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Everything posted by silverspoons

  1. Dr. Now mentioned having only one doctor prescribe when he was referring to the long list in the database. Either Steven had signed a pain management agreement at some point or Dr. Now was going to force him to was my feeling. My mom had a knee replacement gone wrong, MRSA, 5 surgeries and while my mom couldn't even drive, they had her sign a pain management agreement that only one doctor would give her medications and she had to pick a pharmacy and they do check the database. Crazy they did this for my 71 year old mom when she had never filled a pain prescription in her life before this surgery. As much as Dr. Now wanted to get rid of Steven's addiction, I think he knew if Steven filed a compliant and turned in pictures of his legs, proof of the ongoing clots and whatever is growing on his legs, he would get pain meds again. At least if he was on a contract with one pain management clinic, the database is checked and he could not get away with the ER visits and Dr. Now could not prescribe him anything. Steven never look clean or not high to me even at the very end. The camera also panned in on pills bottles every time they filmed his apartment. Even on his recent social media posts and he said this episode ended 6 months ago he still seem high.
  2. I have mixed feelings about this episode, sure it was an interesting to watch a personality like Steven but I also am upset with how much he takes from the system with such a sense of entitlement. He doesn't realize how much those ambulance rides costs, the pills, the hospital stays, the PCA and his food stamps. I could list so many people I know or have stood behind in line at the pharmacy who can't afford medications like for seizures, transplants, diabetes or just can take home a few doses and come back every few days. What insurance does this Steven have that pays for 17 ER visits with ambulance and 39 pain pills prescriptions in one month? Maybe I need to move to TX. I tried to fill my son's seizure meds 2 days early before we took a trip out of state (for medical care) and was denied. I wish Dr. Now had shown him how much all his drug seeking behavior costs when he listed the visits. It seems like everyone in Steven's life is happy if they get a tiny bit of progress with him and are too afraid to show him the whole picture. The therapist didn't want to talk about the drugs, his dad would say no to one thing but then fly to see him or get him a pizza and even Dr. Now went easier on him then he should have, how many last chances did he get? I wish we knew how much his father was paying for, how much the show picked up and how much "the taxpayers" Steven loves paid for. I was surprised his dad was paying for the apartment. Why didn't he just get a studio apartment? He just needs one room. At least save his dad some money. I just can't imagine if his dad really is a window cleaner how he can afford the pizzas, rent, plane flights, Justin's store plus all his own bills?
  3. I almost didn't recognize her as a blond now. So she is becoming a personal trainer? I think it is a better choice then a model , and hopefully a good comprise. It is at least a career you can do in just about any state (if you are qualified and get results for clients).
  4. Does this interview (talking head) with Steven reminds me of Penny. Remember when Penny had her final interview shots, she was in a bed with a black background. She pretend she had progress but unlike all other episodes Penny did not have any sort of provable ending progress, some don't have weight loss but are walking or have some small break trough to make the ending feel good. Of course Im looking forward to the show tonight and am going to watch it live, even though it airs at 11pm-1am. Steven had been able to post on his social media (have others been able to do this during filming reguarding how they were feeling and hints of what was happening, not happy birthday to someone?) Between this picture of the interview setting and the facebook posts my gut says there can't be an huge turn around but I would love to be proven wrong and see some huge turn around. I also am so hoping tonight we will see some help or progress for Justin. Even if it is just for Justin to know he will not be living with Steven in the future and feels safe and gets a nutritionist that helps him shop, like takes him to the grocery store or teaches him to make easy meals that he enjoys. I think education is so important for Justin. I don't think he is emotionally ready for surgery but he has shown he can walk a few miles for his toy car racing so give him a goal of that walk everyday and easy to make lower calorie meals and maybe he at least drops 100lbs in a year which is better then gaining as a first step.
