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Everything posted by silverspoons

  1. I have wondered why Marcus invested in certain businesses. It seems like some have nothing special, no patents. nothing different. Recently while not feeling good and spending the day in bed I watched way too many youtube videos on Marcus. He seems honest maybe too honest in his interviews. He says he likes to invest in people, that he just gets a feeling and wants to invest in a business. I have questions Marcus' motives. Camping World is all about going into as many markets as they can and buy up the little guy and make camping world dominant. Obviously Marcus is not going to be the BBQ king , cookie king, or furniture giant. Marcus did admit at some point he is going to have to sell off some of these business and he just has not figure out how. This will be very interesting if and when he does to watch how he handles it. He has lost money and not just small amounts on some of these businesses but it does not seem to stop him. He seems to really be drawn to one tiny aspect in a person's story over the business. I was surprised to here Marcus admit to his many struggles, being overweight and bulimic , being abused, suicidal thoughts, strained family relationships,, so I think sometimes one small part of someone story connects to him and he chooses that person or business. It has nothing to do with the product.
  2. I had several friend's parents that did this. I grew up in an upper middle class MA suburb. I know these people wanted their child to be the oldest or one of the oldest in the class and hope that would mean doing better in the later years of schooling. My best friend was older then me and in a grade behind. She was very smart, her parents just wanted her to be the smartest in her class and she went to Harvard so I guess it worked for them. I find it odd as I have lived in different states the age cut off for school. Where I live right now it is July 31st, so if you turn 5 on August 20th you wait a year to start school but in other states I have lived in the cut off is Dec 31 and one was Jan 31st. If a child is kept back because of academic or social concerns, fine. My son graduated high school when he was about to turn 19 because of the early cut off date for school starting. It was weird because his entire year of being 18 , he was still treated like a minor because he was in school, I had to sign permission forms for him to view a movie or change a class, I was required to walk him to the gym to vote in the Nov. elections, there was a curfew, it just felt like he missed his first year of independence.
  3. Did she say something about her achy muscles? I thought she did and I thought what was it from? Sitting on the airplane (did she get multiple seats or was she in one? I just saw her sitting behind her friends on the plane. Maybe the owner should have left her specific rules. I thought it was a known that you would not put soap in a hot tub. Kids prank people by doing this and then tubs at a minimum need to be drained, cleaned and refilled but it can be worse. I think this whole Buddy thing seems like it was set up or parts were. It was very easy to have the dance tour end in the city she lived in? and why did she just leave her baby behind? and they break up just in time to get for Buddy to get to Alaska. I feel bad for Whitney's parents. They did not need to come on this trip. The travel seemed hard on her mom. Whitney has cried about having to care for her mom who is still recovering from a stroke, but then asks her to come on a long air travel trip, to high elevations to watch her ride a bike? I guess the need Glen and Babs because the group is so dull, they had to bring that stripper in to liven things up because Alaska or SC all they do is sitting around and talk about Buddy.
  4. I think it is because Dr. Jessica has not visited Philly much this season. Have no idea why since she lives in MA and Dr. Pepper lives in WA and has visited more? Kristine's Airbnb is suppose to be pretty close to Kate's and they have bonded so of course Kristine would know more because she has seen more. I would have rather just had Kristine Luke and Jamie on tonight. I think Luke would have been scared without Dr. Jessica there to save him. I bet Kristine knows a lot more then she is saying and is showing a ton of self control. The tears on unfiltered should have been from Kristine not Luke. She bought Keith's dad plane ticket and then he stands up her husband. That is more tear worthy , then Luke please don't call me a villian. Love how he popped out from behind the set the minuet Jessica said nice things bout him. Does Keith;s dad live in Jamaica or the states?
