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Everything posted by silverspoons

  1. I found the article that showed just 3 couples. It was US weekly. I don't think it has been changed to add AJ since I first saw it. I know it was up before thanksgiving because I was on a big brother site and saw it. https://www.usmagazine.com/entertainment/pictures/married-at-first-sight-season-8-couples-revealed-meet-the-philadelphia-based-pairs/will-guess-and-jasmine-mcgriff/
  2. Same here. I've gotten to be a toilet paper snob and like one brand. Costco does not carry it anymore and these 4 rolls equal 24, I think is a total lie! My husband feels like we are always running out. It is one of the few things we disagreed about, but if toilet paper is one of your big disagreements then I think we will be okay. Plus easily solved by my husband building a shelf into our girls bathroom(my daughter and I get the big master bath and my husband and son get the basement cave one, that has also made for happy marriage) and stocking up during a Kroger case lot sale every year. 50 years! Wow, I'm only close to 20! I love my reality TV but I'm thinking with MAFS the first 2 episodes and the final one are the only fun ones to watch. I enjoy seeing matchmaking talk, the families and couples meeting and the decision. The middle is just filled with the experts saying, remember this is a legally binding marriage and the couples saying I got married at first sight because... Of course I will still get sucked into watching.
  3. She had a breakdown while visiting my city as a tourist, it was 5 years ago. There was a very bad traffic backup and we are landlocked city. I think she felt trapped or something. I felt very bad because it showed she could not even enjoy her money and travel. There were tons of school kids trapped in this traffic, and were in a much worse situation then Susan (buses had low fuel and no food) and the kids had no issues, in fact they were highlighted on national TV for helping and being so calm during the long delays. I hope she has a say in what she wants to do and did not sign something that forces her to do this show. I know my child with autism who is an adult now and very high functioning, tells me they are happier sometimes at home. They hate Disneyland. Everyone tried to push them into Disneyland but it just is not enjoyable with the people, noise, it is just not fun. they would rather go out to dinner with a few close friends and watch foreign films then join us for Disney.. My child was so much happier and less anxious when high school was over and in college could choose classes and times for classes and their job. It is hard to watch at first my child turned down a big name college for a small focused degree school but was what works for them, they honestly say they just want a certain job, not be a boss or make huge money or a huge house, a job they love and that will give them a basic decent living. I just hope Susan who seemed to love her little home and cat was not pushed into something more. These reality contracts are crazy. I have signed a few to be extras or background and it is pages and they give you literally a minute to sign or you cant see the show be filmed or be on TV. Lets hope Susan has honest management or lawyers helping her.
  4. I think the large debts are because of Doug's surprise student loans. I'm not a fan of Jamie's interviews but I would have been pissed if I were her to find out at the closing table of your first home that your husband has over 50k in student debt that has to be paid before you get a home. Student debt can't go away. I think Danielle has posted her big debt was from an emergency medical need and she was paying down the bill. Hospitals in many cases will work with a lump sum payment (or at least wipe away fees and interest) that MAFS would give (remember Bobby said , Lets use the MAFS money for the debts?). Jamie must be really committed to marriage to take what she did, especially with the massive debt and Doug's lack of steady good employment. I can also see money being the biggest issue for Bobby and Danielle. It seems like producers don't look as much into the details as we do but I would hope they are seeing how important money issues are. Criminal records should be a given that they are checked and double checked but debt should be handled individually. Some people think student debt and credit card is normal and some are outraged by it so hopefully it is a matching criteria. I married my husband and he had no debt but used cash a lot so his credit was not that high. It delayed us moving into a home while I got his score up. Now he has great credit and is better then me about everything being on time. He just never had anyone tell him paying cash is wrong, or the fact he had a debt free home made his credit score lower. He did not know credit scores are a game. he thought paying off a house in your 20's is smart. So it is not like someone with small debt or a lower credit score is going to be horrible in the long run, here could be a simple explanation. I do doubt the experts spend much time on this. It is probably more about who will make good TV over who will be together 10 years from now. I wonder if they do get more if they stay together longer? If they do get an extra 10k for staying together after the decision show, why not stay together on the day, lead seperate quiet lives for 8-10 more weeks and break up quietly and get an extra 5k each.