  5. I was looking forward to this show and was totally let down. I was surprised Juli made it out of the top 10 cut. I was shocked at how quick the show was. I was thinking it was going to be a full 10 weeks and was surprised at how quick it ended and now a second season? Does anyone know what the point of the show was? Was it just a show like the apprentice (non-celebrity) where you get a check and a job title for a year? or is Juli going to be in future seasons of the profit? I kind of thought that the profit is a pretty successful show but how can Marcus film that many episodes so many the partner was to help on that show. If the winner of the partner was meant to be on TV in the future , it should have been Buffie or someone with a big personality. I certainly could not watch Juli on a TV show again. I wonder how quickly the cast was picked? It seemed like Juli was the only one left in the finals 4 that would even fit into the job description. Peilin was lawyer, mom of young kids(and shown struggling being away from them for what a week of filming?) and was helping run a growing family business so how could she really take on working for Marcus in any major capacity. Erin didn't like kids (who says this in a job interview?) and was worried about his business during the competition, and Buffie the tax queen could not handle reading a financial report and is too stressed and leaves. Did none of these contestants watch the Profit episodes? If I was going to be on this show that would be the first thing I would have done. They all should have known Sweet Pete's and the other businesses Marcus had on. I'm not sure about watching a second season and our family even our teens like all the CNBC shows. It seems like the shows in this area that I really liked, the Rebel Billionaire and Martha's Stewart's apprentice get only one season but were excellent shows IMO and a quickie like this gets a quick renew for a second season.
  6. I had seen a few episodes here and there of BH but I came to watch regularly when Eileen and Lisa R can on because I'm a Days fan. At first I was Lisa R's side because Kim wasn't sober and I believe Yolanda was playing up the Lyme disease. Then my husband upgraded to the commerical free hulu and I watched the first 4 seasons. I have to say season 1 was incredible without the Brandi or Lisa R bringing up drama. Season 1 of course I was hooked to see behind the scenes of Camille's divorce but it really felt like a peak behind their lives with the non stop parties, look at their lives , families and businesses. It seemed more real then staged. As the seasons went on the parties and activities seemed more faked. It is like a quota , each housewife must have a 1 on 1 outing with very other housewife and have 2-3 activities or parties. I think if Lisa R stays, I would the show to focus on her business (maybe I'm odd but I like seeing behind the scenes at QVC), and more about her family. Lisa is never going to host as many parties as LVP or Kyle but that is okay, show her life which is her business and family. If Lisa R's is just going to be another Brandi, she can go. It is hard for me to say that since I started watching for her. I would rather see Camille or Adrianne back.
  7. Why didn't they have that pain chart scale with the faces in front of Steven. Smiling appears to be a 0-2? My son had a compound broken arm and the doctor was trying to give him iv pain meds and my son studied the chart hanging in his ER room and said he was a 5-6 because he wasn't crying and didn't want the meds. I really think the staff wants Steven happy and sedate and just give in and give him the meds.
  8. Did Steven ever get to see a therapist or counselor via Dr. Now? I would have been interested in seeing if when he meets a counselor (I have to assume during his many hospital stays with his bad behaviors, a social worker at least was called in?), does he act all sweet like he did when he first meet Dr. Now, is he angry Steven or the crying Steven like when his dad left? There seems to be something special about pizza to him. Didn't it say something at the start of the episode when Steven was young and the police was called , everything was dropped if his dad would buy him a pizza? I keep thinking pizza has to somehow comfort him? Did his childhood abusers give him pizza to keep him quiet? I don't think much of anything will stop this guys behavior, but getting off the pizza or finding the root of the pizza addiction might help the weight loss.
