no swearing in the house. It was also nice how even when the had sides, they still found ways to all talk at night and play games. I liked that we had tons of gameplay sneaky talks but still saw so much together friendly chatter and fun.
  25. Unless Omarosa wins veto, she goes. Ross has a 50-100% chance of F2. If he wins HoH he goes, Ari promised she would take him, Marissa has not said she would outright but it is highly likely and Mark wants to sit next to a boy over a girl. So it looks like it will come down to Ari or Ross winning.
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