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Everything posted by silverspoons

  1. She gave him a box but the it does not show what was in it. It was a teaser for us to watch next week. There are possible spoilers out there if you go looking.
  2. I really wished the experts or someone asked Molly, why are you not attracted to Jon? Did he remind her of an ex boyfriend or a guy she hated in college or a co-worker that annoys her? Or she prefers longer hair, or brown eyes? I think her lack of attraction was more to do with something she didn't like in his personality then looks but she kept pushing her excuse to his looks so why didn't anyone ask her about it. Also if he checked off all the boxes as we heard Molly say over and over, isn't that part of attraction or at least a way to grow attraction. I'm sure Molly has some dream man in her mind, but does she understand that not only do women rarely get their dream man but many times their dream man is not what they need. I had always dated the Alex P Keaton suit wearing types. When I met my husband for the first time he had just finished fixing his brother's car and was a muscular tee shirt wearing guy. He only owned one suit , his church/funeral suit that he bought at a thrift store. After a few months he cooked for me, cleaned my house, and after I got very sick, he took such good care of me, I didn't bother me that he lived in jeans and tee shirts. 17 years later he still has 1 suit. He is not the physical type I ever thought I would end up with but he was the right one. I guess only time will tell if Molly's issues were really just a physical attraction. I guess the only way we will know since no one is pressing her to answer, is to see who she dates next or if Jon has hidden issues we did not see on the show.
  3. Jon announced in the 2nd unfilltered , I didn't know there was one before and one after the show tonight, he got a Job. I'm glad he was able to control himself and be so civil with Molly. I'm sure he wanted to say ,more but he is smart to say nothing. Hopefully he will find someone that wants to go on a real adventure soon. Ryan was hard to watch. He sure laid it on thick with reasons for Jackie to stay at the last minute. I hope that her lets stay married lasts until the show next week and we can see a free Jackie during the follow up special.
  4. I can't believe I was that close to the Parowan Prophet! That Prophet sign is over the old RV I saw. It is one of the Prophet's many billboards. The Prophet's house does have good bones, but it had several boarded up windows and siding hanging off the sides. There was more "stuff "in front and on the sides of the Prophet's house when I was there. I didn't see the nice green grass that is in this picture. I'm sure Parowan Prophet will LOVE if Meri turns this into a tourist destination. He is always trying to get people to listen to him. He is VERY anti gay. I wonder if Meri did her research but I can't imagine Mariah wanting to be anywhere near this man. He was very mad about Utah electing gay politicians and thinks gay people getting rights is a sign that the end of the world is near. I would post some of his quotes but they are very offense and severe not just about gay people but about many other subjects(like I don;t think Mykelti's husband Tony would want to go near the Prophet). It is easy to google Paowan Prophet, but basically if you don't follow him you are going to burn and die. The website if you can stomach it, it is VERY offensive , has pictures of his basement and his house and explains the reasons behind his collecting tons of extra items that will save him.
  5. Count me in as another person that is disappointed they made Amy pregnant. I agree that the show has already had enough baby story lines. I would have been happier to see amy trying to co-parent a teen on a low wage salary. I'm glad the show even if briefly mentioned abortion. Almost 1 in 4 women have an abortion in their lifetime but it rarely gets brought up as a choice on any show. It is also nice that a show can have pro life religious Glenn and abortion brought up in the same episode and all the characters are so likable. I guess I was so focused on Amy, did Glenn and his wife decide just to wait to find out the gender? I also didn't look closely but were Glenn's adopted and foster kids at the gender reveal. I hope they don't drop his other kids out of his story line.
  6. I guessed 5 of the 6 America's picks. I thought Jurnee would have made it instead of Dennis. I also was disappointed in the judges picking Michelle. I never was rooting for Garrett but I think he did better tonight then Michelle. I am confused once again about voting next week. Ryan said it was going to be live in all time zones. I live in MST (but live right on the border like less then 2 miles from PST) both my MST and PST ABC channels show 7-9pm. Is the show really going to air in EST at 5pm. Is it that expensive or hard to have a half hour results show the next day? or is this whole schedule around Ryan taping Live with Kelly in NY on Monday?
