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Everything posted by OpalNightstream

  1. At the risk of sounding like “that” person, does Savannah look a little pregnant to anyone else? I know she’s made it clear she was all done and maybe she’s just ate a breakfast burrito. Then again on more than one occasion I would have bet Dylan was expecting, only to be wrong.
  2. I wish they would’ve stopped focusing on the angle of her being “attractive” because I found her to be awkward and kind of odd looking. Yes she was young, but attractive??? And I thought she had crazy eyes as opposed to doe-like. The can’t believe she was able to con everyone. I know the company was secretive but how was NO ONE catching on to the fact that it simply wasn’t feasible? These are all highly educated people. Also what was the the pitch the Walgreens? Install a kiosk for out product which doesn’t exist yet? Wouldnt Walgreens want at the very least a working prototype?
  3. Speaking of spoiled kids I hate the commercial for some pharmaceutical where the kid says something about their mom not being able to do thing for Them because she’s sick, so now with the meds she can continue to do all the things for said kid. Yes, that’s all mom is good for, to serve your very whim.
  4. It’s infuriating when the perpetrator’s family gets custody of the kids (bathtub episode). I wonder why the mom’s family didn’t fight it. You know those kids are just being brainwashed into thinking their dad is innocent.
  5. Don’t people still send holiday, birthday, and thank you cards in the mail? That’s when I use most stamps.
  6. Omg!! They finally updated the cringeworthy dated sunsetter commercial!! I guess they figured after 15 years it was time for an update. Although it would have been much more interesting if they used the original actors as grandparents this time around.
  7. Wow I must be old. I always have stamps in the house just in case.
  8. I liked this episode only bc it didn’t force “Jonah loves amy” on us.
  9. I like Leslie but she constantly stumbles on her lines and it often is at the expense of the punchline. the Pete/Kate thing is pointless. It’s not going to last so stay tuned for a month or so from now when he’s mocking this relationship.
  10. This would’ve been a bigger deal and more interesting if his girlfriend who was threatened with deportation showed up. (I don’t even remember what ultimately happened to her)
  11. I cringe every time hoda says “insta” instead of instagram just like when shenille used to describe things she liked as “everything” they may as well just say “I’m not a regular mom, I’m a cool mom”
  12. They all turn into child rearing experts. I don’t know why they assume the rest of us are child rearing dummies.
  13. Because this show has become the national enquirer of tv. All sensationalized. “Dr” phil should be embarrassed by what he has become.
  14. The carvana commercial announcer seems all too pleased with herself when she says “one of our car vending machines”. So gimmicky yet they think so clever.
  15. I was with you until this part. ONLY 2 children = bad sex life? Maybe if this was pre-birth control days. Being the parent of only 2 children myself, I can testify 2 is plenty for most people these days.
  16. I haven’t read all the posts so not sure if I’m the only one wondering why Delilah would think it would be safe to enter a strangers home who not only tricked her way into her own home, but also clearly has an belligerent husband with anger issues. Plus Women have a greater change of being murdered when pregnant. Barbera Morgan’s husband was a scary dude. No way would I have entered that house. At the very least she should have asked to chat outside.
  17. I like Owen too but partially because i love the movie Trainspotting. I don’t think his character here gets a fair break. I think he is no more annoying/overlydramatic/selfish than any of the other greys characters. Let’s face it, every character on this show has numerous flaws that make them unlikable. I would rather listen to glasses love talk any day over Meredith’s middle school talk and drama. At least he’s a young guy who is experiencing love for the first time and is figuring it all out. Meredith acts like an immature schoolgirl around men. I’m just happy Linc is seeming to back off because he can do better than her.
  18. If this is the case then all the main characters are brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers (which would be Nice because then we can end All the ridiculous in-dating amongst them all) honestly they have to eventually put an end to “oh look another kinda sorta sibling for Meredith”, right? How many can there possibly be??
  19. I think they think their kids are so interesting and adorable that of course we want to hear all about them. Not to be a big meanie, but I honestly don’t think any of their kids are all that cute anyway. The kids out in the plaza are usually more endearing.
  20. While I’m here I would also like to add the annoying song and dance commercial for IUD birth control with no hormones “NO HORMONES!!”
  21. Current Pet peeve of mine: commercials for islands or other beachy areas where they HAVE to show the obligatory smiling woman in a bikini running on the beach holding the “hand” of the camera so we see her from the point of view of someone holding her hand. Isn’t this vantage point all played out by now? Not to mention all these resorts only have fit attractive people who seem to be the only people on the entire beach.
  22. Yes it almost seems Iike the screen turns a shade of gray when Delilah is on. As if it’s a commercial for people dealing with depression. She’s so soft spoken all the time and just lacks any kind of personality.
  23. Lol that just reminded me of The Chris Farley Show on Snl where he never actually asked any real questions and all the interviews were majorly awkward. Like to Paul McCartney CF: remember when you were in the Beatles? PM: yes CF (nervous and awkward): that was awesome CF: remember when everyone thought you were dead? PM: yes CF: that was a hoax, right?
  24. So Jenna is taking over for KLG. I’m ok with that although maybe if they replaced Hoda too I’d be even more ok with it.
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