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Everything posted by silverspoons

  1. There have to be plenty of AirBnB's in the area she lives in. Why not send her to one for a month and say only call for emergencies or to go to medical appointments and give her a budget. Give enough budget for food and basic expenses but not enough to get take out for every meal or a maid. She how she does doing her own laundry, cooking and cleaning. My son had a lot of hospital stays and medical visits between 16-18. He was in the hospital on his 18th birthday and some hospital official came and told him, he was now an adult, and explained his rights and if he wanted me to be involved. After he saw the pain the insurance was and all the phone calls I made and how much medical care costs, he asked for a POA for me to help him deal with it. Every night he hugs me before he goes to bed and thanks me for all taking the stress of the medical calls off him so he can concentrate on college. I say Mike and Jeanette need to show Jazz those bills or say now that you are 18 , and want to live on your own, you deal with the insurance ad the approvals and pay all the out of pocket. That would be very eye opening. for Jazz and no way Jazz would want to wait on hold to get a medication approved or out of network appointment approved. What if they said, no can you imagine Jazz telling the insurance company, You can't say no I need this now! I think Jazz thinks it is her parents job to pay for all medical forever and her money is for fun stuff.
  2. Todd was not on the show at all since the trip. Doesn't he work another job dancing in NY?, Maybe Todd was working and did not want to show up for your once a month class. Whiteny makes it seems like everyone has to run on her schedule when the rest of her friends have to work real jobs to pay bills. I loved how Whitney told the Choreographer that she was just going to have a small sample of the girls from her class meet him? Wasn't that the whole class that showed up? I wonder what Whitney's dad really thinks. He is a 70+ year old man still working a corporate job, leaves work to be with his wife during eye surgery and is sitting with his 35 year old daughter. His daughter who he seems to have given every advantage in life to, paid for her to go to college and she is sitting there complaining about a dance she has to make up for the big event in NYC next month. He must realize she does the same dance every time and that she does a few events a year and that is her whole life. I don't think he was expecting Whitney to be a corporate type like himself, but maybe have an actual dance studio that was open 5 days a week or he would even be fine with her being married and being a mom but he must go nuts hearing her complain every time about the next big dance meet or show for months on end,
  3. I went to Caesar's Brookdale in the Pocono's and I stayed in a condo, not one of the hot tub rooms (the place was sold and abandon a few years ago, so sad to watch the you tube videos of the current state). The show would have been much better off if they wanted all of them to be together on the vacation to send them to one of these resort places over the cheap Airbnb they chose. Those resorts might look tacky, but they have so much to do for free, ice skating, mini golf, boating, arcades, swimming, so much they could have done together or by themselves. That airbnb was so small for 8 people, is the budget that low? After tonight I am not sure any of the coupes will make it long term. The edit has been weirder then ever this season. Will is 37 and appears to be great on paper so why is he not married? I assume he could have easily met a cute women to marry in the last 10 years but he is telling Jasmine it is not about looks, he wants a connection and someone with the same goals and dreams. I think Will knows looks will fade in 20 or 30 years but when you are older you want someone with the same goals in life. Will is looking long term. I see Jasmine as wanted to retire to the beach In Naples and will wanting to be in the peace corps. Luke leaving after sex and acting weird. Is he just using her because he is needy and she is there? or is he gay? Would he really do the show if he was struggling with being gay? it is weird because it is not Nick and Sonia because they had sex once , Kate said 4-5 times. Once I could understand, you try and you just do not feel it, but 4-5 times??
