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Everything posted by silverspoons

  1. I usually have the feeds on 24/7 and am an updater. But this season I just can't watch too long. In the past there were people or situations I did not like but there was always some talks in the hammock I found interesting about life, or a little fun in between drama. I listened to Nicole and Cliff talk this morning and while Cliff was right, not much they can do to change things and they must enjoy the experience , it was just a depressing reminder of how I feel. I know it is not just me, my daughter and her friends are not watching much either. I'm not saying an underdog has to win, but I guess I just dislike the one sided game and with Christie and the DPOV (and her relationship with Tommy) steamroll ahead. I guess I am just missing my escape from the reality of the 110 degree heat and loved my big brother summers.
  2. I was happy last night there was very little footage of the experts saying this is a legally binding marriage. We only had Dr. Pepper and the new doctor with a few words about the family and wedding night. Lets hope this keeps up and we only see the experts when they are meeting with the couples. I was surprised Pastor Cal was on unfiltered so soon. If you watch him closely, he seems to at the very least love Greg. When Jamie asks Greg questions Pastor Cal looks at Greg and comments with him and says how happy he is for Greg and his bride. Would lean towards Greg and his wife still being together. Watch him with Amber. Pastor Cal seems to like her bubbly personality and interacts with her when she talks about pre-wedding stuff. but when Jamie asks Amber question about how she felt on the wedding day and Amber is talking about how happy and excited she was, Pastor Cal is not saying anything and looking at the floor and nervously moving his hands. This makes me feel like it is not a good sign for them. Pastor Cal was acting like Matt was this years Luke , Mia or Molly?
  3. Can someone explain the lack of wanting to wear clothes or the lack of awareness that clothes are necessary? It has to be 2 fold? He lack certain social awareness and his mom did not teach him clothes are not a choice, you have to wear clothes. Obviously he was used to just being naked at home. How did his mom not insist he wear clothes, this is just odd to me. Sure she could overfeed him, sure she could tell him what to watch on TV, but clothes, that is pretty basic part of life. I got some pretty bad neuropathy after injury and surgery and that area is painful when certain fabrics touch it, but I searched and found some materials not perfect but tolerable to wear because I sure not going to go shirtless! For the huge amount spent on the care center rehab places for Sean, they should have a someone living with him in his house, day after day teaching him how to cook, wear clothes and clean him and his place. It would have been cheaper and maybe more beneficial? Of course I agree he needed a long term group type home but sadly those just are so hard to find. programs vary so much from state to state, it is unfair but reality. I watched that born this way show, those young people had so many options and parents had lives, but that is CA. I live in Utah and had a family in my neighborhood with a child with down syndrome that was over 50 years old. They got no help for her, this couple had never been on a date night in over 50 years, they cared for that child every day, no programs, no centers, no group homes. So sad the unequal help by states.
  4. These people have been going through the process of interviewing for a few months so it is not just like, Mom Lets go to lunch and you tell her out of the blue you are getting married. The parents have known their child is thinking of doing this. I think it shows that Iris has thought this through and her mom believes her daughter makes good choices for herself since her mom was not only accepting but excited for her daughter. I would also think that if a person before they were picked told the experts thier parents were so against it that they would never attend, it might get them excluded. The show wants families at the wedding. Besides Matt, and Courtney and Jason , have we had entire family no shows? I was a bit surprised the grandparents were the most against the concept, I wonder if it was the TV part more then matchmaking. I would think the older you are the more likely you are to know someone that was married via matchmaking.
  5. I kind of wish DeAnna did not lead with I have not dated in 10 years. Greg seemed pretty open and it looked like the wall went up. I wondered if he was worried about her age. His mama was worried he would be matched with someone older and they could not have babies, after hearing no date in 10 years I wonder if he thought she might be 5-10 years older? Did she really not date anyone at all in 10 years, or just not be in a relationship? If she really only had a high school boyfriend that broke her heart and then did not ever date again and it has been 10 years, the experts should not have matched her. If this is the case I would guess she turned 30 and panicked and wanted the fast track to marriage and babies and thought the show was the answer? Amber seems really into Matt ( she asked to kiss him how many times, I was so glad we did not get another Luke response, though it did take her asking like 3-4 times to get a kiss). I have to say she has guts as a 8th grade teacher to make her life so public, I hope the show edits the honeymoon a little or she might have many interesting school years ahead of kids talking about her. I am worried about him, it is not just not having a family, he does not seemed settled in the area. is he originally from the area or after playing basketball did he just land in NC? He also was so happy he had a wife to talk basketball with, I hope he takes an interest in what she likes too. I really hope Iris is not labelled a 27 year old virgin the whole season. I hope there is some other story then her virginity. I loved how excited her mom was and I hope the whole sex issue is dealt with mostly privately and we can see Iris and Keith bond over their love of kids, Jesus and mentoring. I also hope her first words are not I am a virgin, like Deanna's were I have not dated in 10 years. Elizabeth is annoying (and I liked AJ last season). I loved my dad, was an only child and I had him wrapped around my finger but I sure never talked to my dad about sex! Good luck Jamie! I hope it goes better then I predict, I have little hope for them and I also did not like her with the other ladies, she was so loud and in charge, I hope she doe snot ruin this season.
