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Everything posted by silverspoons

  1. Auntie said she is interviewing Larissa live on Thursday night! She will be asking about her kids, her new boyfriend, and the go fund me money. I can't wait. Auntie will ask all the stuff we have been wanting to know. She has offer Colt an interview if he wants one after Larissa to say his peace.
  2. I still am confused about America's 50 states vote. From what I have read, these were people backstage voting during the shows and it was only 1 person per state? So explain how Darci did not win America's 50 state vote on her episode but comes in second overall beating people who had come in first. so these 50 people all changed their mind. This is Nothing against Darci, she is very talented, I just did not like this unexplained voting mess. I was happy with 4th and 5th place but I kind of wish the sand lady won. Shim , Darci and the sand lady all were great but Darci and Shim have won and have shows and solid futures. I would have liked to see the sand lady (see I don;t even remember her name but loved her talent) win and get a career out of her act.
  3. More important why is that prison not trying to find out who is bringing the drugs in or how they are so accessible? I had a senior citizen neighbor that refused o pay a $65 fine for a seat belt violation and the judge said he could serve a day in jail and the fine would be gone. This 70 year old guy said , fine, feed me for free and wipe my fine away, I will go. He came out saying he could not believe in his 24 hours how drugs and other contraband were so readily available.
  4. Has anyone watched the bonus scenes? There is one with Clint and Tracie and I am so confused about the timeframe. Her hair goes from blond to the 2 toned look (that she left jail with). I shows her having to rush to get a form signed and they are in Houston, far from the jail? She has no shoes, and is wearing pajamas? Clint gives her his shoes to wear to the court building? When did this happen. I thought she got her hair done, the got married withing a day and then he woke up crying. There seems to be another day we are watching at least in between. And what happened to her shoes? Does jail not have you leave in shoes?
  5. I see Darcy posting filming with her new man. She never seems to be at home. Does she have custody of her kids? or did she just kind of pretend to on the show and her ex does? How can her girls be in school and Darcy be gone so much, the ex lives in another city so it would be hard to commute kids back and forth to middle and high school. I'm not excited to see Darcy again. I assume she got the job because they are starting a new spin off and wanted a familar face for viewers.
  6. I watched the women that set up the gofund me (I thought it was her friend's mom not her room mate?) talk about what happened in court. Tasha did not have 2k for a retainer and there was not free legal aid in her area she could get (they even tried others cities) . I can believe this because live in an area that has no free legal aid and lawyers all ask for big money up front and I have seen so many people in these situations. I have tried over the years , even though I am not a lawyer but did start law school, help women in our area at least fill out paper work or explain their rights, because so many are pushed around if the other party has a lawyer. Leida had a good laywer because they found a loophole of how Tasha could not defend herself. Somehow Leida had 3 posts that did not mention Leida's name that were the proof, when Tasha tired to show a post to defend herself and it had Leida's name, it could not be used because Leida's post did not have the name? Crazy? Plus the judge thought Tasha was the cause of all of the hate and lose of money for Leida? I guess the judge never saw the show or know that Leida was not fan favorite. I think the gofundme can;t mention legal stuff, remember Larissa's had to be taken down when she asked for a lawyer for her DV case? I hope Tasha gets this off her records and moves away. I hate that Tasha would have to move, it was her town first? but she needs to go find a college to transfer to next year in a new city and start over.
  7. I think this is a club that has a high entry charge and picks up everyone in a limo (normally). I just wonder how is Larissa getting paid? Is she just doing it to be a star or is getting paid under the table? I guess only in Vegas a month before you go on trial for DV can someone host a party at a strip club and feel okay?
  8. TLC does not pay them it is actually a production company, for 90 day it is Sharp Entertainment (they also produce love after lockup and the same crew is filing Colt and Marcillino(sp?) and Brittney). Sharp pays the couples based on production costs. That is why some TLC shows stars make more then others. It is usually 10% of production costs goes to the people on the show. The production company can pay for food, travel expenses but not living and legal fees. I know on that Amish show, Sabrina was homeless in her car and they wanted to film her and helped her find a place to stay for a few weeks to film and it was very controversial since after they filmed , she was homeless and pregnant and they walked away from her. What I am wondering is happily ever after , the season that starts next month that Colt and Larissa are suppose to be on was said to have already finished taping. Remember they were married in June so they were filmed all summer and fall. So is this new court house drama for another season of happily ever after or will the edit it in to this March's season? If it is for another season, maybe they have found a way to pay her? or are waiting for the divorce to go through to pay for the season and find a way? or maybe they pay her friends she lives with and not question that her friend will pay her under the table?
