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Everything posted by silverspoons

  1. Was Gabby part of this? Our family tried to find her and didn't see her singing with all the others? The rest of the group did seem like they were having fun and enjoying Maddie's win and the moment. It also is a good ad for how the tour will be. Very happy with the outcome :) and happy for Maddie and Caleb. A little part of me would have loved to see how gabby reacted to it all.
  2. There are plenty of ways around the TV money as we have seen from other shows. Sisters wives and Duggars are paid into a "corporation". Several of the sister wives were on welfare while filming which was proved in court documents. I guess David could also be not wanting to work because of alimony or child support issues. He was married a long time and he has one child at least that is young enough he would be required to support. It always seemed to me that David wanted to live a cheap lifestyle overseas and found he could have a young women too! I feel like David and Annie are just trying to stay in the US long enough for her to get whatever green card she needs to be able to travel back and forth to Asia but return to the US at anytime. My sister in law's father took early retirement due to disability and moved to the Philippines. He lived like a King on his small income and ended up marrying a younger women. He only came home once a year to see his adult kids and grandkids. The downside happened after 6 years, he got ill and was not able to get to proper medical care in time.
  3. I thought Gaby was going to have a huge crowd at her concert. Then I read it was at this riverfront casino that does not allow kids in the casino or in the parking lot. So anyone under 21 had to be dropped off a a special spot to enter and then parents would have to park and meet the kids. Gaby's venue I felt was suppose to have the wow factor, on the river with the fireworks. Caleb and Maddie venues were simple, a school and fairgrounds but were accessible to all. I wonder how much Itunes is a predictor , Maddie song has been #30-34 and Gaby has been #86-88, and Caleb in the 60's.
  4. Tonight's episode he finally admitted that he lost his job and had a stroke and left the country for over 4 years. I wonder if he is on disability and won't take a job with a real paycheck because he is afraid to lose his benefits. The only jobs we have seen are under the table cash type jobs. If he can dress up and hold a sign advertising on the street corner, he could be a Walmart greeter , only difference is Walmart isn't under the table. Love the cliffhanger ending, Nicole phone suddenly glitches during facetime? Azan could not text the answer? All I kept saying was poor Mae. Dirty floor in that one room they live in and calling Azan Daddy. If Azan does ever get to America, they are going to live in that one room, no privacy for Mae? poor thing is 4? and you know Nicole has little self control.
  5. I hope Maddie wins. There was no Wow moment for me tonight but I felt Maddie was the most consistent and I like that she seems humble and grounded. I liked her hometown visit. Both Caleb and Maddie seem like themselves , wore the same clothes, and acted just like they did on the show during the hometown visits. I would be okay with Caleb winning but hope it is Maddie. Something about Gaby seems a bit fake? She seems to like performing as more then the quality of singing. It bothers me how one song she has a country accent and the next she doesn't. The Journey song sure was not the best version ever. I thought Gaby had missed the word Boulvard but she had held the microphone to the crowd thinking they would be singing with her and they didn't. I wish AI had given us more backstory on the contestants instead of the very narrow story they want the public to know. All 3 finalists are young 20 or younger, so why not learn about school, siblings, favorite classes, dating? I was surprised to learn reading an article, Gaby has 7 younger siblings. During hometown we didn't get to meet anyone but the parents, why didn't we see 7 Gaby siblings hugging her? and are Maddie and Caleb only children? I remember I didn't think much of those questions Ryan used to ask the contestants during results night, now I miss those questions and getting to know them better.
  6. Yes! She is not posting pictures but seems to be more open and active talking to LDS members and she is the acting as the supportive LDS wife and mom of a med student. I don't believe it is Josh's baby either but crazy as it sounds I do know how some people like his family could believe the baby is his. My first husband was part African American. We divorced shortly after our child was born. I remarried before my child entered school (and through a weird series of events my new husband and my child and I have the same last name). My son is pale but has crazy curly hair and some facial features of my ex. I assumed most people would think my child was adopted because he in no way looks anything like my husband plus he is 8 inches taller. I live in rural Utah which is mostly devout LDS and I can't tell you how many people have asked, how did your child get the curly hair? which side of the family did it come from? They were serious, they really thought my child was biologically my husband's. I have had teachers and doctors honestly think my child's obvious (at least to me) African American hair had to come from me or my husband. So if my child's LDS doctor thought it was possible, I guess Josh's dentist dad could too? I personally think they have a win win. She got a good life and he got a beard.