  7. It is not the boring life that I would worry about. I'm sure Meri's mom isn't looking for the nightlife. It is medical care, St George is the closest city about 75 miles South with a decent hospital but it serves about 400k people from smaller areas like Parowan, and it lacks what I call the senior citizen doctors, 1 neurologist, 1 endocrinologist , and no rhemotology. The waiting lists are insane 6-8 months to see a doctor after a stroke! so forget about getting checked for dementia or diabetes quickly! My take on the sign was it was there to consider it a business, but not big enough for advertising. Like maybe they want the tax write off? like those people that put a sticker on their car for a home business so they can write off the car usage. The back yard is narrow and odd shaped. The front lawn is nice, well nice for southern Utah since there is so many yards that are just rocks seeing nice green grass is rare. Meri should make the front yard more usable with like a white picket fence around it. Then again the view is of the hoarders. Meri also has very little recourse for the neighboring houses not being kept up. There have been so many battles in southern Utah over yard issues like this and home owners fight hard to keep their junk and win. There are million dollar neighborhoods overlooking junk. That is why HOAs are so popular. I wonder one of the reasons they got another season was so Meri could show off the grand opening of the B&B? I can't wait to see the creative editing of Parowan. TLC/A&E/Disney/ABC/CNN have all filmed where I live and the editing is so crazy. I am an overprotective mom and my kids walk home from school , it is about .4 of a mile and they pass 3 "dangerous" polygamist areas according to TLC/A&E editing.
  8. I'm not really sure what these or the many drug commericals are suppose to do. I have a heart condition and I sure hope if there is a drug that would be useful to me, my doctor talk to me about it. I cant imagine that I would have to bring up a commerical I saw to get my doctor to think about using it? My father and ex were doctors and I worked as a pharm rep for a short time and doctors from my experience don't like patients asking for meds they have seen on TV or in print ads because they are usually not the right ones and patients think these drugs are cure all miracles.
  9. My daughter had a regional competition at SUU and won :) so we had to drive to SLC for the state finals. Meri's B&B was literally .6 miles off our drive so I forced my husband to drive by. First off the house across the street is a dump, like a house out of hoarders, complete with broken down cars and old RV and then tons of "stuff"all around it and the house is in bad shape. The B&B looks the same as it did on TV from the outside. The sign for the B&B is small. It is like the size and quality of one of those signs a bug spray or lawn company puts in your grass that says we just sprayed. It was no bigger then a foot by a foot with the wire pushing it in the ground. The sign Just says Lizzie's on the top and a drawing of the building and Heritage Inn on the bottom of the sign. There was only one car there and one adult that came into the yard (I'm pretty sure it was a family member but I was just driving by and not trying to be a paparazzi). I'm from New England now living in Utah and not only have stayed in many B&B over the years, I lived in an old yellow historic home in southern Utah like this one when I first came here. I love old homes so much more then the stucco boxes that the Brown's and 95% of Utah lives in. I also love small towns, I grew up in a small town and lived in a few small villages I loved back East. I would not stay in this B&B or in Parowan. I know Meri was selling the others that Parowan was great because it is close to the ski resort and SUU. It technically is not close to the ski resort and SUU has attracted many nice hotel options in the last few years. Parowan is one of those junkie looking small towns. I was always kind of scared to even exit as I posted before because there are these billboards on the I-15 (which is the main freeway from CA to UT) that has this Parawan Prophet saying the world is ending. Now riding through the town there is no code enforcement to deal with dead lawns, junk, broken cars etc and like the worst house is across from Meri's. There is virtually nothing to do in Parowan, not even a cool old diner or anything that would give guests something to do locally. It is either drive 15 miles to a college town that has mostly new chain stores/eating or about 40-50 miles east or north for a few quaint eating options/parks and outdoor