  9. Whitney could easily get a doctor to give her a handicap placard or plate. All she would have to say is that she has trouble walking more then 100 feet because of her weight/knees. Whitney seems like she avoids doctors when she can and certainly does not like to admit anything is wrong so I have a hard time believing she would ask for a handicap plate because that would be admitting a problem related to being overweight. I have a handicap placard. It is due to a heart/vascular/kidney condition and I refused to take one from my doctor for a long time. Then my doctor saw me fall with my child in a parking lot during Christmas when I had to park way in the back and he made me take the placard. I have learned never to judge who parks in a handicap spot. While I know there are cheaters, like my neighbors grandson who drives her car and parks in a handicap spot, people can look healthy and young and be sick. I live in a city with lots of retirees and one of the first times I used my handicap placard a retiree screamed at me, saying I was too good looking and I shouldn't park there. I showed him my heart monitor (my resting pulse was over 180) and my picc line and left the parking lot crying. Then a few weeks later I saw another senior yelling at a mom for taking a handicap space, and her husband was livid and explained she had terminal stage 4 cancer and just wanted to take her daughter shopping for her birthday and this was a huge deal to be out of the house. As for the cousin thing, something is very off on the "storyline" or edit. Who would not ask how are we related? A second cousin would be close enough that whoever his mom or dad was should be someone Whitney or her parents heard of. Also if Nathan consented to be filmed, it is hard to believe he had not heard his cousin had a tv show? My husband comes from a huge Utah family. There are hundreds of first cousins, I could not count second cousins. We bump into cousins he never knew a few times a year. An example, we bought a mattress and the store owner saw my husband's name and we found out his wife was my husband's first cousin. We sat and chatted about a few relatives we knew and about his grandmother that had died. We didn't expect the cousin to be our new BFF or even a discount but it is just polite to make a bit of small talk and find out how you are related and catch up a bit. Also Whitney did not ask her mom and dad about how they were related? She tells her parents when she kisses a girl, the pregnancy scare, but does not say I met my second cousin on my last date? If he were truly her second cousin, there would have been a whole scene with her parents. Count me as one that does not want another dance battle. After Whitney agrees no outside help, she takes a class from one of the judges and wants to use it in the next battle? I guess Whitney s going to be the winner wither way. Either the other group says no to the rematch and she will say they knew they couldn't beat her fair and square or they have another contest and she wins.
  10. So he got his divorce, no annulment. Does that mean he is a citizen? or does he still have more steps to go through? This show is really an ad for how easy it is to either pay a women or find a deseperate women and get to come to America and stay.
  11. My ex is a vascular surgeon and these surgeries take a long time. There are so many blood vessels to tie off. I remember a smaller arm mass taking 12+ hours. As much as it seems like just cut it off or suck out the fat, it doesn't happen that way. These masses grow because of blood flow to them and removing them safely is a tedious long process of tying of every vessel, because missing just one can be very bad. I wonder about the Cleveland Clinic too. It should not be about money if you live close. I was very sick, bedridden 7 years ago with a rare genetic condition and I was scared of how expensive it would be to go to the Mayo Clinic and waited 8 months to go. It turned out a consultation , 3 hours with a specialist was cheaper than seeing my primary care doctor locally. I spent a week at the Mayo getting tests and care for less then a trip to the ER locally ($1800) and they offered payment plans if you needed them. I had a friend in Ohio and her husband was ill and I told her to go to the Cleveland Clinic and she was worried about cost but she had all the tests like MRI's and bloodwork done at her in network hospital and just took her husband to the neurology clinic for a consult which was under $300. I would think that it would be cheaper for Tracey even if her insurance would not pay for any of the Cleveland Clinic consult to pay for the consult out of pocket then travel and relocate to TX before trying locally. I'm not sure how many of these patients are on mediciad vs Medicare, but all of the big teaching hospitals like Mayo and Cleveland Clinic take Medicare. I was hoping that Tracey's family would have visited her during the year. She seemed so sad about leaving her grandkids. I was waiting for them to come down for Christmas or her birthday. Maybe the extended stay hotel prevented them from having visitors? I was wondering why they did not have get an extended stay with a full kitchen. I have always stayed at the ones with full kitchens and I'm a pricelice/hotwire non full price payer. I could see maybe not knowing the area and staying at the one they did for the first month and then after knowing they would be there longer, they could have found a short term rental or an extended stay with a full kitchen.
