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Everything posted by silverspoons

  1. The last episode where Nicole moves was just on again. The last scene of her packing , when they go outside she is at a single wide mobile home. I wonder if this was her sisters? The free church place that she lived at in the small studio also has a bunch of single wides on it. I wonder if this is where her sister and her are living. It looks like a well maintained area around a lake plus it has tons of fitness type stuff for Nicole to do right on site, Multiple pools, tennis, walking paths, basketball etc. If Nicole got back on May 21st as her step dad said, if you look at Nicole's social media she has been on a health/weight loss kick. Maybe Azan told her she had to lose weight before the wedding?
  2. There is also the point that if Nicole wanted to stay longer she could have. Tourist visas are usually 90 days and then you can take a quick cheap trip to a close country and come back in and the 90 days starts again. If she was there for 6 months, then she probably did this once. My husband's cousin works in Asia and he has to do this, every 90 days his company pays for a long weekend trip and then he can come back and work for 90 days. Obviously something else happened. My guess is the money ran out and he sent Nicole back to USA to work or get more from family. He probably said they need more for the dream wedding. I can't believe Azan can't find an easier way to get money. How much can Nicole be giving him $500-1000 a month? and if she was there for 6 months that is a lot for him to take for such a small amount of money. I guess he has found a way to put off the wedding but still have the possibility of more money.
  3. Has JC Ever watched a season before or is he a recruit. His bio says only mentions loving Josh. I think he is here for publicity. Weird feeling that he might go far, but not win. Winston is the only person I guess we can kind of confirm is not here for followers or some after gig since he has no social media or interest in it.
  4. Ross' jacket says beast mode Rino? is that a brand or some play on beast mode cowboy?
  5. I think Winston has a lot more real confidence then Brett plus I think he will charm people easier.
  6. Does Tyler remind anyone else of EZ from Three's a crowd, the look, personality and the surfing! Scottie has never been kissed at 26? Can't believe that Ross didn't bring it up. I bet if the no first kiss thing is not a religious thing, a hot girl in the house will give him his first kiss.
  7. 2 Angela's this season?, I feel Angela Rockstar will be out fast. Annoying!
  8. I'm intrigued by Sam. I like that she does not fit a mold. I worry she will get tricked and voted out early.
  9. I'm not feeling Bayliegh or Faysel. Bayleigh is Dominic 2.0 and Faysel is Josh 2.0. Seems like everyone as always says they want to lay low for a few weeks and not look like a threat and be BF with everyone. I'm surprised no one has been excited to meet Ross or asked him about his season?
  10. This season was filmed after October 31st? I thought Azan was denied during the Christmas season so she would not have left till Jan or Feb.
  11. I noticed Azan picked up the phone right away when Nicole called and he had a different tone when he knew she was upset.
  12. Something is just plain weird. If you look at my previous post on April 25th I wondered what happened to Stephen, he had disappeared from social media. His then girlfriend now wife started actively posting on social media. If you look closely some of the responses were 100% Stephen on her account. Now Starcasm has an interview with Stephanie his wife but realizes near the end it is Stephen not Stephanie answering. Then they are blocked. Then they? come back and Stephanie admits Steven has been answering with her knowledge. Of course all the answers they got were Stephen is great, everyone loves him, my daughter loves him, it was love at first sight etc. It is also said by ? that Stephen has broken ties with filming and might be being sued but does not care. Just a weirder feeling, Stephen leaves social media and is now on social media under Stephanie. In some of his music videos he would go by other names. I think there is something weirder going on then a women driving 500+ miles to meet Stephen after seeing his loving heart on TV and after 3 days bringing him home to pay for him and marry him? I just can't tell if it is him or her or both of them up to something?
  13. I'm not trying to ask this in any sort of offensive way, but if AGT goes out and tries to find the best acts or professionals for the show, that is their right but why are so many of the acts from other countries when it is America's got talent? Is there not enough talent in America? Remember shows like Real People and That's incredible? It used to be fun to watch talent from all sorts of rural unknown places in America. I know we will never have another Real People Train across America (I had told my kids about the train stop in my home town that I went to when I was little, and Amazon prime has old Real People episodes so I got to see my elementary aged self) but I think America still has some cool unique talents hidden away.
  14. Is Nicole's stepdad really 80? I checked out Robbalee's page and then got sucked into his? There is a picture of Baby May when she was about a year and he said what a wonderful baby she was and said Nicole will be sorry when her second one comes along because it will not be as easy as May. Lets hope no one is encouraging more grand babies soon! Also Robbalee's nickname by her friends and family is Robin. Easier to type but I doubt it will catch on here. I had to check Nicole's social media after and saw she was fighting with a viewer. She said she had to get back to her fiance(she mentioned fiance a few times like bragging) so either she has not gotten married yet or is covering up the outcome.
