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Everything posted by OpalNightstream

  1. What is up with that Jillian quack? Dr phil rips into all her crazy claims with jilly juice and she sat there smiling and nodding. Ummm ok.
  2. A while back (maybe a year or 2) Hoda and KLG did a segment on selfies and Hoda mentioned that an open mouth smile was a way of giving the impression of having a good time regardless of whether or not the subject is actually having fun. So there’s that.
  3. Wow that summer stomach showdown game they played this morning was a hot mess. Who approves these things?? It’s all rushed info because they want to make it “fun”.
  4. Yes that's it! Thanks for the correction
  5. McCain also has a heroic back story. So that is a large part of his appeal. Kennedy, on the other hand, had the Chappequa accident following him around.
  6. I must say I wish I had the lighting people from the view would follow me around all day. The women really do look great with whatever lighting tricks they do. Sarah, a pretty woman regardless of lighting, looked flawless today and joy and sunny look years younger.
  7. So over the royal wedding. It seems all so repetitive after will and Kate's wedding and the London olympics. Yes please tell us more about proper manners and how to serve tea like the 1 percent of brits who actually do any of that. It's like covering the presidential inauguration by telling us how an American rodeo works. Dont worry folks, give it a year and we can do another all things British day when Meghan inevitably has a baby.
  8. I think Whoopie is just insecure because of her lack of higher education as compared with the rest of the panel.
  9. What's the budget for fake eyelashes on this show? I can hardly see sunny's eyes behind that curtain of falsies.
  10. Not liking this storyline at all. Jonah isn’t all that great nor do I find why amy is so irresistible. I hope they can move on now from the Amy/Jonah crap as it’s my least favorite part of the show (other than hearing the name “Jerushula”, what’s up with that name?) Also cold shoulder shirts have now been ruined for me because of this show. Surely it must be an inside joke that we’ve never seen Kelly wear anything but those stinking shirts. i know it’s a sitcom but im allowed to have this stuff still bug me right?
  11. They should’ve had jake on for the entire hour.
  12. I think willie would only help the Today show. I really can’t think of anything about him that irks me (unlike Hoda and KLG where there’s a long list.) i dont mind Savannah, but wish she had a different partner. I get enough of Hoda when she’s with KLG. A little can go a long way!
  13. Perhaps the issue with whoppie is her (what I perceive) cavalier attitude towards pregnancy given that her family seems to have a cycle of teen pregnancies. Yes, she managed to become a self made millionaire but it seems to stop there with her child and grandchild being teen moms and mooching off Whoopie. I try hard to put myself in others shoes before I judge, but you'd think at some point the idea birth control would have been at the forefront of conversation with your teen when such a cycle seems to endure. i just have a hard time taking any "advice" Whoppie spews out.
  14. I wish then would do a better job at editing. Two hours and so much filler yet with so much left out. He was she with her aunt and not with her own mom? Why didn't the school call to report her skipping classes? Surely other adults know about the creek. I have a fifteen yr old daughter Thank goodness she's scared to the hilt about messing around and getting caught. That poor girls family failed her. Yes ultimately it was exbf doing but a little guidance from those who love her most wouldn't have hurt. Not to mention, call me old fashioned but so weird to hear a grandfather was playing video games! My father would laugh at that old guy being wrapped up in video games at his age.
  15. Jack has got to be one of the most unlikeable characters on tv. He's deplorable in every way. I can't think of one positive attribute! Think he may be a sociopath? Also why haven't the students reported him to the authorities? Yes I know it's just a tv show but it's getting too farcical even for me (and I'm a huge snl fan!)
  16. Yep. Plus the baby, plus whenever Meghan and Harry have a baby. So not interested!
  17. Ick. Maggie and Jackson. I don't know why I just can't like Maggie since day 1.
  18. Sorry I didn't feel bad for Katie at all. She was so nasty toward Robin, you know, the woman whose husband she took? Sure JD was a POS anyway, but still Katie was not a sympathetic character imho. She had some nerve being that nasty toward someone she screwed over. Then she only got upset once the cop said that JD was cheating on her. So what if Robin is dead, JD was cheating. How dare he!
  19. I don't know why but the way the woman says "budget meeting!!" as if she's talking to a 2 year old in the Philadelphia cream cheese commercial makes me crazy!
  20. Lol. Now I can't unsee how much she looks like Kristen Schaal!
  21. I'm just happy there was no Maggie in this episode. Made all the difference for me.
  22. I'm neutral toward him. I don't follow wrestling so this is my only exposure to him. But I'm thinking maybe they'd use Donna dorable as a replacement as they are shoving her in our faces every.single.day. Either way I just want the "WHAT!?" to leave!
  23. Just a nit-pick but the opening announcers tone is so annoying. It's so over he top "wild and wacky" to the point where it's sometimes just inappropriate with the subject matter. I realize this is a fluff show but the "you won't believe what the ladies of the view...." tone is not always appropriate when she also mentions topics such as school shootings or sexual asssualt but it's always the "wild and wacky" voice! Her voice and delivery just sounds like it belongs on some crappy Disney channel show where all the acting is horribly over the top.
  24. Did I miss why there was suddenly a stair lift in the second episode? Unrelated, but becky's deep voice was so jarring to hear!
  25. Since I'm new here I have so much to rant about that I forgot to mention how Joy Bauer bugs. She's so obsessed with calorie counting. She never mentions fat, sodium, or any other dietary concern. It's all calories all the time. I remember mom obsessing about calories in the 1980s so to me it just seems very old fashioned, ignoring so many other factors in losing weight. Not to mention her substitutions rarely seem appetizing. I used to appreciate Matt calling her out of how a carrot was not an acceptable substitution for a cookie.
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