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Everything posted by silverspoons

  1. After seeing her stepfather I think he would try to intervene but I bet he does not because of Robalee. He seems quit a bit older, it fact I thought it was her grandfather. Interesting that Robalee married an older man and Nicole father remarried a younger women. Nicole must be getting a wide range of viewpoints since her stepparents ages I would guess are a good 30 years apart. I would love to know the Azan edit. How much does Nicole talk to him? Everyday? Do we see their only phone call or do we miss a lot? I do have the feeling she is being very pushy with him. I would think by now he would break it off, because is all her stress and now a possible wedding (to cancel) worth $500 a month. Azan worked in hotels in several countries before Nicole. i would think it would be easier to go take some hotel job in another country and find a new Nicole to scam then deal with Nicole. The reason I believe there is just no way Azan wants to make it work or has any real love for Nicole is they have nothing in common. I see no basis for a relationship. Nicole thinks he is hot but he is not attracted to her. They have very different faiths. They have different views on raising kids. They have different views on food. They have different views on health and fitness. They have different views on education. While I don't believe a couple has to have everything on common, I just do not see what they have to base a relationship on. Melanie and Devar obviously started with physical attraction, but they have similar work ethics, value education, and had similar views on raising kids so their marriage looks like it is working because even though they are not 100% alike they have a solid foundation. Nicole's grandfather is a pastor, I wish he would give her some pre marriage counseling in which he would ask these kind of questions about what they have in common. I imagine he would ask her questions like how will you deal with your different faiths, and Nicole would be like Grandpa it doesn't matter, whatever.
  2. I watched the 30 minute preview of sunday's episode tonight. Nicole's stepfather (Robalee's husband) gets it. He did not mix words and did not back down talking to Nicole. Nicole kept saying that she did not want him to talk about the money she sends Azan but he kept bringing it up. He wanted us to know that Nicole is spending thousands to Azan. Nicole was in denial basically about Azan being Muslim and what a wedding would be like in Morocco. His final words were that he thinks Azan will milk Nicole for every last nickel but at the last minute not go through with a wedding. He must have watched the show because he did not think Nicole and Azan ever had any true love that Nicole reports. I kind of wish Nicole lived with her stepdad and mom so he could be talking some sense into her everyday.
  3. Is there anywhere else to watch this? Hulu said they are having trouble loading The four (as well as masterchef and a lot of other shows), it is not on plex and my cable does not have on demand.
  4. The number that has been tossed around by Danielle , Nicole and David is $10k. In order to sponsor someone it costs or you have to have 10k available and then a certain income for the household, which for Chantel would be lower then David, Danielle and Nicole since they all have children to support. Chantel has some gaps in her life, so is it possible that after her college time in the DR, she worked , saved 10k and had enough income to support a 2 person household? Likely. Her apartment seems very modest , she has driven the same car so she could have saved it herself. I think the lawyer told Nicole a 2 person household needed 24k a year? Chantel with 1 normal job and her side jobs of eyelashes and cheerleading instruction could easily bring in 40-50k+. I do not think TLC would give any money to sponsor anyone. They are very cheap the first season (of almost all their shows). If someone gets very popular after a few season TLC will offer more but the first season is crazy low. TLC has filmed in my area several shows and most people say it is the perks, free food, travel, that are better incentives the first season then the actual money (which is usually less then 10k).
  5. I think Mae was 2 in the first season , we did not see much of Mae because she was left behind in the US that season. By looking at Nicole's social media Mae was born in Late 2013 or early 2014, so she is about 4.5 years right now. Of course who knows when TLC filmed these segments. Chantel has said it has been 11 months since the DR 2nd wedding which was the end of last season. Molly/Luis and David/Annie seem like we picked up about 6 weeks after the last season ended. Nicole , I have a funny feeling was not going to be taped until the K1 was approved or now the K3 visa started so I think her taping timeline and edit is off for sure.