  12. What I found odd about her online date, was that she met him and had no idea he had kids or what his job was. I'm happily married but I have helped family and friends with profiles and I have yet to see a site that does not ask if you have kids. Having kids or not wanting kids is one of the most important facts and deal breakers for many. While someone's profession might not be listed, usually it will at least say some sort of education level. I would think it would be one of the first questions someone asks of a potential date, not just about money but about lifestyle. My ex is a surgeon. As much as I had no money worries, when I got married again one of things I liked about my husband was he did not have a stressful all consuming job yet made enough to be comfortable. What did Whit ask him before the date, she did not ask about religion, education, job, martial status, kids or pets? Was it all about her and the dance class? I think what Whitney wants when she says refined is someone who is willing to go to her family's house and sit at the formal dining table and be what her parent's want and then come home to her cat poop house and talk raunchy and hang out. I really hope the season is not another dance off and Whitney wins.
  13. Of course they had to show up at the seminar, not only is it a HUGE moneymaker for them, they have very air tight contracts about this one event. The free events under their name, they do not show up at , they also don't go to the $1500 3 day seminars. After "students" fork over the big bucks usually 40-50k then they get to meet the couple which is a few photo ops and listening to a speech. All the coaching is done by a call center in Utah. Most of the big real estate seminars have their call centers in Utah(remember Armondo, his call center is in the same place) and have the same structure of free and paid services. I have talked to people who have worked at the call centers and they are not real estate specialists. Most are returned LDS missionaries trying to afford a growing family and a home on one income. I have 0 respect Tarek and Christina, forgetting about faking it for the show, how can they sleep knowing they are taking 40-50k from fans that want to flip homes that are getting nowhere. There are tons of compliants with the attorney general and BBB but the way they make you sign up, it is air tight so Christina and Tarek and a few investors in Utah rake in millions while , the people buying the programs are out thousands and the coaches barely make a living and have the guilt of milking many out of their life's savings.
  14. Have they ever said why they are doing double episodes? I like to watch an hour of reality or sitcoms while I'm unwinding and getting ready to go to bed. 2 hours is a bit too much especially of one show. The contestants and the show is all over daytime TV , it is either watch or get spoiled the next day. Masterchef drags out a season for 15 weeks and it does fine in the ratings. NBC didn't bring back biggest loser so it should have a "slot" for Celebrity Apprentice to be on for 12 weeks.
  15. Now Mohammed is posting he wants kids? When he married Danielle he must have known she is "grandma mode" and not having more kids. He posts so many comments publically that show he was most likely coming here to use Danielle or they had some agreement. It really seems like he is begging for sympathy and someone to take him in more then ever. I wonder if there is something going on legally like with the divorce and he needs solid employment or stability?
  16. I am an only child who has had to take care of my mother who is an alcoholic and has mental illness since my dad died 20 years ago, I can understand the family member's frustrations. Unlike almost all the other people on this show Erika did not have parents, kids or a spouse to help. It has been 25 years of her siblings to take care of her. This is the one person, I just do not get how she could afford to live and eat so much including delivery food? Even if she was on disability , not only would the amount of money be low, if she was not seeing a doctor how would she pass reviews? SS requires reviews every 1-3 years and you need to show you have been going to a doctor. She somehow is able to have a 2 bedroom apartment, bills paid, all the food she wanted plus a hoard of items. I think she wants people to feel bad for her and wanted to keep up the lonely victim. She kept saying how no one came by or called. She said how lonely she was. Why wasn't she using the computer to talk to people? There are plenty of weight loss forums and groups, she could have made friends with or lets say she didn't want to talk about weight, why not play an app like words with friends, there are always so many people (I know some are weirdos, but some are just lonely or like to chat) wanting to chat and play the "with friends" games. I hope she does well but I have a feeling when and if we see her in a follow up she will not be a success story. She has a much tougher road then some, with her legs and she will need skin surgery. I just cant see her keeping up the diet and making it to the surgeries she will need to remove the lympodemias and skin.
