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Everything posted by OpalNightstream

  1. Why was Adam screaming so much during the ruins America episode? I love this show but I had to keep lowering the volume because he was shouting so much.
  2. I’m thinking the same thing. I already stopped watching the Jenna/hoda hour once hoda became the crazed mom of the decade.
  3. I actually wouldn’t be all that surprised if that happens.
  4. In today’s news: prince Andrew May have been involved in Epstein’s sex trafficking of underage girls. The president of the United States wants to buy Greenland. Oh and hodas kid had a playdate with Dylan’s kid!! I didn’t see that story in the New York Times, I may have to cancel my subscription now.
  5. J’michael has got to be one of the most annoying names I’ve ever heard.
  6. I find it interesting that the celebs who get work done to look younger actually make themselves look older instead. They all have that same real housewives look of fillers with giant lips and hair extensions gone amok. I’m always shocked to find out they are all much younger than they appear. I know looking younger was always a thing in Hollywood but I blame the current atrocities on the kardashians where over the top fake is sold as just being “glamorous”. Can someone tell them they are crossing the line into grotesque?
  7. If I never hear the word “reboot” again by any actor from the 70s/80s/90s/00s I’ll be very happy.
  8. “I can’t believe I have a 5-yr-old” says savannah. Why? You’re in your mid 40s. Grow up!
  9. Doesn’t Pricilla Presley have enough money to afford a top notch plastic surgeon? Yikes she’s uncomfortable to look at and her face doesn’t move. I bet she would’ve aged gracefully if she had allowed herself.
  10. Did not care for Tori Kelly this morning. Is there such a thing as “oversinging” a song because I think that’s what she was doing. She has a nice voice but was overdoing every note!
  11. I had/have no problems with any host keeping their pregnancies “secret”. As far as I’m concerned, it just means we get to hear less about it, which is great! I also don’t care about Hoda not being there. KLG was often gone for long periods of time for personal side projects. Their jobs aren’t like everyone else’s. Their hours, salaries, responsibilities (and lack thereof) and perks are not that of us regular folk. They are tv personalities who can not be replaced as easily as us because people tune in to see THAT person (and some who tune out because of certain personalities). I’m not a fan of Hoda at all. She can retire and I’ll be happy. I just don’t think their current situation with her absence is that scandalous. Yes they need to find a long term sub for both her and Jenna for continuity sake, but Hoda, I’m sure, has major pull at the show and prob has it in her contract that she has leeway with her time off. And yes it has been a long break, but again, not a Hoda fan so I’m enjoying it.
  12. Hoda has “babysitters” (code for nannies). Plus isn’t Joel old enough to be retired?
  13. Yes Hoda, many of us have been moms for a long time, can you stop making it seem like you are a wide eyed young woman seeing the world for the first time? And then having to share your revelations with us about what it’s like to have kids? You’re not the first person to ever have children! You’re an older woman who is in denial of her age and wants to convince herself that she’s just a young lady living the good life. It’s just sad to watch.
  14. I honestly don’t care if they keep up the mystery if/when hoda is to return. As long as she’s not on the show, I’m good. I don’t need to know reasons.
  15. Various musings: Andrea’s uptalk was at an all time high in this episode. Pam was “Gorgeous” “sensuous”????!! Let’s go with “ordinary” how did she get access to all that jewelry in jail? Not to mention I guess she also has the time/means to color her hair too. Glad us taxpayers could pay for her college degrees while we struggle to pay for our own children’s tuition.
  16. He can easily sing her songs. They all go “ahhhh ahhh ahhh ahhhh”. That’s it.
  17. The lady in the national floors direct commercial wrinkles her forehead so much to emphasize how unbelievable the deals are that I keep thinking she’s going to surely pop a blood vessel.
  18. Ok so that’s the third time I’ve heard shenille tell the story of her son and YouTube. Granted I’d rather hear that story 500 times over a Haley story, but still...
  19. Prepare for sunny fawning over the married idris Elba (ya know like the good Christian woman she is who would go bat shit crazy if another woman even glanced in her husband’s direction)
  20. Sunnys icing out of MM is so uncomfortable to watch. It’s like a bad thanksgiving dinner with a giant elephant in the room (no pun intended) that needs to either stopped full out or discussed. I don’t know if TPTB think the viewers aren’t noticing it or if they think it’ll all just blow over, but I think it’s to the point where it looks super unprofessional and makes the vibe around the table so uncomfortable.
  21. I really liked not having Sunny on today. I prefer Ana. also joy looks much better with glasses.
  22. Thank you. I thought I was the only one having a hard time understanding her. She was all garbled.
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