  6. I was shocked to see so few episodes too. I thought we would get the original designers and then a bunch of episodes with the new designers. I used to watch every week but this time around Saturday night is not a great time for us. For some reason my on demand TLC keeps the episodes locked? my cable provider can't get it to work for anyone. I don't think it is the budget. I think it would be better if the designers got to see the room they were going to redo via a video a few weeks before. Then the designers could show us how they go online or to stores and find deals and items. getting good deals takes planning and is not a 1 day project. We are selling our home and I spent the last year planning for the little upgrades I wanted to do buy carefully looking online. I;m lucky to have a very handy husband (but trading spaces has professional carpenters). I got a upholstered cushioned bead board window seat with storage built in for under $100. I redid my laundry room, new cabinet doors, hardware, counter tops an trim for $250. Everything I bought including bedding drapes, shades all took careful planning and price watching. I really miss how trading spaces used to show us every nickle spent on paint and supplies. This season I watched Vern;s episode and he said he got the headboard as a sample. We never got the price or how and if we the public can get great deals on samples. Ill give it a chance next season but not any special episodes like the ones that had Nate & Jeremiah or the carpenters switch. I just want to see useful projects and how much they cost and how to obtain the supplies.
  7. Is it too late or not possible for Azan to get a 2 week tourist Visa to America. I think seeing Nicole's apartment and life for even a weekend would make him rethink his plans. Lets say his secret plan is to stay with her for 2 years and run, could he really live in that apartment with her for 2 years? Our city has the senior citizen world games, and is does not seem hard for anyone (including family) to get a 2-4 week visa to come here from over 50 countries. Is it hard to get a tourist visa from Azan's country or is he flagged now that he applied and got denied for K1? David's interview I think was set up for TV. David used to be in some sort of local politics and he was basically just going to meet up with a old connection. There was no real job posting available. David just seemed to be feeling out if the old connection could help him find a job or make up a job for him. I think this was not only done for the camera but to show Annie he was "trying" to get work. If David was really teaching English while in Asia then should he be that ashamed of his work history. If he really had a great degree and 20 years of great work history and then he moved to Asia to teach, why is that horrible? I get the job market is harder over age 40 but some employers might like a person who lived overseas, maybe learned another language, and had teaching skills. The employer does not have to know about a divorce or health issues. I see David and Annie in an MLM soon, vitamins, water or coaching...or whatever the latest MLM scheme is. Maybe David should ask Kody Brown what the best MLM is for reality stars.
  8. David and Annie edit seems off? First the son is moving in with him because he has nowhere to go? David and Annie state they do not talk to his older daughter at all. Then we see David and Annie walking poor Jacob down the hall to his sister's. After a few minutes time, talking with his daughter poor Jacob says it is time for him to sleep and he goes into a bedroom at the sister's house. The whole time David's granddaughter is hugging and laying in Annie's lap. This does not seem like a child that has only met Annie once at a wedding? I think Jacob was staying with his sister after the accident and David just came by to visit. It also seems weird that Jacob is going back to be with his mom who is suddenly so stable, who has an excellent job as a critical care nurse, insurance and a home? and a few weeks earlier David says she dumped him off with no where to go? I had heard rumors that the ex wife was on her honeymoon (David said she got remarried) when Jacob got shot. I can believe now that David or TLC made up the whole the mom dumped him and I took him in when in reality the mom was gone on her honeymoon and her absence was taken advantage of for a storyline. I think Paolo had miscarriage and was sad about it but either does not have all the facts yet or took one thing the dr said and is focusing on some worse case situation. Taking a pregnancy test and having a miscarriage 2 days later is usually a chemical pregnancy. It is very common with first pregnancy. If she is Rh negative there are Rhogam shots for that, I have a clotting disorder and had to take blood thinning shots to stay pregnant. It is not ideal but honestly most of my worry was cost of the shots(like if insurance stopped paying for it after my 2nd trimester it was about $1200 each refill) , not a bruise or pain. Paola certainly seemed to stretch her stories about her life in America. Like Russ lost his job and she had to move to Miami to get money to support them? Russ and her were fine in OK after he lost his job. They had a nice home and he had 1 year severance pay and he had job offers just not where she liked. Then she says she could not visit till she worked and saved enough for the tickets for her and Russ?? Russ was never without pay between the severance and the new job. Paola wasted thousands on trips to Miami and then paying rent in Miami just for her, forgetting about the money for the pictures, the agency and the $450 hair. One ticket from Miami to Columbia can be bought for one trip to the hairdresser. I hope one of those family members helps keep Mae behind in the US. If Nicole has dreams of running off for a year to Morocco let her but leave Mae behind. I was surprised the Molly was driving tonight? She has always been driven around and I had seen a few people on this forum and other places say she does not have a DL. I think her story is getting a weird edit. I think (and hope) her brother or another family member was with Kensley. Remember Molly has a few seasons of her own reality show. I think she knows how to carry a storyline. She was telling Luis he had to take care of Kensley like it was school days she was leaving, pack her lunch, check her home work etc. Then Luis asks why Kensley is not going to be with her dad for the weekend(which most parents would switch it they had work), and molly had mentioned it was a work 3 day weekend convention. If Molly leaves on a Friday and comes home on a Sunday, there is not too much homework or packing school lunches. I think Molly wanted another season of the show and created this whole I am going to try to make Luis be a good stepfather as the story line but she knows he is not interested and she is just prolonging breaking up.