  5. It is not just the money, the I can't wait for anything attitude. I had to stop watching for watching for awhile when she needed the hormone device changed and it cost something like $7500 and the insurance did not cover it. She just expected her parents to pay without ever even thinking how much $7500 is. It could pay for a year of college for one of here 3 siblings (does she even remember sometimes her dad is working to support 4 kids). Plus she wanted in to that Endocrinologist asap. At that same time my mom had a brain tumor removed and even though it was urgent, we had to wait 2 weeks to see an endocrinologist (she was not allowed to travel and only one left in our city) I spent 2 weeks with my mom who was confused, violent, lost her bladder control waiting for a doctor that luckily was able to get her medication to control the issues. Does Jazz realize there are other people who need these doctors too. How lucky she is that surgeons facetime her or visit her hotel room. I can;t even imagine how much this has cost the family over the years. I also do not see Jazz really feeling bad for her friends who have parents that can't afford the same treatments. She comes home to tell Noelle and the others, when are you getting a Vagina? You have to get one! Jazz not everyone's parents have the money and not everyone's parents feel comfortable with having it done under 18. I still think her dad, maybe it was the lawyer in him or way of looking at life, wanted Jazz to wait till age 18 and finishing high school. Jazz might make enough off of social media and her other appearance fees to live on her own? She has over 600k subs on youtube and her videos get many views, I have no idea what you tube pays but my kids say over 500k subs pays decent. Of course Jazz is going to need more then the average 18 year old to live on their own because of the lack of concept of what everything costs. I bet she would order way more take out then cook. I see her as someone who thinks her family will pay her medical for life, her car insurance and phone type bills since it is a family bill.
  6. His original post about his work and college was very confusing. It was like he did not even understand what he was told? He used the 8 years of schooling line, I wondered what was he trying to get a Phd , JD or DDS? Then he said he was an apprentice at a sprinkler installing place and he would be making good money while he trained for his career? I thought tech school (but what tech school is 8 years). Then he said in 6 years he would finish and be making enough to support his family. Someone needs to sit down with him if he really does want to work and have a stable life, and explain education options and types of school. He also needs to understand we can't always live in the exact city we want. I live in the rural desert for 10 years because my husband had a great job and it gave our kids a high standard of living compared to living in a metro area. I just worry Stephen is the type that will be at one of those overpriced for profit schools in those TV ads that gives you a computer when you sign up and charges you 10 times more then a state or tech school for the same degree.
  7. I am from MA and I moved to Utah. After years in the desert sand, heat and rocks, I remember I was asleep in the car and we drove into Flagstaff. It was colder, a light rain and I saw so much green and trees. I honestly felt at home or better for a minute. I had not been anywhere as close to New England in a few years and it was such a shock after leaving 115 degree heat. Then I saw how run down some parts were and how nice other parts were (seemed like no middle class?). I think the parts the Brown's went to are not where families live, it is more for second homes, investments etc? To me it was just like rural Utah or NV but with a few trees. I had to laugh when Kody said the wind is just as bad in Vegas. It is windy a few times a year, but certainly not on any regular basis and not 50-60 mph like he said. Kody said he was looking for a liberal city in a conservative state. Ive looked for the opposite, conservative city in a liberal state and both concepts are hard to find. I would not call Flagstaff and AZ liberal and conservative. Plus spending as much as they will for housing sickens me in rural AZ. After driving through Flagstaff to Utah or to Phoenix , it is the most incredible poverty I have ever seen in the US and I have been to every state and many major cities. People live in the middle of no where, in horrible heat, no electricity , in these make shift housing, it is hard to describe but it is should not be livable. It left me in tears, that people live like this. They have no cars, and are hours from a city, and the heat is over 100 and no way to cool down. I do not know how Kody would want to drive by this and how he could not feel bad with how wasteful they have been on housing over the years.