  6. I was just thinking, do you think Alana was paid in her name for DWTS? I wonder how much she got paid for that and hopefully all that money is in her name. It is also interesting to go back and watch pre season interviews. They were all Pumpkin and Alana (last year June had just had eye surgery but still made all the interviews). The previews shown were all about the June vs Jennifer and DWTS, no hints of a problems with June or Geno?
  7. I was wondering if she was going to a different school based on Pumpkin's address. Hopefully a fresh start at a new school with a good teacher that understands ahead of time what is going on will make the difference. My son's best friend changed schools to the school the sister wives kids went to and he did not know who they were (as in a TV family, he knew one of the kids had run for a student government position and one was on a sports team when I mentioned the names). Some kids just do not seem to care about what parents do even if it is scandalous like drugs, sadly my daughter says it is all too common that parents have issues with drugs these days maybe more then kids if you count the pills issues. I live in conservative area of Utah and several parents with large families have gone to jail over pills addictions and and the kids are actually really nice to the kids and sometimes glare at us adults for gossiping about the parents. Lets hope Alana got a great teachers and great classmates! My worry is high school starts this fall for Alana? I hope someone?? is there to guide her to take the classes she needs. Pumpkin did not finish, not sure Doe Doe did? Sugar bear did not finish. I hope there is someone who can find what Alana is good at in school and make sure she is taking the right classes. Doesn't Georgia like some other states have free either community college if you get certain grades in high school? I hope I heard right, we have that here in Utah, I just hope there is whatever way out of the cycle Jessica got for Alana too.
  8. Does June really have to stay in Alabama? or is it just a lie to be with Geno. I live right in a tri state area and people get arrested for drugs or other offenses that live over the state line and they can go back to their state after bail is posted? My guess is Alana's home school is online schooling. I know when our school has a kid with any issue that is not easily solved, the easy (and cheap ) solution is give them a laptop and take online classes from home. It is fine if a child a an illness or is struggling with an issue that needs to be dealt with but Alana said she wanted to go back to school. No reason to be home schooling or online schooling a child wanting to be at school. Most of the episode felt real and sad but then Jennifer has to "act" like they were going to fight for Alana. Where was Alana going to sleep ? on the floor? Jennifer has the weird acting adult son living with her and sugar bear and no extra bedrooms. Sad that Sugar bear did not want to even fight for Alana. Just said, "she probably better off with Pumpkin". It broke my heart seeing Alana say she really has no parents, think about how TLC showed then a few years ago farting on the couch, having redneck games at the lake, and doing the charity Christmas and now we have those two parents sure have failed Alana. I was wanting to hear more from Jessica, but hear tears made me know this part was real and not scripted.
  9. I pretty sure he announced he got it already. He believe he mentioned he got it when he did a promotion for a Samoan tourist group? He seems to be Oliver's buddy? That kid seems strapped to Asuleu a lot. Kalini probably likes him helping her around the house. He does do some dances with a local Samoan group. I was like you thought he would be a provider. I was happy to see them have a free home in St George area because it was the ideal place for him, large Samoan community and tons of jobs and ones willing to train a hard working young man to make a decent money (only issue with St George is housing is very expensive but since they had a free place, perfect!). Right now if you are willing to work hard and are physical able a young man like Asuleu could get a job today , I mean today, learning a trade with good starting pay. I have never seen anything like it employers begging for workers, my son gets job offers almost every time we go out, stores are closing early because of lack of help. I think Kalini must like having him home, free pace to live and the social media money is fun money. I say fun money because Asuelu has been seen at our local run fun center (it is like chuckie cheese, those games that give tickets) a few times.
