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Everything posted by silverspoons

  1. Is there voting tonight ? I am watching the big bang theory finale, but did not know if there was a rush to watch tonight's Paradise hotel because of voting? If there is voting when does it close?
  2. I think the weight loss surgery and all the skin and other surgeries were motivated by money (I guess over taking any fears along with some sedatives?). June seemed scared to leave her welfare life that she had before the show. The original house was cheap, and she knew with being legally blind she would always get a certain amount of help plus she used her coupons. Once she took a big check for herself and not for the kids trust, she knew she would have to support herself forever. When they money was running low and she panicked and did the weight loss and other surgeries out of pure need of money. It is obvious she did not do it for health. I never saw her eat healthy even at her thinnest. She also did not seem like she ever did any regular workout , just a workout here and there for the show. She seems to have gone right back to her old eating habits. So the paycheck was the major reason for those surgeries. I
  3. So when they dump the corn on the kids (which I agree is a waste), and the kids leave to clean up, is that when the kids get a "cooking lesson" on what they will be challenged with? It just seems like a waste of time to have to shower or at least they washed their hair after the corn. Did any of these kids go to the masterchef camp last summer? My daughter pulled up some of the kids social media and it seems like the have hung out outside of the show, especially most of the finals, I did not see Reid or Ivy but it seemed like all of the rest had pictures outside of the show. I am trying to figure out who will be in the finals. I think Ivy might be there playing a part, and was given a certain number of episodes in exchange for knowing she was not going to win. i wonder if they will do 3 kids like last year? If they do I say Reid, Malia and Ivy? with Malia win.
  4. June was born with cataracts but her mom would not take her to the doctor. She put a fear of doctors in June. Remember when Anna's daughter had the extra thumb? June was against taking the baby to the doctor, and when Anna did, June really did not want the baby to have the procedure done. June talked a bit about her fears then. The thumb removal was a minor surgery (My son had a friend that had it done, you would never know it was ever there). Alana was actually on The doctors Tv show. they gave Alana a diet but even with their help, June did not follow it. It makes me upset that some doctors these days will not tell you you or your kid is overweight. I had a friend with an overweight son. He was wearing adult clothes in 1st grade, and weighed closer to 200lbs! She would lead, with his dad is so tall and I am tall, he is a big boy. The doctor said nothing. Thankfully, since her son grew tall, a really cool college student who was doing coaching, took the boy and trained him for free, had him running the stairs at the stadium and in a year he lost 75lbs. I do not know why doctors are so scared to talk about weight unless the patient brings it up. Are they afraid of lawsuits or bad reviews? I had an older PCP, he had some weight chart from like 1970 on his wall. My BMI is about 23 and I have been within 5 lbs of the same weight for 15 years. It was closer to 24 BMI after a long bedrest after surgery and he said, you are overweight, and gave me this long talk. I was not overwight by BMI and I admit felt bad when he said it, but I do know he was concerned about health and diet. My new PCP, who my mom sees, will never mention weight. My mom is a diabetic and is very overweight and the doctor mentions nothing because they know my mom would be upset. Doctors should get some training on how to approach this. No one wants to be called fat, but patients need to know healthy habits and how to obtain them in a safe way.
  5. Tonight was easy to predict. I also think no way Laine loses. If you look at social media posts, views, likes he is so far ahead. I would prefer a Madison win but it is not going to happen. I admit I was distracted because of Mother's day and the time the show airs at. Were they suppose to dedicate songs to moms? I missed Wade's intro but saw his mom watching him, Laci was with grandma, Madison said to her mom she did not see her much growing up? Did she live with her dad, sounded like it? Then it was Laine and his brother when it looked like his mom was there? and then Alejandro and friend? I just wish the judges would say something other then you are going to be a star and how great these people are. I would be pissed if I were on the show and did not get any constructive criticism or tips. How many non-winners are top stars? especially in the last 4 seasons? Plus Katy needs to stop saying how lucky they are that they talked Laine into coming back to the show. Was he really going to say no? He is 18 and trying to make it as a singer, and shows up in rural Idaho with a friend that is auditioning? Was he going to say no, I will go back to Louisiana and keep trying to make it on my own?