  7. I would like to at least see a special maybe 2 couples per hour with updates. I would love to hear more about Josh & Alexandra , they moved to Australia for him to go to medical school. She seems happier but still keeping their daughter hidden. Maybe they think 4-10 years overseas will make us forgot them. Reality TV curiousity will still linger.
  8. It was interesting to see the difference in the hometown homecoming concerts. Gaby is performing at a Riverfront Concert venue, Maddie at the country fairgrounds and Caleb on the courthouse steps. I wonder if AI sets these up? Caleb on the courthouse steps confuses me. I think Gaby will have the star treatment with fireworks off of boats in the river behind her and Maddie will be shown signing autographs with young fans at the fair. I'm a numbers nerd, I looked at different sites with odds for winning. I feel ABC wants Gaby to win but my gut thinks Caleb might win. He is the only male, he has the country vote , and I was surprised I talked to a few people voting for him because of his weight loss journey. Of course 3/4 of our family is rooting for Maddie.
  9. I was kind of upset they spent so much time before Maddie sang her finally song when they came back from commerical fooling around like that. Why not let Maddie sing, then have some goofy segment and have that be an extra 10 minutes of voting after all songs were complete. Are Gaby's parents still together? I was surprised to see her mom since I thought the show had implied it was just her and her dad. I tried looking for the backstory but nothing mentions her mom. Just her dad is her manager, she has 7 siblings, and the father and kids have struggled with money for several years. I thought it would have been nice if ABC gave the mom's a mini makeover, just doing their hair and make up and maybe a new outfit. I felt like Caleb and Maddie were really connecting with their mom's via their songs. I'm happy with the final 3. Hoping for a Maddie win but expecting a Gaby win. In my quest to find out about Gaby's mom I ran across an article in the Pittsburgh Post Gazette that said Gaby had been offered singing contracts by the Voice and AI if she did not appear on the show but she didn't like the deals? I'm assuming the article is misquoting since AI does not offer contracts itself to people who never appear on the show?
  10. Thanks for posting this. Our family has to travel to Scottsdale for medical care often. It is such a long horrible hot drive so I try and find a few fun things to do. I guess I will be visiting Mel's next month on our next trip. Has to be better then the trip we took to Amy's Baking company years ago!
  11. I also liked season 1 better then season 2 but I thought the show be saved. I liked Maya over Sophia. I still wish there could have been an ending. Like Arthur having to retire and deciding if he would leave the store to Franco or sell the store (space) to Fawz. Of Franco deciding to leave the store for a paid art related job.
  12. The episode was pretty boring. It is obvious they would never give 3 people surgery at the same time. I think it is better to show one patient at a time. If they wanted to do the whole family, I wish they told more about the dad. So is Dr Etter going to be a regular next season? He seems nice, maybe too nice for this kind of show. I know Dr. Now can;t keep up his pace forever. If he gets replaced I think I like Dr. Proctor from Family by the ton.
  13. I would think the house being on a reality show is a big negative. Bill and Jen used to talk about people riding by and some knocking. Anyone looking for an upper end home I'm sure wants privacy. I live where a lot of reality TV has been filmed and I think someone could make money off of selling maps like they do in hollywood. People want to see the smallest filming places, not just the great light fight house, or a disney movie set but the grocery store, high school or golf course that was filmed. Jen and Bill's house will be a forever tourist spot. There was an LDS (Mormon) movie filmed in a home in my neighborhood over 30 years ago. I know it is a movie given out by missionaries and was watched at some point by most devout members. People still drive by and take pictures of this home. As for the house, I don't know why Jen and Bill built a forever dream home when Houston was not their forever dream city. Houston offered Jen a great job but you could tell she loved the beach and loved Florida. Bill had success in his medical business before the show and Jen as a specialist certainly could afford to go overboard and have massive home but they should have been sure Houston was their forever city.
  14. Maybe they should do at least 1 group number after every one sings. That would give another 10 minutes of voting and make the person going last feel like voting was fairer.
