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Everything posted by silverspoons

  1. I grew up in upper middle class New England town and My parents and many of my neighbors would go to Bermuda over Hawaii. It not only is much closer, it was a 2 hr non stop flight from NY but I think the European influence and the very quiet less tourist filled island made it very appealing as the island get away. For people who wanted more activites or a night life I had neighbors that went to places like Aruba, again a closer option. I bought my parents a 25th anniversary trip to Hawaii, only because my dad had been in the Navy and wanted to show my mom where he had been. My mom did not like the trip, she found everything overpriced for the quality and crowded and not relaxing. I can see Glenn and Babs being the Bermuda type. I also see them as the type that rents a beach house for the family for 2 weeks every summer. I'm sure Whitney has had many lovely trips but obviously is not appreciative. Is there a reason Tal could not be Buddy's sober coach? I thought that was going to be a twist. Tal is an addiction counselor and he does not drink. Are friends not allowed to be sober coaches?
  2. I also paused the card because I saw the word TV and did not hear her say it when she read it. Jep also said during basketball that he wanted to have sex with her and that is why he slept on the floor because if he was next to her he would have. He was attracted to her. I wonder to if the cameras were the factor. What school teacher wants to be seen on TV making out or in bed with his wife? I wonder if they took the cameras out for a few days and then he was able to feel comfortable to get intimate? Maybe they pitched the show to Jep saying he would be matched and experts would visit them and they would film with the other couples, but did not tell him how much they wanted to film the intimate moments. I wonder how much Molly's issues are because she is a twin? Molly's sister is engaged? or married? I also agree unemployment could be an issue. If her twin has a great guy with a great job, why would Molly want to seal the deal with an unemployed guy. I see Molly as a women who wants to have kids at the same time as her sister and be able to have a nice house and stay at home at least for a few years and go to the mom and me groups with her sisters. I wonder if he will get a job in the next month and if we see a difference. I was surprised a that he said he made about 70k at his old job. That does not seem that much for a guy that has been in the financial world for 5 + years with a degree? I went to college in MA in the 90's and after college I was offered 60k+ to start at an investment firm in Boston and the cost of living was sure lower in the 90's then today. Do we know what he does? is it sell life insurance or mange investment portfolios.
  3. I agree with Nashville too. Last night I had such a hard time watching Marissa be so pushy and obvious with James about Omarosa needing to go. She kept talking and would not stop and started to lie. Ross tried to correct her in a light hearted way like it might have been 4 not 5 people, but 4 as just as bad. Marissa just could not stop talking. James had clearly said he does not like Brandi but Omaorsa was number 2 on his list. That was good enough for Ross to hear. Two people need to go up, Ross wasn't panicking but Marissa was. I kept thinking how long does that sleeping pill Marissa took take to kick in because it was literally like 2 hours after she took it ! Im trying hard to kept interested and had loved the game play talk and season so far but last night I was just let down. First at least in my time zone it clearly made it look like Omaorsa won veto, then it comes back to Ross winning. Thne Metta going was such a let down. After the feeds cut yesterday I had no idea what would happen, I was excited to see an episdoe for the first time in years that I had no clue who would leave and then Metta. If Metta really wanted to leave and tried to jump the wall or hit the button many times, CBS should have let him go and had the eviction and then had a f4 not f5 on finale night. f4 is still more then our usual f3. Just seeing Ross refuse to talk to Omarosa earlier today , Unless there is some big twist or upset, the rest of the show seems like it is going to be very predictable. Omarosa and Brandi go and then my guess from her constant talking Marissa falls on the sword for Ross. I think CBS wants an Ari win, or Ross. I hope I'm wrong and we get to see more game play. But when Ross would not talk to Omarosa, not even for a minute, It just brought back the shunning feelings from BB19.
  4. I finally watched the episode (I've been hooked on big brother). Did we ever see the family's actual house in SC. I thought at first it was where they were having BBQ's behind but realized that was another building on the property. LB's garage was no standard 2 car 440 sq ft Garage, it had a large commercial door so it was probably closer to 800-900 sq ft. The property was very large and had mutliple buildings and the pond and gazebo but we never saw the outside of the main house?. They had to have plenty of money. The mom seemed to complain about everything but money. I was surprised she said nothing about buying 3 airplanes seats for 4 flights and then the cost of the move and rental home. I guess working in a trade like the dad pays well? I just did not get why the mom was going to move for a year? Maybe stay for the surgery and a few weeks after but there was no need even for the 2 months. LB was one of the most mobile people we have seen except for the truck driver last season. Stephen Assanti's dad didn't stay with him that long, maybe a week during surgery. I understand why someone would not want to live in a large city like Houston if they only needed to go once a month for doctor visits. I just wonder why not a nice apartment complex with a gym and a pool. I was proud of LB for getting on that bike and going to the track, he seemed to be very motivated but for most and even him having a gym on site and a pool on site would make it so easy to exercise everyday.
