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Everything posted by SonofaBiscuit

  1. I started watching this show because of Lee Pace, but I think that Gordon is the only character of the main three that I am actually interested in. His wife is a smart lady, and I love that she offered up a really innovative idea, even if it is something that is logistically impossible (due to the ways the parts are currently manufactured) according to that guy that Gordon fired after the random car accident. Can Gordon's wife please join the team? Joe's and Cameron's stories are just off in WTF territory right now. I don't really care to watch Cameron partying with some unemployed losers that she met two seconds ago in an alley or Joe hook up with a guy he's known for five minutes.
  2. I know that this is really not nice, but this is one of the reasons that I am so looking forward to panels that include Stephen Amell, EBR, and KC. If there is anyone on here that knows anything about reading body language, I would be interested to get an interpretation of KC's body language and mannerisms towards other cast members and vice versa. These KC quotes from Sidney Comic Con are making me extremely ragey. If this is not where the EPs are headed with Laurel's story, I wish they would shut this kind of talk down. Since the aren't, it makes me think that we really are getting Laurel as Black Canary next season. Hey now, wait a minute. If Luke Mitchell becomes Felicity's love interest, I'm afraid that I'm going to end up liking him more than Oliver and I'll want Felicity and Daniel to be endgame. Just please please please NO Robbie Amell. I'm really afraid that it's going to be Robbie Amell since he's Stephen's cousin and he was involved in a Greg Berlanti show on the CW.
  3. I watch a lot of sci fi shows, but I have to admit, time travel confuses the hell out of me. I was fine until this season introduced two Alecs and two Kieras. I usually dislike it when time travel changes what we already know to be true about the past or future, but here I'm OK with it. I've always thought that is was pretty crappy that the show creators gave Kiera a husband and child. She's always intended to get back to her family in the future, so she was never going to be able to enter into any sort of serious romantic relationship in the present. I'll be glad if her future family no longer exists. I do not object to a relationship between Brad and Kiera, so I hope that is where the show is going with them. Ryan Robbins sure has bulked up since his time on Sanctuary. He's looking good!
  4. The killer, Diane, did have a good point that she was just taking the law into her own hands like Stan had been doing. Murdering someone is definitely not OK, but it's pretty scary to think that Stan could have gone on for years, continuing to destroy innocent people's lives by accusing them of terrible things like child abuse. Diane certainly never watched any crime shows, did she? Retrieving the murder weapon and washing it off in her sink with a scrub brush? Dumb! I'm not sure what they are doing with the rookie cop and Lucas. She seems to be into him, and now he's bringing her coffee? I don't think that he's been married long, and he doesn't really seem to be the type to cheat, but it appears that is where this is headed. I'm just saying that I am not opposed to something happening between Vega and Angie. He is quite sexy, after all. Angie can annoy the hell out of me, but I find her more tolerable with Vega.
  5. This episode featured some super duper cheesy dialogue...like way worse than I've ever noticed before. Plus, the dramatic slow motion as The 100 walked away from the camp in the beginning was just way over the top. Don't worry about sacrificing yourself, Jaha, you were doomed anyways since you weren't on the same section of the Ark as Kane, Abby, and Sinclair. Actually, he'll probably figure out some way to get down to Earth next season. I hope he grabbed some food since he's going to last a little while in his Stargate section of the Ark. How in the heck did Abby's section of the Ark land? I heard Sinclair say something about them needing to be below 70 mph, but what slowed their descent so that they didn't just die on impact? Murphy is just not having a good time. I don't know if he willingly went back to the Grounders or if they captured him again, but either way he's an idiot. They tortured him, ripped his fingernails out, infected him with hemorrhagic fever, and in this episode he got stabbed in the leg. Fun times. He should have probably been more careful in avoiding the Grounders. I'm betting that Finn and Bellamy survived. Maybe TPTB did this so that they can look at the feedback for the characters and decide if they really want to kill either of them off. I can't say that I would miss Finn. Whoever said that he sounds like he stepped out of Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure was right. That's all I think about anymore when I hear him talk. Yay, Lincoln is not dead. I think that if I wanted to survive, that's who I'd be sticking with. @BungalowSummer, if you want to see Lincoln shirtless, you can catch him on Mistresses where he is currently playing a sexy artist. And, he has been shirtless in every episode so far, I think. Fair warning, though, that show is truly terrible. So the Mountain Men are like SWAT? This is bizarre. I'm not actually sure that I like the direction that we'll be going next season.
