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Everything posted by Maverick

  1. I understand there are blindsides every season, I was just commenting how surprised I am there are so many because Jeff's always spilling the beans at TC.
  2. That Latiesse shit is scary. You can have permanent discoloration of the eyes, etc. all just to have longer lashes.
  3. Probst does talk a lot at challenges, but it doesn't me too much. Sometimes he's giving them some much deserved snark. And when it's not deserved, it doesn't bother me as much as it does with Trebek because, well, this Survivor not Jeopardy. What I'm tired of is 1) his man-crushes and 2) his yapping at TC council where he's clearly been clued into who's plotting what. When it first started he was at least somewhat subtle about it but it quickly morphed into virtually revealing who the two in danger are. I don't know how they've done any blindsides since he started chiming in.
  4. WTF was up with Katie this week? She looked like she was cleaning her house and FN called to remind her there was a taping so she dropped her Pledge and ran to the studio. I still can't stand Katie and am not a fan of GZ. I wish they'd dump Katie and replace her with Damaris and swap out Scott Conant for GZ. They still have their Southern woman and pretentious "real" chef but I find the other two far more entertaining in this sitcom/cooking show.
  5. I was more shocked to hear they have studios. Doesn't that run counter to what YouTube's about?
  6. To wit, I ask: Why would you want to be locked in an insane asylum with these horrible people for 3 months? LOL. I had no idea who casts this show, so when I saw the thread title I thought it was some play on all the racist contestants of late (i.e. casted by KKKassting, Inc.) The fact that the actual name of the agency is Kassting, Inc. makes calling it KKKassting even better.
  7. The tournament shows usually have a $50,000 prize which makes sense They basically takes the normal $10k from each round and make it winner-take-all. It sucks the preliminary winners get nothing, but they are getting a crack at a much larger prize. I guess the teen tournament it lower because it also includes the scholarship, but it still seems kinda cheap since I'm sure the CIA is kicking in a lot (or all) of the cost of the scholarship.
  8. Who the hell is he? And who is is sister? Is he supposed to be someone because he's a YouTube personality? So were those twits on the Amazing Race and no one knew who they were.
  9. The CotW is definitely weaker. So is Reality Show Clip Time (but not as bad as CotW). I miss things like Chicken Tetrazini and Whitney Houston. Damn, Can I Just Be Kiki? was perfect for that but it seemed like they only used it when talking about whatever show that was from rather than use it on other bits. They don't seem to do the recurring gags anymore. I can take or leave the guests most of the time. I got sick of the endless community guests and bits that they had going for a while.
  10. Of course there is. We can quit watching.
  11. Of course they would. The Board will quake in their boots (literally, it's Texas and on this show it means The Board members have to wear boots) and do whatever TC bids lest he quit and the entire city of San Antonio dies because he's not there to save them. He said so! The Cliche Force is strong with the show. Jordan became a doctor because her father wouldn't get medical treatment. And she has the Worst! Day! Ever! on her birthday, which of course no one realizes it is. And next week is only episode 5 and we get the Storm of the Century! Does Drew sing showtunes in his sleep or something? Seriously, how many people have figured out his secret now. Someone should tell him his gaydar has been set on transmit instead of receive and to just stop with the lame booby jokes from the 80s. When your coworkers not only know you're having your nuts worked on, but have a party complete with a cake(s) to celebrate, I think you've maybe gotten a little close. What the hell kind of doctor leaves psych meds on her desk and then leaves someone unsupervised after they've ingested them accidentally. To be fair, what kind of idiot doctor can't tell the difference between an aspirin bottle/pill and a psych med bottle/pill?
  12. Well there shouldn't be much jetlag or airport drama since they're fairly contained within Europe and North Africa. Maybe they'll at least go to Australia or New Zeland (hello, Tasmania!). I guess if they're sticking to an island theme they could backtrack and go to Madagascar but I'd say Japan is more likely.
  13. ain't that it The bathroom's nice and I kinda like the second floor, but everything else is ass. I particularly hate the party/hexagon room.
  14. The Continental. Don't forget the guy with the googly-eyed plants.
  15. I hate that kangaroo. The first one was the worst (she's dodging work because she's too busy watching soccer on her tablet). What kind of fucking message are they trying to send.
  16. I think Carol had some kooky friends. I remember the one that was from the pay telephone episode that wouldn't get off the phone because she was crying seemed like she had some issues.
  17. I would hate to lose Kate, Taran and Bobby.
  18. Isn't STAR Labs associated with Superman? Or is it some pan-DC entity?
  19. Good. I hope that means more than just backfilling Nasim and replacing one or two featured players. The current cast hasn't gelled and they need a cast overhaul nearly like what they did in the mid 90s.
  20. Things I learned from Hollywood Game Night: apparently, it's Napoleon ice cream. Silly me, calling it Neapolitan all these years. Shows what I get for trusting what's on the carton. I like Tim Gunn, but this isn't exactly his scene. Maybe if he had Andre long to help loosen him up. Then they could go to Red Lobster after.
  21. If they run with the pregnancy plot and put Frankie and Maura together I'll probably bail. I've already suffered through Casey, I just can't with these two plots, especially the pregnancy.
  22. Kindle Amy is back too. I thought we were done with her...and the dofus stalker that's always pressing his emergency button to call her.
  23. Minimal Ve? This is not a good start.
  24. Was looking at an episode guide on Wikipedia and checked out the characters who've popped up. So, Moira's lawyer is going to be possessed and become an evil God trying to re-write the universe?
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