  6. This episode was hard to watch. I don't know how much was acting or real. Geno and Mama June's mood swings, anger and crying are not a place for Alana to live or Pumpkin and her baby to be hanging out in. Jennifer and Sugar bear looked normal tonight, that says a lot. The chipped tooth. So June chips off her veneer eating? I knew someone who broke off a piece of her veneer but it was almost 20 years old, she knew that they were at the end of their lifespan and needed a new set but it is expensive (I wonder what all these young people are going to do that have good teeth but get veneers to be perfect at age 21-25? Hope they have money saved for new sets in their 40's and 60's). June only had hers for 2 years? They should not have broken over eating some sort of brownie. I wonder if they were not put on well and she had some sort of decay under the veneer? Her bottom teeth did not look well care for. June seemed hyper sensitive in that dental chair. I was surprised the dentist who allowed filming did not stop when June was complaining. The dentist also gave her rules like whatever she did was maybe a temp fix? so maybe that is why the tooth chip or fell out again a few days later at the lunch. I feel bad for June. I do not think this should have been filmed. If they wanted to finish the season, they should have filmed Alana at Pumpkin's and her stand up comedy, Pumpkin and Josh could have gone furniture shopping and added in more sugar bear. I have always felt a little bad for June because she would not have been blind if her mom had got her medical care as a kid. Her mom put so much fear of doctors in her. Now she lives in a home where she is dependent on rides for everything. I know people say, take an uber, but it would not be cheap if you had to do it for everything. I guess the most telling part is Pumpkin moving out. I do not buy the whole June being pregnant reason that Pumpkin left. I do believe June said she thought she was, most likely as a last ditch effort to keep Geno around, like of a like a teenager would which I believe June is still stuck mentally as a teen. June let Anna stay at the old house with her baby when it was 2 bedrooms. No way June would kick Pumpkin out and why would Pumpkin leave a free living situation? Things must have already been tense and bad. I wonder why Pumpkin did not get more furniture? Was it that quick of a move or was the apartment maybe just to be temporary , hoping June would get help. What I guess bothers me watching most is we know there is not a good ending to this story. We know June after the arrest, is still begging to be with Geno, it does not appear as she is getting any help.
  7. Kalini had her baby yesterday. A boy named Kennedy. I hope that Asuelu will go get a job now. he said he is legal to do so and there are so many jobs where he lives, he should have no issue finding a high paying job with a day.
  8. I remember on the first season when he talked about his job and Amber was not working, and I wondered how much do asisstant landscape directors make? In the first season they had a decent newer home and 5 kids and this one income. I tried looking up the salary but it seems to vary widely from college to college an state to state. Trent did not go to college so , he is lucky to have a job that was able to provide a new life for 5 kids and a stay at home wife and all the medical needs before the show.
  9. I agree Nicole should be looking locally. I have wondered why she can't find someone in her church. Her grandfather is the pastor and she lives on the church grounds. It is not just like a Sunday church , it is like a compound with housing (both the original studio and the trailer she lives in now are on it) , rec center and church. She has said she goes to church (in the past not sure about last week) and she lives on the church grounds, and the grand daughter of the pastor, is there not some guy to at least date her if not marry her? I had a neighbor that was in high standing with the Mormon church. His son was bald by 21, went in a low paying career and had the personality of a paper bag , yet a very cute young lady married him because of his church standing.
  10. This was arrest #1 we are watching. Colt decided not to press charges but the state decided they wanted to. It is out of his control. We are not watching the trial that is coming up in June, that is for arrest #3. Colt declined t press charges on arrest #2. It was not till arrest #3 that he went along with the state to press charges. Larissa did not show up for court on any of the her dates for arrest 1 2 or 3. If she does not show up in June, the judge said he will issue a warrant. I wondered why he is not driving for uber or amazon or door dash ? Mohammad got his trucking license and then after a short time over the road (the long trips), he started driving uber. In 2019 there are many ways to make a little extra money, with all these part time app jobs, no excuses not to make $50 driving something. I wonder if they do not want him to work so she can get free maternity care (it is called baby your baby in my state and if you have a low income you get free maternity).
  11. Remember Michael an Kelly, Michael would do Sunday night football on the West coast, take a red eye and did Monday's show without sleep. They could at least keep voting open for a few hours and then tape the results show late at night and send Ryan on the red eye. If AI sees another season they need to replace Ryan. Does anyone watch for him or won't watch if he is gone? I'm fine with a replacement.
  12. Isn't next week 5 to 3 so they will be fine with 2 boys and a girl. Laine and Madison plus ? I would guess Alejandro. I am no fan of the save. AI did not put a strong group of women in the top 10 or even top 14 so it was a guys year to win, plus again I say they brought back Laine, flew him to Idaho for a reason.