  8. I have tried to not watch too much of the show because some of the half truths they had told in the past episodes would get my blood pressure up. My internet was down and what I was streaming stopped for a minute and of course my TV was on TLC. Why Flaggstaff? Honestly? No offense to anyone living there. I live in southern Utah where Mykelti lives. The closest neurologist for our child is in Phoenix. We have decided to leave Utah. I had done some research on AZ and we drove back through Flagstaff. Just like Robyn;s daughter said, I woke up from a long day of travel and saw the trees, it was lightly raining and colder and I felt a sense of calm and happiness. After years of extreme heat and desert, I wanted to get out of the car. We went through the mall, it was a "dead mall" but it did have a hot topic for the kids. I knew the community college had a program for my child that had health issues. I checked out the schools and the rentals homes and stopped to talk about health insurance costs and quickly found out even though medical care would be closer, the cost was so expensive. I also was bothered by what I saw a as big wealth divide? I only have spent 2 days in Flagstaff researching but I saw very nice exclusive homes and then the poor struggling working class and really no solid middle class. I was also told that during the super hot summer months that there is a large unsolved homeless issue with people trying to get out of the heat. i do not think Flaggstaff is a dream affordable city to move to? All I can think of is Kody remembered it from the RV trip via route 66? or there is a MLM there or an investor that will let them buy land with some weird non-exsistant equity ? It also gets me so pissed that Kody still says that Polygamist are not welcomed in Utah or there are laws on the books. Everyday I see polygamist everywhere, they are not getting arrested. His ideal option was Cedar City Utah. If he had done research real research his city is Cedar City! It has a AUB church, he could final go back to church, it has 4 seasons, i has reasonable housing, good schools, a very good cheap public college (Logan toured it on an episode), plenty of building lots or homes just to buy, close to Meri's B&B and a few of their kids? Janelle had a great job working for the state of Utah she loved, maybe she could get back to working for them and get a pension. There are no polygamists getting arrested! so it is not an excuse. Actually polygamy is so common no one would really care or look twice (well maybe at his crazy hair!) In our family's moving process. We sat down and wrote down what each of us need and what we want. Needs are first, the we tried to find a place to get the wants too. We are starting to visit these cities, some I have never been too, but everyone gets a say. I realize it is easier with a family of 4. I take my child that is in high school needs seriously. They are captain of an academic team and I will not look at a school that does not have that team and would not accept her at a high level even if the city looks great. I felt bad for Gabe and the wrestling team. I forget all the kids, but they have 3 juniors, why not stay and have them finish because after that there are just Truley and then Robyn's little kids left? I stayed in Utah one last school year for my older child to graduate. I found out what a mess it would be to move my child at the end of high school, states have such different requirements for graduation. I wonder if Meri is just going to fade during the move. It is common to see wives as the age , move away and have a their own life, down the road so to speak. they don;t remarry but don;t live with the family. They are at all the family weddings and function but the live alone closer to town. I have spoken to these older women, they have wonderful stories, and clearly love all their "kids" dearly. They usually live in double wides or small homes closer to the city. I see Meri doing this. I'm very curious to see if Meri actually gets a home, not a rental but an actually newly built or owned home in Flagstaff.
  9. The house was one built in Vegas about 30-40 years ago. There are a bunch of these blocks houses in 2 neighborhoods, they have flat roofs, carports, and swamp coolers. I believe they built them because of the extreme heat. I have seen a few that have been redone very cute, but for the most part they are not in the best areas so there is not a lot of flipping Vegas there. They have a house which if you are living in a iffy neighborhood is better then an apartment complex IMO. You get your own yard and no shared walls and a safer place to park your cars. It just would not take much to fix it up a bit, at least the kids room. Her ex, the child's dad had a grand home, I wonder how he feels with his son sleeping like that, or why he could not give her a few of the child's items to bring with him to mom's. I actually was surprised that before she got her child for overnight visits that an agency did not check the home. My family, one night was called to help a man in our community who was getting his kids back. He had no criminal record, his ex went crazy and did some bad stuff. The state was giving him custody but he had to prove he had 3 bedrooms and that they were all set up and safe. A bunch of people went over and made sure the rooms had everything they needed plus the safety stuff like the outlets and windows and doors were all safe and that the fence was good since the neighbors had a pool.