activties. I'm sure if she does open it to guests? there will be fans that will come but I can't imagine anyone booking this place for more then 1 night. Plus it will take a devout fan since there is no airport near by. It is either 3.5 hours from Vegas or SLC by car to Parowan. I understand Meri loving the house. Our family has been considering moving back to New England and my original family home, one of those old historic tudor homes was up for sale but I could never ever pay the price (or the taxes) and looked at newer smaller homes. Meri's B&B is not worth anything close to what she most likely paid. After seeing the neighborhood and knowing what other B&B have sold for in St George which has way more tourists looking for B&B's , I would not pay more then 175-200k for the place. I know Meri wanted the house for sentimential reasons. You could build a brand new 5 bed 5 bath B&B in Parawon for 250-300k if she really wanted to be in the business and new means little maintance , low energy costs etc If there are renovations going on at the B&B?? there was no sign of it. or at least anything major. There was no dumpster, trucks, and the Meri's yard looked nice not like workers had been going in or out. I also can't imagine a reno taking a year? My husband was on one of those Hotel Impossible episodes about 20 miles from Meri's B&B and they redid like 40 rooms in a week. There is NO shortage of construction workers in Southern Utah, 30-35% of men are employed in construction and work is cheap and fast, I just hope Meri does not think her B&B is going to turn Parawon into a Fixer Upper Waco type place. Lets just hope Meri will break even.
  10. The TV ratings system needs a major overhaul. I live in a place where very few people have cable/satillte and not many ecen have hulu or youtube or another streaming service for network TV (it is a religious thing). My daughter had some friends over last night and they all watched part last two weeks AI, along with superstore, goldbergs. middle. There is no way to count how many people watch on all these streaming services. I remember being a Neilsen family as a teen. I loved Days of our lives and I wrote in the booklet, that all our TVs were on Days and all ages were watching. There is just no real way to track rating these days. AI has to still be pretty popular with the under 40's since I see youtube clips of this years show with millions of views. Not a fan of this system. Seems like ABC wants to make sure they have certain people go through. The whole excitement of AI was America chooses.
  11. So in the next 3 shows will voting only be during the show for the EST? like the AGT save? Thanks for the information. I didn't know there was going to be 2-4 people going every week. I guess voting will have to be more strategic for super fans. How many past winners were never in the bottom 3 at some point. I guess some favorite will leave early.
  12. I also was surprised Effie did not go through (I wasn't rooting for her since she reminds me of Krissy from Big brother OTT), but she did deserve it over Garrett. I know AI wants more equal numbers of boys and girls but Garrett and Johnny are wasting 2 of the boys spots. I also predict with less strong boys, we will see 3/4 finalists be boys. So is the live show going to be on Sunday night and results on Monday? My daughter will want to vote but Sunday night is hard to watch live TV.
  13. It seems like 3 theories about Molly keep coming up, either she had zero attraction to Jon, was turned off by his unemployment or she got turned off by his immature ways. Lets says she had no attraction to him,zero. That she 100% knew when she saw him she would never be able to be attracted to him, could she have backed out? or is their something in their contract that says they have to get married? Since the weddings do not happen on the same day and the couples get less then 2 weeks notice, could the show not replace a couple with one of their second choices without us knowing (of course they should never show a couple that backed out). I felt bad for Jon going to have to tell his mom. He has said how his parents divorce was dragged out over years and how hard it was. I don't think he wanted to go through a divorce ever. At least his divorce to Molly should be very easy, just will take time for filing. I'm confused about Molly's backstory. Did she come from a wealthy family? I thought I remember she said after her dad died they had money issues? but then one week she said something about her high school, like it had an indoor rock wall? something that didn't seem like it would be a public school (unless in a high tax area).
