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Everything posted by silverspoons

  1. I live in Utah and this is current. I was at the Costco with my son. Costco is full of polygamists every time I go so I didn't notice her. She did go missing a few years ago but that was in the area near her home and was found the next day. She walked away to"think" after her niece was killed in an accident on a dangerous part of the road between AZ and Utah. It was not the flood with the SUV, she was not related to that family (some of the people in the SUV was my husband's family, the part that stayed in polygamy, which is very common for southern utah for LDS families to have polygamists only 1 or 2 generations out). Right now the economy is booming in southern Utah. I have never seen it so easy to get a job in my life and not just low paying. I don't know what skills Michael has besides teaching, but for many of the polygamous women that work as healthcare , in the last year wages rose 20-25% and options for employment like hours, schedules, locations became easy to find.
  2. Off topic, but since the some boards gotten taken away I didn't know where to post this. If anyone remember's the show Polygamy USA? It was on Natgeo? As a local I thought it was the best example of what polygamy is like. Micheal Crowley the one that was the teacher, who wanted to use storage containers to put his kids in (this was before tiny homes were cool)and made the simple drawings, one of his wives is missing. Connie the second wife was at Costco and vanished. Costco on a road that attaches to an industrial area. Kind of weird, don't think it was an escape, because his wives are out shopping and working all the time. From the information she left her car behind,. I hope she is okay. As for the Flaggstaff rental market it is pretty pricing from the one time I looked. My child has to go to Scottsdale for medical care right now. It is an 8-10 hour drive. I drove back through Flagstaff and as someone that is sick of the hot desert, the trees and weather made me look at it as an option. The rent was not any cheaper and the jobs paid less and AZ insurance options were not as good. This was in July 2018. I remember condo/townhomes being $1700+ and homes more then that.
  3. I have been so confused with who is telling the truth Natalie, Ashley, Jay, TLC, blogs? Was Ashley really sick in the hospital with kidney failure or was it another scam. I hate to question it but seeing some pictures and listening to podcasts I have no idea what to believe. I was just trying to figure out when they got married and the Las Vegas story and then found all this other discussion going on. One fact that came out was Ashley has the same scooter as Natalie. they were scooter buddies!
  4. I traveled after surgery cross country with my 1 year old twice, so I know how hard it can be. Just seems like Steven is crying for money on go fund me because he needs basic stuff for Olga and the baby, would save $1k (or whatever a roundtrip ticket to from Dc to Russia cost) by having Olga fly alone. Olga has been taking care of Richie for 7 month alone and appears tp be doing a great job so I bet one more long flight would be worth it to have that extra 1k towards starting their lives. I also can't see Stephen being a great help , I can see him feeling upset if Richie is more comforted or if Olga knows his rountine better. I just hope it work outs for them. I just want Olga to get her happy family life.
  5. Leida and Larissa both are supposed to be on happily ever after but would not Stephen and Olga be on regular 90 day since they are just starting the 90 day countdown and not married yet? Nicole is filming too but for a show about I go to my spouses country to get married. So many shows to follow, I do not think Kalini is being filmed for anything (per local sources).
  6. Steven posted he is flying to Russia to bring Olga home. I would guess they are filming again? or is he that controlling? because is it not a waste of money and time to fly there to bring her here.
  7. Having kids in the Utah education system, I can see how Mykelti could fall through the cracks and transferring to Vegas right at the end was no help either. She graduated from an alternative program. Also remember he early schooling was home school by her mom. My kids go to what is consider not only the best high school in our district but is rated in the top 5 in the state of Utah. A's are handed out like candy and what you need to graduate is a joke. Remember to religion is taught in public school so if you are not Mormon, it is another free class or fluff class like dance for men or film watching or sports for life. 4.0 is the highest you can get, no extra for honors or AP or college classes. I'm a numbers person, so these are the numbers, a 82 out of 420 kids had a 4.0 during high school 280 out of 420 had above a 3.75(if you get a 3.75 or higher you get free state college so teachers are pressured to make sure kids get a 3.75 by parents) and their average ACT score was 19! They just hand out A's. I tried to get some real teaching a few times for my child that had a medical condition but they just handed him an A. I fought it, I fought them giving my child an easy A, I sat in a room with 10 people for hours, and still just given an A. I can't imagine Christine asked or fought for any extra help. I know Robyn did not, trust me Robyn's education choices for Dayton make me more upset. Mykelti will be fine here in St George. As I posted before there are plenty of jobs. She would be smarter to be working in a warehouse type job or in entry level healthcare where you get higher pay and raises and better benefits but I think she will be okay at the bank. Retirees use investment firms, locals with money go to small local run bank, and the college crowd barely touch a bank, the vast majority of home loans are run via 2 local companies so her bank is pretty dead. My husband has an account there and it is only because 3 local credit unions went out of business a few years ago and he wanted an emergency back up bank for his business so he opened a small account. It was so dead when I was there with him they asked us to be witness to the notary service because no one else was there.