  6. I thought that Daniel said that his mother died six years ago. He sure must be loaded if he can afford an apartment in LA at the same time that he is maintaining/paying property taxes on a house in Vermont. April had better hang on to that sexy times painting that he gave her. She might be able to sell it for lots of money. I suppose he could be renting the house out in Vermont, but it just seemed suspicious to me that April just met this guy and now he has to jet off for a week or more. Eh, with this show, I'm probably overthinking it.
  7. Did I understand this correctly? Joss just borrows stuff from April's store to use for the parties that she plans, and then she returns everything without having to pay for any of it? How does April benefit from this situation? I guess maybe people see April's stuff at the party and decide they want to shop at her store? It really seems like Harry and Joss are going to become a thing. I'm OK with it, but I'm not sure Savi will be. At least Harry and Joss seem to have a spark which is something Savi doesn't have with anyone. The new lawyer, Toni, is beyond obnoxious. Singing loudly at your desk when you share an office with someone else? Really? Oh well, I don't really like Savi or Dominic either so I guess I don't really care. How in the world is April able to just disappear for two days to have sexy times with her boyfriend? Who is watching her kid? What is the deal with the house in Vermont? The boyfriend (I don't even remember his name, I just remember that his note said D.) talked about the house in Vermont, and then he had to go back to Vermont for possibly a week or more. He totally has a secret family in Vermont, doesn't he?
  8. I think that it's pretty sad that Meri was hesitant to tell people that she wanted to go back to school. This was a decision that should make people happy for her, and here Robyn is ready to just get up and walk out the door. Seriously, you are pissed off because your friend is going back to school and doing something that will make her happy? This family is totally messed up. That speech that Kody gave about hormones going into your mouth and such was all sorts of cringey. It was so awkward that I had to hold my hands over my eyes in embarrassment for Kody. How those teens kept straight faces, I'm not sure. Actually, maybe they didn't. Like I said, my hands were over my eyes. I thought it was funny that Robyn said that she couldn't have another kid unless she got more help with the jewelry business. First of all, the other wives probably don't necessarily want you to have another baby, so this type of threat is not exactly the best motivation to get them to help you. Second of all, I doubt she is on birth control, so besides withholding sex, I'm not sure there's much she can do to actually stop herself from getting pregnant. If the Browns are putting a ton of their own money into the jewelry business, then it is not turning a profit. Just let it go, Brown family, let it go. I thought Madison's hair looked really cute this season, and I'm glad that it looks like she might be on the show more often (based on the preview at the end). I think the kids are probably the most interesting part of the show.
  9. When that guy was asking for water, I totally thought that Murphy was going to pee in his mouth. I think that Murphy might be what we refer to as a "serial killer." I was hoping that he would blow himself up, but no such luck. Darn, Finn's not dead. I don't think that is the reaction that the writers are going for. Yay, Lincoln is not dead...yet. I hope that the Reapers don't eat him! He's just so darn pretty that I want him to stay on this show. I like how Kane asked, "Are we really going to do this? Bring the Ark to the ground?" Well, I suppose you could do nothing and just die but I think that I'd rather give myself at least a tiny chance. Although, if they knew what was waiting for them on the ground, maybe the Ark people would just prefer to die in space.
  10. Yeah, I thought that Typhoid Murphy pretty much got his revenge when he unknowingly infected all of those people with hemorrhagic fever. They tried to kill you, you nearly killed them (and did kill some of them). Truce?