  14. Did anyone else think it was odd that when Ryan gave Jackie the necklace, she tried to kiss him a few times and he didn't kiss her? It was like on her 4th-5th lean in he finally gave her a quick closed mouth peck. Either he was so busy talking he didn't notice that she wanted a kiss? or they just aren't on the same wavelength? I think Jackie wanted the necklace gift to be a more big romantic moment and Ryan just wanted to talk about where her got the necklace. Molly just annoyed me tonight. Somehow she is going to turn Jon into a mean bad guy. Does she forgot when she is talking to the women, that she told them she wasn't even holding hands or kissing Jon yet but this week she said she tried everything to make it work. I'm pretty sure if she had tried kissing Jon or holding his hand he would have gone along with it (or at least during the first few weeks) so no Molly you didn't try everything. I kind of feel like with Molly and Jon already done, the experts will put extra pressure on both couples to stay together on decision day and they will stay together, but for how long? My husband asked me if Molly and Jon could get an annulment because they never consummated the marriage? I thought for some reasons the people on the show had to file for divorce?
  15. I was trying to figure out where they stayed when they order the pizza in the hotel. They said they were still pretty far from Houston and it had been 2 days. I live in Utah and travel through NV, Ut and AZ every month and I my guess was either Southern Utah or NV. I was looking for one billboard because sadly due to medical travel I have them almost all memorized. I will say there are fewer obvious healthy options along the route she traveled but there is almost always a subway and of course grocery stores, though some close early. It is surprising to me how much of the desert (AZ/UT/NV) not only are actual deserts but are food deserts , medical deserts despite being in city of 100k people and growing. Lots of chains do not find it profitable to move such rural places when cities are so few and far between. I have never been into a Whole foods or a Panera Bread and just went into a Chipotle last year. Of course as I travel the highway that was likely taken by Jennifer on this trip I pack plenty of healthy food that is not found on freeway exits and lots of water, not just to eat healthy and to save money but these are some desolate highways, it is always good to have extras in case of not only car breakdown but road closures. I have been stuck for over 6 hours more then once not just do to weather but due to fatal accidents or police action. I can't imagine Jennifer with her stuck as a teenager mentality would do sitting on the freeway in the middle of nowhere. I noticed the door of the hotel they filmed the pizza scene had the famous, TLC is filming here notice. I wonder how much of the pizza scene was staged or encouraged. I would have also freaked out by the no power and the broken window. I would not have moved in but I also would not sign a lease site on seen. I have moved cross country 5 times and it is no fun but in 2018 it is a lot easier with Airbnb options to stay a few days while looking in person at long term rentals options. I wonder why Jennifer didn't look at any apartments or neighborhoods during her first 2 plane flights to Houston.
  16. Doctors are not responsible for post op care. If a patient needs post op care , it is whoever signs when the patient leaves the hospital like the person giving them a ride home is responsible, or if there is no one and much care is needed , a rehab facility might step in. My mom has had several surgeries orthopedic and neurosurgery and I have argued with doctors about post surgical care. I was very scared because I have health issues of my own to sign to be responsible for my mom 24/7 for 2 weeks when she refused to live at my house. All they seem to care about is someone signs responbility when the patient leaves or the patient goes to a care/rehab facility post op. The liability is off the doctor once someone else signs. If no one showed up for one of Dr. Now's patients I'm sure he has a go to rehab facility. We have seen several patients go to these. Steven Assanti did not have family stay in Houston, he had them stay a few days post op and then went home with that health aide helping him. While we all can know why no one wanted to stay with Steven for a year, most of the patients would be better off without someone there full time. Sara could drive and walk short distances. Her mom could have stayed for the surgery, maybe 2 weeks and then left. Sarah had never been on her own, she could have focused on going to the gym, meeting new friends and starting her life. Plus why do these people move to Houston before they are approved. Sarah lived there 4 months before surgery, it seems like this season it has been 3-5 months to get people approved. Can't Dr. Now meet with them once and then have a local doctor weigh them and do bloodwork/tests to to like a preliminary ok for the patient to be ready for surgery? It would not be a 100% approval but if you have gained 11lbs you would not move to Houston. If you lost 50lbs and had good tests results then it might be a more solid reason to move.