  5. I was happy to hear her son talk. He is either very shy or does he not know English? I just hope Leida's priority is getting him ready for kindergarten since he is 5. I wonder if she understands the US school system. I think I would not like to be her son's school teacher this year! Poor ex, does seem like a decent guy. I bet he answered in the middle of the night thinking it was for his son and got to be on TV instead talking about a teenager being too messy. I'm glad to see this board is still up. I checked this morning a few places that used to post 90 day stuff and they were taken down.
  6. Is she comfortable singing and being on stage or just on the show for money or the show wanting her for ratings? I have a child with autism and they hated being on stage. They were in the orchestra and even though they were a good player, the teacher would let them sit in the very back on the side to avoid feeling so nervous. Susan can sing but I just feel bad if she does not want to be on stage. She seems like it is best just to make albums and do pre-recorded singing and interviews in a comfortable space.
  7. I was disappointed in only 1 person going through besides the golden buzzer. I'm glad it was Preacher over Bianca. Susan getting the golden buzzer? She looked uncomfortable. She barely spoke, and looked robotic. I was surprised she is only 57. Is she still phobic of performing? I remember she had some mental health issues when she visited my city a few years ago. I feel like they brought her back for ratings and gave her the buzzer to ensure she will be there for the finale for ratings.
  8. If you are in St George , is pretty small, you could hit many reality spots. I know fans of sister wives or polygamy shows make pilgrimages here. Boo Hole park (where Asuelo learned how to ride a bike is right off exit 12! My thought when Kalini said she was pregnant was how is she paying for this? The welfare fraud to pay for maternity care here is so rampant even with devout LDS because of limited health care options here. Kalini went to the new best OB/GYN clinic. There are honest people who pay cash but they usually go to a very good family doctor that offers lower cash prices not the fancy new clinic. There is no CA plans to work where she was going to the doctor. There is only one marketplace plan and the cheapest doctor hospital birth with the one plan is still 5 figures but if they are both unemployed, it is hard to get on this plan(I spent hours trying to get a family on the plan with no luck because they were not working) I'll just think positive thoughts that her family is paying for the best clinic for her. I don't mind the living in the basement. It is SO common in southern Utah. Rent is crazy high here, it is considered worse the San Fran, plus we almost a 0% vacancy rate. Jobs are plentiful but not enough to live (unless you bought a home years ago). My son has over 40 high school classmates married already and at least 20 live in the basement. A 2 bedroom apartment if you could find one is $1400, a 3 bedroom basic home closer to $2000, it might not seem too high but the wages are low, average is 22k a year or a family 48k. the average family income could barely qualify for a 900 sq ft 2 bedroom 25 year old apartment in poor repair. If you are lucky to have a basement to live in like Kalini , then life is great for these young couples, nice weather, low crime, family friendly life. The goal is to live in the basement for 5 years to save enough to buy a home. Until 2018 this was doable but impact fees (due to the lack of water, fast growth and need for more services) and lack of non BLM land made building new homes go up about dramatically. I sold my home for 35% more in 2018 then I would have gotten in 2017 because of the lack of new housing. Kalini might be stuck in the basement longer then she expected. There is tons of work so if Asuelo really wants to work hard or two jobs in construction or troubled youth programs he could make decent money. As for Asuelo hitting himself on the show last night, I hope Kalini comes out with some response. I've seen many guesses but I'm not here to dx someone. I just would like to see her or his explanation or even some of the other cast members reactions.