  10. Sophie, the singer that sang about her life in 7th grade, my daughter knew her right away. I guess Shane Dawson, asked people to follow her and did a video with her and now she has a huge following? I wonder if a following that that and a backing of Shane Dawson will get her a lot of people just voting for her on the app that do not even watch? I wish they had explained more about Kodi Lee. As a mom with a child that has autism and one that that struggles with creativity and music , iIwas wondering how he learned his music, memory, if he only knew so many songs. I was surprised to read that he can learn a song after hearing it only 1 times, it is a rare skill, I would have liked to hear that part of the story. I want to have a good comedian , it seems like they do not get enough time. I know it is suppose be to be equal time but the guy on fire got was 3 times as long as the comedy lady. I would have rather seen 9 minutes of comedy and 3 minutes of the guy on fire. Anyone else bothered by them flipping between taping days? Simon and Howie are harder to tell, they dress pretty much the same day after day and have the same "hair" look. Gabi went from long straight hair, to short hair to braids and back and forth. I miss the days when they did one city each show. Now we know they are just putting together shows with clips of people that fit that filmed over a period of time.
  11. I was talking about the entire season not per episode. Sister wives got 10k for the entire first season not per episode and then 75k for the next season not episode. TLC would never pay 75k an episode, as I states above it is 10% of production cost, and a concrete example was the little couple last season, which they have been on air what 8 years? was getting about 14k an episode for the entire family and they had much higher production costs and ratings then honey boo boo. I have tried to search for Kendra's wetv contract to see what they have paid in the past with no luck. As for Jon Gosselin, I had watched some streams of meetings child stars and him had fighting for the kids to have money set aside and set working hours and the law got passed. That law did help get those kids off TV and into school full time and a more normal life. I do not know if he did it pre or post divorce but it did get done which should be a law in every state for kids on TV
  12. June had the account sets up from the start but at some point they stopped? Anna accused June of not putting enough in her account. Since we do not know how much he show paid, there is no way to know if June took any out or if it was just lower pay first 2 seasons, It was Kate Gosselin that was forced to get the accounts set up when Jon and her broke up. Kate was spending the money and Jon fought to get laws passed in PA to protect kids on TV. Before that laws were only in NY and CA since filming kids was rare in other states before reality tv,
  13. I think during the TLC days she setup accounts for the kids. The first 2 seasons did not pay much, TLC is infamous for very low pay first season, better pay second season, but it is season 3 and beyond you get good money. June was also not as cut throat as Kate Gosselin in asking for money or freebies. June was worried that if the show suddenly ended that she would not have enough money to live and too much money to get benefits so giving the girls the early money was an easy choice, remember she said the money when straight in the kids accounts and she had nothing to do with it. I think June was scared of losing her benefits because she knew she could live, maybe not grand but live with them. I can imagine being blind, living rural, it is not easy to find a job to walk to or get a ride every shift. I know Anna said she had only about 15k in her account but that would be close to what about 2 seasons might pay. First seasons of most shows are about 10k total so split that by 5 and then second seasons 75k again 5 ways, so about 15k after taxes for 2 seasons could have been Anna's share. I wonder when the money switched to June? It seemed like after Sugar bear and her split is when she was looking for a home so she was keeping some for herself or was it before then? When they started taping for Wetv there was a new contract. I wonder if Geno was in the picture by then? I think he was but not shown on camera. They flashed to pictures of Mama and Geno and a few of which she was very heavy so he was with her before the weight loss so much longer then the story line is showing us. So was Geno there when Wetv was giving her the not to hot deal?