  13. I'm a little confused about the timeline of the show. The season was taped last summer during DWTS juniors and then the weight loss with Jennifer story. The season was already finished filming well before it aired. Then the arrest story breaks and the show seems to either have a funny edit (to try and make Geno look bad) or they filmed more recently and added in? Geno was much thinner when they were watching the commercial Alana did. From social media pics it seems like Alana is staying with Pumpkin, hopefully this is true. While I think Pumpkin house is a safer choice, I hope Alana who is starting high school in the fall, will have someone??? to guide her to get the right classes and stick with school. Pumpkin seems sweet but she dropped out of high school and I'm not sure if Josh (who is 25? and has no solid job) finished high school either? As for the episode, Did anyone notice when Alana called Tristan , her phone name for him was My Hubby? Yikes! Plus when she was talking to him it still said calling, so was it is pre recorded call? Sugarbear shopping at that same expensive grocery store. That is the same place that last season Jennifer accused him of looking a fat women. Sugar bear again does not strike me as a guy that pays $7 for a jar of all natural peanut butter. Must be the one spot in town that lets him film and let him put that "legit looking" ad up for the sexy photos.
  14. I knew they would save Laci. they were not going to have 4 guys and 1 girl in the final 5 and chance an all male final 3. I am not rooting for Jeremiah but I agree he was way better then Laci tonight. So far the the top people have basically been the same as the views they get on facebook. Laine is so far ahead no way he loses. Plus with the live shows they are begging for people to vote without seeing the performances. I just wish they would stop this live voting. Ryan is not that important!
  15. One of the guys, I think it was the one marrying the Virgin? said he went on the show because of the high success rate? What stats did they show him??? do they just say how many people say yes at D-day? I can't figure what stat makes the show look successful?
  16. I just looked up Matt the basketball player. I was curious how tall he was. He is 6'10" played college ball for TN, went to a Christian high school. There are videos of him playing. He played in Mexico most recently. When he talks in the videos he is either uncomfortable or does not sound really smooth (kind of bland or dull, what to say this nicely). there is also a music video of someone with the same name, looks the same, so is he wanting to get into music? His major was sports management , never heard of the major, is that to become an agent or just a major athletes take?
  17. Please Let them not make the whole story about her virginity (remember Shelia never had her big "O", I heard that way too much). If she chooses to lose it, please let it be off camera! I also wonder if her virginity is a religious thing or if she has done everything but..and is saving just sex for a commitment? The Basketball player and his wife don;t look happy in the picture. Only way that will work if if she has some job that will allow her to travel. Plus those overseas jobs do not last long. You see NBA players go overseas for a year or two and then aren't asked back. I see another Will and Jasmine with Greg and Deonna. She is a strong carer minded home owner, who has not dated in 10 years! She will have big expectations I bet. Elizabeth and Jamie are AJ and Steph copy. Look fun and quirky , I say this is the couple most likely to work.
  18. I just saw an interview that Ben did a few days ago and he said the final episode this season will be hardcore dark? Any ideas of what he meant? The interview is on youtube with Busy Phillips. I do not know what is considered hardcore dark, I would guess someone maybe dying? How many episodes are left?
  19. I feel like there is really no one to root for. I have not liked anyone from week to week. It is obviously Laine's to lose. It is like America's got talent, you can see who the winner is from early on and there is not real competition. It is also very hard to watch so early 5-6 pm on a Sunday if you want to vote based on performance. I know they are doing Sunday night for Ryan's schedule but it sure is not viewer friendly. I know families where I live have Sunday night dinners or if you are like me you are making sure your kids have everything ready for school on Monday. I could not finish the show when voting was about to end so I through a few votes to Madison, even though I do not think she was the best last night because I wanted to make sure it was not an all make finale and Madison had done well previous weeks. I think if the show comes back next year, they need to get rid of Ryan or make him take a day off from the Kelly show every week and have better show times and we need to go back to one person gone a week. There is not that much new TV on networks that there should not be a problem having a few extra weeks of AI in the schedule.