  9. I'm not a psych major , but I did wrote my thesis and spent years researching religion and live in Southern Utah near them. Asuelu was born and raised in Samoa. It is a very relaxed culture. Her father is a mormon (former Mormon) living in America of Samoan decent. Sure there is some culture that is the same, the dances, he food, the love of family but it is not the same. There is a large Samoan Mormon population at my kid's school. They are all very tight knit families. the most tight knit, I will give you every penny I have, almost communal living type families. They men work hard, 2-3 jobs , hard work, study in school, practice sports to be the best and if they are active Mormon which most are, they are very active devout (more so then the mutli generational Mormons that have lived in Utah since Brigham Young). I have seen a few Samoans come over here for the first time and they are much like Asuelu, laid back, friendly, and struggle a bit with how much order and schedule we have in America. I think there is a lot of scripted parts of their story. I do not think the family hates or even dislikes him. I think the father wanted Asuelu to prove himself, like get 2 jobs and start providing. I think that is why they came to Utah. It was very easy for Asuelu to find work asap and good paying work. Since they had a "free house" (kind of wonder if it is a retirement home? a trilevel home in a non retirement area, small rooms mutli levels?, there are tons of retirement homes in St George , this is not one of them)., it was easy for Asuelu could go to work right away and they could save money. This is very common in our local Samoan community, families live together or take care of each other to the extreme for the couple to get a good start. I know people wonder why her sister is so attached or the family is so invovled but this is normal. No questions asked you take care of your cousin , Aunt, nephew etc. It can be free housing, meals , paying bills. It is very nice to see family take care of family to the extreme. It is very hard if you do not want this life and are trapped in it. I have seen a few young people have a tough time breaking away. Kalini I think is lucky her sister wanted to slightly break away, travel and party a bit but they both still rely on the family for some support so they were getting the best of both worlds. Kalini should be thrilled that Asuelu is okay with her family. If she had a Jewish or rich white guy (whoever her dad wanted her to be with) it might be very hard to for them to accept family 24/7. My close friend almost married a Samoan and after seeing the family come over all day, she said at 11pm they would break out the grill and invite the family over to your house on a weekday! and they wanted to be part of all aspects she backed out. I know several other stories of marriages (temple Mormon marriages) not working out because of the extended family influence. I think Kalini and Asuelu will be fine, I think the family likes him and they will raise their kids and have a good life. They are out and about in our city and seem like any other couple, doing the same activities and having fun. As long as they get to stay in the free house , they will have a very decent quality of living, Asuelu will have a local Samoan community for support along with warm weather and plenty of work options.
  10. Thanks I just searched and found the pictures of the ceremony in Indonesia. Looks more like a wedding and it had screen shots where he said he got married. I think it might be good if these 2 move away from WI. His kids need a break from the drama and it does not seem like his presence is adding anything positive right now.
  11. There was a caller on a youtube podcast that said Ledia and Eric never got legally married, at least no record in WI? Has this been proven or not? When her whole family came over with her, I thought why did she need the K1 visa to come see Eric? Her whole family seem to come to see America for a few weeks like tourists. I also have always thought it weird for a "rich" family not to have at least her mom fly over for the wedding. I can see her sister had her issues with Eric and her dad might be busy, but some family could have come over. Either her family is really happy she left or maybe they had an official wedding in NYC and just filmed the WI for the show?
  12. I also thought of Rodney Dangerfield in Easy money or Back to School. One of my friend's growing up had a dad like Rodney in these movies and his marriage worked but it took a special women to appreciate the high energy levels and comments that were not always appropriate. Im not sure if Stephanie is the right women for AJ. It either is going to be a total disaster or a very fun relationship to watch.
  13. Maybe it is a TLC thing about wanting their stars to be victims of the adoption system. All I could think of when Whitney said focused only on the BMI issue with adopting was when the My 5 wives Rhonda complained tha adoption agencies were against polygamists. Rhonda they were not against polygamist, maybe it was because your spiritual husband had 25 kids and a failing business that they were not considering your application. Just like Whitney could get married and lose 200 lbs and it would not wipe away depression history. These countries have rules and it is their right to make their own rules. I wanted to adopt from China and my medical history had what they felt was a heart condition (it is actually a genetic vascular condition), even though I was healthy , had 4 empty bedrooms and extra income, they do not let people with my "heart condition" apply. I could have been sad but I just found other avenues. I had a friend stationed in GA (close to SC Whitney) and she adopted a child very quickly. There was an urgent need for adoptive parents who were open to a baby of any race and some or one with health issues. Before I could get to GA, Our local school contacted me and we ended up taking in 4 local children over the next 6 years who needed temporary homes. It was not what I ever thought I would do but it was some of the best family memeories and rewarding times of my life. I can bet Whitney wants some perfect newborn delivered to her doorstep on a specific day. Ugh! My husband wondered if Glenn's hearing aid was staged? I have spent way too much time at the audiologist with my son and I have never seen then have a family member test and score someone? My guess was he already had the hearing aid and the day was staged. The parents seem to be the most loved cast members and I guess they need a story besides listening to Whitney whine. While I do enjoy her parents , they need o do something fast to get her to be less dependent on them.