  15. Did Erika finish the semester or just quit right near the end of the semester? I went to 2 ivy league colleges and I saw top students change and some quit (or transfer to very different schools) but most stayed till the last day of the semester, even if it was just fro the free room and board. Most also went and took the final even if to get a C or D just to have the credit. I'm hoping Erika did finish the semester and this music thing is a summer deal. Then maybe her parents will compromise and have her go to a performing arts school. I'm sure there would be one closer to home to make the show easier to film. I know it is a challenge to have kids go off to college and still have them in the story. Step By Step and The Middle did it pretty well , showing working class families have kids go to local state colleges is good economic sense.
  16. I kind of wish they did not make it Adam's baby. If they had made it a one night stand or the soda delivery guy, Jonah could step in and be a dad. If it is Adam they are going to have to rewrite his character because he might have had quirks like his career path but he seemed like a decent dad to their daughter. Adam could be upset about the timing, the money, but he doesn't seem like someone who would let another man raise his baby , plus what would their daughter think? In thinking of possible ways to work around it, not to sound morbid but they could kill off Adam? like by a drunk driver or something out of the blue. Then Amy would be a single mom with 2 kids and then Jonah could decide to step in. Did we ever get the reason that Kelly worked at Cloud 9. I just remember her popping up one episode. It just seems like a cute perky women like Kelly could make more money and have no problems working selling cell phones or in some sort of job that has commissions but does not require a degree (I'm just assuming she does not have a degree). Also has Jonah brought up this season if he is trying to either find work outside of cloud 9 or if he plans on trying to move up into management or is his just settling into this job for life.
  17. While I really think Molly shoulders the blame for the marriage not even getting a shot I have gone over all the reasons why the show might edit Jon better or hide something Jon did or said. My only guess would be something do do with PTSD or military related. I'm not saying Jon has PTSD, he seems fine, but it was the only thing I could come up with that Molly would be afraid to say. I just thought about last big brother season and what happened when Cody (who was a 32? year old Veteran) had some fellow contestants try to push his buttons about his service and the backlash those people got and the show got . In fact Cody left the show pretty early on which usually means earlyto leave, less popularity/after show oppurtunites but Cody was voted America's favorite and got to go on Amazing Race. There was a firm stand from America do not pick on a vet for any reason. If Molly who went to acting college is looking for some future on TV from MAFS maybe she would be too scared to bring up if she thought he had any post military issues. Or Molly could have seen Jon get mad once over something normal and label it something it was not. Again I do not think he had any signs of PTSD but since we now the show edits crazy , and big brother was on my mind I thought of it.
  18. Wasn't Shawneice the one that said she had been celibate for year(s) before going on MAFS. She told Molly and Jackie and they seem shocked. I kind of got the feeling that Shawniece might have been wild in her teen or early 20's but had some experience that made her do a 360 and have no sex for years? I do wonder if it was an birth control failure or Shawneice really wanted the marriage to stay together and "forgot" a pill or two.
  19. I just watched the red carpet and I agree with you about Olivia. I had just saw her sister who was labeled as her during the show. I guess that is why I thought she looked so much better. Not only was she thin, but she seemed so young. Her mom picked out her sex tape with Theo as her best scene to submit? Almost 3 hours of red carpet and only James and Olivia were interviewed? I was hoping to see more interviews of the Days cast or even like Judy Mathis or Julie Chen.
  20. That was kind of a waste of 90 minutes. Besides a little bonus footage, we learned so little. My husband felt like the experts or the show were highlighting so much of the negative (all of which we have seen many times). I was waiting for Ryan or Jackie to say they were over. She looked so sad. When they were watching all the footage she looked like she was going to cry multiple times, her eyes were watery and red. I wish they could have taped the reunion within the last month. The experts did not have to be there. I assume the experts schedule dictates all taping times. I would take Jamie hosting the reunion if it could have been taped in March or April instead of last year.