  8. Does anyone know if Larissa's friend Carmen, the one she stays with now in Vegas was at her wedding? There were so few guests there but I don;t think I saw her BF ? They seem so close right now, I guess it was just luck that Larissa met the love of her life Coltee online and he lived in the same city as her BF?
  9. I didn't see it posted anywhere and wasn't sure where it should go, season 1 Mike and Aziza just had their first child. A baby girl. Remember when the drama was so minimal and more realistic ? She was was worried about fitting in his life and his friend's wondered if she really loved him? Glad to see a happy couple after so many years.
  10. Is there a reason for this? Is there some show or sports event that needed the slot? I just thinks it hurts the show. Seems like networks are caring less and less about sitcoms these days.
  11. I have been living in southern Utah which has many stay at home educated mom and sole provider husbands. On top of that most men including my husband seem to be okay with just having $10 or $20 bucks in their wallet to buy a soda at the gas station and maybe one hobby they spend some money on. People assume if the husband is the sole provider , he is in control but I watch my neighborhood working husband's and they have little control over money, heck they have little control over what they get to wear. I don;t think some of the matchy matchy outfits are their choice. They just work, come home, get handed a few kids to play with, eat dinner, watch a movie and repeat. I would be really curious of couples that start out this way 50/50, is it still that way in 10 years? After kids are born? Would Will want to share the cost of Jasmine delivering their baby 50/50? I have heard people say student loans should be paid off by each spouse. I directly asked my husband about this. I had 1 student loan that had no interest on it so I was the only one I did not pay off asap. When I was very ill and not working my husband's (who never had student debt) salary paid my loan. I was offered to write off the debt because my illness was so severe but my husband wanted to pay it off because I did get a degree and he thought it was the right thing to do. He said he never even thought anything of paying it. It was just another bill. I do wonder with Will's job if he is going to be picky about money. I think this season will be interesting to watch about the money if we get a true edit. Kristine finding out Keith's low pay and how she deals with it and how Will deals with having to give up control of money. Do these experts not get that money is one of the biggest issues in marriage? They seem to match these couples on personality traits, like he is outgoing, and she is reserved so they will make a good couple. Why not find two people who coupon clip and want have a debt free home. I bet they would get along more then the two people that like helping other and life (so generic).
  12. I live in St George and I know what bank it is (not sure if I should post or if it matters). Right now St George is undergoing massive change again. The city is growing and jobs are plentiful. Getting a job at a bank as a teller or a customer service rep is so easy today because of the low pay and so many jobs avialable. My son looked looked for a job about 18 months ago here, his options were $8-9 an hour, mostly retail or food industry and nothing was full time or benefits. It also took a bit of searching to find any job. Now 18 months later, employers are so desperate , my son was filling out an online application, he did not even finish and they called and offered him a job on the phone. We went to a staffing agency and he had 4 jobs offers of $14 or more on the spot. My son is offered jobs at the grocery store or the drive through window, frequently, I have never seen hiring like this. This is for my son who just graduated high school and was starting college, no experience except an unpaid internship. I checked on a local job board, it is fascinating to watch people say I need a job and see employers fighting for a worker within a few minutes. I checked the bank jobs and since they pay lower, they are not filled fast. Of course some people go for the title or hoping to move up, but young people will jump on a warehouse job for $16 an hour over a bank paying $10. Plus the cost of living jumped. It hurts to see single moms begging for a chance to rent a room for $700-800 a month. $15 a hr sounds good to young people here but when rent is $1400 for a one bedroom or buying a house in a safe area costs close to 400k, $15 is not getting you much. I know where Myketi lives and if she was able to buy it right after she got married then it would be okay but if she is renting or bought it recently, it would be costly on a "banker's" salary (and her husband's). I just feel sad that she ended up in St George. She seem to like art and fashion and had dreams. Fine if she wanted to get married young but why not go live in a cool youthful city and still either try for your dream or at least be in a place where you can do things you enjoy? St George has nothing for fashion or the arts. the "arts" here are a few pioneer museums and playhouses that are geared for the retirement crowd.