  14. Everytime a family member of guest said AJ seems excited or happy, I yelled at the screen he is drunk. I worried a bit when he said to Stephanie let me fill your glass all the way up and said something like they will need a lot of booze to get through this? I guess at least the booze if he did drink loosened him up to have real wedding photos in case the marriage works! I remember Pepper going through Mia's bra drawer, it is not what a sociologist does? The toilet paper should be a good sign. He is a bachelor and has a fully stocked bathroom. My son has friends in the college dorms and a few are always running out. They borrow a roll to take with them from our house. Plus maybe he buys a large package an saves money? Either way as a women I would rather marry a man with a well stocked bathroom then a bare one. I would think it is a sign they are more ready for marriage then not. Kristine and Keith are the couple that should not have been matched. I;m not expert but money is one of the biggest issues in a marriage. If one of Kristine's top requirements was someone that made more money then her, the experts should not match her with a man making about $15 a hour. I have had kidney problems and I have respect for people who work in dialysis but it does not pay well. Keith is 30 so he should have at least by now become an 2 year RN or advanced somehow in his career to make more of a living wage if he wanted to. I doubt Kristine was saying she wants a spouse with a higher income because she is a goldigger. She might want to be able to stay home with a baby for 6 months or have a spouse with a salary and benefits since she is in a commission based profession. Look at Jamie Otis, she wanted to stay at home with her baby but got underemployed Doug. I have a feeling most of these "55k" applicants are not the whole package the show makes it seem. I read an article on E! that asked past couples who they thought was a good or bad match. Ashley said Kristine and Keith were a bad match and Jephite thought they were the best match!
  15. I listened to the 55,000 and I think that is over the whole series, like all the seasons. I doubt 55k applied in Philly. Just another way to make these 200 people feel special. I wonder how many of the applications are fakes, jokes or people just wanting to be on TV for a minute or see what the show is like. I can see people being drunk and signing up a friend as a joke or people being curious about how it is filmed and signing up. Yes, it seems like the reason for AJ was he was so outgoing and peppy (or good for TV). It is like they wanted the opposite of Jon. they found Stephanie , like Amber 35 and wanting marriage asap and family. They did not want another Jon so they cast my excitement. I think This might go the opposite way,as much as Stephanie wants to settle down, AJ might be too much for her.
  16. That is the first thing I said when I saw the experts argue, was this taped later. I saved a still of the experts during the argument on my DVR to compare the hair styles to the end of the season. Dr Pepper had some unwashed looking messy hair so that might give us a clue if this taped early on or after the season. I can;t imagine she would have that hair color and style for all 7 weeks.
  17. I had heard about back up couples before and wondered if one of these couples is a backup. The first article awhile ago I read only had 3 pictures of couples. AJ the CEO of the talent company and his wife were not pictured. While I much rather see a backup couple then have another Mia that you know will not work out, I hope this couple is not staged to be a success story.
  18. The limo is part of the package at the wedding chapel they used, even the cheapest $300 package includes the limo. The place they choose is actually one of the better deals in Vegas, for $300 you get the decorated venue, minister of your choosing, limo, and a video of the wedding. The cheesy Elvis one that Jay and Ashley had cost more and no limo or video. I'm just surprised Debbie did not have a skirt or dress. I appreciated the pink as a gesture but slacks at a wedding? and then the cousin in his Friendly's shirt. All I can think of is the ice cream place Friendly's but in Vegas it is a repair company. Did Leida ever say she was happy to be married to Eric. I heard her say she was happy to be in America. Happy to get her dream of being a doctor in America. Happy to be in the best country in the world but did not hear much about her love for Eric. Also just loved how she said having the youngest daughter there was enough, they did not need all 3! Her poor son looked so bored. I have thought maybe Eric was excited to have a son after 3 girls, might have been part of the appeal of Leida, he gets a son, but not a baby , and the father of the son will not be around. It was sad that Leida's son was not part of the ceremony? a ring bearer or Eric could not have had him next to him like a jr best man? Won't comment on Kalini except I say BS on her story as someone who lives in Southern Utah.