  5. There is a story that Josh wants the owl back. I thought Josh walked out with the owl? but there I guess were 2 owls and Josh says he left with the one he wasn't taking on the feeds and he asked production for his original back? I'm not buying Ross has a sick family member for wanting to go. Omarosa's mom was sick (had the flu and pneumonia in her 80's which can be fatal), Ari has a sick family member we saw in that hospital type bed in her family message so while Ross could have a sick family member , I think it is an excuse to say he is okay with going. He said he would wear an eviction under Omarosa as a badge of honor. From what I see on polls the spolight veto is ahead and will be the choice. So the big question is will Ross get someone to use it on him? James I say No. Mark, ? Metta ? Omarosa No Marissa Yes, Ari ? probably yes,
  6. I love MDL and Fredrick and I was so excited that he got a spin off. I am so let down. Not only is it scripted , but Bethany's mouth and dumb down Fredrick makes it unwatchable for me and my husband. The show is so little about real estate and the rest is Bethany's crude humor and a few pops of Fredrick trying to get his way. I thought we were going to see Fredrick find a few great deals in NY and flip them with Bethany helping to decorate. I didn't except orgasm, douching penis talk . I'm not a prude but I expect big brother after dark to have crude humor not a flipping show. I guess I will still FF each episode hoping we get to see Fredrick's twins on the show. I think Derek said it best on the first episode, why would Fredrick work with Bethany, he can flip the apartment on his own just fine.
  7. I assume they are doing noms now. How long? an hour? Got to run and get the kids pizza and don't want to miss Brandi's reaction if she goes up.
  8. Notice how Marissa says she would not tell but not for Omarosa to tell Brandi or Ari or they will tell. I bet Marissa spills to Ross but blames Ari or Brandi (most likely Brandi).
  9. Brandi said this but where would they be in James won HoH or Shannon was still there? Shannon was going for Ross/Marrisa or Brandi/Ari. The boys sure look like they will win now, Metta and Mark are floating but have no blood or enemies. James can win comps and Ross has the most deals to keep him safe.
  10. I find it hard to believe no one is sneaking up to the HoH for just a few words. The most we got was Brandi telling Ari, lets pitch the girls have to win line to Omarosa tomorrow. So they are all just going to wait for noms? and then the fireworks start. I assume noms are in early afternoon? Any clue how Omarosa will go? I would guess she is looking for her noms to help her gain an ally? I think she knows that Marissa and Ross will never be on her side so does she try to make noms so that she can get Brand i and or Ari on her side? Her worst noms would be Metta/Mark . Best Ross/Ari?
  11. I'm actually from MA! and I hope to be back in New England/NY by the summer. My kids might not want to say they are from Southern Utah but I enjoy telling my back East friends what life is really like. All these reality shows filmed her for the most part do not tell the full story or even have much truth to them. One of reasons I have been updating at jokers right now is the late night military bombing excerises the past 2 weeks. I'm very glad for all the late night talks in the HoH that I can update because I just can't sleep when waking up to the noise and vibrations of the bombs that shake my bedroom windows. I'm kind of hoping for an Omarosa HoH just because it will be good feeds and not predictable. I would love to see the HG not sleeping and all sneaking to the HoH to influence her and how she handles it.
  12. Close! We have a Zion bank and Zion mall! I live in southern Utah, a wonderful combo or polygamy, retirees, strict LDS and tons of kids, and a few people like me that somehow get stuck here! I'm waiting for BB to have a Utah HG. Can't believe it has not happened since reality TV is full of people from Utah plus so much reality Tv films here. I know a few people that would be great for BB.
  13. I live right on the edge of time zones. It is so crazy that my ipad in my bedroom is PST and in my kids bedroom is MST! I techincally live in MTN but live shows starts at 7pm here and ends at 9pm if I am on cable tv. If I stream all access live it starts at 8pm. My all access constantly changes my local CBS from UT to NV to CA to OK, . My son says it goes by where my internet coming from, we have 3 internet connections just to get decent service. The joys of living in landlocked rural USA!
  14. CBS said the comp would be live. If it starts at the end of the 2 hour episode, it is only good if you live east Coast. I get MTN/PST feeds and by the time I watch the episode the live comp would be over (unless these folks hang on for 2+ hours which I doubt).
