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Everything posted by OpalNightstream

  1. This show needs some Asian representation. They talk about diversity daily and often have guests that never fail to mention how no one “looks like me.” However they rarely, if ever mention The lack of Asians on tv, in movies and magazines. I’m half Asian and believe me, not many people look like me either!
  2. Thank you Today Show for sparing me from hearing the hosts doing their “Meryl Streep scream”. They said they wanted to be conscientious of us viewers so early in the morning. However TPTB still feel the need to subject us to plaza visitors screaming every morning which is just as jarring. How many times do I have to hear a group of people yelling in synch “WE’RE THE SMITHS FROM BOISE IDAHO!!!!” Or “IT’S MY XXTH BIRTHDAY!!!” Sorry to be a grump but I don’t need that up in my face in the morning.
  3. I’m just happy that shenille has kinda sorta stopped saying something she likes is “everything”.
  4. Don’t you just love getting parenting advice from Whoopi? 🙄
  5. Anyone else kinda want to punch the “don’t mess with my discount!” Lady?
  6. Yes but it could be a turn of phrase in either direction—either she have been kinder with a simple “no thanks” or maybe she was even ruder with a “ew I don’t think so”. Who knows?
  7. Toni’s parents were all kinds of strange. Obviously living in denial but I also found their constant talking over each other weird. Clearly Toni was their entire lives and there’s no way they will ever see her as anything but their innocent little princess. Not to mention she always reminded me of Larry the cucumber.
  8. Maybe a “middle aged new mommies tell all” since they seem to think that’s so common and their only audience.
  9. Busy Phillips has one annoying tone. It sounds like a mix of Southern California with vocal fry. She’s an adult who sounds like a teenager so i find it hard to take her seriously when she speaks.
  10. I get all the feels with the Facebook groups commercial for the dads and daughter group with the Beegees playing “to love somebody”. So sweet.
  11. Let’s wait and see If Jill decides to have a baby. If so, get ready for talk of the “miracle” “just the right time” “meant to be” “worth the wait” “completes my life” ala Hoda.
  12. I get creeped out by the amazon prime commercials where people longingly watch themselves with the items they want(a dress, a chair, a bed) while music having to do with lust is playing and only stop their daydreaming when someone interrupts them. It’s creepy!
  13. Harrison isn’t the most charismatic person to interview. That’s for sure! I felt bad for Craig. They are trying really hard to humanize their hosts. Between the sibling surprise visits last month to visiting their hometowns this month what’s next?
  14. I agree. I wouldn’t mind this group permanently. And also nixing the last useless hour.
  15. What the heck has happened to this show during the last hour? The today show has been a respected (for the most part) morning show for decades and decades. The last hour reminds me of low budget, low production value local program. I think the local colleges could probably put on a more professional looking show. It’s seriously so stupid at this point. Donnadorable always seems to be trying too hard and Gavin seems like he’s over his head. It’s almost embarrassing.
  16. I’m guessing it was one of those not entirely thought out teenage thoughts. Just a pipe dream that kids seem to think is as easy as just packing a suitcase, a few thousand dollars and up and moving.
  17. Obviously what matt did was gross and worthy of his firing, but yes I miss the old crew. This one Is boring. They are mostly 40ish (average age minus Al) and parents of toddlers. I’m the same age as them and already have kids in High school so I can’t relate to a 40-something year old taking about their toddlers’ issues. Been there done that years ago. There is just no diversity in this group in that they are all just rich parents of little kids talking about pregnancies and preschool. Boring.
  18. To be fair, it’s better than “WHAAAAT?!??” which annoyed me to no end.
  19. Did Jenna say “Peter and the Woof?” Someone needs to give her some speech therapy.
  20. Yes I was thinking if that one juror is indicative of the rest of the jury, there was no way darlie had a chance of being found innocent. If you don’t live your life like she does (the juror), something is wrong with you. Closed minded and old fashioned. She prob would’ve fit in well with the Scopes jury.
  21. Holy crap. My mom with be 72 when MY daughter graduates from high school in 2 years. Hoda is def a grandma age!
  22. Or about how special and magical her having kids has been. Don’t forget she’s a mom!
  23. This may be an unpopular opinion but I think Adam Sandler is one of the luckiest people on earth. I don’t find him particularly talented enough to justify his celebrity. His humor is just plain stupid. I can’t imagine if anyone else stuck a pickle under his nose and said “I’m crazy pickle man!”it would elicit much laughs other than maybe from a group of elementary school kids. He isn’t witty, smart or innovative with his humor, he’s not even slapstick. He’s just stupid.
  24. How funny was it that Jennifer Lopez, you know, Hoda’s good friend, didn’t know which kid hailey is?? Cmon, the rest of America def knows which one hailey is, whether we want to know or not!
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