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Everything posted by silverspoons

  1. The judges each get a save? If the do, Evelyn will get saved by Katy. I agree about Laine. They had to have brought him back for a reason. He did not fly to Idaho to support a friend, I;m sure the show fly him in. Then he gets the first spot which is not as good the pimp spot but he was not stuck in the middle. Overall I think the show wants a man to win this year. I can't guess who is going home besides Eddie. I do think the judges 3 saves will be used on Evelyn , Alejandro, and Wade (or Riley).
  2. If you look at his SM, he has a good number of posts of him over the years in the break room, he does not seem that happy with his job. While I get everyone has bad days, the only days he posts seem to be not that great. My gut says that he is in the medical field because it is a solid recession proof job and it allows him to work a bunch of shifts and then travel to the islands where his dad is from? You are correct about classes being redone. My husband considered nursing school because I had a dream of living in a cute small town that had little employment but a medical center. He had everything he needed , grades, test scores, but by the time he was going to start his chemistry classes were became 4 years old and they would have to be redone. I looked at Kristine's SM and she studied to become a realtor in 2014. Still unsure what she did before that? But Keith and Kristine both look like they had a party side in their younger years. Keith unlike Kristine, does post about his family, he seems very proud of those women in his family that take care of him.
  3. I looked through Keith's instagram now that it is public. I had wondered how long he had been in college and working as a tech. He has been at the same hospital as a dialysis tech since he started posting over 7 years ago. In 2013 he says he has one more year to go on his nursing degree, seems like he at that time knew he should be done. So 6 years later and he still has 1 year left on his nursing degree? It also showed his mom and his sisers graduated from college during the same time (his grandma sure seems like the backbone supporting the women getting degrees). I hope Kristine lights a fire under Keith. It seems like from his SM his last 7 years were pretty much stuck in a rut. No way he will become a doctor at this speed.
  4. Also notice the hashtags, Hoverhand and Imnotafan and his hover hand is over Luke. Some people think AJ is too outspoken, but I love that he is willing to call it like he sees it with Luke. Kristine already owned at least one home if not two. I had posted in another section, that a few days after decision day, Kristine had done a rental deal. I wondered if it was for her and Keith. I know nothing about Philly real estate and someone had shown she owned at least one property if not two, both were lower cost and maybe flip homes? If you look at her listings she has sold homes in Philly from 10k to 250k so there is a wide range. If you do not have kids going to school, I assume like most cities you do have a wider choice of homes to buy if you are not looking for a certain school district or family friendly housing. If Keith is still planning on medical school, then I bet this home is some sort of investment or flip which would be great for them to make some money. I doubt it is a forever home, because the chance of getting in med school and residency in the same area they buy a home is next to none. I'm glad Kate is back to having her spark. I peeked at her SM and she travels so much and sings and plays the guitar, so many pieces of her we did not see on the show. While I am glad she is done with Luke. Moving on within a month of the show might be too fast. I think the show should have given her free therapy with a real expert.
  5. Dancing with the stars Jr was taped in the summer and aired in the fall. It had no public voting. It felt kind of rigged. The audience which is full of family ? and ABC guests got to vote for who they liked the best and the lowest vote getter went home. The vote was instant , at the end of the episode. While I think a talented girl won, I felt like many good dancers left early. I guess I do not get Pumpkin's story in between commercials and how it fits with the show or real life. She is saying Geno is the reason for the current problems?, yet he is getting this great guy edit right now on the show and in real life June is begging for him to take care of her saying he is okay. I also understand some of these episodes have far fetched story lines. I do not get this Pumpkin moving out? June does not take a $1 store pregnancy test and somehow already has plans for a nursery and kicks Pumpkin out. Pumpkin can sign for what looked like a decent apartment without her or Josh having a job? and why could Pumpkin not get out of the lease of even try? If June offered to pay 3 months of rent, I;m sure something could be worked out with the lease. Of course it is better for Pumpkin to be out of the house. I saw Pumpkin on her live chat and she was not living at June's but it also did not look like this apartment. It look like an older 2 story house?