  14. These are the only facts, like contracts that have been posted or actual people spoken out. On my big Fat Life with Whitney, her friends are paid very little, but paid, under 5k a season was reported, but also given the free trips, outings, food as other benefits. I would assume minor parts Like Doe Doe and Niece are like this. Now with the Duggars, Jill's husband was very vocal about he and Jill not being paid, that Jim Bob got the money and he would use the money to buy maybe a house for the couple to live in but then their were strings attached and control. the sister wives kids are not paid separate but it does seem like the family gives the kids money for college or housing and the show has made the married couples money off of MLM (you would not believe how much they are making off selling clothes and makeup to fans) so their is a benefit to being on reality TV even if you are not paid. Jen and Bill of the little couple make approx 14k per show (this was in a lawsuit so confirmed) and they say they are putting it away for the kids, I believe that (but a doctor and a business owner do not need extra money like Honey boo boo). I know on the one time shows, lets say escaping polygamy, they show a girl leaving the faith. She gets 5k to start her life, no one else gets paid in the family or are shown doing her hair or helping her get a place (the main 3 girls get a salary per season) . So many extras family or background do not get paid or very little. My guess with June, just as someone who has searched and read as many of these contracts (I actually have been an extra in reality TV filming, so has my family and many neighbors, they film in my area a lot, and I have never gotten a dime, but have HUGE 50 page long contracts for a 10 minute clip that I am just in the background, so the contracts fascinate me). June and her family, Pumpkin, Alana, Josh, Ella and Geno got paid as one, they were all living together in one house at the start of the season. Doe Doe and Big Mike got a friends salary, probably very low, $1500 plus freebies. I do not think they intended to film Doe Doe and niece as much as they did. I bet Doe Doe and niece filmed the extra talking heads and scenes just to help Pumpkin out and have control over what was shown, or help the image? Sugar bear and Jennifer I believe would be paid separate and much lower. They would be more on the friend level, guess 5k each. Gina who knows? I would say nothing. She likes to have herself on TV. She probably has a producer credit that she gets paid for , and is willing to step in and film a few times a season to help with the "story line". The rule is the family or people on a reality show like this are paid 10% of cost by the production company. The production company then sells the show to TLC or WeTV. the good example was the Little couple's production cost was 140k and they made 14k, it was clear in the lawsuit. You can also guess the production cost and salary by how good the trips are they take. If they are going first class to Europe or saying in a airbnb by the local beach? These companies are always looking to cut costs. Wonder why certain 90 day couples are on more then others? look at geography, a bunch in FL, easy and cheaper to film a few couples with one crew. Sharp productions films love after lockup and 90 day show film multiple couples in the same area with the same crews so it saves money, explains why certain less popular couples get invited back.
  15. All of the reality shows that we have seen contracts from like Gosselins, Duggars , Browns, they all get paid as a family, usually under an LLC and then money is moved into other accounts. I would guess June controls the family account from the show? While it is actually good to here that June is giving Pumpkin some money and not gambling it all away, I hope Pumpkin can save some of it. It seems like there is a low cost of living (or housing ) at least where they live. If Josh works and Pumpkin is selling some candles and jewelry online maybe they can save up enough to put a down payment on a modest home and have some stability. My guess is when June says she was sending Pumpkin money it was for taking care of Alana. I never thought I would see June blow money, how does someone go from coupon clipping and hoarding Tide pods to letting Geno swipe her credit card all night at a bar and now the gambling. I hope if there is another season, Pumpkin gets her own contract.
  16. I did not think Jennifer and Sugar bear offered anything to the last episode except Jennifer trying to tease people to watch next week and see who gets custody . Tease viewers about who loses weight, fine, but custody, not cool. Obviously , Alana is with Pumpkin right now. I think Pumpkin has matured and I'm happy she is able to care for Alana. I am not sure about her getting Ella into pageants. I know that it is something Pumpkin grew up around but it is costly and maybe best for her family to keep out of any spotlight. I kind of wish we got an opinion from Jessica last night. I respect she wants her own life and not to be filmed. just curious what her take is since it seems like Pumpkin tells her what is going on and then she comes and sees her mom in person for the first time in months. It was also telling that June did not run up and hug her? the daughter who graduates college, should be the apple of June's eye, and no love? I'm curious how Wetv will wrap this up. We know June is not getting any help currently. Will they have another season with Pumpkin and Josh as the leads? Viewers will want updates but will the show stay on?
  17. Remember Mark made her sign the prenup? Pedro and Chanel had a prenup and they saw a lawyer on a recent episode and she said a prenup meant nothing, Chantel would still be on the hook for Pedro. I hope Nikki leaves too. I wonder if Mark scares her into staying, like it is so expensive to live in America. There are plenty of jobs where I live, a young women like Nikki could get a job in a day and maybe have to start out renting a room, but ina few months could have a decent life. I hope she knows there are ways out.
  18. On reddit there was a poster recently that saw Mark at target, he was complaining about or trying to return a cell phone. His hair look dyed in the picture. The poster said she/he did not see Nikki. I believe they are still together from various posts but no pics to prove. I would love an update on what's now but I think after Mark sued TLC they are not coming back.
  19. I do not know who is "acting" with family Chantel. Pedro did look sad, pale, and a either unhealthy or unhappy as the days leading up to his trip. At least it was good to see him happy when he got to his family. Not sure if it is staying inside so much between his job and the video games but he just does not look like the same Pedro we met a few years ago.