  9. Thanks. I did not look in the Live chat thread. I looked at the page and the social media links. He seems a little rough around the edges and has some strong opinions. I hope he was not just in a bad place in his life and Erika showed up at the right time and she gave him a home, a sense of being needed, kind of an instant life. I guess it all depends on who Erika is, we only saw her struggles from her apartment she likes sports and has some artwork? that had to be blurred so maybe she is into the "bad boy".
  10. I hope I'm right but I don't think Mae spends as much time with Nicole as some think. The first time she was on, Nicole's sister said that she and her mom have Mae a lot. This was before Nicole went to see Azan the first time. The sister took Mae for those 6 weeks, but had said she had Mae a lot before that so Mae was comfortable staying with her. It appeared Mae had her own bed at the sister's place and her grandmother's house. Nicole's one room studio is on some church property and her grandfather is a pastor there and her parents have ties to the church. I hope I'm correct that Mae is being raised by the whole family. While not the ideal, having lots of people care about Mae is a good thing. There are so many kids worse off. I was shocked when I moved to a very Mormon smaller city in Utah and found 1 in 20 kids are homeless in the school district. It is not kids on the street but kids living cars or if lucky getting to sleep from couch to couch. Some of the abuses of small kids are horrible but invisible to most people. Mae has a roof over her head, food, is clean and well dressed and has family that loves her, she might have a mom with her head in the clouds, sadly she is better off then many kids. Of course once Mae starts kindergarten I hope that she will have one stable home for the school days at least. I would love to know where Mae's biological dad is. I have read he is still in TX but conflicting stories if he wants to or has tried to be in Mae's life.
  11. It was nice to see someone who was not cheating on the diet. Did we even see one fast food stop? Jimmy sure popped up fast. While I am glad that she had someone supportive, I hope he is there for the long haul. I was surprised Erica mentioned she was thinking about marriage and having kids with him at the end of the episode. Isn't she 45. I guess maybe she was thinking adoption? but that might be a hard path too, if she is not finanically stable and has health issues. Did the show ever say what Jimmy did? What made me worry a bit was it said he was in a 15 year marriage that ended. Then he is suddenly living with Erica and we never saw any kind of job, Just him and all his stuff in one duffle bag. I just hope he didn't find a comfortable old friend and find a way out of post divorce life turmoil. I was confused when she told Jimmy that she gained the weight from 250 to 660 when her mom died a few years ago and then Doctor Now said the mass he removed had been there for 15 years? What were all the blurred out photos all over her CA house? There was the Shaq #34 Jersey that was not blurred but the living, hallways and bedroom had many framed pictures/photos hat were blurred? At first I thought were they pin up girls? or Pictures of Erika ? There were too many to be some favorite family member.
  12. I always thought Bill had and made more money? While Doctors make good money , it is usually a set salary 250k-300k for a hospital employee (Obviously some speciality surgeons make much more but Jen's field will always her to being an employee of a hospital), which again is great money but doctors salaries like Jen's are capped. Bill owned a medical company and that call center when the show first aired. There is an episode season 2 that shows him visiting his company in NY. Then he went into the pet business and now is working on several other businesses. He also has some some of consulting for small business. There is really no limit on what Bill can make. Plus once he got money it seems he has invested in rentals and other solid long term money makers.
  13. I really want to see a Magician win and Shin was good, but I think I would like a magician that does more then card trick, especially on such a big stage. I was surprised at the group that got the golden buzzer. At least it wasn't a child singer. It seems like many of the contestants come from other shows or viral videos, does AGT still do auditions around the country or just fly people to CA that they want to audition?
  14. Several of the cast members use different names. Supposedly Jorge's real name is Andrew and Chantel is CeAir (or SeaAir not sure I've seen it both ways). Not sure exactly why since they have made their lives so public?
  15. I did not watch the original show except for an some reruns over the years. I usually don't care for shows that make anything political, there is enough of it in the news. I want a sitcom to make me forget the real world. I was surprised that I liked the reboot. I liked the issues they tackled but in a light enough way that I didn't feel like yelling at the TV. I would have liked to see the many more issues that they could have show. It is a sad year for comedies. Bye to the Middle, LA to Vegas, Superior Donuts and now this show Not all of us want dramas.