  6. To be a realtor, you just need to take a short course and pass a test. Since it is a commission only job, there will be a broker who is willing to give you a chance. I know lots of successful realtors and I would say half went to college. It is one of those jobs that rewards hussle and hard work over formal education IMO. Look at those million dollar listing agents, they are a mix of high school grads and college grads but they are all very successful.
  7. The NJ/NY issue was not that bad for the couples chosen, but it seems like season 1 took longer to match and was done more carefully? Doug lived in NJ with his parents and Jamie was a nurse in NYC so they moved to NYC since she had to be near her work and he was leaving his parents house. Monet lived in Harlem near her work. Vaughn lived in NJ but he worked all over the region. he had bought his house the year before after leaving the military because he was in the reserves still and the home as near the base. He moved to NY since his work was in multiple states and it would have been harder for Monet to leave her place (plus she loved her place, his place was more of an investment). I agree about the commutes in DC area. I hope they think of that along with careers. Some people maybe live farther if their work was mostly from home or a few shifts a week (like a nurse). This is another reason each season needs a local expert, a local expert would understand commutes, cost of living, wages , and differences in the 3 areas that make DC. I know the show will never give up on the expert panel, but having tha guest local expert in each season that would be a phone call away if your spouse turns out to be nuts is better then a flight away with the current experts. I live in rural Utah and people are starting to get upset over horrible traffic as our area grows. horrible to them is taking 5-10 minutes longer during certain times of the day, I love the traffic problems in my area after, outside of Hartford and being stuck for over an hour each way. I used to leave at 6:30 and get home a 6:30 at night for a regular work day. Now I can leave for SLC at 6:30, drive 300 miles, go to the doctor , shop, eat and drive 300 miles back by 6:30 (just to note the speed limit is 80-85+). Just shows people who live local compared to someone outside think very differently about the same set of commuting facts.
  8. Just saying there is a big difference if Keith was trying to get a degree for 12 years or 2, If he just started a degree it is realistic for Kristine to wait a few years for kids when he has a career. If he could not finish a degree in 12 years, then it is not likely he will anytime soon. Also if Kristine had some wild years, or dropped out of college, maybe that is the reason she would be more understanding of Keith not being settle at 30. If Jasmine married Keith she would have never accepted him being a student at 30 and not being on the perfect track. Kristine shown as a career women like Jasmine for some reason was okay with Keith still working on himself. My fear is they match different political views just to get a train wreck of a couple, like a Northern Virginia guy with a women from Southern Maryland. I could see the experts saying they both love their family and wants kids, they will learn to accept each other beliefs.
  9. DC is the next city after North Carolina. They are casting for DC right now. I would guess we will not see DC till next winter?
  10. With Kristine and Keith we have some big gaps in their lives. This is what made me question if they were a horrible or perfect match. We can assume both graduated from high school. We know Keith has lived with Grandma from 18-30. We do not know if he became a dialysis tech at 18 or 28. It sounds like he has been doing it for at least a few years and he has been in school for a few years but we do not know if it has been 3 or 12 years. Keith could have been bagging groceries for 10 years or trying to get his degree for 10 years. I have a hard time believing if he is working on a nursing degree, he could be doing so for 12 years unless he is a big slacker or is just taking one class at a time(I don't even think nursing schools let you do this towards the end, maybe for prereqs) .We know from the phone pictures that he had a long term girlfriend and that is about all we know. Kristine post high school, did she go to college? You do not need a college degree to be a realtor. She lives at home but said she lived with her boyfriend for about 4 years, it sounded like that relationship was when she was 23-27. She has been a realtor for about 3 years so what was before that? Kristine was very clear about her future plans or what her plans were before Keith, become a broker, build her brand, buy a home, have kids at 32 but we know little about 18-30 for her too. The reason it matters is what if Keith started nursing school a year ago after realizing that he loved his job but wanted job that he could support a family on, or has he been working on it 12 years? What did Kristine do from 18-27 before she was a realtor? She might be more understanding of his schooling if it took her 9 years to find a career she loved. I 100% agree he needs to stop at nursing and not go to med school if he wants to make it work with Kristine and have a family. For the time, debt and lifestyle nurses and NP are just a better choice for someone in their 30's
  11. I think the ask questions about sexuality because remember that threesome story Molly told them and it was rehashed after many episodes. I don;t know if the ask them if they are gay (I would imagine it would be on the application, it would be interesting if someone could get a copy of the DC application), but it seems like the experts have asked about experimenting in the bedroom and wildest times, probably more for pre-match clips.