  15. I have read one of Luis' only chance to stay in the US after the divorce is to try and prove abuse. I hope he doesn't try to make up something
  16. Thanks. I forgot about the brother. Maybe he is at college now. I know Nicole had 2-3 sisters. I wonder why Robalee refers to Nicole as her baby? maybe she calls all her kids her baby? She sure "babies" Nicole. I don't think Molly was worried about free child care. On her old reality show about her bra shop, her kids were at the shop sometimes. It seemed like a very good situation, she and her business partner had kids and could cover for each other, plus Molly's brother lived with her. I think Molly was turning 40 and wanted the dream she never had of having a husband and family unit. I'm divorced and remarried so I'm not trying to judge but when you have 2 kids with 2 different men and marry another man, it is never gone to be the perfect Brady Bunch life. Even if Luis wanted to be a dad, there are still 2 other dads and visitation and holiday rotations so I don't think Molly was ever going to get what she is looking for.
  17. Thanks. I suspected that they didn't have real auditions anymore. I can't believe people in the line were paid extras. They film a bunch of reality TV near me and our family has been extras for free. Lets say it was just a scene of people clapping, with like 2 hours of retakes in bad weather, the payment was a cookie and the joy of seeing yourself for a second on TV. I'm tempted not to watch AGT same night anymore. I don't like how staged it feels and the gushing over contestants. Everyone is the best ever. I think beat shazam and love connection are more interesting these days.
  18. Does anyone know how the auditions worked this year because it sure seems like we are seeing a lot of contestants that have been on other shows or already have some level of fame. I was not impressed with the golden buzzer use. I looked up Courtney and watched some of her previous performances on UK voice and before. She sand everything from ballads to rock and without the dancing to distract , she was not a great singer. Plus she was super outgoing in some of the videos so I don't like her act of being so shy and nervous.
  19. I was wondering about Myasthenia Gravis when I saw her eye. Myasthenia Gravis can go into remission and come back. I just hope if she does have a medical condition that stress can make worse or that goes in and out of remission, Nicole will snap to it and realize she needs to treat her mom better. Do we know if Nicole is her youngest child? just curious Robalee called Nicole her baby a few times. I know Nicole has at least 2 sisters and I thought one might be younger?
  20. I just saw Steven got married. He got married in Iowa? So who knows where he is living now. His wife is on facebook , Stephanie Assanti and has some pictures of him. It does look like he has lost weight, in his face and upper body. I'm kind of in shock that he tied the knot. He still has a crazy look in his eyes and this women has a kid so I hope everything works out for them.
  21. It looks like they are officially done. The divorce papers are posted on starcasm. Luis got nothing, not even his cell phone (and charger). Too Bad Danielle could not get the same lawyer Molly did.
  22. On the update on Mat and Alla seemed like they were doing better. She was going to college and her son was speaking English well and had friends. I think Matt enjoyed being a dad. I can see them working. Most of the drama about his 3 marriages , his best friend, and wanting a house near his mom could have been played up for extra drama. I think the common thread was all 3 Russian women have all gone on to college, and all had very grasp of the language. Nicole moved to TX and got pregnant with Mae. She left Texas before she had Mae to live with her family in FL. From all the stories I have read, she did not go for child support. I kind of get the feeling her family said they would help her and to forgot about the TX dad. The TX dad was a teen as well and didn't have the funds to try and fight for Mae. Mae's dad recently got married and is stable now and rumors are he might be wanting to try and get back in her life. I just hope if their are any future custody issues that TLC stays out of filming it. Mae already is on more TV then she should be.
  23. On starcasm they have screenshots of What Mohammed said to Danielle before the 90 days! I can see why Danielle thought he really wanted her. He kept saying over and over and over again how much he wanted to be married to her and wanted to be a family with her girls. He was saying what she wanted to hear. While I'm sure most of us could have seen through him, Danielle I think was so desperate and he said how much he wanted her AND her girls and to be a family that she bought it.
  24. Thanks for checking that. A college Spanish tutor on Skype? I had just remember them saying she was in college studying Spanish and then they showed her in the DR supposedly learning it from locals. I bet the whole tutor thing is a lie. If she told her parents Pedro was on a college visa, she could easily lie about how they met. I'm sure Chantel would not want to say she met Pedro on hotguys dot com. I always wondered why her Spanish wasn't better. David and Annie seem to have changed their story a bit for TLC (in fact Nikki and Chris said the helped David clean up his backstory so he could be accepted on the show), so why not Chantel change her story a bit. I bet the vast majority of couples either meet online or via some sort of religious related activity but how many Mormon missionaries and guys meeting hot girls online can TLC show. Got to switch it up a bit.
  25. Chantel is 26. She was in some sort of college program when she meet Pedro. She supposedly was doing a year in the DR to learn Spanish and get some sort of college credit? That was when she was 22ish? Then she went to some sort of cosmotology school because she is doing eyelash extensions. Now she is a CNA and applying or going to nursing school (I know some top nursing schools give you points towards admission for being a CNA and some for profit nursing school make you be a CNA as part of clinicals, so who knows why she is a CNA?) Maybe Family Chanel paid for her first time in college and don't feel like paying a second or third round? My parents had plenty of money but I got 1 chance at college. My junior year I realized I wanted a second major. There was no way my parents were paying for a 5th year so I took 64 credits (normal was 32) my senior year to get my double major.
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