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Everything posted by OpalNightstream

  1. Who are these writers? So we tiptoe around telling Gary that his dog was someone else’s missing dog because that tragic, terrible, earth shattering news may too much to take. Yet we can just show up unannounced and ask a woman who’s been cheated on, publicly humiliated, and had her family torn apart to again babysit for her husband’s love child because that’s no biggie and shouldn’t cause too much distress. They are making this Colin situation as big as a suicide, cancer, and affair-resulting-in-a-baby. How convenient that they have two characters getting their driving tests on the same day/place/time. What are the odds? On this show, of course, it’s a certainty.
  2. Isn’t EVERYTHING funny when you’re hoda?
  3. 2 hours is too long! The deliberate evil episode could’ve easily have been an hour. I had to ff through a lot of it.
  4. “We will know when we know”. Oh Whoopi, you are the Confucius of the modern age.
  5. Ok I never had an issue with Dylan because I was too busy being annoyed with Hoda and her never ending Haley stories. However, Dylan is getting to be a bit much with the Calvin talk lately. They could have a Haley/Calvin hour daily and still never run out of anecdotes of their children’s everyday lives.
  6. I’m not a violent person at all but Trump jr has what I like to call a “punchable face”.
  7. Delilah has zero self awareness. She has no concern for anyone but herself. Are there actually any fans of Delilah out there? Her relationships are all one sided. She gets all the benefits out of her relationships while offering nothing in return. Having said that, where can I get friends like these that will do ANYTHING at a moments notice and can magically appear whenever I need something?
  8. So someone’s dog gets loose so everyone drops everything they are doing (work, childcare) and runs over to look for said dog. I wouldn’t expect any of my friends to do that for me, nor would I ask.
  9. So is the end game that Meredith is going to be a savior to everyone who is less fortunate and start a free clinic with top notch, state of the art care? Everyone who breaks the law on this show (except maybe Paul and people with money) is always just a victim of circumstance and/or misunderstood. There are no bad poor people, only bad wealthy people (unless you’re one of the docs)
  10. I can’t stand the grub hub commercial with the Lizzo song. Nothing against lizzo because I do think she’s talented, but that particular song is terrible. It sounds so retro...in a bad way...and that commercial is on all the time!
  11. Every Halloween I forget that peter and Dylan are part of the show and can never identify them in costume. I don’t know why their faces seem so unfamiliar to me once they put on different hair.
  12. That was disappointing. Even the crowds costumes were underwhelming. I think the clip of Elaine dancing was my favorite part.
  13. I’m guessing Jenna would rather spend her time with her kids tomorrow (maybe even at school activities) than go to work. I know I would.
  14. Have we ever seen Gary at work? They should just set the show to have all the scenes to occur on the weekends (which still isn’t enough time to somehow cram all they do) because it is so glaring that they all seem to have nothing but time on their hands to hang out. Don’t they have friends outside of this one group? Did they not have a life outside of each other before meeting in the elevator? At least Maggie has the “new in town” story to explain having no other friends. I realize Delilah has a lot going on but I’ve never seen friends so willing to drop EVERYTHING for one person before. Everyone on this show has some major drama going on but, hey, let’s make sure Delilah is ok...all the time. They need to give Theo some friends. He’s so annoying.
  15. I was kinda hoping some interns would get all sassy with each other and salivate over who gets to operate on Zola. You know, the inappropriate way they behave when regular folks need help, without any regard that the families and the patients themselves are human beings and not freaks for them to play surgeon with. Then maybe Meredith would see what it’s like to be treated as a “case” and not as a person.
  16. In a high school that oddly also has an elementary school in it. I’ll never understand how that exists that all 3 kids are in the same school. They seemed to have written the character of Taylor as a loud (I am convinced she is incapable of talking without shouting), dim witted, combative teenager. I haven’t seen her mature one bit on this show. I have 2 teen girls and if they were anything like Taylor I’d be in therapy.
  17. For anyone who watches impractical jokers, the flying sketch was very reminiscent of the Joe Gatto punishment where he was in Aladdin. Not to mention Colin Josts brother works on Impractical Jokers.
  18. In the tv world characters in a group literally take two steps to the side to have a “private” conversation, speak at a normal volume, show all sorts of emotion, and no one ever hears, sees or suspects anything. The room can be completely quiet and those 2 steps to the side is space enough to have a completely unheard conversation. Then again in this world you can get knocked up by your husband’s married BFF and it’s all good for everyone except the friends wife who is now shunned.
  19. Yes as a half white/Asian I can attest Theo def looks all Asian. His whole character seems like it’s for a corny Disney channel show. He takes me out of any realism (I know that in itself is funny) when watching. He needs some friends. He seems like that strange kid who only hangs out with adults because he doesn’t know how to act like a kid, yet is extremely naive at the same time. Delilah’s kids, on the other hand, seem “normal” for their ages.
  20. This show is terrible with ages. Most of the actors look substantially older than what their characters are supposed to be. I think only jo and Maggie can pass for a 30-something doc. The rest mostly look in their mid to late forties (except bailey who looks in her fifties). Sorry no one will convince me that Meredith is a young mom who still attracts 20-something guys.
  21. Line ‘em up! Who else needs a baby? Jo? Maggie? Maybe Jackson’s mom? YOU get a baby! And YOU get a baby! And YOU get a baby!
  22. According to this show, every other hospital is complete crap if it’s not gray Sloan. I like how every person (doctor or not) read Merediths article. Was it posted on billboards and broadcast as breaking news on all the tv stations? I was in the hospital when one of the space shuttles blew up and i wasn’t aware of it until the next day because I was in my own little world. But in this world Meredith is the sun so of course everyone would read her article.
  23. I Completely lost interest in the case with Aria. It went on entirely too long. I just couldn’t get into it.
  24. Agree. I’m waiting for them to give him a speech affect like Elmer Fudd (wabbit) to try to make him even more “precious”. I’m not buying the cute act.
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