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Everything posted by OpalNightstream

  1. How the heck did Hoda and KLG win an Emmy? Was I watching a different show because the one I saw (before deleting it from my dvr 6 months ago) was all Hoda laughing at something usually happening off camera, glamorizing drinking, baby this and that, fawning over Craig Ferguson, and preaching. Is that the standard for “informative talk show”???
  2. The old “I didn’t know I could love until I had a baby” thing is so old. I have kids and love them more than life but isn’t that understood? Celebs go-to when it comes to babies is that they are “over the moon” and “didn’t know I could love someone this way” which is almost always followed by “I didn’t know I had room to love another child” after baby 2.
  3. Such a contrast between hearing Diane sawyer speak compared with the how the rest of the table speaks. She was very measured and calm. Almost too measured. Either way I respect Diane And couldn’t help but notice how the energy changed when she was on.
  4. yes something came off as grossly affected with Abby’s mother. She kinda looked like a shy teenager and yet also looked like a privileged country club mom. I can’t figure it out. It was just so...odd.
  5. Central jersey girl here too! Born, raised, and raising my kids here now too. We used to say “down the shore” in the 90s but now everyone seems to say “to the beach”. Vegetarian here so I don’t do pork roll but my family does do Taylor Ham! Isn’t pork roll south jersey?
  6. The lady in the daily harvest commercial has such a nasally voice!
  7. Lynette has bad posture and it bugs me whenever the one girl calls jack “boss”. It just reminds me of the minions calling Gru “boss” and is just weird.
  8. A lot of women make the mistake of thinking that just because they “feel” young and look young they should be able to conceive no problem. Too much of the “50 is the new 30” and “40 is the new 20” nonsense. No it’s not. Your body doesn’t care that you look and/or feel 20 years younger. Your biological clock is still ticking even if you’re “ageless” like Today show teacher’s pet Jennifer Lopez.
  9. Al is a grandpa type who makes dad jokes. I feel like he doesn’t really add anything to the show and is famous for being famous at this point. He’s not there enough to have him bug me nearly as much as Hoda bugs.
  10. I don’t mind the friendship angle the show takes. I do mind how “special” everything is whenever it happens to one of them. Everything is so precious with their kids. Their lives are all so ”crazy”. Yeah well try being one of the regular folks. Stop talking to us like we don’t know what it’s like to have jobs AND kids. We also have the burden of having to worry about paying for our kids college, stressing about getting them to and fro all while also cooking and cleaning. We all love our kids. We know you love yours. Can we just leave it at that?
  11. Don’t worry. This pregnancy won’t be as big a deal as Honda’s magical baby.
  12. I know it’s a repeat, but shows like this really love to drop celebrity names to add cache whenever possible like in the “apartment 4c” episode. Marilyn Monroe, Michael Jackson, Freddie Mercury. We get it, wealthy people live there, geez!
  13. They can keep Jenna in the show because her level of goofiness I can handle. However they need to balance her out with someone more mature than giggling little girl Hoda. I think Hoda is beyond salvageable at this point. She’s too far off in the land of silly little girl giggles mixed with obnoxious wide-eyed new mommy (none of these attributes are attractive in a 50 something year old woman) Willie, Craig, even Dylan would be a better matching with Jenna. There needs to be an adult in the room on this show!
  14. Kind of awkward in the episode “11 minutes” when Josh asked the BFF if the death of her friend was “the worst day of your life?” That was risky. We don’t know her past, maybe she actually had a worse thing happen in her life. She responded with a “yes” but still I think unless it’s the death of a child you’ve got to be careful with assuming anything is “the worst” day of anyone’s life.
  15. Omg I saw that too! I can’t belIeve Jenna can be that clueless. Can she?
  16. Sorry but I thought Taylor’s voice was marginally good at best just like her acting. She comes from the Disney school of acting and it shows.
  17. Ahhh celebrities—with full time nannies, chefs, drivers, vacation homes, enormous bank accounts, personal assistants, life coaches, personal trainers, lawyers to help “bend the rules”, and An endless amount of people kissing their asses—they’re just like us!
  18. The song in the wayfair commercial is way way too loud. It makes me long for the old commercial from last year.
  19. What’s next? It’ll be what a great sister Hailey is. Then every single mind blowing thing Hope does like poop and burp. Then onto how Hailey can put on her own socks, then how she’s can write her own name, then how Hope says mama. It will never end. Everything that Hoda and her kids do is treated like it’s just the most precious thing. I can’t stand it.
  20. regarding the murder of the girls on the bikes, this is another example of the show dedicating too little time to a complex case (only an hour and I would’ve liked to know about the killers’ families and what the killers were doing all those decades in society) and yet the show will drag out other cases into 2 very slow moving hours that could be easily done in 1.
  21. I think Hoda is in denial of her age in many ways.
  22. Now that I think of it, you’re absolutely right!
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