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Everything posted by OpalNightstream

  1. In the eyes of the show, nothing will ever top Hoda becoming a mom. They love the whole story—cancer, older mom, adoption. At least Jenna gets real sometimes about the crappy parts of being a parent. With hoda every day is magical and perfect with her kids!
  2. My mother is an immigrant who came to the USA from Europe in the early 1950s, entire family spoke zero English (they were among the often forgotten catholic victims of Hitler’s forced labor camps.) My grandparents worked menial jobs and lived EXTREMELY frugal lives to pay for her to go to catholic school (nothing was given for free) because the only neighborhood they could afford in the USA was impoverished and very dangerous. She ended up having to go to the local high school which is a separate story on the horrors of inner city schools, but the point is with hard work, zero government handouts, she managed to at least get a few years of an okay education, so it’s possible. Plus wasn’t Whoopi’s mom a nurse and teacher? Doesnt that mean her mom was educated or was certification for those positions much looser/unnecessary back then?
  3. Thank you all-knowing Whoopi, for once again bestowing your parenting advice upon us peons. You must have raised a self sufficient, responsible, educated child, who probably also raised an equally impressive child, Right?? 🙄
  4. You mean “write” a book. No way are all these celebs actually writing all their books on their own. It’s about as legit as how celebs never age, how super skinny ones still have giant boobs, and older celebs still have super plump lips somehow. Hmmm. Are they just that gifted in everything? Or how about how kardashians are all genius “businesswomen” with little to no education in anything. Sucks that us regular folk weren’t born with such natural gifts to be so successful at everything.
  5. Vocal fry is when the voice kinda fizzles out and cracks in the end like the Kardashian’s.
  6. Thank you for having a wealthy privileged woman interview other wealthy privileged women to tell me how great aging is. I’ll tell my assistant, personal trainer, driver, makeup artist, plastic surgeon, chef, housekeepers, financial advisors, and fans to step it up a bit so I don’t feel bad about myself as I age. They’ve all been really slacking lately. It’s so hard to find good help these days!
  7. Yes this is just a morning “entertainment tonight”. They will occasionally touch upon politics but they have to rush through it to get to “pop start” and “morning boost” and the plaza audience screaming in my freakin’ face at 8 am!
  8. Her fake lashes make her eyes look like horses eyes for some reason.
  9. Why does the show refuse to use the word “rape” or “molested”? They only say “abuse” for EVERYTHING. I thought it was a Jenna Wolf term bc it’s the word she uses with USA gymnastics. It’s the ONLY word she uses in fact. Now they are using it with Epstein. To me (and my old fashioned brain) I automatically think of hitting and beating and emotional torture (which, if course is often included with rape and molestation) but in my head abuse isn’t necessarily inclusive of sexual acts, when all these cases are sexual in nature. Is it s morning TV thing?
  10. Ummm so to commemorate the friends anniversary (which in itself is kinda silly) they get a group of secondary guest actors to interview. Really? Slim pickings for guests much?
  11. Asians are often the silent minority and rarely get attention for any slights or outward offensive rants by anyone in the media, much less by this tunnel-visioned group. I guarantee you that if it was Latinos or African Americans being made fun of Sunny would’ve been all over it.
  12. On a shallow note Abby looked nice today. Makeup was more subtle than usual and her hair wasn’t blindingly shiny.
  13. I know where she lives because I used to live nearby. Yes it’s an exclusive gated community.
  14. Meredith viera tells a story and clearly states her new show in it. 15 seconds later Abby says something like “we hear you have a new show.” Yes Abby, she just mentioned that. Pay attention!
  15. Get ready for the JLO tongue bath. Because she’s amazing, ageless, talented, generous, beautiful, basically the most perfect human to have ever existed! 🙄
  16. Jennair’s husband (Mark?) was typical mid life crises man. Do you think he was maybe shopping for a convertible too? Of course we all know the Meredith thing wouldn’t have worked out bc it would be just a matter of time before a newer, younger model cane along who made him feel “special”. It’s just a shame that Jennair couldn’t see that her POS husband was actually doing her a favor of sorts by leaving her because he clearly was a selfish @$$ who didn’t give a flip about her at all (especially with already stressful jobless situation.) I’m convinced in time she would have been able to move on. But I also understand the betrayal must have been overwhelming after all those years of trusting that @$$ of a husband.
  17. They don’t have nannies. They have “babysitters”. That’s how they try to come across as relatable.
  18. Yep. Every topic somehow circles around to their kids. Remember when people would complain about Kathy lee and her gushing over son Cody? They are all no better. Hope you are all comfortable because all their kids are still very young. Lots of years left to have to hear all about the kids!
  19. We all know it’s going to be a slow, painful recap of the glorious wonder of Hodas kids. Complete with too many pictures and a play by play of all the precious moments of being Hoda—mom edition. 🤮
  20. The Sherwin Wiliams commercial where the guy says “you know what they say the early bird gets the best paint“ must be the laziest commercial I’ve ever seen. They paid someone to come up with this? A five-year-old could’ve done that.
  21. Not to mention how they always try to make old money political families seem like martyrs with their talk of “public service” as if entitlement and egos and power have nothing to do with it.
  22. Nepotism. Don’t forget Willies dad’s book plus Craig’s wife was just on yesterday!
  23. Every time they show the promo clip of Hodas return with her saying “ I’ve set my alarm. I’m ready” I feel like I’m being threatened. I’m dreading her return!
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