  11. I see that they tried to do a reboot with the show, but I'm not sure it worked. My major problem with this show is that I have seen the British original, and I feel like everybody here was miscast. Siobhan and Dominic from the British version (Savi and Dominic here) had smoking chemistry. I get nothing here from Alyssa Milano. She doesn't even have chemistry with her own husband. The British Dominic was super sexy and had charisma. I hate this show's version of Dominic, but then again I pretty much hate Jason George in everything I've seen him in...Off the Map, Witches of East End, Grey's, this! April is probably my favorite of all of the women, I guess. She's sweet, but a little dumb. Basically the only reason that I'm watching this show is for her yummy new boyfriend.
  12. Maybe season three will see Sara go dark and Laurel become Black Canary. But then in a twist, Laurel dies and this is the motivation for Sara to redeem herself and come back and honor her sister by taking up the mantle of Black Canary (again).
  13. So, is Marisol going to be involved in the major mystery in season 3 too? I can't stand her, she's always up in people's business! She's definitely my least favorite of all of the women on this show. I like how Nicholas was jogging on a deserted street but didn't hear a screeching car coming up behind him. Then, he turns and sees the car and just lets it hit him. Don't bother to even try to jump out of the way or anything, Nick. I like Zoila's new boyfriend, he's sexy. I didn't like how she was trying to talk the guy into firing his maid, though. She doesn't know what the situation is. What if the lady was 65 years old and had been with his family for his entire life? There's a lot to be said for loyalty. Poor Rosie. Her new boyfriend has some problems. I hope she and Spence can reconcile because he seems to really love her.
  14. Maybe Arrow can hire Caity Lotz as the stuntwoman to play Black Canary and she can whisper, "You stole my life" in Katie Cassidy's ear. No, I do not want this, and I know that I probably shouldn't even put it out in the universe.
  15. I've been rewatching season 1 of Arrow so that I can read people's comments in the rewatch threads. I watched the first season when it aired on TV, but I remember that I didn't pay much attention at the time...I would have it on while on the computer or whatever. There were two reasons that I stuck with the show: SA's abs/Sally the Salmon Ladder and Diggle. I liked Felicity but I didn't get too attached because at that time, I had read that Laurel was destined to become Black Canary and the love interest. I remember being pretty indifferent to Laurel in the first season and upon rewatch, I know why. She's just uber bitchy to everyone, sometimes for no reason at all. I understand that she was very hurt by what Oliver did to her, but I just thought it was too much when she basically told him she wished he was still dead (something about rotting in hell a lot longer). She was awful to Oliver and gave dirty looks to her friend and client when they bumped into Oliver at the courthouse. He was there having himself declared undead, not stalking her! She was terrible to her father when he tried to put police protection on her. She was kind of snippy with Johanna when Johanna caught her trolling for Oliver stories online. When Tommy is waiting on a bench outside of her workplace, she says with a snotty tone, "What are you doing here?" I think that 80% of what Laurel says in those first three episodes comes off with such a snotty arrogant tone. I can see why people say that playing a bitch is in her wheelhouse. Unfortunately, this was not the way to make me love this character right off the bat. Epic fail, show.
  16. Alison and Felix are always comedy gold for me, but I like the addition of Vic in their little club. Vic's face was hilarious when Alison was leaving after she had told him that she let Aynsley die. I also cracked up at Vic referring to Paul as "Nail Gun Ken" and Fe bashing Vic's head against the wall when he was carrying him down the hallway. I also thought that it was funny how Alison decorated all of the nametags with flowers except for Donnie's. His was just a blue and white nametag with his name written on it. She is so passive-aggressive with him. Aw, Kira yanked out her tooth for her Auntie Cosima. I too didn't understand what she was doing at first. I thought that she was locking her parents out of the camper or something like that. You know, the science part of this show is actually my least favorite part. I would be happy just to spend the entire hour watching the clones go about their daily lives.