  12. I have had kidney issues and I agree Dialysis tech is a tough job, I would say the hardest part can be emotional since you see the same people week after week , sometimes for years for hours at a time and then some pass away. It is a very under paid job. It is an honest living but sadly in a major city it is barely a livable wage. However with a year more training a nurse can easily make a good wage and even work in the same area (Dialysis). If Keith could just finish that nursing degree.
  13. I rewatched the slap, there is something off about the scene , if you can rewatch and tell me what you think. The slap sound is very loud, like skin on skin loud. Luke was wearing shorts (and mostly likely underwear) , no way he sound would have been that loud. Then why was there little to no reaction, Luke turned around but no one said anything about it. A few comments later , people said tone it down AJ. While I think AJ did not want to be at the shared mini moon and was drunk, I think the scene was go an edit for drama.
  14. Reunion was the last week of Jan? Decision Day was around Halloween? I am happy with what happened tonight. 2 couples that had no chance of long term success broke up instead of saying yes and breaking up in a few weeks like past couples have. I think AJ and Steph have the best chance. I hope it was a bad edit or filming for his worst moments. His 3 repeated highlighted bad moments are not wanting to be bothered on his honeymoon, not wanting to put a shower caddy in a small shower stall, and calling Luke out for liking boys and slapping him on the butt. All these events now that the season has ended and we know more could have been edit to look worse. Keith and Kristine, I'm glad they are going to try. If I were Kristine I would want to see by this summer, how far did he get in school over the school year, did he finish 4 credits or 32 credits? If he is motivated to stay married and have kids, he will show Kristine by at least staying on track with school, 12 years for a bachelors while living at home is not the fast track! Once they have to find an apartment , it will be telling how they will workout money since neither has paid rent (Keith has never paid rent and Kristine it has been 6 years?). Looking forward to the reunion show!
  15. Their divorce is final. So much for happily ever after. Time for her trial for the domestic violence on Thursday.
  16. Lets say AJ behavior is 50% filming stress and 50% him in real life. Steph seems to have a full life, working out, job that she has to travel for sometimes, friends and family, AJ has his business. It is not like they are going to spend 24/7 together. She might be okay with him being fussy once in a while or tell him to blow off his steam when she is at work. They might find a way to make it work that way? I also do not think Steph will make a real commitment, like having a child or buying a home with him until she is 100% sure.
  17. It seems like the girls are either better or I just remember them better then the guys? Was Laine the only country guy that went through? I remember so many county guys getting a Golden ticket but just Laine going through? I was surprised by a few people that went home or maybe it was that we saw so much of the back story I thought they would go through, Shay, the boy who had the 10 siblings and the single mom, and both singers who had stories about suicide. When the guy said Peal Harbor was just in a movie, my husband said That guy just lost votes. Why edit that clip in and then put him through?
  18. Maybe in some cities? I think it is very hit and miss. My mom has a brain tumor that made her lose her vision and a mrsa infection in the hospital made then have to do 6 failed knee replacements and she has no bendable knee (it is a brace thing screwed in her leg) and no disability transportation for her. You have to meet income requirements and my mom gets retirement social security and that is too much. It is very hard to find people trusty worthy people if you put an ad out. I would think June would have a tough time. I think she needs to consider once Alana leaves home to move to a condo or something on a bus line. It is not good to be dependent on a man (that has issues he is struggling with). I did not really realize how dependent our country is on cars until my son got dx with epilepsy at 17, and will never drive, suddenly so many colleges he applied to were not going to work and he is really limited in his options which makes me sad. The only state he had applied to that seemed to care was CT, they did have free special express bus service and a coordinator that was wonderful, but the health insurance rates were more expensive then college and the taxes were so high!