  20. I wondered about her and Kalini and how they paid for their pregnancies. I live in the same city as Kalini and here there is just no way she was not on Medicaid unless she paid cash. Kalini is slightly different because she and Asuelu have no income, at least in Utah , you can't buy Obamacare if you have no income , you are forced onto medicaid . I wonder since Elizabeth's dad suggested Andrei work under the table, if he does pay Elizabeth under the table so she could get Medicaid? or he could have a policy for her but then he would be paying the premuims and deductibles and he seems like a lets find a way around it kind of guy. It is interesting looking at the 2 couples, both have babies and are relying on family with husbands not working. Andrei obviously wants a high wage job, he feels he deserves it? But it seems like in his area of FL, you need an education or experience or just time to get a higher wage job. It seems like Elizabeth would not want to move from her family, and just wants the dream life asap in FL her sisters have. Where Aseulu lives if you have a pulse you can get a job, if you are an able bodied male and work hard you can make very good money. Andrei would not move and Asuleu lives in free house in a booming area and is not taking a job and having Kalini family pay for everything (and the taxpayer). I find it interesing how loved Asuleu is and hated Andrei is. I do not like Andrei personality but I think as far as work or not working goes, Asuleu is worse, since he could wake up and ride his new boohole bike down the street and make good money but does not. I bet if Andrei could walk down he street and make $300-350 a day , he would do it. Maybe I am wrong. This in no way means I like Andrei (I yell at the TV when they are on) but just a different way to look at it.
  21. Very curious what changes they will make. The producer JD Roth has given the former contestants a platform to air their issues so I guess he is not back. Would they have the budget to bring back the trainers or Ali?
  22. We watch TV as a family every night, and I have a variety of ages, but 4 in the 18-34 demo most nights that is so desired. Everyone liked the kids are alright , my teens, my mother but single parents was disliked. A few of us like Brad Garett 's and his twins' story but the rest was hard to watch. Superstore used to be a favorite among all of us, but this year went downhill. It seems like after hearing so many sitcoms we liked, Kids are alright , Cool kids. Superior Donuts, LA to Vegas, our family does not want to watch any new ones and start to like them. Last year I had to hide that LA to Vegas was cancelled because it was the favorite, now this year only my husband knows he kids are alright is cancelled. I have written ABC but if it stays cancelled I'll break the news next fall.
  23. I believe June owns her house outright. She had some TLC money and said she said she could have bought bigger or better but chose that one for being nice but affordable and having money left over to live on. I hope she has not taken an home equity loan in her current state. Pre-Geno I would have said June was good with money, she seemed to not run out and buy fancy clothes, bags, fancy trips, she really changed very little but the house. Doe Doe on the show, owned a small bakery. That was a few years ago. Not sure if she still does? It was in a smaller strip mall and she had it open 6am-3pm type hours. I believe Doe Doe is divorced (or broke up from her child's father, not sure if they were married). I just wonder why Doe Doe does not fix her teeth? Even if WeTV gives her a small sum lets say 2k to appear, why can't Doe Doe use that for dentures or some dental help.
  24. There is something off with the Pumpkin moving out edit. Pumpkin moves out because June is "pregnant"? and June suspected this during DWTS junior taping which was July of 2018. This last episode was months later, maybe even 7-8 months later but at least 3-4 months and Pumpkin still has just folding chairs and an air bed? no toys for Ella, rugs, couch, TV? She had a TV in her room at June;s house and so many toys and babies items for Ella and none made it to the apartment in months? Then we see Pumpkin moving Alana from the her home in this last episode and Josh is carrying out baby toys and what appears to be Ella's nursery stuff? Then a scene later shows just the folding chairs in Pumpkins place? I think Alana moving out happened the same time Josh and Pumpkin left. I;m not sure if the apartment maybe was just used for filming? or maybe Pumpkin wanted their home to not be disclosed to June? When June walked into the "intervention", she was looking for Ella, I give June one thing I think she loves those grand babies. She seemed like she had not seemed Ella for a long time and was only there for Ella. Makes me think again, The four of them moved out awhile ago and filming was just edited the best they could to make some sort of redeeming? story? Right now they need to end filming with June. If the show really wants to make this a social cause, film Pumpkin. Show what it is like to be 19, have a baby, and trying to start out in life with no education and now have to take care of your 13 year old sister because of your mother being an addict. The show does not need fake pageants and contests . Show life, I'm sure Josh and Alana could provide some comic relief.
  25. How are they going to end the season? there can't be some happy ending like June left Geno or June is in rehab. The season ends in 2 or 3 episodes? Living in the casino is a recipe for trouble. Are they doing it because of the restraining order? or is June following Geno around? just sad. I hope that Pumpkin gets all or most of the money from this season. It seems like Alana is living with ehr full time and that apartment has very little furniture. Lets hope Pumpkin gets enough money to get the apartment furnished to be comfortable for Ella and Alana to be living there.
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