  16. I don't think David or Nicole could work at Chick-Fil-A. AT least where I live they hire only very positive always friendly sweet people. All summer it is over 100 where I live and the poor Chick-Fil-A girl that stands in the direct sun taking orders, is always so nice and says she loves being outside in the heat with a smile. I can't see Nicole or David giving happy customer service everyday to every person. If Nicole can work part time at starbucks, she should consider working at a grocery store that gives regular raises and just stick with it. David need to find some sort of online customer service job or to sell life insurance or real estate. I can't see him doing a 8 hour work day standing or moving around. While a stroke 4 years ago should have motivated a 45 year old to get in shape , it has not motivated David. I do think he hopes to move back to Asia at some point. I think they are only in the states for Annie to get her full green card or whatever is needed for her to travel back and forth to Asia. David and Chris had talked about starting some business in Asia and I think that still is the plan even though TLC is showing drama. When Nicole's apartment was first shown, someone had commented it was a complex for single moms struggling. Section 8 is the first thing that comes to mind or some sort of reduced rent. It has been since proven the apartment is on a church property that her family has ties with. The church lets struggling people stay there. Last week we saw Nicole and Mae behind her apartment at some sort of lake with a beach. I looked at the property she lives on and it has so much to do. Her place might be dumpy but there is NO excuse not to get into shape or at least have so much to do while waiting for "My Love" Azan to call. It has indoor and outdoor activties, like basketball, volleyball, canoeing, tennis, multiple pools , trails, all right outside her door. I wonder if that is her real apartment or just where they are filming? Maybe they are not able to film certain parts of the property that have much nicer units? Many reality shows are having problems filming in neighborhoods , churches , and hospitals. I know one of the realtors on MDL spent over 30k renting an apartment to film in because his apartment would not allow filming. Sister Wives moved to the overpriced cul-de-sac with a gate so that TLC had places to park trucks and put eqipment behind the gates so it would not bother others. I wonder about other 90 day couples, Chantel, Anfisia, and Paloa all drive nice cars, have the clothes and makeup and lifestyle and have been seen living in hotels (now Chantel is in that small studio apartment?) , maybe it is because it is a place to film?
  17. I don't care if David's son is 18, he should not charge him rent. As his son is moving in, David says, "I left when he was 14 and didn't see him for 4 years. I am hoping now I can reconnect. His mom moved and he needed a place to stay for a few months so he is staying with us". If David truly felt bad about missing his life from age 14-18 and really wanted to bond with him, he should be thrilled to to have the oppurtunity to spend a few months rebuilding his relationship. Even if his son has graduated high school and has a great job and is accepted to college, any money his son is making David should let him spend on college. David sure isn't going to be paying a penny towards his son's college. As for Annie , if you marry someone with kids, you have to expect they could need help or come home at anytime. Of course who knows what David told her about his kids. Annie's description of his daughter, yikes! Annie does not like her. David's daughter exposed some filming secrets and Annie's past so Annie must be getting back at her with the harsh words. I thought Pedro was pretty rude. Maybe Family Chantel is snobby but take advantage of the nice cabin and try and have a fun time. I hope this is the end of Nicole and Azan and she could take care of Mae instead of spending all her time and resources on "My Love" but I'm sure we are in for much more. Poor Mae on that gross floor playing with a few Mcdonald's toys in a diaper. It was sad to see Paola's grandmother so ill. I'm glad she and Russ got to see her. I knew that the heartfelt moment would be quick and the rest of the trip would be wild Paola. If it was my family member dying , I would be spending all my time with them. Maybe I would eat at my favorite resturant or go visit family but my main focus would be the dying family member. Why do I feel Paola will be running it her BFF Juan soon.