  17. I went to Cove Haven's sister resort Brookdale (we were allowed to go to Cove Haven to skate). I was so sad to see it is now sold and abandon. I brought my kids back years later because it had so much to do included. Didn't Jason and Courtney go to one of the Pochno's resorts for their honeymoon? I could have almost anywhere on my honeymoon but the Poconos even though some say cheesy had it all from indoor ice skating to archery to zip lines to paddleboats and pacman and not too much travel. Maybe if Ryan and Jackie had gone to a place like this they could have found a hobby they both liked. I think now another matching criteria has to be hobbies. Ryan has too many and Jackie doesn't seem to have any. Forgetting about his personality issues, Ryan needed a match that had the same amount of hobbies even if different like weekly scrapbooking/crafts, tennis nights, a marathon runner that trains daily.
  18. Glad to see the show back on Antenna TV (and in a decent times lot). The Jay Leno episode was on Today, my kids watched to see Jay in the day, Even with the cheesy fake backgrounds of the outside, the show was "realistic" in the way they lived, small apartments, no cars, the struggles. Too bad we can't have another resturant based show or Alice reboot, how many people work in the food service industry at some point in their lives? and there are so many good (funny and otherwise) stories to tell.
  19. There is also a difference since it airs on Sunday night. Sunday night has its staples like 60 minutes but it seems like when popular reality shows move to Sunday ratings drop. The apprentice and amazing race both were moved to Sunday night and dropped. Amazing race did better when it left Sunday and went back to Thursday. I guess we will see how the ratings do with live shows. Right now, I don't watch On Sunday(I'm not sure if it is just me but Sunday night I'm doing laundry, making sure the kids have everything for school and My husband is getting ready for work, I don't have 2 hours to sit live for a show) , I caught up within a few days later on hulu. I know my kids (teens) just watch youtube clips right now to see who they like. Will voting make people watch live again? I also am hoping for more judging. They keep saying they are looking for the whole package, look, personality and voice. I almost wish the judges would give number scores like the old Miss America, Like 8 for vocals, 10 for style, 7 for personality etc. There are people like Catie that are getting through based more on style and personality and need to know to work o the vocals, and others that are great sings but forgetable that need to know they have to bring something memorable in personality.
  20. I had been wondering why Jon had never recorded Molly before, even just a voice recording. Easy enough with today's phones. Is it because of the Mass. consent laws to being recorded? Suddenly they go out of state and he tapes her. Maybe he knew the time was coming to an end and he wanted to use it as proof in the divorce?
  21. The judges seem too nice? they really had noting bad to say. Johnny got the least positive review IMO and I was surprised when they put him through. How many pairs of plastic boots does Catie have? So far we have seen 6 different colors of the same boots? I'm torn about the choices. I think some of them were wrong but I understand wanting a diverse group for the final 12. As someone who has gone to the Idol tour, the best years had diverse group. My favorite year was season 7. I was not a fan of Chickze or Kristy Lee or Syesha but having , such a great mix, of rock, country, belters, dancers, it was a great show and it was the year I bought 6 different albums.