  9. What do they loose if they walked. I know they will not but unlike regular BB, where the HG stipend means so much to them
  10. Ryan was telling part of his backstory to Ricky, Ricky had said he had never heard it and seemed very interested. Ricky was saying how he had been suspended before and making Ryan feel comfortable to open up. The feeds cut during Ryan's story about the Olympics and then when they came back on Ryan was upset, Tom and I believe Dina (Dina had been listening) were comforting Ryan. Tom said something like i is one thing to pick on me, but Ricky made 12 time Olympic medal winner Ryan cry, and how that was not cool and that Ryan did nothing (like was not playing games) to deserve it . he was just trying to talk and Ricky picked on him to such a level. I am more curious what happened with Joey. It was during the haunted house. Joey was mad. he said Ricky was saying horrible things to try and get a rise out of him and whatever it was , it was very personal (not like you are whimp in the haunted house or you are the worst at the comp or even your acting stinks, sounded more family related?) After that I think Joey just wanted to leave the house and was happy to go because he did not want to be around Ricky.
  11. Didn't Jonathan say he would not vote or show up if it was a Ricky/Lolo final 2?
  12. I'm surprised at Ricky being some people's favorites. Just curious if you are rooting for him, how much feeds did you watch? I watched way too much (you can tell by the number of updates I did). I found Ricky's 0 to 100 anger issues more disturbing then the girls. The girls picked about petty stuff and took lets say one statement and turned into a 3 hour rant and fight. I did not like watching this behavior but it did not bother me as much as Ricky. Ricky sometimes would ask a question or be doing his healing work and then go from friendly to making people cry and upset. I saw him push Tom's buttons, thought it maybe was game play or just they had a feud but when Ricky made Ryan cry, that was just not nice. Ryan was nice, he really didn't know how to play the game. He was just hanging out and talking. Ryan was not gunning to get rid of anyone. So Ricky going from friendly fireside chat to anger was weird. Joey reported this as well, he said it was off feeds Ricky 0 to 100 anger made his blood boil and it took everything for him not to react (but he kept telling himself he has kids and not to react). Maybe it was a game move to be angry? but I don;t see anyone Ricky sits next to that he wins with. Ryan, Tom, Kato, Joey, and Johnathan and not voting for him.
  13. That was a bad ending of the feeds but I guess that sums up the season. Tamar starts talking game and the feeds cut. I assume Ricky and Lolo will stick to voting out Kandi. Who to root for? Dina?
  14. Orwell is in the table with a red ribbon? Is this a new Orwell or was he loved and fixed up?
  15. I have been doing most of the night updates but have to start later. Tamar's volume was too much for our house this season. I have a 3100 sq ft house on one floor. I tried so many different rooms, but in order to hear the other HG I had to have the volume at a certain level and if Tamar came in the room with her honking or whatever her noises were, it woke up wither my husband, daughter or birds.feeds have maybe woken my husband up 2-3 times in 10 years so Tamar's volume was excessive. I tried to come do night updates every night(I only skipped DE because I was too upset and needed a break) but I did see day updates were lacking. I think many are disappointed in this season. Lets hope for better BB21 cast please.
  16. So Kandi has found a way to study with a deck of cards. What does the ace of hearts mean? She has been looking at it for a long time?
  17. I don't understand Keith having nude pictures of his ex. It is one thing to save a picture of maybe once in a lifetime or event that an ex was in but not nudes. Having nudes at all is kind of high school. I hope the show gives Kate some therapy , Luke comments could be long term damaging. I'm not seeing her as a the strongest women after being so hurt by her father and the divorce. Luke could not come up with on example of her drinking but still her knowing her husband told multiple people she had a problem must be hurting her so bad. I found it interesting to see Stephanie was more of a sports fan then her husband. She did not want to go out to eat till the next break in the game. I think AJ is just used to eating, sleeping, and just living by himself on his own schedule and it is hard to get used to having to be flexible. Here to hoping he will learn before Stephanie gets frustrated with him.