  4. I was torn a bit about this episode. My kids love everything Japanese, they both speak Japanese, watch Japanese tv and love all the candy and treats. Try buying Japanese items and living in Utah , there is one store 310 miles away! and online the shipping is expensive or lengthy. I was disappointed that Marcus did not want the American flavors. My kids and their friends would run to that store for all the candy and drinks but they would not want Green tea shaved ice. I also wonder how well the candy and treats would sell in NYC, where you can go to an Asian market nearby and buy the same items for less? If you put this type of store outside of a major city I totally see the appeal. The prices were just so high for having the same items down the street. I also am torn or wondering how others feel about Marcus using all his other business to help his new ones? So Marcus gets 50% of this guys shaved ice business and gives him 300k, and then part of that 300k goes to Marcus' sign company to make signs, to Marcus company Mr. Green tea to make the products, so Marcus is making money off the money he invested or saves companies he invested in from going under by giving them jobs with companies he invests in. So the guy closes 3 locations and keeps one. I have read that in other businesses the original owner gets to keep the locations open during the deal and the new ones Marcus gets?
  5. This episode confused me. I also went to one of the 5 colleges (Mt Holyoke) so I was interested to see the guys on the show. I just did not understand what was in it for them? They were suppose to work for free? for 5 companies that Marcus invested in that are struggling. So Marcus just finds some internet influencers and expects them to work for free? I was glad that this part did not work for everyone involved. As for the business in trouble, based on some interviews I have seen Marcus do, he said he knows he is going to have to get rid of some of these businesses but has not figured out how. Marcus says he invests in people sometimes over products. Most of these failing products have something in common, I could go on ebay or some website and buy the from dirt cheap. Sometimes I want quality , like buying a mattress , a pair of black boots (that I will wear for years), or major appliances. Other items have become sadly disposable in our society and these items like cell phones cases, watches , socks, and eyeglasses seem to have trends that come and go so fast that they are bought cheap for a few dollars fro wish or some other website and tossed when the next trend comes out. It seems like Marcus has made camping world an empire and he is doing okay in his mini clothing empire but the rest of the companies seem to be working for each other and can that go on long term?
  6. I just watched a facebook live with Megan. It sounds like she is still with Michael. She also says she works in home health. My mom just had some surgery complications and needed home health. I don't think my mom would want a caregiver in her home that was losing her virginity on TV.
  7. I was disappointed after the long wait. Sandra and Mateo were the highlights of the episode for me. I found the cloud 9 training to be hard to watch. I thought at first , Cheyenne was going to be picked over Amy but the whole feud did not go along with their previous relationship (or Cheyenne's personality). What is the purpose of Amy going to the management classes? Are they going to have her get her own store to manage? I guess that could be their idea of a series finale, the journey of Amy from struggling mom to store manager? As much as at a time I was rooting for the Jonah and Amy love story (pre baby #2), right now I want to see more of Glenn and his family, Mateo, Garrett and Sandra, The supporting cast and the little side stories are funnier to me right now.
  8. I said the same thing. Either Megan was at the hotel for 4 months or maybe they flew Megan back for a staged scene?
  9. Keith and Jephte have some similar backgrounds. Both did not have a father present and had a strong mother figure only. They both have fathers from the islands that went back and forth from their county to the US (Jephte Haiti and Keith Jamaica). The both had strong females in their lives took care of them and pushed for them to go to college. They both seem to be really into wanting babies. Both of them come from families that the family raises the baby more then just the couple. You can see Jephte struggling with it just being the 2 of them taking care of the baby because his family is in NY. I have this feeling Keith would be fine having grandma babysit and care for his kid as much as possible. I do not think Kristine views parenthood this way.
  10. I think he said he wants to be a Nephrologist? He had said something in an interview about being a doctor still working with people at the dialysis center. I would assume it would be nephrology and not urology? Nephrology is a 5 year residency and there are very limited spots at each hospital. They just opened a for profit medical school in my area (it seems like a HUGE mess), and is very easy to get into (way easier then a PA or NP program) so there are ways to go to medical school if you don't mind going into big debt and living in the middle of no where and paying for a "for profit" school. This medical school does not even have solid 3-4th year rotations , let alone residency matches. Crazy? I hope someone talks to Keith, maybe someone in Kristine's family is in healthcare and explains salary, debt, and jobs. I know 2 family practice doctors who have gone back to school recently to become NP because of crazy high malpractice rates and better quality of life.