  22. I think these last few shows have been edited carefully to get enough footage to get all the episodes they needed. It sounds like Jon is saying he and Molly haven't been together (even as friends or whatever she calls it) for weeks. Jackie hands back her ring in NY and then after Jon saying a few nice words in front of the doc, Jackie is back in bed with him. I would have been pissed at Ryan when he said the teddy bear had to move. I am very surprised they did not tape Ryan at the Twin Towers. On Unfilitered, Ryan said they went to NYC because Jackie had friends in NY and he wanted to see the twin towers. I thought they would have had a moving segment with Ryan the firefighter with Jackie at the Twin towers site. I thought it would have been a bonding moment since Jackie said her brother is a firefighter too. Instead we got Ryan dancing with the naked cowboy and their fight out of nowhere (on the show, I realize Jackie had a lot built up. The show went from them laughing to saying divorce). Molly picking a 2? for how much she is still in the marriage. Is it because she wants to show that she was more committed then Jon?
  23. I wonder if this season is different since they have to meet each week as couples. Is it is their contract that they have to meet 6-8 times with the other couples? Jon and Molly might be forced to go through the motions more then Heather and Derick due to the way they filmed this season. If this is why don't Molly and Jon just enjoy the free dinner or activity and go home and not talk? My ex and I were legally seperated and I agreed to attend some work functions with him. I just enjoyed the fancy dinners, symphony and the time out and then we went back to our lives. Molly and Jon could do the same with the nights out with the other couples.
  24. I was excited for the show to come back. I am sick of seeing 50,000 kitchen redo's and like the idea of having ideas I could afford. During the original show My husband and I were renting a condo to be closer to a NICU. I took ideas from 3 episodes to use the the condo. The landlord was so happy he gave us free rent and I loved where I lived (and how well the condo functioned) during a hard time. Years later I own a large open floor plan home and I am hoping to see some ideas that arent's 50k redos to make today's open floor plans be more usable and functional. I was surprised they put Hildi on the first episode but I guess they were going for shock value over ideas people could use. I was hoping for Vern/Laurie Vern/Genivive first episode. Maybe it was the small bedrooms but it did not seem like a $2000 budget plus the extra wayfair bonus. I missed how much they used to go over the budget. I remember how much people wanted to change flooring, carpet, counters, or get a new couch and designers and HO's had to decide which big item was most important. It felt more relatable. Most people can only afford one big ticket item for a redo and then some paint or accessories.
  25. My guess is Ryan loves his truck. It is his big manly truck. Jackie said something about being excited to ride in the truck, so obviously Ryan elevates truck to some higher status. Taking the truck to NYC is confusing. If Ryan really loved his truck , would he want to put all those miles on it and then park in in a garage in NYC where it is out of sight and could be damaged. He would also have to remove all the tools and work stuff and then reload it for work. My husband has a truck that he uses for work he loves. We live landlocked so going for medical care or even special shopping is 600-800 miles. I go rent $20-30 Camry or Maxima put the miles on the rental car not his truck, plus it is a new nice comfy car for a long trip. My husband likes not having to take all his work stuff out of the truck. It is a pain to remove those large tool boxes and reinstall. Ryan seems to be smart with money buying rental properties, owning the paintball field, having a solid job with good benefits. On the other side he doesn't see anything wrong with keeping his apartment for 6 months and paying, all the money on nights out and small stuff like putting 500 miles on his prized truck or buying $10 scratch tickets while filling up. I wonder if one of Ryan's parents lets say his dad encouraged him to live at home and make wise investments while his mom babied him, collected no rent, did his laundry, cooked for him. On unfiltered, the asked Molly what she thought about Jon being unemployed. She listed off his resume that he told her at the wedding and she was okay with it knowing he could get a job. Then she changes on the honeymoon when he acts childish. Maybe his fun behavior made her worry more about him getting a job or his laid back ways got her worrying he would not try too hard or be unemployed longer then a few weeks. I listened to a podcast and the discussion was that when Jon is active , Molly seems warmer. Maybe Molly does not like coming home after work and Jon is just sitting on the couch. reguardless if he has savings or job leads, it could have been a turn off. If Jon was out volunteering at the boys club or with veterans, or even shooting hoops, just doing something a little productive might have changed Molly views. Im in no way defending her, I just and trying to figure out when the switch turned off in her head.
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