  15. Brandi is confusing me. She seems to really want to keep Shannon now? She is trying to push hard to Ari but Ari is sure a strong women. Ari is not budging. It seems like everyone's name has been tossed around as a nom today except Marissa and Ari. A double eviction which has to be coming up soon will be exciting. It has been at least 2 seasons maybe 3 since there has been so much campaigning and alliance switching.
  16. James wasn't listening last night. After the HoH, Metta almost won, Metta said he wants to stay. he liked the comp and now wants to play and win and stay. Glad James is trying rather then lying in bed but Metta wants to stay.
  17. Shannon has been in bed most of the day giving up on the game. James came in and she broke done saying she is lonely and he tried to make her get her fight back and play again. He needs her to play, all he really has is kind of Mark and her right now. James and Shannon are trusting Ross to get info on the noms and target. Didn't Shannon watch BB19, dont let Ross be a Paul and do your talking for you !
  18. I am the jokers updater. Ari is afraid to be alone. She does not want to be alone with Shannon or James before noms. She asked for someone to be with her. Omarosa was ok doing it. Brandi wanted to do her makeup and Ross and Marissa and wanting to talk game or watch others.
  19. Ross wants Omarosa out for sure. He talked too soon and told everyone that Omarosa is a great person to take F2 because they could win against her. Now his group is targeting others and he is trying to get Omarosa back on the radar but Ari is certainly not wasting her HoH on Omarosa.
  20. Simon is her code word supposedly for her boyfriend Russell Simmons. Russel has many recent sexual assault accusers. I wonder if BB is making her say Simon? or she is doing it . I think she would be less of a fan favorite if it was front page news.
  21. Mark and James said they are each others ride or die while working out yesterday. They have bonded all along over music. Last night James said he would never vote out Mark. Then the ride or die. Unlike the other sneaky conversations or groups in the HoH, Mark and James relationship is kind of natural and formed in the open chatting ad then sealed in the gym. The Ross group knows that Mark and James are close, Ross thinks Mark is on his side. Ari worries about giving Mark too much information. Shannon confuses me. I think someone has told her to lie low right now. She seems a bit out of touch with the USA right now. She is really into living in Africa with her animals and her diet. Her personal life surprised me, she doesnt want kids, and her "Simon", her boyfriend is kind of shocking if it is who everyone says it is.
  22. and Mark is also very close to James. Mark has both sides and no target on him right now. I picked him before the season started to win (not my favorite but gut to win). Mark and Metta might be in the best position right now to go to F2. I hope the celebrities vote for game play or personal meaning if someone backstabbed them, not for the the person who can help their career most.
  23. Right now he is talking about wanting James out? I think he wants Shannon out too. I think he is basing who he wants out on who is good at physical comps. He just asked maybe in a light way if Marissa, Brandi and Ari would be his final 4. Who knows about Metta though. Good night feeds though. Better then Mark and James discussing air quality.
  24. The comp was some sort of wind tunnel golf. Ari and Metta were the final 2 and they got the worst of the air tunnel ( from what they said sand and dust from the golf "course" in the tunnel). Metta almost was HoH? imagine that. He is sure going nuts tonight, saying he has some power or twist and wants to make it personal? I think he is made Keisha cried and got to go home and he has tried to escape and is still there?
  25. Yesterday Metta said it would take double, at least 400k to have celebrities come in the house for 3 months (they were discussing a regular BB season vs their short one), He said the prize would have to be at least 1 million , if not 2 million for 3 months. Others commented on how much they make for a concert, play, movie, speech and that time was maybe a more important factor then money. Mark has a concert on feb 27? and Marissa had something very shortly after too, so these 3 weeks were almost too long for them and they both really wanted to play the game. From listening to the talks (I'm an updater at Jokers) it seems like they got 200k. It was also very telling that Omarosa not only knew the money she got but that she had more SAG rights and had some of the more put into pension and also was able to get more insurance. James wanted to know more about putting the BB money into the SAG pension vs getting it now. I think it was interesting to hear them talk about SAG hours, and healthcare and pension, seemed like a middle class family topics but in their own world. Like you better work so many hours or do more interviews or your family loses healthcare. Shannon, Ross, Marissa all seem to know. Brandi too, she said it when coloring her hair today. Not sure about Metta but if Keisha and Omarosa are packed they should know too. Ross said last night the veto would be live to his "group". I don't think it was any secret they were keeping. He just wanted to tell them so they could make dinner and chill since hey were waiting for veto.
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