  18. Danielle's RN is an ADN program at one of those more expensive private colleges that do more hand holding and promise to help you pass the boards. It is not a University BSN program that I agree can be very challenging. I hope that Danielle got some single mom grant and is not taking out lots of loans. We live in an area that is in desperate need of nurses and my mom has been struggling in and out of the hospital and care center for 5 years now. From what I have seen many people in programs like Danielle's end up working at nursing homes and care centers. My mom has had plenty of male nurses that lost their jobs and went to one of these expensive but quick ADN programs and are now working at the nursing homes with pretty routine mundane night shifts of changing IV's, taking vitals and paperwork. All the ICU and ER nurses have come from the BSN University programs . Danielle was a CNA for a long time. I hope this expensive school can help her pass and she can work in one very specific more care taking nursing job she could master, like a rehab or nursing home taking care of one type of patient. My big concern is during a shift she looks at her social media! Can you imagine her telling poor patients all about her social media problems. If you look at her social media on Sept 17th 2017 she posted a picture of her psychology paper she got a 40/50 on (I would say it was generous grading compared to my professors). To make the most of my overpriced unlimited internet, I had watched a live stream, from last December with David's family. His ex wife looks so much younger then him and so normal and friendly. David is looking like a very old 49, his ex is in her late 40's and David looks like he could be her dad. His ex seems like she is focused on their kids and has given up being bitter. His kids were upset of the shows edits and having to redo scenes or having scenes put in the wrong sequence. It really seems like David is looking for easy money. I get this gut feeling he and Annie might be playing it up for the cameras to make themselves more controversial to ensure TLC keeps filming them.
  19. An example is Comcast/Xfinity (except for a few states) has a 1 TB limit. Anything over a TB is billed usage like a data plan. 1 TB is pretty large amount but some of the smaller cable companies have much lower limits. My bill is high because I pay centurylink for 4 DSL lines and a special modem to be able to take 4 slower lines and make a fast connection out of it, and it has no cap because it is considered business level of service. Then as a backup I pay a small amount for a cable broadband service but it does have a cap 100GB. I checked and 215 companies have caps in the US right now. To give a good reality comparison , where Kody and the sister wives used to live in Utah they had 100 gig (yes gig!) service no caps. Where the FLDS (warren Jeffs) polygamist live the internet still dial up with all usage billed like data( and it is not just polygamists, if you watched the Bachelorette Emily's winner/choice Jeff, his hometown was filmed in a mutli million dollar home in a gated guarded community and he got the same dial up service that the FLDS get). Internet is very unequal in America. I saw a fascinating documentary on bringing high speed internet to inner city Detroit ,using stores and churches to broadcast signals off of so unwired older low income areas could get service.
  20. Caps mean you only get so much usage for free and then you have to pay. If you stream alot and have a gamer or work from home, it can get expensive. Kids on reality TV especially TLC have been a long debated subject since the Gosselin kids. Mae gets nothing and TLC doesn't care. CA/NY had right for kids filming since that was where most child actors were before reality TV came along. Jon Gosselin fought for laws in PA for his kids. FL where Mae lives has no protection. Nicole could take Mae out of preschool or elementary school (lets hope they are not still filming then) to film and no one could stop her. Some families like sister wives and little couple try and not film during school and have limited amount of times cameras are around but they are able to negotiate that since they are the primary stars. Nicole gets a small paycheck from the production company not TLC. It has also been confirmed by other TLC participants there is no health coverage or other benefits just $$ per episode. There was a fascinating conversation on celebrity big brother between Omarosa and James Maslow about having enough hours on reality TV and getting a SAG card and then being able to get insurance, retirement, and other benefits It was interesting to see how they really wanted to make every nickle they made stretch with every possible benefit (the other stars didn't care a bit about the benefits). I'm not sure if Nicole or other 90 day participants have had enough hours to qualify or if they even know about the options. It is not something the production company would offer her, she and others would have to do their research and apply.
  21. TLC is one of a handful of stations I keep cable for. My big issue is internet caps and decent internet service overall. I currently pay $336 a month for to ensure good internet and no cap. We are looking to move and every house I look at I check internet and so many companies have caps on how much you can use, I'm scared because I'm the type that likes TV on in the background for noise or fall asleep with the tv on. Plus it surprises me how much of our country still has low speed internet. I'm still searching for my perfect city, decent priced housing with good internet, safe school and close to medical care. I'm sure Nicole will have to move when Azan comes here and I wonder how much she realizes the real world costs. Watching Nicole, I wonder if we are seeing what Danielle was like 25 years ago. At least Danielle wanted out of her low wage job and wanted her to own a home not rent. In Danielle's 3 years on TV we saw her buy a modular home and she is an RN program. Nicole seems to have no motivation to do better. It has been 3 years since we met her, and there isn't a better job, more then a rented studio apartment, and unless she is hiding it as a big secret she isn't going to school. You would think there would be some sort of assistance or program for a struggling single mom living in one room to go to a trade school or community college. I hope Nicole's mom is aware of preschool programs and summer programs that Mae could attend. I have this feeling looking at the apartment and hearing Nicole's sister on the show. Mae spends more time with her grandma and aunt then with Nicole. Let's hope that is true.