  18. Orwell has brought much joy and comfort to many houseguests. Unlike regular BB, CBB seems to have more toys and props to amuse the houseguests. We have seen some lonely BB players feel like Orwell was their only friend. I got a stuffed bear when I was 2, I still have it till today, do not sleep with it but it is on my bookshelf in my bedroom (and when I have surgery or am sick my husband will bring the bear to me). My teenage son had surgery and brought some Japanese stuffed animal with him to the hospital (and it was pink but he is 6'5" so no one said anything). My daughter takes her lucky webkinz with her to academic comps. It just shows that a stuffed animal in the real world can be used for comfort or soothing. i can imagine in the crazy house CBB2 has been some people might need Orwell to talk to or hug when all the crazy going on. I know Tom had orwell sleep with him and Dina and Kandi had him as a 3rd for cards. I have gone back and forth on Lolo this year, hoping there was some good that was hidden under the anger or a reason but last night just hit a nerve. Not sure why. I was trying to do some updating since at night their seems to be way less feed watchers then usual and I had thought everyone was tucked into bed at the time. Then Lolo woke up, get a bowl of cereal, kilsl Orwell and goes right back to sleep with no words but He is dead and I hope they have a replacement. There was something just off about it and I have watched the middle of the night feeds for many seasons and seen some odd stuff.
  19. I live on the border of NV and have done legal work in mostly UT and AZ but a few times in NV. Some of it has to do with polygamy so a women with little to know education and 10+ kids does not get alimony then Larissa is not. The one case I know of in NV recently, wife moved here to for her husband's work, did not hold a job for 7 years and had 2 small children. he cheated and left the state and she did get child support but no alimony (just some back bills paid to make the house bills caught up and then it was her choice to find a way to pay or move out). Alimony (depending on the judge) is based on years married and many judges won;t even consider it till 10 sometimes 15 years. I could see possibly a one time small payment perhaps to help her get into an apartment but kind of doubtful there. Look at Luis (with Molly) she divorced him and he got nothing, he had to give back his phone (and charger, she made sure she got back that charger!) and he was to be deported but found a new women to be with fast. Judge did not care that Luis could not work or had no money and Luis had no criminal record. I just wonder if TLC has found a way to pay Larissa and that is why they were there to film today.
  20. Today was Larissa's court date. Just her lawyer showed up not her. It says she will be having a bench trial (I believe this means a judge decides) in few months. Debbie showed up at the courthouse and TLC so I guess this means we will be seeing this drama on TV for probably 2 more seasons. Larissa also responded to the divorce and is asking for alimony. I can't believe she thinks she can get this for a 6 month marriage. I know people married for years in NV that do not get alimony. Child support always, alimony is much harder to get these these days
  21. Lolo killing Orwell, not acceptable. I hope someone tweets Josh what Lolo did to his pal. She did not even laugh, just tossed him off the balcony and then back up and said he is dead and let him lay on the floor and went to bed.
  22. I am hoping for the sand artist to win but I feel this whole Champions was set up for Susan to come back and win. Since America does not get to vote I have little faith in whatever this 50 states voting system is. I would have rather just had the judges choose.
  23. Coming into this season I did not have a favorite, I tried to find someone to root for and there is no one left. After tonight I don't think I even want to watch the feeds. Tamar's loudness and behavior is just too annoying. I think having so many house guests that are so clueless about how to play the game has made this season hard to watch. Lets hope BB21 has a great cast.
  24. Ricky, anything for a vote. I could not take that sweating! Yuck! he did not even go wash his face.
  25. I got a bit of a Jephte vibe from Keith tonight. While I do not think Keith is going to cheat, when he said he wanted a baby to play with between school and work! I reminded me to Jephte who really seem to want a baby (or lots of babies). Keith and Jephte both have families that came from the islands and seem very laid back. Keith and Kristine need to remember the show is paying for them to play house and in a few weeks it is back to Grandma's or pay rent for the first time. I too did not understand Luke calling Keith an alcoholic. It must be an edit? I bet Keith asked Luke a question or made a statement that bothered Luke that we did not see and Luke feeling insecure perhaps made a jab back. The husband's all seem to know about the repulsed an dead inside comment. But what a weird jab. While I do not think Keith is the perfect package, we have seen nothing that even remotely says he drinks a lot. I think Luke wanted a party wife. It was kind of weird that the other three couples each had 2 friends each over for the party. Kate invites 2 and he invites like 32! Plus the first few friends that came, did not even know Kate's name or face. I know not every friend could come to the wedding but if I had a close friend getting MAFS I would text and ask a name or for a picture? I wonder if he asks lots of friends just to prove he has a lot or to keep him busy and away from Kate.
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