  17. Jim Bob said debit cards are okay back when Josie was born. The older girls were doing grocery shopping and he gave them a debit card to use (and made one of his corny jokes). Jim bob has said they carry cash because cash is the best to way to bargain a good deal but I guess realize that debit cards are necessary for some purchases. I have always wondered how the family still thinks they can preach about getting so many bargains by using cash. Besides the obvious fact we can see on counting on, buying used is not the norm, how many business really will give a great bargain for cash? Maybe a dentist gives 10% off, or a repairman gives a small discount but most business don't have the owner present when you are buying, and most employees cant give a discount for cash. As for Jill, if something happened or she was afraid something was going to happen, this is the reason the Dillard's should have gone to the proper missionary training. I know Derrick had some before Nepal, but the training the sponsor church was requiring meant delaying the mission for about a year for intensive training and for some reason, filming?, getting away from scandals?, the Dillards wants to leave asap.
  18. So he bought a plane ticket to Canada a week ago and was going there and now he is going to pay off his car and finish his lease and go back to Tunisia? If you scan back over the past year he seems to travel a lot trying to find his "dream". I think he thought he was going to come to America and be able to get a good paying job $75k+, be able to drive a nice car , travel the country, and party. Good paying jobs and the American dream lifestyle either comes if you have a specific degree or work hard for years these days. I don't think the people he is meeting on social media who let him stay for a few days are going to find him his dream job, house and lifestyle. As much as I think he should go home, I don't think he will. I think it is another move to gain sympathy.
  19. There is something off about the timeframe of what is going on. We can tell by the house décor changing back and forth that the scenes we are seeing are months apart or maybe recreated? Doctors times can vary especially where one lives. I had high risk pregnancies and was seen at least for blood work on the day I called when I lived in a large city but when I moved , there was a lack of OB's due to malpractice rates and insurance so the wait was 2 weeks. The doctor would order tests if requested if you had been seeing the OB for checkups (somehow I doubt Whitney goes regularly?) . Of course anyone can get blood work done to at least confirm the pregnancy. If Whitney was concerned which she should have been and she could not get into a doctor for a week, she could get blood work at an urgent care or a planned parenthood. I think Whitney did think she was pregnant (for a very short time but TLC edit is dragging it out). I also thin she did not want to see a doctor because the doctor would tell her if she was pregnant that her weight was not healthy. Non-pregnant Whitney can say she feels great and doctors don't understand her and her body, but it would be harder for her to defend putting a baby a risk. I remember those TLC Obese and pregnant ladies were so afraid for their babies and were willing to follow diets and do whatever the doctors asked because all they thought about was wanting the baby. Whitney is not at a spot where she can put a baby first. I hope she revisits her birth control. She said she wasn't taking it all the time. Not only the pregnancy risk but if Lenny was cheating or she suspected he was cheating and she was going back for "friends with benefits" sex then I hope she is worried about STD as well as pregnancy when choosing birth control.
  20. I was checking Mo's facebook and it says he is going to Canada. Most people think he is moving there? and of course many are warning him it is not a good time to travel out of the country if he wants to come back to the US. I didn't think people could just move to Canada? It looks like Mo thinks he is just going to met social media friends and stay in Quebec? I had a friend and her husband worked for a computer software firm and they moved to Canada for 5 years for his work. My friend loved Canada and wanted to stay but since her husband's project was finished , she was forced to come back to the US(not sure if it was his sponsorship or work visa was up). How can Mo just think he can go from country to country like it is his right?