  13. Does anyone know what happened to Hunter? I remember at the start of the show he was living in NY and had little to do with the show. I was like smart guy. Now suddenly he is back living at home. I checked his SM and is looks like a college aged kid's. So Glenn had a CEO level job, and the kids seem to have an upbringing with many advantages and they get a dance major that lives off a TV about being overweight and an Actor son in his 30's living at home and partying? i would love to know more about what happened between college and the show rather then hear about Babs short marriage in her early 20's. I also agree that Whitney needs to think about getting closer to 40 and weight. I weigh the same for 15 years and my doctor said watch out in a few years as you get into your 40's you will have a hard time maintaining the weight. I doubted him but it was true. I also call BS on it costing $12,500 to harvest eggs? Maybe she is including the costs later on? I know several women I went to college with that froze eggs because of career goals and it was $6-8k. Of course there is a yearly storage fee but it does not sound like Whitney wanted to freeze for years and wait. I think hearing that she would have to get shots and go through side effects turned her off from this option. I think she just wants a nice newborn handed to her. I;m glad her dad is not opening his wallet for this wish.
  14. Is the William Penn Academy suppose to be public , private or charter? I also never understood what grades went to the school, was it a middle and high school combined, because Adam and Barry would be there longer then 4 years? I also do not like the whole just walk in and get a job as a teacher because you need a job? I know I have to think 90's not 2019 when it comes to hiring. My father made me get a teaching certificate in college in the 1990's, even though I had no desire to teach. He thought it would be good to have just in case. I went to an ivy league college and the student teachers in my class did not all get hired upon graduation. It was not like schools were in dire need. Plus music teachers are usually easier to fill. There are lots of music and art majors that will go into teaching for stability and usually schools have one music teacher, unlike needing multiple math , science , and language arts teachers. I wish they had her favorite teacher inspire her to become a teacher or some life event bring her to teaching. The music teacher could have gotten ill and the school needed a sub so she became a sub and then loved teaching so much she decided to stay. Just something more realistic.
  15. Thanks! Do we know if it pays well. It seems more like a job you love over pay. I know where I live Utah, people in special education are the lowest paid(it gets me so sad to see a school dishwasher makes twice the salary of someone who works with severe special education kids).
  16. I agree totally. I know many people that love the parents but what story line do they have. They are nice retirees , living out their golden years comfortably. My gut says Glenn would love to have a story line that helps Whitney really lose weight but she would never agree. Glenn loves Whitney so much and I think he really wants to know when he passes she will be healthier. But I guess might love or give in to her too much to be part of these silly stories. What is the brother doing now? He seems to be living with the parents after living in NY. Kind of sad that Glenn and Babs, had good resources to educate and help their kids get a start in life and they have 2 dependent kids in their 30's.
  17. Does anyone know Jasmine's job? It just says assistant director which could mean anything and a variety of salaries. The assistant director of sports at our high school makes $7500 a year, the assistant director of our art museum makes 35k a year and the assistant director of the water department makes over 200k. I know reality TV likes to change up job titles or make people seem like they have better jobs then they have, maybe knowing what she does or an estimate of what she makes would shed more light on the 50/50 , wants man to be provider talk. Maybe she has a job she loves but does not pay high, like a non profit? Remember Sonia was a social worker and took a lower paying job in the field because she loved her work.
  18. Congrats on your sobriety. I wonder if Buddy has to talk about it because it is his story? like what else does he have to talk to Whitney about? or is he really thinking about his blow and old friends all day? I'm more disappointed in Tal, who is a drug counselor. Whitney will say I think Buddy is using or going to kill himself and Tal plays right into the story line. As a drug counselor I would think he should be more factual then siding with Whitney's theory of the day. I wonder how Buddy is paying for life? The show? Not having a 9-5 and hanging out with his high school friends taping a show a few days here and there, I would think would make him more likely to use again. If he wants to, or feel forced to film, he should use the time to learn a new skill or trade since bartending seems to have been his only real job. A tech college has many short term certificates under a year that could get him employed in health care or construction. Not some high paying job, but a start and something to keep him busy and productive.