  19. This has never made sense to me. I could see him being stressed about school and taking 6 months or a 1 year to work a retail job buts 4 years and he is not back in night school or trying for management. I had a friend that was burnt out in medical school and worked at a garden center watering plants on her time off. She never told her co-workers about medical school and just enjoyed a stress free job and fun co-workers. I always laughed when I would visit her because her boss would say maybe someday she would be able to work the service desk and he had no idea in a year she would be a doctor! Some parts of superstore are realistic and other parts like Jonah are not. How hard would it be to show him a few times a season rushing off to take night classes? He could say night school is going to take like 8 years because he can only take one class at a time so it could force him to stay at Cloud 9. Our local retail stores are full of teachers working second jobs. It is sad to see. I think it would be interesting to introduce a one of Glenn's kids teachers as an employee.
  20. I live where Kalani is in Utah. the speed limit is 85 on the Utah side 75 on the NV. If you go under 80 on the Utah side you are just as dangerous, most likely dangerous on the NV if the traffic is heavy as speeding. I would never ever pull over on the side of the road. It is scary to get used to (I came from an area that was still 55), There are many times the traffic is going 90-95 solid and you are pushed into that speed. They have been thinking of taking the speed limit away. Southern Utah is exploding with growth like crazy, but one thing it lacks is medical care. It is 300 miles to the closest doctor for many specialities , so if you go 90-95, it is a little under 4 hours to the dr and you can do it in one day. People want the speed limit to be dropped so they can get to the dr in closer to three. Crazy. After seeing where she lives in Utah, the father's story, don't want my daughter with Samoan, I call BS. Our family tried to guess before the episode aired where the home would be. There is one very Samoan Mormon area and we all decided to guess other areas because of the edit so far. We guessed area that Californians buy second homes in, retirement area homes, homes where her family might have a business, but they live in the older Mormon Samoan area. Kalani acting like she had never been to the home? no way. The parents have owned that home for awhile, many years so I find it hard to believe that she has not been there. My gut says her dad owns a business and has her brother working it in Utah and Asuelu will work under the table. If not there is plenty of work he could do in the area, there are ads for day workers, or just hard workers for construction labor everyday for good wages. It is good if you are an Asuelu fan , he is in an area where there is plenty of great Samoan food, culture so I'm sure he feel be at home and hopefully make friends. Fun reality tv fact, Kalani's house is about 4 blocks from Sister wives, Robyn's first house (the one Kody courted her in).
  21. Maybe that is a clue of why they moved to Vegas from Seattle? She said her husband bought it for her. I think his dad died when Colt was 14? So she has had that machine for at least 15 years? Maybe her husband and her got married in Vegas. maybe they liked to take trips to Vegas or maybe they lived in Vegas years ago? Those slot machines are pretty cheap so for Mama Colt to have moved it around must mean it has value to her.
  22. Colt's mom said they had lived in Seattle until about a year ago. The cousins live in Vegas. This makes sense how they might have knew he had a girlfriend but never met them. Im more curious why he moved to Vegas from Seattle? Too very different places. I would think Seattle would have more computer related jobs and jobs in general then Vegas.
  23. I wondered if part of the permission had to do with letting the film crew in too? Remember when the Duggars went to Asia and a producer of the show went into labor. The hospital not only said no film crew, the father was only let back for a short time (It was either for a few minutes during the birth or after). Of course the Asian hospital looked modest but very clean and professional compared to Olga's. I guess I wish Steven's grandma or someone in his life would give him a talk about the basics or money and having a family. Would he not have hired an lawyer to do the K1 process? I would think the lawyer would explain that Olga can't take welfare and he or the sponsor is going to have to pay for medical bills. I'm not trying to be harsh because I hope they can make a life for their family, but having a baby in America is not cheap. As long as Olga and the baby com out fine, it is probably better the baby be born in Russia for free, then have then start out with a 5 figure debt having a baby in the US. Young marriage and having babies young is very common where I live. Many young men don;t go to college and start families but they search for whatever job has insurance. It might be literally digging trenches (we recently had a sewer repair on our street and 3 young men dug around the house for 8 days, but the job had benefits and paid $16/hr). I'm hoping Olga who at least with being bilingual seems like she might have a little more education behind her, will come to the US, and be able to get more education and maybe she is the one who helps Steven navigate starting a life.
