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Everything posted by OpalNightstream

  1. I believe Hoda would say “babysitter” and “insta”. Then all her celeb friends will look at her in awe asking “wow how does she do it all? She’s an inspiration!”
  2. I knew a mom in my daughters preschool who was 53 with a 3 year old. I really thought she was the grandma for the longest time. Thank goodness I never said anything!
  3. Brace yourselves....we now have a minimum of another 5 years of Hoda gushing over baby 2...and the inevitable stories of Hailey being the bestest big sister ever.
  4. It is my understanding that BTS is a manufactured band that is part of the Korean government’s efforts to promote a “cool Korea” marketing campaign. I like Emma Stone but about 30 sec into the posters sketch I was done. Her voice was like nails on a chalkboard—Paris Hilton on helium. Pete doing avenatti was way off. His voice and appearance wasn’t even close.
  5. Kim k doesn’t want to do “all the reading” that law school requires. Sure, you sound like person I’d hire!
  6. Yes! I had that seventeen magazine back when I was 13 and remember thinking she was so pretty.
  7. Imagine how short the show would be if they edited all the hoda laughter. I don’t even know what’s so funny most of the time. I’m starting to wonder if it’s like a nervous tick or something because it really is getting out of control and often does not match what is going on at that moment. I’m also thinking maybe it’s a case of wanting to relive her youth. She has mentioned she was a nerdy child with a strict upbringing. Maybe she’s letting lose (at the age of 50+) and trying to recapture a lost youth? She just doesn’t realize that she looks ridiculous trying so hard.
  8. Me. But I’m not a fan of using both first and middle names together as one name. I’m good with Annmarie, Maryann, Joann, but I find names like John David (I think that’s Nancy graces son) Emma Claire (I think thats Jon Edwards kid’s name) and hailey joy to sound a bit forced. What’s wrong with just John, Emma or hailey?
  9. I actually found it interesting. I knew nothing about the topic (I’m in the northeast and don’t see trailer/mobile home parks around here)
  10. Toilet tattoos? Methinks the viewyourdeal staff is drunk.
  11. Tracy Morgan is almost as exhausting to listen to as MM.
  12. Time for me to be a total grump: i wish they could just start the show with everyone already seated to minimize the all too lengthy and totally annoying screams and cheers from the audience. The same goes with guests. Just return from commercial with them already seated at the table. Too much wasted time! why is Abby still here? I thought they’d have the baby shower as a send-off when she’d go on maternity leave. And I still hate the female announcer at the start of each show. Her “wild and wacky ladies of the view” tone is irritating.
  13. What’s so friggen funny Hoda?? She’s constantly cackling about something. You know when hailey becomes a teenager hoda will be one of those moms who wants to be their kid’s friend instead of a parent. Then they can compare their “insta” accounts and dance around to club music. I’m more than a decade younger than hoda and can’t stand her immaturity!
  14. We also wouldn’t have to have heard about whatever film ms Cassidy Gifford was in that I never heard of outside of this show.
  15. Trust me Chenoweth loves to remind us how tiny she is. She’s completely aware!
  16. So many questions about the suitcase girl episode. I couldn’t get past exactly why she was put up in a hotel for a hurt finger by her employer. They couldn’t find another job for her on the ship that could be done with a finger injury? I just found it so odd they would just pay for her to stay at some airport hotel while she recovered and yet she seemed fairly functional. I’m not blaming the victim here at all but why did she think it was a good idea to be going out alone at 3:30 am to get a calling card? It couldn’t wait until morning light? Again not victim blaming here, but why did the other victims think it was ok to get into a stranger’s car and then one also let him into her house??? These were adults making these very stupid decisions. Aren’t these things we learn not to do when we are children? Funny how mike Jones says he was with several women that night from the boat show (ya know because he’s so irresistible.) The NY detective was so out of central casting. I called it right away to my husband that I bet he was wearing several gold rings and a bracelet. Oh and too much filler in this episode. Lots of back story about the detective that I just didn’t need to know.
  17. It says a lot about the current sad state of affairs.
  18. I’m so relieved Abbie is getting all these free gifts for her babies. I was so worried about how she’d make ends meet! 🙄
  19. The loved the faces of craig and shenille when Al broke the “glass” bottle. It’s moments like that on live TV I enjoy watching. Not the fake huggy kissy stuff they do (like on the view) with celebrities.
  20. I so don’t miss Elizabeth reminding us that she has THREE kids every.single.day!
  21. I thought it was pretty funny that Joy said Ana’s reference to Elizabeth Taylor was outdated. Joy is constantly making outdated references. FTR I’m younger than Ana and knew exactly what she meant. Also, what the heck is a “lifestyle expert”? Is that the new term for salesperson?
  22. The ad for plaque psoriasis is gross seeing people’s skin flakes left all over the place 🤮
  23. This is why I no longer watch that hour of the Today show. A little bit of Hoda goes a long long way. They new term celebs like to use instead of nanny is “babysitter” like it’s just a local teen girl who comes by for a few hours a week when we all know it’s a full on nanny (not to mention the housekeeper and cook and personal assistants they all have)
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