  11. I have been questioning this since the first episode. He should at 30 be done with a bachelors (especially since he has been living rent free) and in medical school. With the health care and insurance changing being a doctor is not what it used to be. Keith could exit as a nurse with no debt and make 70-80k. He could work as a nurse and take classes to become a nurse practioner and perhaps take on 30k in debt and make 120k or he could spend 4 years in medical school be in debt 200-250k, then work as a resident for 3-7 years for 50-60k and then make 220k (by this time he is over 40). With Kristine wanting to work too, medical school seems like the worst option, time wise, with extra debt. The other thing is Kristine is complaining about his overnight shifts. Wait till he gets to 3-4th year of med school and then residency. That is 5 or more years of crazy hours and 24 hour shifts not just 3 overnights. Makes sense he should be a nurse practioner working in a clinic 8-5, this is the hours and life Kristine wants for a spouse. My gut says maybe Keith is big into gender roles and thinks men should not be nurses? or that his grandma has told him he can be a doctor and he is going to be a doctor no matter what. It is like Keith does not see the real world? or the facts that he is 30 and if he wants babies asap, 10 more years of school and training is not realistic. Kristine does not seem like a women that wants to be a single mom while he is doing 24 hour rotations. I am a strong women, I had my graduate degree and a career and my ex being on 24 hour shifts for a few years was hard sometimes and I had no stress about money or kids.
  12. I 100% agree. Same here people marry young and never leave. I have been to 49 states and many other countries and people flock around to hear my stories because they have never left and most likely will never travel anywhere but Disneyland and I find it sad. Very sad when so many get scholarships and could leave for free but they say I do not want to leave the bubble, they actually say the outside area is bad and scary (My kid's math teacher was one of the people who said this, so sad). I'll admit it is a happy little bubble, I'm moving in a few months and I do worry getting back to the real world but the bubble does not have enough doctors, higher education so we must leave for our next adventure. I have been back and forth was Jeanette trying to make Jazz have the high school life that she did not have? or the same one she had? It sounds like Jeanette and Greg met pretty young? They were together at least when he was in college? Is this correct? If it is maybe she has the 1980-90's mentality you meet your spouse in college.
  13. My daughter has no desire to date and is in high school. She has been asked out a few times but declined. She says that many boys are immature and if she were to go on a date she would want to have something in common to talk about and would expect the boy to be smart enough to carry on a decent conversation. Her doctor said that the important thing before age 18 is to have interactions and spend time with people you could possibly date. It could just be in a club, class project, group outing etc. My daughter is totally focused on getting into a college that will have more people she would have things in common with to date. So may teens in our area marry and marry the first or second person they date(I'm emotional tonight because my son;s 18 year old BF who I have known since grade school announced yesterday he is marrying his first girlfriend he has known 2 months in May and dropping out of college, and had a full scholarship) and I'm thrilled my daughter is focused on college and waiting to date. Jeanette seems to put so much pressure on the ideal high school and college experience. Not everyone goes to the prom, plays a sports, is on the yearbook staff, dates and has 5 Best friends. I wonder if she is causing some of the issues with the twins. Are they really that at odds because one is dating and one is not or is the mom making a bigger deal out of it? Isn't the twin that is not dating trying to get into law school and very involved in activites. Jeanette needs to remember if Greg was not a successful lawyer , she would not have the life she has and sometimes focusing on school at 20 is more important then dating.
  14. Carmen's explanation of why Larissa was not on meds was that Larissa finally feels at home living with her. Carmen has her brother and his wife living with her and Larissa likes the "home" like feel. I;m just quoting Carmen's reason's, not questioning if she is cured or not or ever had an issue or not. This is correct. Carmen explained the lawyers and what is going on. There is an divorce, criminal and immigration lawyer on the team, Colt has tried to get Larissa not to be able to talk about certain things about him and what happened. A gag order was brought up? What is weird is how Carmen said Larissa loved her life in Brazil and had no desire to live in the US but is now fighting so hard to stay. My gut says that if Colt can get off he hook for being responsible for her , he does not care if she stays or goes home or brings her kid here. He just wants to be done with her but not fight to deport her like Danielle with Mohammad.