  10. Did Micheal go back to jail because he was 10 minutes late or because he was driving when they told him not to ? or for something they found on him? I felt bad for that funeral home worker. I;m sure when she asked how Katilyn was feeling or what she needed from Matt, I bet she was thinking she would hear, I need space, I need someone to listen, or I need to cry. I doubt she did thought she would hear their whole relationship history. Lizzie spending $1900 on some boutique clothes. I have a hard time believing that she could find that many clothes in that place that fit her large chest well. Her daughter was right , that money could have gotten her an apartment. I felt bad for Brittney's son, could she not have spent a little money making the block wall room look more homey. Just by getting the bed off the floor with a frame and a blanket set and a fluffy rug for the floor and maybe some of the those lights from Ikea that go on he wall that are stars or dinos.
  11. There is something off with his story because Debbie has said it has been almost 20 years since her husband died? I have seen Colt was 12-14 when his dad died? Plus Colt has said he did not graduate from high school, he said he wasn't into school, and he finally did some home school and got a GED. These people can't even keep their story straight on their past let alone what happens now!
  12. This article gives me slightly more hope about Jasmine and Will. If they both own homes that are far apart and are used to certain routines like both like hanging out with friends on the weekend, I can see being thrown in a random airbnb a stressful issue. Unlike Keith and Kristine who are lucky to have a free place to stay for 8 weeks instead of bunking with the parents or grandma. I can't imagine that Jasmine and Will don't go back and check on their homes , still have to do some upkeep and have a hard time with jobs and filming and get to know each other. I now 100% think they will say together and at least give it a try in the real world without the cameras for awhile. Do I think they are a great match no, but I also do not think Jamie and Doug are and they are still together.
  13. He is 30 not 40. The bank account has a few guesses. Colt's dad died when he was under 18. Colt would have had to have a joint account because his mom was a payee for him. Of course why was it still around ten years later? Was it just an edit or did they keep it with a few dollars for years and never close it and start using it again in Vegas? As for living with his mom, if you look at Colt's life, he did not go right to college. I think he got a GED? Then he just worked and traveled and then about 5 years ago he decided to go back to college. He went to one of the for profit expensive colleges and moved in with his mom to avoid too much debt. He graduated in 2017 and got his dream job programming games in Vegas, which paid low for his degree and he had huge debt. His mom turned 65 and agreed to retire to Vegas and they would still share a place so he could pay off his loans. This is what I have read, makes sense. I went to college in the 1990's lived in a dorm and left with 8k in debt. Now my child started college and I have them living at home. No way I would want my child to try and work full time while in college just to pay for a dorm or apartment or go into big debt for school. I never thought I would have my adult child at home, but I don;t want to see them, 44k in debt for room and board fees over 4 years when it really costs nothing to have them stay in their bedroom at home. I'm sad to see that Larissa backed out of her interview with Auntie. From her answer, I think her lawyer is advising her not to talk. Probably smart but I'll miss my entertainment tonight.
  14. Can anyone explain what happened to Hunter. The first seasons we barely saw him. It seemed like he did not want to be on the show. He was living in NY on his own. Now he is back with his parents and I looked at his SM and he is acting like a college kid partying. Do Babs and Glenn have 2 adult children acting like kids that they are supporting?
  15. I live in an area with many national parks and the rescue teams are mostly volunteers. There have been weeks in the hot over 100 degree weather when they have had to work 24/7 rescuing people not obeying rules. It is hard to see restrictions and that not everyone can enjoy all aspects of a national park but the restrictions are not just for safety of the person but the rescue team. I have neighbors that thanklessly spend hundreds of hours in a summer rescuing people without any pay who did not follow the rules and then have to work full time or lose money from not being able to work and have families to support. Signing a waiver does not change what happens in an emergency because waiver or not teams have to go out and rescue.