  19. I think Heather is upset because she was with Buddy through his worst time. She put up with his late nights, odd behaviors and was with him as he started rehab. Now there is a happy nice fun healthy buddy and someone else gets him. She feels like she went through the bad time and stuck by his side and when things turn good , he dumps her. I 100% agree sober Buddy s no prize. He is or was delivering pizzas, has no savings and is having trouble adjusting to the real world. Heather should be taking this time to find out who she is and what makes her happy and what her goals are and then find someone who can compliment her. I was with my ex when he was in med school and residency and he now makes 7 figures. People have asked me to I feel upset that I was with him during the low pay years and now he very wealthy. No sadness here! , because I took the year after we broke up to find out what I needed and wanted and was not going to settle, My husband might not make 7 figures but he is home everyday when the kids get home from school, is with me at every doctor appointment and is home snuggling me every night. This is more important to me then money. I don't think Heather hanging out with her high school friends like Whitney is going to find out what she needs and wants. Whitney answer seems to be sex! If Whitney and the gang were good friends they would babysit Heather's kids for a weekend and let her go explore a hobby or meditation or something that can help he find some peace. I don't get the dance tour and needing an RV. She said Pittsburg, Columbus and Chicago. 3 Cities, Pittsburg to Columbus is 3 hours and Columbus to Chicago is under 6 hours. There is no need for an RV. Maybe it is because of where I live but I drive further to go to a doctor visit in a day and back! Yes 315 miles each way to the closest doctor for my child so I leave in the morning, see the doctor and come home by evening. I don't need an RV or a Van, just my car and phone charger and a bag of snacks. I love how her dad mentions a budget. Is Whitney charging for the class? How much does she expect to make off of 3 cities to pay for gas and RV rental and expenses, I bet she comes back in the negative.
  20. I think Jasmine thinks a a modern women is one that can choose anything, including stay at home mom or career women. I went to a seven sister all women's college. It was all about getting women the best education. I have classmates that became doctors and got into some of the best residencies and then decided to stay at home with their kids for years. The power was in having the ability to choose and the knowledge that no matter what happens (divorce, death) you can take care of yourself. I guess I do not understand about the money and bills. I can get that when you are in the first 8 weeks and filming, money should be handled like before the show. Once the couples really commit (who knows when that is because it seems some say yes on decision day yet break up a few weeks later, maybe because they get extra $$ for saying yes?) they need to figure out the budget and bills. Maybe it is just me but if you are committed, to a lifetime with someone , your goals should be long term and together. It is hard to think that if a couple is married 40-50 years that there are not going to be times that one of them is not working, job loss, illness, accidents, kids, deaths, taking care of sick parents or children. When a serious life event happens what do you say, Hey honey, your mom died and you took 2 weeks off of work so this month I will let you slide on your part of the mortgage? I guess it is because I love my husband so much, when he had a serious accident and could not work, all I did was worry about his health, not the loss of income and when I was on bedrest, he worried about me and the baby, not the money. Our deal is as long as all the bills are paid and we have the amount we need in savings, retirement etc, we don't question each other purchases, my husband is happy when I feel good and get my hair done and I;m happy when he gets a new part for his bike and enjoys riding it. Will and Dallas Dave both said 50/50 on everything and both are in finance, I worked for an investment firm for a few years and what I learned was you need to invest in retirement early and pay off your home as fast as you can. If one spouse makes more or has some extra income it is better if you really want to be together forever to pay down the house. I'm still waiting for Kristine to find out Keith's income and career plans. As someone who was married to a doctor through medical school and residency , it is hard, it is not just the school and training but the moving and not being able to settle down for years. Keith if everything went perfect for him would not be a practicing doctor till he is close to 40. I don't see Kristine wanting to wait this long to settle down. She sells houses. She sees couples settling down to have families in her work all the time. I don't see her waiting till 40. Hopefully Keith can find an RN program , maybe then go into a nurse practioner program locally. Keith seems like he is okay in some ways to be molded. He went to the gym and he admitted that he is not a PDA person but Kristien changed that/ maybe she can help him into career path that is more realistic for them.