  21. Dennis was born in Philly and his dad was murdered when he was 5. AI introduced him during auditions with this story and how he left Philly to come to CA to get into music. He was homeless for a time and then met the love of his life and they had a child and his life turned around. I remember I rewatched Dennis' early story on AI because both he and Marcio(who had adopted a baby) had babies and were from CA. AI paired Marcio and Dennis together when they were picking the final 24, making us think only one of the dads was going through, and then they put both of the dads through. Then last week(top 14) AI shows the story of Dennis having an older child, from the age it seems like he was a teenage dad? back in Philly that he left behind when he came to LA that he didn't get to see much. So last week I kind of felt AI wanted Marcio to go through. Marcio's story was he and his sister were foster kids in the system and his sister got into drugs and her baby was about to be put into the system so as a single guy he adopted the baby make sure he broke the cycle of the "system". Then last week you had Marico stand up adoptive father and now Dennis had left a child behind in Philly (at least this was the edit) to go on to have another child in CA and had been homeless. This week we see him at Disney seeing his older Philly daughter for the first time in a few years. It was either an odd edit because it was not some joyless surprise like you would think it should be? Micheal does not have any big story like a death or illness or baby or at least I do not remember it. He has gotten though on singing, He did win a Disney singing competetion years ago that had some AI judges like I think Jordan Sparks and Adam Lambert on it. Not sure how much it helped him. I assume it got him an easier audition at least. I remember in the beginning the judges saying they wanted a package not just a voice. They wanted a journey, the look, the personality not just a voice. Marcio had the story that seem "the story" but Dennis had a better voice IMO. If you take what is left, Catie and Gabby have what they are looking for the most? I think AI would like Jurnee to go further but it is not going to happen by the voting system. Jurnee's best shot would have been 1 person out every week and build up a fan base. It is hard to build up a fan base after 2 weeks. 2 of my favorite AI of all time were Michael Johns and Brooke White and I would have never liked them as much if I had only heard them 1-2 times. It was those odd weeks like Neil Diamonds songs that changed my mind about contestants. Count me in as being surprised about Gabby dating Cade. At first I was concerned about age but found out Gabby turned 18 last month since Gabe is 21. I remembered her as 17. Maybe I'm old fashion but I say enjoy your teen years dating people that are teens , go off to college or start a career and then start dating people in their 20's.
  22. Thanks! When I first saw her I thought is that her? But since it looked so much like her but tanner and a fuller face I assumed it was her. Poor Olivia (not a fan of Claire's) but you could tell she was so excited to be nominated and then it was not her on the screen! It is easy to forget she is just 18 while most of the cast she acts with are at least 3 if not 5+ years older.
  23. Even though the Emmy's were not produced top notch, I actually enjoyed the show more then the network produced shows. I loved the old clips of the past Emmy's. Loved not only the old 80's clips but the first Daytime Emmy's outside at Rockfeller Center. I'm happy with all the Days wins but agree that I'm not sure James' (Abe) win. His clip was not as good in acting plus the set was so bare bones it sure didn't help me find in believable compared to some of the other hospital scenes that were shown. Greg (Eric) looked SO much better to me at the Emmy's. Why does he gel his hair back on the show? His hair looked so much better just blown dried. Oliva seemed like she was just like Claire , having her cell phone up in the air and on herself as they announced the winner in her category. She looked less pale then on Days, not sure if it was makeup or she had tanned, but she looked healthier then she has lately on the show (which I realize is 6 months ago). I wanted to watch the after show but none of the youtube clips have sound?
  24. I feel like even though the judges don't get a say, AI can still have a "say" by the editing of the extra material they show and now because of the live voting by the singers placement. Dennis not only got the last spot but did anyone else notice how his story has changed since the start. We first had him as a young man whose dad was murdered and then was homeless and how love had saved him. He has a baby that had given him the push to chase his dreams. Then last week we hear he has another child back in PA he doesn't get to see. This week we find out he had not seen his daughter in over 2 years and show a clip of him seeing her for the first time in years and it was not very emotional. Compared to Jurnee getting who got a joyful renunion with her mom and we find out her wife is deployed somewhere dangerous. I would be very curious to see how the ratings are on the East coast vs west coast. It was certainly harder to watch live at 5 or 6 pm. Has it been confirmed that Ryan's schedule is the reason for the live voting? I can only hope that Idol could at least leave voting open for a few hours after the show and then tape the results and Ryan could take a red eye back to NY (Michael Straham used to do this with his football annoucing and football seasons are much longer then AI).
  25. Is Steven off of social media? I usually check once every 4-6 weeks, when I'm waiting at the doctor's office to see what he is up to. His facebook is gone? and the person on youtube that uploads Steven's facebook live chats has not posted either. One of the last things Steven said was he was taping for another update show for this year. Could TLC be forcing him to stay off social media? Would they really have Steven part what 5? in less then 2 years.
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