  16. Why has the trainer not gone over getting rid of the drinks or if Whitney needs Caffeine (not sure why she would since she seems to have no schedule or regular job to get up for) in the morning, how she can get it with less calories. My son gave up soda and caffeine after high school ended and lost 15lbs (it was what he wanted and all he needed to lose). It is surprising how much those drinks add up. Whitney admitted to eating at night and in huge amounts. It was like multiple pizzas. It is easier then you think to go through your day without eating. She is drinking fancy coffees to give her energy and calories that she does not count. Then when she is settled at night she admits to ordering 3 pizzas and sides and eating them and them going to bed late. She has said she stopped the pizza but then has joked more then once about her pizza apps and how easy it is to order pizza. As much as I like her parents , I do think Dr. Now would call them enablers. She admits to having these pizza binges in college. Her parents giving her enough money , by the amount she said she ordered it have to be over $500 a month on pizza, they were enabling her habit. My parents paid for what my scholarship did not, they made sure my room and board was paid and books were bought, but they did not hand me $500 or more dollars for extra food. It is fine for parents to help but it seems like Whitney's parents helping has hurt her sometimes and now she seems like she is still stuck as a child in adulthood because of it.
  17. I did get a laugh out of that and a few other statements. I also think I have the same candy he was eating on my nightstand. I understand not giving too much info, saying I don;t remember every location of a business or every person but he seemed downright mean about his wife? When asked about his wife's horses and if she liked to ride or won awards, he seemed like he just did not care. It was rather cold. he could have said, it is my wife's hobby. I'm not into it, I just pay for it. When asked if his wife was in his business , he could have said just no. Instead he followed up, I am glad she is not, laughing about something like never. He also said he did not care about the charity events he gave money too. I realize people give to charity for tax write offs or favors, but at least say our company gives to many charities and I can''t be involved with all of them. Something does not add up about the wife. This was in March 2017. Bethany admitted to dating Marcus in an interview with E! in April of 2017. I guess that is what threw me off so much was how he did not seem to be nice about his wife. Again I understand you give as little info about your business , but what harm would there be in saying I like my wife or implying in your answers that you care about a spouse of their interests.
  18. As I watch each episode now, I wonder why does Marcus want this business. How does it fit into his portifilo. He wants to have his fashion empire and then many of the other business work for his other business (like making signs, lightening fixtures, shirts, promo items etc). Seems like he is using the show to build his empire because lets face it, businesses like this cookie company had nothign unique about them, he rarely invests in some patented one of a kind business. It is like he wants someone to start up a food or fashion business and he just walks in and gives them 200k for 50% and he has a business to add to his empire and employees to run it (I realize he saves the business but if you look at the deals, the business usually keeps 1-2 locations and he gets all the new locations for himself in some sort of loophole?). On my you tube recommended there was a 2 hour deposition Marcus gave in a case against him in 2017. It is Stetler vs Camping world. I have not watched it all yet. I was surprised at how slimy or maybe smug Marcus was. He sure did not recall stuff or really did not want to give out info that was pretty basic. Like name a charity event your company sponsored? or what states does your company do business in? He could not recall his wedding date, even paused a long time to give a year? Does anyone know what the case was about? I just found it fascinating to watch him for a bit when there was no edit or storyline, and he hopefully was being truthful because it was a taped legal proceeding.
  19. Did anyone get a screenshot of how many people were up on the rock with her at the end. There was a shot from far away and at least 5 other people were up on the rock on the edge, maybe making sure she did not fall and the got the money shot of her making the big moment. They were there in one shot and hen disappeared during the final one. I don't get this trip to Alaska. Have no idea how it will redeem her from having trouble in a 5 or 8k last year. I'm sure she could just run a local race to redeem that. Watching that family by the ton there was a 400lb women a few weeks ago that was 1 month after weight loss surgery doing the spartan games in NC or GA. Whitney could have joined her. I also do not get this obsession with Todd, if she is not talking about Buddy and his blow addiction, she is complaining about Todd. If she complains about him so much why is she begging him to come of the trip and back to her "class". It does not seem like any of her friends are that excited including her parents go to Alaska. I's guessing that it was picked by the producers and not Whitney. The first thing I thought of was the altitude. It is sure is not good for her mom post stroke to travel on a plane for 12 hours and have such a dramatic change in altitude. I have a vascular condition and just to travel between cities where I live sometimes I have no choice but to be above 7,000 feet sometimes as high as 10,000 and it feels like a weight on your chest and makes you feel like just walking is hard until you get used to it(and I have a normal BMI). I can imagne we will see Whitney gasping for breathe like Homer Simpson trying to climb that mountain with his applesauce bars!