  20. They should just have the one judges save if that. Those 3 saves last week were the lows again this week, that means America does not wan them for some reason. I think the judges(or producers) got to pick the the top 14, then America should do the picking after that. I wonder who was # 8-10 via America's vote last week? maybe some like Riley or Ashley would have had more success. It shows even the judges do not know how the show works when Katy wanted to know how many weeks left. It was much better when it was top ten and one gone each week, then 14 to 10 to 8 to ? to final 3? I don't like these live show votes , seems like people will just vote for their favorites before they even sing. Then the last few people get very little time for people to vote after their performances. That makes me think Laine and Jeremiah have a solid vote, to be put near the end with so many people left. I agree this is Laine's show to lose. I still think it will be Laine, Madison and Alejandro final 3. Why didn't these people all pick popular Disney songs. If you want to win, forget your favorite song. Pick songs people know!
  21. I have not watched their what now yet but I thought they were moving to North Carolina. Like they in the moving van and gone already? I know that my part of Utah is getting almost as expensive as CA and many people including myself are selling houses and moving East. North Carolina is one of the 5 states I see many LDS CA/UT couples moving to . Virginia seems to be the first choice, I guess it is called the Utah of the East Coast? North Carolina, Indiana , Iowa and Nebraska are the other places. All seem t have lower cost of living, nice safer cities and growing LDS populations or at least enough for full church partciapation. I hope hope hope that this move gives Kirkylam some freedom to make new friends and get a life outside of his family and the church.
  22. This is good to hear. I wonder if those pictures of Lieda and her stepdaughter modeling the shirt in the park with the creepy wig, were suppose to be family times? before the case was heard? Who buys a shirt for $45 and pretends to be a brand ambassador? Lieda?
  23. It does not have caffeine, $30 shipped for a 12 pack is kind of high to me. Anything heavy like soda needs to be in stores or the shipping can kill it. Even amazon stopped sending most soda on prime to my area because of shipping costs, but when I visit another city, amazon ships a great variety. I love me some birch beer and it is not sold in the west. Jet.com will only send 1 12 pack every 3 months to me (They did everything to top me from using different cards or sending it to a neighbor because they lose on shipping).
  24. My husband has a cousin that was a Walmart store manager and now is a manager of a bunch of stores in a region. He started as a front end manager while in college. Then he was willing to move to a horrible crime ridden location and be an assistant manager and then became manager. He was making over 150k(including bonus) as a store manager in a major city. The bonuses are crazy amounts up to 40k , part of the bonus was based on how much is stolen, or the loss prevention success of your store. The cousin did not make big bonuses at his store because it was full of theft (in fact the store is now closed). Other stores in better parts of the city, the managers made about 25k more then him because of the loss prevention bonuses. He said you have to be willing to take whatever location they offer you if you want to progress. Now he is this regional manger and he makes over 200k and he has a much safer but more rural area that he serves so his travel is crazy. My husband has another cousin that started as a cashier and was also going to the same college and 10 years later he is still a customer service manager and makes around 30k a year but he never got the lucky shot at moving up. It is so hit or miss or be there at the right time or be the right person. Do I think that the cousin deserves the pay, I was shocked when I found out how much he made. I think it is high but he has worked so much, remember Walmart does not close. he worked plenty of 16 hour days, and 7 days a week, missed out on many of his kids milestones and dealt with a really rough store with armed theft frequently. Now his job seems safer but it is so rural, driving between location is hours so he is not home much. After talking to him I think there should be 3 managers that work in a rotation making less money. One guy working at least 12 but up to 20 hours day, does not make for quality performance. If you have not slept much or are dealing with police reports and stress , how well can you manage the store? What I could not believe is how did Amy not know Glenn's salary. 30k cousin stuck like Amy in the job for years , 100% knows how much the manager makes. I know night stockers that know the managers salary. Also if she was going through the manager training program, no one there talked about? even the other attendees, I'm sure some of them had to be excited for a big jump in pay. I do think it was very unrealtistic to jump the way Amy did. My husband cousin worked for 4 years in a manger trainee program and then got transferred to the big city as an assistant manager for another 4-5 years and then got the store manager job, so almost 10 years of training, college and moving up in a management track.
  25. Glad Evelyn was not saved. It sure looks like it is the season for a male winner. I would have hoped Riley would have gone through for the fun country singer over Alyssa. Alyssa was not voted through by the public in 2018 or 2019 so a judges save will do not make her a winner. Riley or even Ashley would have had a chance to make it further and not make it a finals full of male contestants. I do think this might make a Madison vs Laine final? with so many males, they will split the votes in some ways and Madison being the strongest female I think will be the last female standing. I do think this is Laine's to lose. I think he (and Alyssa) were brought back for a reason and Laine seems to have some sort of support from the show and a ton of fan support whatever forum or page I look at.
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