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Everything posted by OpalNightstream

  1. 😂 I was thinking the same thing! They look like poor man versions of jack black and Sarah Michelle geller. (No disrespect to black and geller!)
  2. Yes but may I add with a sprinkling of Lester Holt. I find his presence calming.
  3. Sorry if this was mentioned earlier as I did not read all the comments yet, but why hasn’t Delilah even thought about how her kids will react to the baby that they will believe was fathered by their late dad? Is the plan to keep the paternity a secret to the grave? What’s the long term plan here? She doesn’t seem all the concerned with having a baby (a huge life choice for even the most stable of couples). Also, why does she speak with a constant Marilyn Monroe whisper? Use your big girl voice! Don’t get me started on instant Bff Maggie...
  4. Because every morning show host seems to think we all think their kid is as precious as they think they are. The today show hosts are the worst with it.
  5. Sunny should lay off the Botox. Her forehead no longer moves. Shes a pretty woman but I can’t help but wonder what she really looks like sans the fake lashes, tons of makeup, hair extensions and fillers.
  6. Today Hoda reported a billboard falling on pedestrians. First saying “4 pedestrians were hurt”. Then going on to say “amazingly no one was hurt” then “1 person is still in the hospital”. What?!?
  7. What’s with Folgers commercials trying so hard to be a 30 sec version of “this is us”. Perfect looking families growing old before our eyes reliving moments from childhood with their ever adoring perfect parents. Dicks sporting goods does this too with their ping pong table commercial. I believe I saw other brands attemping to give you the feels with this formula but I can’t recall their names at the moment. It’s all so contrived and lazy.
  8. I can’t stand Kelly ripa on the best of days but her ancestry.com commercial is beyond annoying.
  9. I have mixed feelings about her. She seems nice enough but she also comes across as “precious” and that’s just weird on a grown woman.
  10. To be fair Tom brokaw doesn’t have a great voice in my opinion. There is a local weather woman here in the nyc area, Janice huff, who sounds congested. I first thought she was sick but now realize it’s just her voice. I find it worse than Craig’s. I know mods, this is off-topic.
  11. I don’t like Craig’s voice either. But even with that taken into consideration, he is way more likeable than the others. (Although I like Jenna bush lately too and Willie when he appears)
  12. I hope to never need medical attention with the likes of the GS docs in charge. No sense of professionalism or decorum. They seem like children on Christmas Day—not what I want when in a life or death situation.
  13. You read my mind (although Dylan’s son is adorable, probably because we see him less than the others)
  14. Yes to this! This has always bugged me about this show. The “medical professionals” can be very callous. The patients aren’t people, they are “cases” and “mysteries” that the docs gossip about and even sometimes nickname for their own amusement. Then every once in a while they actually care about a very special patient and, when the patient inevitably dies, we get to see how the poor doc has to get over the heartbreak. This whole show is just a bunch of ego maniacs who all belong to the same club.
  15. Just a nitpick, but I always believed they tried to make Meredith seem much younger then she actually looks. I always thought she looked 5-10 years older than the character was/is supposed to be. She looks late 40s to me now but they make it seem like she’s supposed to be mid 30s. Her with DeLuca just looks weird. I also thought April was too young for koracick. April always came across as younger than they were trying to portray her.
  16. Maybe with the dying dad storyline a unknown half brother will be introduced—after Meredith hooks up with him of course.
  17. The appearances of the former cast members who have since been killed off only highlighted how ridiculously dangerous it is to be an employee of this hospital. Clearly your odds of dying suddenly and tragically at a young age are quite high you if you work at there.
  18. Meredith’s face looked bloated. Maybe fillers?
  19. Watching someone crying while eating and talking with their mouth full is really off putting.
  20. That’s commercial is on constantly in the morning and I can’t stand it!
  21. Omg I thought this whole time you guys were calling her Elsie like the cow! I honestly didn’t know it was Elsa the Disney character! ?and I’m not the type to make fun of someone’s appearance. Oops!
  22. I’m thinking Megyn was going to be Molly Ringwald. Anyone else?
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