  20. Keith and Kristine, is cooking and cleaning for 2 people in a small apartment that hard? Once a week, cleaning a bathroom, doing laundry, vacuuming and daily kitchen cleanup is way too much for them to handle. If cooking is so hard and cleanup even harder then make sandwiches, a salad, or get a pre-made meal from the grocery store. I wish I could go back to the easy days of cooking for 2 and cleaning an apartment, what will Keith think about cleaning when he gets the baby he wants so badly? or when you have kids that have different diets then you. We are a family of 4 and I or my husband make 3 varations of dinner every night to meet each family members needs, which is not only time but extra cleaning. As energetic as AJ is, I like how into this marriage he is. He was excited to call his in laws mom and dad and be part of the family. Steph's parents are senior citizens but seemed like they were pretty hip and trendy from their home. Maybe AJ fun spirit will fit in with them. I was pretty surprised that Kate Kristine and Dr. Pepper were all pretty negative on Luke on unfiltered. He deserved it but I'm surprised they let these feelings be expressed while the season was still airing. I have been wanting to know the missing pieces of Kristine's story. So tonight we learn her long time boyfriend was wealthy and she left him because he was too controlling and did not do his share of housework. What does this mean for Keith who is broke and does not want to do his share?
  21. In those expose party videos, Dee mentions that Omar was promised money by Swaggy. I got some autographs from hearts of reality (and it is a real charity) and they we mailed from a man named Omar. Shame on Swaggy for not giving money to a place that gives free lodging to sick kids going to disney when he stayed at some 12 room airbnb with the money.
  22. Swaggy better watch out , it looks like cruise gate 2019 is coming next. Swaggy is having a cruise with the Hive. I was wondering if it was still on. I guess it has turned into a mess. He had posted that other season's HG would be attending and now it is overbooked and people are confused. Andy posted he never committed to the cruise and his name was on the flyer and now there is no ticket for him so he is not going, Josh's name was on the flyer and he did not even know about a cruise. The first flyer had about 14 names, now the new one (after fans bought tickets) is just Swaggy , Bayleigh, Fessy, Haleigh and Scottie. One of the 14 names is Mccrae and he was so pissed abut Kevin he offered to turn his twitch channel into a 24/7 expose Swaggy channel. I would love to see them on the same cruise. Fessy , Haleigh and Scottie are in tough spots. Fans could have bought cruise tickets to see them and if they don;t go to distance themselves from Swaggy, fans could be mad. With the live feeds gone, I have streamed the expose Swaggy videos to catch up, now all I keep hearing is Pay Uncle Kevin his money!
  23. I check Nicole's social media once in a awhile to see what she is up to. Her instagram seems to be gone or down? I was not following her, was anyone else? It was under alwayssnicole . She had been dieting recently and posting a lot and then gone?
  24. As mentioned the ratings dropped by about 50% from season 1 to season 2 and then stayed steady which means Netflix knew it had a loyal audience but that number is only worth so much to them. I am a fan of any family friendly show I can watch with my kids so I am sad to see it go. I saw some people arguing why are soaps kept on for 50 years but Fuller house cancelled. Soap actors make almost nothing and producing shows is all about money. If the fuller house cast is so sad about the show ending, they should say they will work for much less. I love Days of our lives and I was shocked when a family member died and a long time Days cast member was working at the funeral home. They made less then 50k a year working on Days so in CA you would need a second job to live basically. They still acted on Days because of the fans and keeping the show going for the many generations that watch together.
  25. Brittney story line is at 7-8 weeks since leaving jail. Lizzie was only at like 1 week so they are all at different spots. I don't understand these people getting pregnant out of prison. I guess I am the only one that thinks about insurance, saving up the deductible and being ready. I understand things happen but both Sarah ad Brittney have kids already so this is not their first time.
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