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Everything posted by OpalNightstream

  1. As much as I like joy she does often seem to still think it’s 1970-1990 with her cultural references.
  2. Although I agree that the ref was wrong and I felt very bad for the kid, sunny was disproportionately upset about it vs the parkland comments. Sunny is like Sherri Shepherd like that. Anyone who remotely reminds them of their sons and they get very momma bear. If a boy who reminded her of her son was involved in parkland she would be all over it.
  3. There could be a new (morning) drinking game involving every time someone says “switching gears” to transition the tone.
  4. Oops I thought the sister was Sabrina’s mom!
  5. She was a horrible excuse for a mother. Pinning her kids against each other was wrong on so many levels. Even after her precious son went to jail he still could do no wrong in her eyes. Her other kids didn’t ever stand a chance to get on her good graces because no one could come close to being as perfect as her Joey.
  6. My UO is that I think they prop William almost as high as Jack as far as making him a sympathetic good guy who just had a hard time catching a break. The worse thing William did was that he was an addict. Other than that he is a great neighbor and friend to all. A gentle man who is always giving great advice and lending a helping hand. He was just a victim of circumstance.
  7. Great film. The only shame is that it was such a limited release. It really is a must see...especially for those of us whose knowledge of WWI is limited.
  8. So based on the fact that Katie’s college clothes still for her perfectly we can assume it wasn’t having kids that made her gain the weight?
  9. Why would Jonah settle for such a low paying job to begin with? I realize he never graduated from school but he comes across as def more intelligent than the rest of the staff (at least the younger ones like cheyanne and Mateo) I can’t beleive he couldn’t find a job that would suit him better.
  10. Robins Christmas beauty box (ya know with the free ornament) is $120!! I think my favorite part is that they named a product “OMG is this really me”. If I woke up with robins scary plastic surgery face I would be thinking exactly that.
  11. Not only was their Christmas display for their grandkids an example of excess to the nth degree, they somehow manage to fit in a commercial for robin’s skincare box. Because that’s what Christmas is all about. Giving privileged kids even more “Christmas magic” they will never appreciate and selling overpriced false promises to the masses who they rely on to fund all of it. Not one mention of goodwill....oh wait they did throw in a “free” ornament when you purchase robins stuff.
  12. The today show is now 75% commercials. 90% of which are completely irritating.
  13. I follow dateline on fb and it seems everyone commenting on this episode seems to think that he was not only the hottest man who ever lived (yes someone actually said that) but that he seemed like a perfect human being. No one said he was a pillar of the community or that he lit up a room, but they may have just as well!
  14. I haven’t watched in ages and just saw robin. Woah she is bordering on the grotesque with what she’s done to her face. It looks like a Halloween masks
  15. In addition to being a psychopath murderer, Chris Watts is not exactly the most articulate person. Every other word is “Like” “like” “like”
  16. I didn’t care for Miley’s “happy Xmas (war is over” and on a shallow note I thought Sean was a bit of a mess physically (and I say this as a huge Beatles fan and the same age as Sean.) I think he’s a great musician, I just prefer him cleaned up. I don’t “get” Miley.
  17. Uh oh. Sandra Bullock is on and will be discussing her kids. Hayley joy mention coming right up!
  18. Totally agree! My favorite is when a celebrity will complimented on how ageless they are (every female celebrity is told this all the time) and they respond “oh it’s just good genes and a a healthy lifestyle” (looking at you Christie Brinkley)
  19. I thought Abby looked nice today in that her hair wasn’t blindingly shiny.
  20. The good thing about having Abby on is we don’t have to hear MM complaining about being the lone conservative who is always under attack by the big bad evil liberals on the panel. Sure she finds other ways of claiming of being “attacked” but she can’t use the “me vs everyone else” anymore.
  21. Someone needs to tell toy lady she can show enthusiasm without shouting! Holy crap I had to lower the volume once she came on.
  22. I like Jenna. But yes a little of Trainor goes a long way.
  23. I have no idea if the timeline of writing/shooting/editing a tv show but I always thought it was way ahead of what’s actually airing. I just assume whatever season is airing is already finished or at least very close to finished shooting. Therefore i never think the writers can take an audience’s immediate reaction to a recently aired episode and then tailor a soon to air episode to appease them. I can be totally off the mark here but that’s just what I always thought happened. I agree but she could’ve not engaged in furthering the conversation (by Asking him what his fav song was) and thus given the very clear impression of “not interested” right away.
  24. I agree. He needs more time to develop as a comedian/actor/faux correspondent. I’m sure they could’ve found someone more ready for the roll than him.
  25. I also don’t mind Rossen sometimes. I don’t care for his scare tactics though.
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