  17. Rather than KC losing weight for her drug/alcohol arc, it's possible it's the other way around. Maybe the drug/alcohol storyline was actually written in as an explanation for the weight loss. If I remember correctly (which it's completely possible that I don't), I thought KC had a definite transformation in her appearance even in the very early parts of season 2. At that early stage of shooting, I'm not even sure if the drug/alcohol storyline would have even been conceptualized. And, I'm not sure that any interviewer would have asked Cassidy about the weight loss because they would look just terrible if they asked if she was method acting and had lost weight for her role as a drug addict, and her answer was no. It would be like asking a heavy lady if she's pregnant when she's not! Interviewer: "You look like hell KC, was this transformation for your role?" Cassidy, "No." Interviewer: "Oh, uh, never mind." The EPs didn't do a very good job with the whole drug/alcohol arc. I hadn't even realized it was an ongoing thing until I read it an interview with Guggenheim. That seems to be a common theme with this show...reading in interviews about plot points that you didn't even realize were happening.
  18. I've seen Colin Salmon in several things. He was Mark Valley's boss on Keen Eddie. I saw him on Hex playing what was like a Headmaster of a school, I think. That one also had Klaus from The Vampire Diaries and Michael Fassbender before he started making it big in Hollywood. Salmon also played a trumpet player who was Jill Scott's ex on The No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency. That is such a sweet and charming show, I would definitely recommend checking that out.
  19. slayer2, I have seen others mention that Cassidy lost weight on the show for her drug/drinking arc. The main reason that I could never get behind that explanation was because she didn't really seem very invested in the show for most of the second season. She did practically no promotion of the show until the very end. If she couldn't even muster up the enthusiasm to talk about the show, I just couldn't imagine her caring enough to go so far as altering her physical appearance for it. Plus, she seems to have no problems talking about bulking up to become Black Canary, so I would have thought she would have talked about losing weight for her role if that's what she did. Just my take, I'm sure we'll never know for sure since she probably won't ever discuss it.
  20. Alison is my favorite clone as well. The whole bit with the rape whistle was just too funny and seemed to be something Alison would totally do. I didn't like Vic in the first season, but I'm really enjoying the Alison/Vic interactions and am excited to see where that relationship goes.
  21. Oh no, catrox14. I didn't mean that comment about Lotz's acting directed at you. I meant that directed towards the reviewer of the article linked above. He talks about Caity being a "terrible actress". She's definitely not what I would consider terrible...she certainly isn't even the worst actress on this show.
  22. Well, now that I think about it Caity did have a pouty face a lot of the time, but it's not like her character had an abundance of reasons to be smiling. Season 2 wasn't a happy time for the folks in the Arrow Cave. And no, Caity isn't the best actress on the show, but she's so soft-spoken and her real-life warmth can't help but radiate through, so I find her likable. I had some issues with her increased presence in the back half of season 2, but I think she is a great Black Canary and an awesome fighter. The scene where she jumped at Deathstroke and he grabbed her by the neck midair was one of the coolest things I've seen on this show. I wasn't as jazzed as that reviewer about the island flashbacks or the Suicide Squad episode, that's for sure. And where the review mentions the pacing picking up at around midseason, that's basically where I felt that everything came to a screeching halt. He was right about the show being super soapy and the Ravager outfit being ridiculous. I thought Deathstroke's mask was super-cheesy as well. I think I was supposed to be getting "menacing" from that, but it just wasn't working for me.
  23. In the second half of season 2, there is a scene where Laurel shows up to Verdant to make amends with Sara. She's being nice to Sara and I think she gives her some advice and a hug (this was shortly after the huge dinner blow-up scene). As far as I remember, I think that was what happened...I admit I sort of tune out during Laurel's scenes. The way that the scene was shot, I thought for sure Laurel had some secret agenda and we were meant to think she was going evil. Nope, she was just being nice.
  24. Yeah, I really hope that the EPs don't go there either. I think that the only thing that hostility between Felicity and Laurel would accomplish is to pit fans of the two against each other. Judging from Guggenheim's twitter as well as tumblr, etc. I think that there is already a big enough problem with this and it would do nobody any favors to make the problem worse.
  25. Angie and Vega have some lovely partner/friend chemistry. You can really see how much trust the two of them have for each other. I'm hoping Angie's son was shipped off permanently and won't show up at all this season. He was kind of annoying. This show must do pretty well in Canada as they seem to have a lot of recognizable guest stars. I saw online that it was renewed in Canada, so I hope that we get the third season here in the States. It's an entertaining summer show.
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