  21. I'm glad to see AJ and Stephanie getting along so well. I thin they might be the most positive part of the season. They both seem to like each other for what they are. I also can't see them fighting about money, gender roles, or cooking. I think AJ is so happy to have a wife , he won't care if she cooks or orders in or if he pays the rent. I don't see what some other see between Jasmine and Will. I don't see chemistry. I also wonder most about him, how at 37, a college educated man with a good job who wants to be married and lives in a major city has not found someone. He and Dave (from Dallas) both are financial analysts maybe this is the common issue. I remember Dave wanted Amber to pay half his HOA fee. I can see splitting bills but Dave was nickel and diming everything , even sink counter space! I hope it is not the same with Will and Jasmine. I see Keith and Kristine having their first issues when she finds out how little he makes and how she is going to carry the share of the bills for awhile. Plus when we mentioned he had to go get tampons on the wedding night, I don't think she is going to appreciate his super open nature. It is almost like he has little experince with women. Luke said, he likes to take things slow. Anyone who has this approach should not be allowed on the show. I know it is likely an excuse but with Molly and Nick, we hear this over and over, I need time. A show that gives you 8 weeks does not give you time. Plus maybe in 2019 some people do not kiss on the first date but by date 3-4 most people have kissed. It sounded like Luke and Kate were on day 7 without a kiss. Lets consider that 7 dates, if you don't like someone enough to kiss them by date 7 it should be over (unless you are a Duggar). I wonder if the smoking is the issue? Maybe Luke saw her smoking at the speed date. Kate says she only smokes when out with friends. So maybe he remembered her smoking that night. Maybe he hates smokers. She admitted she lied on her form. So it might explain why he said he was repulsed my kissing her if he hates smoking. I know I could not kiss a smoker. Just a thought. I like Kate and feel bad for her , but you never know with the editing of this show.
  22. Shelli? As a big brother fan I would never put these two together. Shelli had a brief romance on the show with a younger hot athletic guy. She was very competetive in nature and after the show seemed to stay out of drama and focus on her career. She made cute jewelry at fair prices and I bought a pair of earrings and she included a nice autograph and note for my daughter's friend who liked her on BB. I don't see this working out.
  23. Thanks for posting this. I still wonder when they had this application. I guess it was not on he AGT site? I was going to go to the Vegas show and the easiest way to see tickets was going through the AGT site. I checked everyday , I live close to Vegas but I was waiting to see if there was a school event those days. I never saw anything announced. Also only 50 people, one per state? So when they say X contestant won with women 18-30, how many of the 50 are women 18-30, maybe 10? so that contestant might have gotten 3 votes from that age group? Plus if there is one per state why can't they put up a picture of the one super fab per state on the map. They should have just had the 50 super fans in the audience. I worked for the Nielsen ratings for a short time, I guess I am just super picky when it comes to these demos and voting claims. I'm sure there is some fine print at the end of the show I'm missing that explains the voting.
  24. Have we found out who these super fans are? Was there a contest or how did they pick them? Is there one per state or 10 per state or is it so many per state based on population? I was surprised America did not vote for Darci. How long ago was this taped? Darci said she was 13 and she turned 14 in October. So was this taper right after the end of the last season? I was happy with Heidi's choice. I like the variety for the finale besides singers.
  25. I agree with you. Many of the K1 spouses we have seen are in college or have finished a program. Aya, Azziza, Daya, Cassia, Devar, Alkesandra, Anfisa, Annie, and Alla all are in college or finished. Some came here it seems to have their kids have more oppurtunity or a better life then they had, Kirkylam, Amy, Alla, and Aya seem like this was a reason for them. We have not heard Larissa mention her kids or wanting to give them a better life. I have heard she wanted to bring one here eventually? but I'm not sure that is even possible given she might not have custody. I also do not see a reason for Larissa to stay if she is no longer married to Colt. I have not seen her say anything about college or a skill she has that is needed here. As someone that lives in the southwestern desert, there are many very people with skills we need that are turned away for visa's. Our city's only neurologist left because they were on a work visa. Las Vegas is the next closest city and all the neurologists for epilepsy are on work visas that expire and then there are fewer and fewer needed doctors. As much as Vegas seems "cool" to the outsiders, not many doctors want to raise a family in Vegas so the vast majority of doctors are foreign and many are on short term work visas. Several engineers did not get their work visas extended and now a bunch of homes sunk in my area due to lack of engineering for soil conditions. Again professionals just do not want to live in the desert and raise kids. What does Larrisa offer? plus she has 3 kids in her home country that others are taking care of. You would think she would want to take the burden off her aging parents that are raising one of her young kids. Feranada I believe, her dad is a citizen of the US, so she has another pathway to stay here. She might have to go back and come back but marriage was not her only option. Her dad's ranch in Mexico (it was on a bonus scene ) looks really nice so she would not be going back to poverty.
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