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Everything posted by OpalNightstream

  1. I think shenille used the word “everything” to describe various foods and other items 5 times just in the fourth hour alone. Although I did appreciate not joining in with hoda when hoda did her annoying “whhhatttt?!?!” i think I need to remove this show from my DVR. It just gets on my nerves.
  2. The only thing that makes Jodi arias more palatable is that at least she’s rotting in jail for her crime.
  3. Yes it’s odd seeing a 50-something woman acting like a teenager with her fascination with certain musicians. I’m more than 10 years younger than her and am old enough and cranky enough to have no appreciation for my kids’ current music choices. I don’t know if it’s hodas “job” to keep current with the music scene or if she’s that musically “in the know” by choice. I do like seeing KLGs WTF face when Honda sings along to one of her new favs. I’m pretty sure Jenna, who is 15 years younger, even listens to that stuff. I think TPTB need to decide who hoda is supposed to be...serious newswoman or an all fun and games talk show host. Just have her in hour 4 with KLG where they can spend the hour drinking, laughing at stuff the audience can’t see, throwing Donna in our faces (because she’s sooo adorable) , and talking about pop culture (because pop culture is best articulated by women of their age ya know.) There are plenty of talented people who can take Hodas place.
  4. Didn’t Meghan trainor used to have an accent of sorts? I just remember not being able to pin her accent down. It seems to have disappeared.
  5. Yes! The perfect mom who went to the club with her new bf just the one time...
  6. Jenna has really grown on me. I also prefer her to hoda and KLG. She’s really come a long way. I had to skip through Fran drescher today. Nails on a chalkboard!
  7. Allison Brie is such a loud talker. I laughed when she said she was “low key” as she’s shouting.
  8. Yes to all of this! I know when people describe deceased loved ones as “lighting up a room” it’s probably part of their healing process. But you’d think many of these people would have watched at least a few Datelines before and think maybe the phrase is overused and maybe their loved one deserves a more unique description? Also it is interesting whenever someone dies they are described as the kind of person who “would give the shirt of their back to anyone” was “a friend to all”. If that many people (which, again, seems like almost every person who dies) existed we’d have so much of a better world. Then again maybe those who aren’t willing to “give you their last dime” are too busy “lighting up a room” and “loving life”, who knows.
  9. The mom From then jiff peanut butter commercial is so perky and over eager it’s irritaing. “Sure can!” “And one for Charlie”. “Unbelievable!” my mom used to say back in the day Leave it toBeaver would make her question if that was what a normal family looked like and that hers, by comparison, was all kinds of dysfunctional. Jeez this 20 sec commercial really oversells how enthusiastic a mom should be to please and serve their child and his imaginary friend Charlie. If making a sandwich is that exciting imaging cooking dinner for son and Charlie. And yes I have two teens and was never that excited to make them a sandwich. And they had/are having a happy childhood.
  10. Being someone who was in high school in the early 90s I find this very interesting.
  11. It’s ok. I’m pretty sure we all lose IQ points when we watch this show.
  12. “I will say” Meghan really likes to overuse “tribal” “narrative” and “optics”
  13. I think it all goes back to the current obesssion for everyone to think they are special and unique and need to be "seen" for the incredible fabulous person they feel entitled to be.
  14. I liked the savannah/willie/Craig combo. It was refreshing.
  15. I find that kid “Ava” in the eggo commercial obnoxious. “Ba-bam!”
  16. 23 and me and that other DNA company whose name escapes me like to pander to the “all about me” self importance that’s all the rage thanks to social media. You’re so special. So unique. Let’s find out more about what a special person YOU are.
  17. When Kelly clarkson was on and mentioned her kids (which I normally wouldn’t mind) I just kept thinking “no! Don’t mention babies to Hoda please! I can’t take another Haley joy mention!”
  18. It’s the adoption link that has those two so mushy toward each other. Hoda just can’t talk anything adoption or babies without losing it. I think she’s found a similarly over emotional friend in Sandra. Imagine having to be one of Hoda’s BFFs. Must be constant talk of babies and hoda crying tears of joy. I’d go nuts after a while!
  19. She had a hard time controlling that oceans 8 interview today.
  20. Nelsan used to follow me on Instagram. I can’t believe I didn’t know he had passed until I saw this episode.
  21. So...I guess Donna is now a daily thing. I think klg was on to something when she said Donna wants her job.
  22. Regarding the nationwide Odom commercial. ..is that the one that sounds like Sinatra "that's why the lady is a tramp" song? Please tell me I'm not the only one who hears it!
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