  21. Co-signing does not always show up in county records. Where I live in Utah , many young couples buy huge new homes. I asked a broker who said at least 8 out of 10 of his deals have a co-signer yet when I pull up couples I know had a co-signer it doesn't always show. I wondered why Buddy has to pay rent? By living in that house, he is agreeing to have a film crew there all the time. He is obviously paid for the show, so why can't he just endorse a check or two for filming over to Whitney if she insists on rent. How easy would it be to find another roommate? Unless someone is looking to be on tv, who would want to live with the filming. While the filming looks easy, it takes forever to do one of the scences. I have watched reality tv filmed and participated in filming and you would not believe the retakes and time it takes for a short segement. As for pay, it is less then what most people think but certainly enough to pay for housing. The real money is not what the production pays per episode, it is the extra money for reunions, product placement, and other deals the "star" gets. Based on the 10% of production rule and past tlc shows confirmed rates, my guess is she is making $150k a season not including any of the extras or freebies.
  22. This episode had to be edited out of order. I just rewatched the episode and unless Whitney's house has more rooms then I know about , the furniture , paint and rug switch back and forth? At the beginning of the episode she is making a big deal about painting, the white rug and her big girl new furniture. The scene when her parents come over and catch her and her BFF in bed, Buddy is on the old couch and the rug is striped not the white rug and the paint and art work is different. By the end of the episode Buddy and Whitney ar fighting and the paint and rug ( the white rug) are back to what they were in the first part of the episode.
  23. The test she was using was the cheap dollar store type tests. There are the clear blue and first response fancier ones that you described but they run $9-15 each. It seems like the trend these days is to take a dollar store one first, then confirm with the expensive test. There have been lots of studies to stay the dollar store tests are more accurate earlier then the expensive tests. TLC has had shows on obesity and pregnancy. Being as heavy as Whitney is automatically high risk. Obviously diabetes is high on the list of complications not just for Whitney but for the baby. Not only can the baby be born larger but can really struggle during the first few days after birth.
  24. I paused the ultrasound picture, and doesn't the sac look empty? I'm not claiming to be an expert but I had a hard time staying pregnant and had daily ultrasounds for 7 pregnancies (only 2 were successful). The empty sac would show up as a positive pregnancy test but there would be no baby. I realize this show is scripted or very storyline driven but I hope as others have stated they are not going to be dishonest at all when it comes to pregnancy since it seems like so many Whitney followers with pcos seem excited about a possible pregnancy. Just such an odd start to a season , is she gay or pregnant and the whole rent situation. They could have easily made 3 episodes out of tonight's storylines so why did they jam it into 1?
  25. I saw the extra bottles too. I wondered if she worried about grocery shopping, either about actually doing it or people watching her shop? or knows that having clean clothes is necessary for her job and her kids (does social services do checks on her adopted kids or does that end after so a certain period of time). I'll admit after seeing my cousin have a small stock pile of non perishable supplies like laundry soap, toilet paper and tissues, I try and keep a full pantry. It is never fun running out at night to get toilet paper and I can't imagine someone like Cynthia would be able to do that. I have a good friend that has gained over 125lbs since becoming a special education teacher. She was always overweight but when she went into special education, there was so much sitting and doing paperwork, eating lunch with the kids in which my friend could get extras of the school lunch for free, and then lots of sitting while teaching. Unlike when she taught in a regular classroom, the special education class forces her to show videos, sit and read the kids books and there is very little if any outside or PE time. Plus she still has piles of paperwork to do at home. At least where we live it is the lowest paid teaching job, plus no insurance since they stop paying her at 32 hours even if she is doing paperwork that is required. My friend took the job because no one else would do it and thought it would be temporary. Did Cynthia say why she choose special education? It seemed like she wanted to be needed by others except a significant other? I went back and forth on this episode. There was something a bit more real? and less staged ? I think maybe it was filmed or edited differently because it was mostly done out of Houston? Her scenes with her kids seem real and made her likable but then she was cheating on the diet and it is both sad and angering to watch. Has anyone found her on social media to see if anymore progress has happened?
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