  15. Carmen , Larissa's BF she is living with did a 1.5 hour interview with Auntie tonight. She sounds a lot like Larissa. Here are some highlights if you don't have the time to listen to it. I just wrote a few notes, it was hard to understand parts of it. This is all Carmen's facts or opinions. Carmen says Colt contacted her first. She was married passed Colt to Larissa Larissa did not want to Live in US. Larissa has 2 kids, she does not currently have contact with her son age 9 Her daughter is with her family age 5 and she does have contact with her. Colt had talked to a lady fro Vietnam before Larissa. Carmen got the go fund me money not Larissa because Larissa has no ID? Larissa's lawyer team is costing 8k so far and needs more money. She has 3 lawyers Larissa has got all the botox, hair and makeup for free, go fund me money not used. Larissa has decided she wants to live here now. Larissa knew her marriage was over before January and had months to heal before meeting her new boyfriend Eric. She met Eric on Tinder and fell in love in 4 days. Larissa no longer has depression or aniexty and is taking no more meds. The new season might not start till May.
  16. Dr. Jessica has an new instagram post up about gaslighting. She is also says that there is way more experts talking to the couples we don;t see and she cares more about the couples well being then then footage for a show. Is this damage control or is she really upset?
  17. Masterchef celebrity was on Tuesday but hulu is not going to have it to stream. Anywhere else to watch it?
  18. You would be surprised at what they will let you do. These shows make you sign super long contracts so I'll be a bit general because they honestly give you a minute to sign or they move on when you are just watching or in the background of filming. I live where it is Las Vegas weather, not in Vegas but close enough it is the same hot weather. My child was walking home from school with her BF and they said, they are filming TV today in our neighborhood. They wanted you to dress like it was cold out if you wanted to be in the background. I took them to film, thinking it would be about an hour at the most. We were trapped, security all around till after midnight, my husband and my child's friend parents were not allowed to the area, We were starving , some neighbor gave us cookies and water. It was over 10 hours to get what I think is a 8 minute clip. You would think I would have learned my lesson, when my teenager's favorite show was taping nearby. My husband brought him to watch and they would not allow food in the filming area. They did not have or sell food and it was 115 out, no water. They did allow people to leave. My husband and son were right behind the camera so hey did make them stay for 3 retakes and then they left because they were just dying of thirst. These two examples were major networks. I have seen TLC , natgeo, A&E tape as well and is it even more low budget if possible. I do think it is how you treat the crew filming on a show like MAFS that matters. If you treat them like family and welcome them, you might catch more breaks. Some of the crew filming might hate their assignment. Philly is probably a cool place to be assigned for 2 months? I know most the crews assigned to where I live hate it. There are no bars, hot weather, crappy hotels, dull, landlocked. It seems like most of the MAFS people have not complained at filming too much, so maybe it is AJ or maybe they got a cameraman that does not want to be in Philly or just conflicting personalities? AJ said he has been in production before, maybe he wants to be in control or change things and the camera crew is not authorized or annoyed? I hope AJ will write a blog or have a podcast post show about what he thinks about filming. i would just like to know more about how MAFS filming really works. My gut says things like that if an expert has time or is near you and wants to visit, you have to drop everything and tape or they come over and say we need the husband to cook today or the wife to take walk with a friend and that is just what has to happen for the storyline.