  22. It must have been a real "winner" that is Mae's dad to 100% not want anything to do with her. I can't imagine someone has not told him his ex Nicole is on a TV show. Nicole's mom said this is not the first time she had Mae call someone else daddy so given the time frame , it is doubtful Mae's biological dad spent any time at all with her. Molly was on a show on lifetime before this show. It was about her bra store and helping women find bras. I watched some of the episodes on the lifetime app and Molly was more likeable on her first show. Molly was going through child support and custody issues during that show. Kinsley has a dad that is in her life or at least was during that show and was wanting more time with her. He was not some no show deadbeat. I think the important thing to Molly was being married. She has said it over and over, she has never been married. She had 2 kids, had a successful business, nice home but she really wanted marriage. I think her idea of marriage is a fairy tail, sorry Molly you had 2 kids with 2 different men so if you marry a new guy, you are not going to get a perfect mom and dad family unit. She might have the family house, family car, middle class life but she just can't change she has 2 men in her life forever because of her kids and a 3rd via marriage (who knows for how long).
  23. I think it was the edit by AI and the media. I didn't know until the mother's day show, Gabby had a mom in her life. The AI story was Gabby and her dad. I thought he was a single dad. Then the mom showed up on mothers day episode. Then we find out she has 7 siblings. I can't believe AI didn't want to show Gabby's big family? It was just Gabby and the dad. I felt kind of bad for the mom, she had 8 kids and it was just Gabby and the dad shown. But maybe the mom was not wanting the spotlight or I can imagine must be stressed with 7 kids at home and Gabby away. I think it was more AI fault for not giving us the full story. I wasn't wanting dirt, just maybe a quick segement on the siblings, names and ages, maybe how the parents met ? Until Maddie won I didn't know she had 2 sisters or anything much about her background. I still don't know if Caleb has any siblings? AI really focused on a few stories early on, the 2 male contestants with babies, Jurnee and Ada and our final 2 got very little back story told.
  24. I'm pretty sure it was confirmed by a local that Nicole's apartment was either section 8 or subsidized housing complex. I wonder if Nicole has thought ahead and knows that bringing Azan here will likely disqualify her for being able to keep her apartment. If he is not able to work for the first year or more and Nicole in the last 3 years has been unable to find or be motivated to find more then part time low wage food industry work , I guess her mom or dad better be getting the guest room ready. While Mohamed seemed alright around Danielle's kids before the marriage, I was pretty disgusted that he dragged them into the divorce. Danielle and Mohammed went back and forth on the social media stuff and Mohammed loved to call the police on her. Fine that if it was between them, they were 2 foolish adults. Mohammed called the police on her daughters over social media posts and computer use. The time that made me feel really bad is when he called on her daughter that had the learning disability and was pushing for her to get arrested over something silly like using the computer. From the report the poor girl was scared. I know Danielle is very needy but she should have waited 4-5 years to go looking for an overseas man when all her kids were grown and out of the house. Then she could be as foolish as she wanted with her choices. I also can't believe Pedro and Chantel had no idea of the cost of the tv, I'm sure Chantel sent Pedro plenty of gifts in the DR before they married (even if it was just teddy bears and framed pictures) to understand shipping costs. There is something off about Chantel and money. They live in the studio apartment (that she complains about),yet she drives a nice car and is going back to school for a different degree. She is 26 and on her 3rd different major/career and complaining about the money Pedro could wants to send home. They need to sit down and just lay the money on the table. She needs to admit her debt and her future school costs and they need to have a budget. I don't think it is realistic he will give up sending money home, so they need to agree on a dollar amount or percentage. Like 10% of Pedro's money can be sent home, so if he wants to send more, he better find a good job. Maybe Melanie and Devar should have a crossover episode with Chantel and Pedro so Melanie can explain how sending money home has worked with them (Dont bring that cute baby Melanie, Chantel does not need a kid yet).
  25. I listened to an interview with Chris on youtube (on Auntie's advice channel) . Chris said he is no longer paying for David. It seemed like it was at his wife's pushing. He and his wife also talked about how manipulating the editting was. That they were asked a question multiple times over several weeks and the "best answer" was spliced in. They also said they helped David and Annie come up with a story on how they met so they could get on the show. They talked about scenes being staged. It was brought up that child support was most likely David's money issue(so I guess that would imply he is not working a paycheck job because the paycheck would be taken for support?). I have seen TLC film in person and everything that was said by Chris and his wife seemed like what I have seen.
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