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Everything posted by OpalNightstream

  1. Yes to all of this. Can I add: singing and dancing like a foolish old woman trying to act like she’s in college. ass kissing JLo.
  2. I hate Delilah. She has the nerve to get made that she’s not included in the restaurant decisions. Then gets an apology. Poor Delilah. Such a victim. Then the group makes Katherine feel uncomfortable while Delilah just hangs out in the background as if she had nothing to do with it. Why isn’t Delilah the one ostracized?? So tired of saint delilah!
  3. “Untouched innocent girl” plus old man blagdonovich and old man Hefner and older man Paul was so gross. I don’t buy that she was all that innocent like they tried to make her out, but it is sad no older adult female figure was there to guide her. Having said that she also seemed to be unaffected when she said she knew her job was to make photos that made men happy. Cmon she’s not a child, she knew exactly what the role was she was playing for fame. All those men were disgusting creatures. It’s like they were borderline pedophiles.
  4. So that Charlie and Hailey meet Elmo segment was entirely too long. Why did they think we wanted/needed to see that?
  5. This season has been seeming a bit off. However I am happy that we are past the Amy/Jonah will-they-won’t-they crap. I think they are the least interesting characters on the show.
  6. Andy Cohen is one of The reasons we have trash tv (real housewives) so they figured he’d be a good fit for a morning show that used to be respected and deliver real news? The only purpose he is serving on this show is making Hoda laugh at every little thing he says. He could say “it’s cold outside” and hoda will start her side splitting laughter because she’s just so fun!
  7. Meredith is not unattractive but she looks every bit her age. Seeing her with deluca really just emphasizes how she is no longer a young ingenue. It’s hard to ignore the very large age difference when they are side by side. I never liked Maggie with Jackson and find Maggie annoying. However I am feeling bad for her having to see Jackson fawn all over the new girl so fast after the breakup. Amelia and Linc are the only interesting couple at this point.
  8. Whops was full on Sam Kinison today yelling she was hungry and can smell food. Guess who else was prob hungry and also smelling the food? The audience you idiot! I hate when these shows have food segments where they gush over the food while the audience just sits there watching them all chow down and being told how delicious everything they are watching other people eat is. It’s obnoxious.
  9. Why are they celebrating Craig’s wedding anniversary?? Who cares!
  10. I’ve figured out I think Hodas incessant laughter is a nervous reaction when she doesn’t know what else to say/do. I feel bad for her coworkers. I know someone irl who does it and it makes everyone really uncomfortable in her presence. This, however, is tv and someone should be telling her how annoying it is for everyone. She’s a 54 year old woman, not a middle school girl!
  11. How the heck is Delilah in the mood for dating after giving birth just several weeks prior? It took me months and months to want to be anywhere near my husband after giving birth. Not to mention, sure Gary, take the newborn (car seat and all) in your car at night to a germy school. I think they are trying to make us think Theo is cute and precious but I find him irritating. He tries too hard.
  12. Just saw a commercial for the WW2 movie “midway”. Why is it in every war (and sometimes astronaut) movie commercial they need to include a scene of woman saying “come back to me” to a soldier/astronaut as he heads off to war/space? It’s getting old seeing the same played out scene.
  13. I don’t like when these shows feature podcasters. I love podcasts but the podcasters I’ve seen/heard on this show and dateline all have that same weird vocal affect. Their speech patterns seem so overly rehearsed like they want to be the next Anderson cooper.
  14. How is the one lunch lady responsible for the school’s paper goodS policy?? Wouldn’t that be a school district issue? The cafeteria lady has nothing to do with the policies at lunch.
  15. What bugs me as a vegetarian is that it’s always acceptable for meat eaters to mock and openly be grossed out by vegetarian foods to the point where it’s really just rude (I’ve heard “ewwwwwe you’re going to eat that” about tofu one too many times). Meanwhile I’m just minding my own business, never mentioning that I think what they are eating is gross to me. But the majority of the time it gets a bunch of other people going so join in with the “gross I can’t believe you eat that” comments. So I think vegetarians can be a bit sensitive to being mocked and judged all. the. time.
  16. Holy crap. Someone needed to take that stupid bell they usually have and shove it in Whoopi’s mouth during that vegetarian segment. What an unpleasant woman! Once again the high and mighty Whoopi feels the need to tell (in this case yell) the rest of us how it ought to be. Shut up! You’re not a fraction as smart as you think you are!
  17. Paul Shaffer has the same voice as Dana Carvey doing his impersonation of Johnny Carson.
  18. I had a moment when the psychic walked in where I thought “oh crap another man who is going to fall in love with Delilah”.
  19. Yes I forgot about Taylor’s boyfriend. He’s another level of stupid that is beyond all reality. He (and Taylor) belong in a special school for people with limited intellect and limited basic life skills. Little Anna Kat is a genius compared to these 2 who are close to being legal adults.
  20. Omg the 2020 producer Brooke Stangeland has the worst vocal fry! She’s the producer, you’d think she’d have a lot of say in how she comes out in this piece. I guess she’s completely unaware of how her voice sounds to others.
  21. Yes it’s all just farcical at this point. I know it’s a sitcom but it’s really really OTT
  22. I don’t know who’s a worse actor, Kelly Ripa or the actress who plays Taylor.
  23. Wait a minute. Hoda’s a mom? I didn’t know that. She never talks about it.
  24. But the thing is we’ve all already heard hodas story about a hundred times already. I am tired of it.
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