  19. AJ last night was trying to say that the filming and production was making him get upset. He was trying to say it in a roundabout way, my guess is that he said it and then they did a retake. Dr. Jessica tried to say, you committed to the process, and he was saying as someone who has worked in a production capacity , there are ways the show could make it less stressful for the couples. It sounded like he wanted to try and help make change but Dr. Jessica brushed it off. AJ has been pretty stuck in a routine life for over 5 years alone. Suddenly he gets a wife and a camera crew for 7 weeks. It is not just the filming but the retakes. The show says we need to film you guys making a meal. You think that would be a hour? but it turns into 5-6-7 hours of retakes and it can be overwhelming. I have talked about this before, hey film tons of reality TV where I live. It is retake after retake with little care for if someone is sick, hungry, tired, has to go to school or work. There are 5 separate production companies I have watched film (and even been in a few scenes) on 5 different channels and it is the same. I am surprised more people don't complain. While I do think he has a temper or shorter fuse then others, I am willing to wait and see after the cameras leave how the next 7 weeks are for AJ and Steph.
  20. Will says he wants to get another rental property or two for income stream and take a job as a coach. If this is his dream whether it is with high school kids or he tries to go further, it is his dream. The way he explained it to his friends sounded more like he wanted to give back and with Jasmine he had to play up he could go far enough to make big money. It almost seemed like he was testing Jasmine, to see if she would be okay with less money or equal money (if he included the rental income). Jasmine works in special education or with the disabled? so it is surprising she was upset with him wanting to take a job he loved and felt he could make a difference. Don't people who work with special needs or disabled people usually do it because it is a passion not for money? So Keith seems like he is not stopping at nursing and still wants med school. He said 5-7 more years of school. Then Kristine says she wants to grow her business and be a broker. I just do not see how this is possible? I was with my ex through med school and residency and only 1 person out of 110 people in the class stayed in the same city area for college , med school and residency and it was a legacy student who was going to work with their father's practice. The other 109 moved at least once if not twice. Keith is saying he wants babies now. Where is an "expert" to tell him stop at nursing, you will have no debt , a good job, your wife can keep her business growing and you can have your babies. Instead he thinks he can spend 5-7 years in school and have babies and somehow it will all work, my guess is he thinks grandma will be the free baby sitter while Kristine works because he talks about dream vacations and then babies in the next sentence. I did my dream vacations before babies, because I did not want to leave my babies with even family for 2 weeks. I think Luke is not living there anymore. I think he pops in for filming but he is back at his place.
  21. Did anyone else see Anthony on the Voice tonight? His sister was on and made it on Kelly's team. I guess it is a trend. Evelyn from 90day on American idol and now Anthony's sister on the Voice.
  22. What happened to the 3rd child. I thought she had another son?
  23. Ashley said on a facebook Live that TLC called ICE and Jay was almost deported because she had not filled in some paperwork? I have a hard time believing this. First that TLC would be do some sort of revenge on Ashley and call ICE? and that ICE would try and deport Jay with no chance to come back over paperwork that did not get filed. while she was in the hospital. She also said TLC has a cease and desist on her. Seems likes like more lies.
  24. The show started ok and ended with a good story and singer but some of the middle was annoying to watch. Margie the jumpy girl with the Dr. Dad and the the screaming guy back to back was almost a half hour of unwatchable. I hope it is a better show in a few days.
  25. Clint's dad said something about not having to deal having him dating someone with a felony since he was 15? I did not get why he said this. Did Clint date a felon when he was 15? Was he adopted at 15? Katilyn needs to eat a pizza or two, she is so thin. I just did not get how he dumped her on the side of the road and hen she has a suitcase full of her belongings at a hotel? What do these women see in Michael? He goes missing for 2 days and Sarah begs him for a reason, he won't speak and then walks over and slips a ring on her finger and all is okay. He tells Megan when she is about to board a plane, do not come to visit me and she waits a week for a call of when she can come. Tonight he calls from Prison and Sarah asks what he did with Megan and he refuses to talk. I do not see him as some good looking catch, he is jobless felon and is sure no smooth talker. What is the attraction?
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