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Everything posted by OpalNightstream

  1. I’m no Bronson Pinchot expert but he must have some limited acting range considering all I ever remember him is as “eccentric kooky foreigner” in perfect strangers, first wives club, and now this.
  2. Is that the only place Teddy could possibly get a job? She was acting as if it’s the only place that she could possibly work.
  3. I like how they showed Karen walking out of her “show” without shoes on because presumably they were stolen.
  4. I like how they said that the dna on the shirt is compromised every time it’s handled and so what do they do? They take the shirt out to show it around!
  5. Sophia moved from Italy when she was late teens/early 20s yet has no trace of an Italian accent. Nor does her sister who I think was still in Italy. My mother came from Europe was she was younger than that and has an accent still. My neighbor came her when she was 18 from Sicily and def has an accent.
  6. I agree! Amazing what makeup and lighting can do! But hey, people keep worshiping her incredible ability to look so young and attractive all the time so it is what it is!
  7. I concur. I can’t get myself to care what happens to anyone off this show except maybe Delilah’s son. Too much Maggie. We get it, she’s a poor itty thing who is suffering but is also just so darn adorable. Everyone can’t help but want to be her friend.
  8. The only reason they gave it all that time was because it was Jlo, who they worship on that show. Not the mention jlo called hoda out by name so they must’ve been beyond chuffed! I agree the challenge is stupid. It’s like a test to see if jlo can start a trend and see how far it will actually go. If it was a Minor celeb I doubt they would have even mentioned it.
  9. Exactly! In the real world maybe you can be 50 and attract a 28 year old...but Meredith attracts all of them at some point or another. And let’s not pretend it’s because of her winning personality either.
  10. Do you ever watch CBS Sunday morning? There is a coorespondent (I think Rita braver) who is decades older than jenna but has the exact same raspy voice! In fact I thought it was Jenna before I saw it wasn’t. For some reason I’m ok with Jenna and the raspiness but find Rita’s very irritating.
  11. I’ve said this before, Meredith has always looked way older than her character is supposed to be. As someone else mentioned, she looks world-weary. I think She looks mid to late 40s. Deluca looks mid to late 20s. I don’t get the attraction between those two at all. She should be more of a mentor/mother type with him. In general I’m getting tired of the constant hook ups on this show. It’s just silly after all these years.
  12. I kinda found the podcaster’s podcaster voice annoying. He sounded like he came from the Anderson cooper/Lisa ling school of story telling (and I love both Anderson and Lisa). His tone was very affected. It sounded like he was imitating what he thought a podcaster was supposed to sound like.
  13. I find the “joke” that calling him “the new guy” or anything else is so stale at this point that it’s just clunky to hear her say it all the time. Why not just call him Trump? No need to say president trump.
  14. Regarding the R Kelly episode: that young girl who chased after him despite knowing his child pornography past told her mother she went to live with her grandmother and instead moved in with him at age 15/16. Umm her mom never bothered to follow up on this??
  15. My daughter now plays with my husbands original star wars action figures from the 70s. It has occurred to me that maybe they are painted with lead paint or at least made with something that in today’s world would be questionable, especially after sitting in a box for decades. I know nothing about plastics and carcinogens, but i can’t help but wonder sometimes. We didn’t let her have them until she way past the toddler stage because the thought of those old toys possibly going into her mouth was gross.
  16. Yes I’m near NYC so it seems every other commercial is for a broadway musical which I then grow to NOT want to see because the same commercials get annoying fast. I was so happy when the Gloria estefan musical closed just so that I didn’t have to hear the same one line from “get on your feet” for the upteenth time. I’m currently hating on “the Cher show” commercials.
  17. Yes absolutely. Especially when we kinda already know they all met backstage before the show even started and said their hellos. Then we have to watch them hug and kiss as if they didn’t just see each other 10 min ago.
  18. Yes there was a lot they left out about the story of the Somalian kidnapping. Want she dating Nigel along the trip at some point before getting kidnapped? I thought she had gotten pregnant by one of the kidnappers at some point too. I can’t imagine the nightmare the mom was going through and would have also paid the ransom if it was my daughter, but isn’t the reason we refuse to pay is then we are just putting targets on our own citizens in the future since the kidnappers know they can then just “sell”’ them back to their families?
  19. Why is whoopie the one in charge of reading the TelePrompTer when she makes it very clear that she doesn’t read well because of her dyslexia? I know she’s the moderator but it’s awkward to watch her struggle to read introductions. There’s 4 other perfectly capable panelists I think they should have read the TelePrompTer.
  20. Why would he reward her with free help that could be going to someone who could really use help? Free commercial for the rehab facility while Phil tried to make it look as though he’s being philanthropic. Lol PHILanrhropic.
  21. I saw a pic of Christina on her wedding day. Usually I could say someone looked so beautiful and stunning on such a day. However in her case she’s always so overdone that she looked exactly the same on her wedding day as she does when she’s checking out a house. The only diff is the dress!
  22. If I was pregnant Abby no way would I want to be near Whoopie right now.
  23. Has it ever been determined if the guests are sometimes actors? Because some of the behaviors they show are over the top (ie the drunk young parents from yesterday’s show). I’ve seen plenty of drunk people but these two were moaning and flailing around like the living dead.
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