  24. I had wondered if Kalani was coming to Southern Utah. I know she and Asuelu were here at one time but I was not sure if they were just visiting national parks or family or living here. It makes a lot of sense if they are or were here. Southern Utah has tons of 2nd homes for Californians and a large Samoan community. As much as it may seem crazy to viewers that she quits her job and moves to Utah, I think it is part of her culture. I also think with all of her father's complaining about her having a baby and marrying a Samoan , he should consider that not everyone would find it normal to go live with family and have family be so much a part of their lives. I had a close friend that was considering marrying a Samoan man and she just could not because the family was there all the time. They would pop in at 11pm and start cooking a full like thanksgiving size meal. Granted when you have small kids the extra help is nice, you must be willing to have an open door policy. I also wonder if they are coming to southern Utah or Utah so Asuelu can start work, plenty of under the table construction work here and a huge need for all trades and people willing to train. Maybe they just did not want to say on TV? Literally any able bodied person with no experience but willing to work hard can make $20-25 an hr to start and learn a trade and if her family owns a home, the rest of the cost of living is super cheap. Plus with a large Samoan community, you will find cultural events and plenty of food (in fact I went to the best Samoan food truck last weekend, the whole family works in, they have the small children up to the grandmother working, the truck is owned by one of the younger men but the whole family pitches in). Johnathan and Feranda story line seems to be moving quicker? they are already on month 2 and some of the others have barely been here a week. I kind of feel like their drama is manufactured. So far if it was not for finding the panties and jealous club behavior, there would not be much of anything to show. I also wonder about Ledia's medical degree. She said she could just be a general practice in her country. Her father is a cancer surgeon trained in her country. So does Ledia just need a residency in the US or to start medical school over. I have seen both happen. Some countries require you to start over and some just require a new residency. Either way Eric's hometown is not the ideal lace for someone looking to further themselves in medicine. Most places that have lots of teaching hospitals are in large cities and large cities and expensive to live in. I cant see Eric moving to New England and paying the cost of living and as a resident Ledia would be making peanuts for at least 3 if not more years.
  25. Las Vegas is the closest city to me. I lived most of my life in suburban New England so the desert life is quite a shock to me. Just throwing out a few ideas. First off me don't know why they are living in that house. Remember how many people laughed at Brett (of Brett and Daya) when he lived with those 2 co-workers in a rented room. He was just trying to save for a home and once he married Daya they got their saved till they could get their own home. Safe affordable Las Vegas housing is a variety of stucco boxes with slightly different floor plans. I posted before I thought the 3 level house was one of the better options. Colt and Larissa have their own floor in that home, bedroom, bathroom, and spare room (looked like colt had computer stuff in it) and Colt Mom had her own floor. This is much better then a large one level rambler for privacy. Plus Colt is into gaming and works with computers. Good internet is a must. Internet can stink in some areas of Vegas. I lived in a mutli level home for years and just moved to a very large one level and I have 3 internet providers I pay , spent $800 on routers and I still cant get good internet on the one level. maybe they choose this house for internet. As for the car, the sharing thing is odd but the old car is not as much. I never drove an old car till I got to the desert. I always had a newer snow safe car. Now i is sunny 350 days a year, so cars seem to last longer. Plus I have never had so many people bump into my car, I fixed the rear bumper the first time and it has been dented 3 more times so I just let it go, plus I have gotten countless dings in the parking garages. It is so hot you want to park in the covered area but it seems like people just bang into your door all he time. Of course I rent a nice new car if I travel out of the city or have family in. Can rentals are so cheap, under $20 for a full size or premium car. I dont think Colt should be a Jorge , renting a car to show off, but to pick Larissa the first time and show her the city , maybe he should have. I would never make my college age son move out unless he was ready. Rent is outrageous, $1000 for a decent one bedroom. I would rather see him get a debt free education, save for buying a condo, and have a good start in life. As long as he pays for his personal expenses and is respectful , he can use his bedroom. Seems a waste for me to have an empty bedroom and for him to pay $15k a year to live in a one bedroom down the street. Of course I hope by 32 he will have his education complete and be secure. I really think there is a missing piece to why they live together, hopefully some great sleuth will uncover it for us.
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