  19. June is in a kind of a tough spot with her sight issues. I remember her saying years ago one of he reasons she liked the old house by the train tracks was she could walk to the gas station for stuff like milk and the kids could walk places. Moving to the fancier suburban track home means you need a car. She is not on a bus route and she no longer qualifies for those disability shuttle type rides. Pumpkin has confirmed she moved out. Sugarbear lives about an hour away. If it is just her an Alana, how would they get to the grocery store, doctor, school events etc. I do not think Geno is the best solution, but she needs something? I know she has a sister but her sister can't do it all (My mom is not suppose to drive and I'm the only family and it is so stressful to fit her needs in with what I need to do everyday). Maybe Mama June needs to give pumpkin old room to someone (decent) in exchange for driving her places? At some point Alana leaves and June will have to have someone live with her or move. The one thing I can say about June is she has never complained about her vision loss. Before those surgeries , many people did not even know she was legally blind. I would be freaking out if I lost my sight. My new eye doctor ad some fancy machine that said I have a tiny trace of a cataract in one eye. He laughed and said without this machine you would not know but when you are in your 70's you will have one. That is 30 years away but it already scares me.
  20. I was just watching season 1 again, is Vaughn still available for Jasmine? That is her match! Vaughn tells Monet he wants to be the man and pay the rent and power bills and pay for all dinners and stuff they do together. She was a strong women that wanted to take care of herself. There is Jasmine's provider! He does exist! Tonight's edit was weird, back and forth to the one month anniversary? Even though I think maybe 1 will work out long term, I honestly do not know if any will say no next week? The lack of spoilers and social media at least has kept me guessing.
  21. AJ was originally listed as a production staffing company owner and was clearly IMO the 4th couple chosen, there was an US magazine article with only 3 couples and AJ and Steph were not in it? I know there was some speculation if he was a plant or worked for production, and then it just said staffing company owner. His company is called future force talent. I do not have a linkedin account so I can't see anymore info and his website is down and his facebook is bare (one review and the person could possible be entertainment or filming?) AJ did say to Dr, Jessica that production or filming was frustrating and he had suggestions that could help and she changed the subject but maybe he is in some sort of production business and that is why the filming is bothering him so much? Have no clue what a production staffer makes. I know a regular staffing agency can make good money if they make solid long term connections with the right businesses and people. It does seem like many small businesses in my area use a staffing agency to save money these days. It is not just about hiring people, I know businesses that will know who they want to hire but send hem to the staffing agency for paperwork, background checks, to do payroll and insurance. It saves having to pay office staff and handle paperwork.
  22. The whole DNA story with the cup was the worst. I forgot Sugarbear eyeing a overweight women at some speciality food store. The part that was unbelievable was that Sugarbear would shop at a store that sold $15 jars of peanut butter, not that he would be eyeing women. I think the humor of the show was how fake it was. Jennifer finding Gina's number in Sugarbear's nightstand? The contents of the drawer did not seem like a set up besides the card with her number. Does he really need that much birth control?
  23. Was this during the show 8:30? I have the show on my DVR. I live in an odd time zone so the show it on from 11pm-midnight here.
  24. Maybe Geno is willing to take the fall? It seems like most of them are willing to act fake stories for the show. Did Josh really meet a baby talent person at the chipped furniture barn (or whatever he called it)? Geno is a handyman, nothing against handyman but there are some that just do some side jobs for money, and some that have successful businesses with multiple employees. Since Geno has a record is he really licensed and bonded and has full workers comp and runs a real handyman business? or does he put out ads and do odd jobs? I think the show and other media money is supporting Geno so he might just take the blame , do a little time and try and help June keep her money rolling in? The saw the ad that said WEtv was monitoring stuff and pumpkin saying thanks for the support and to stay tuned to see the story unfold. What other announcements did I miss? Is there confirmation that Pumpkin moved out of the home? I saw on facebook live she was calling a different place home now?
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