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Everything posted by Maverick

  1. It would have been ridiculous to have an even an extra checking out Sam and Callen. They were have cleared by medical personnel at the facility that chopper was based out of, if there wasn't a medic on board to check them out first.
  2. Immunity agreement and extradition wavier, and he'd show them hpw he hacked into NASA.
  3. I wonder if threatening John's game will trigger the "if you were a man I'd punch you in the face" comment from the season previews.
  4. WTF with Grainger being all Team Hetty? I could buy him pulling strings for Sam and Callen since they're his agents. But it's been clear he has an uneasy alliance at best with Hetty and now he's all 'it's a witch hunt. You're awesome! Need a hug, woobie?'
  5. Biohacked? Like I need something else to be worried about. Killer drones, bubonic plague, inept air traffic control and now biohacking. Is CBS trying to worry its audience to death?
  6. Isn't she supposed to be in college? What is she doing still around.
  7. I was tired (and not terribly interested at this point, to be honest) but I made through Alligator Alley. When they started talking--AGAIN--about how fucking important this was to each of them, I turned it off. Seriously, we get it. Winning would be great. I don't think the viewing audience needs to be reassured that someone wandered in off the street on a lark and really has no interest in winning every 5 damn minutes. I'm also tired of the notion I have to be emotionally involved with every contestant on one of their game shows. Dear Food Network, I don't have to give two shits about the boring as wallpaper paste housewive of Wheel of Fortune to enjoy the show. Also, if you insist on playing getting to know you, people do connect over more that grief, misery, heartache and destitution. Someone at Food Network has some serious issues they need to work out.
  8. Only if they do Project DNA Part Deux.
  9. She knows, according to the article. "it’s a very small world it turns out that she’s my neighbor who I’ve known for ten years." She also knew her well enough to tell her when she started working on the show AND Podewell told her she was on the show. She didn't think then to find out who should was (she's know if she had watched the damn show...it wasn't exactly a bit part) out of at least simple curiosity.
  10. Jesus H, the woman didn't even know her neighbor of 10 years was on the damn show she's producing a continuation of? Why doesn't she just fucking admit you can't stand the original show. She's like some married guy in the closet professing how straight he is while sleeping with men every week.
  11. Hayden's kinda boring. I don't think he did anything memorable on either show (and that includes winning BB). I'm not sure Rachel would want to put up with the conditions on Survivor island, even in the name of famewhoring. Plus, she's a girl so Peachy wouldn't let her on.
  12. Which in turn reminds me of Taran Killiam doing a parody of Brad Pitt doing a Taco Bell commercial. "Doritos Locos Tacos: it's like you opened a bag of Doritos and tossed in some meat and cheese...which is a really great way to make dinner if you have 10 kids"
  13. Julia Barry played a young prince on Mission: Impossible Conversely, the Brady living room had a guest spot on Mission: Impossible Eve was in an episode of Wonder Woman about a Pied Piper-style villain Robert Reed played a creepy teacher trying to get busy with Sissy on Family Affair Sam the Butcher popped up on The Andy Griffith Show in various roles (usually as a heel or criminal) and was on Gomer Pyle USMC as well.
  14. I like Girl You Wish You Hadn't Started a Conversation With at a Party and hope she also comes back. I agree Girlfriends Talk Show needs to go though. It was funny once; not enough to be recurring. It seems like it dropped off in the last half of last season but I'm afraid it will come back now. I'm also not a fan of her and Bobby's slam the coworkers bit. It was also funny once, but it the same thing every damn time. It's also a shit sketch for the host who plays the boss because they have like 3 (boring) lines; no character, no reactions. They're barely the straight man. This one disappeared for a while too but I fear it will be back. HATE Jacob. Hate. Amazingly boring, always the same thing. I hoped it would stop with Seth leaving, but nope...still there. The baby exec is funny for Beck's mannerisms, but after you've seen it once there's nothing amusing about (plus I hate puke humor). This too is a crap sketch for the host because all they even do is play the straight man to the character.
  15. You might be thinking of the 'cardboard' line from Destroyer: I feel like I live in a world made of cardboard. Always taking constant care not to break something. To break someone. Never allowing myself to lose control, even for a moment, or someone could die.
  16. 1. Abraham 2. The Governor 3. Rick 4. Axel 5. Tara 6. Yeah, like that's gonna happen
  17. All this button talk reminds me of this:
  18. While watching this crapfest after taking several weeks off and rolling my eyes for the hundreth time, I thought to myself what fun it would be if the late Robert Reed (the dad from the Brady Bunch) was on this show. He used to drive the producers crazy with script notes on the inaccuracies of BB plots (they producers had to call the real phone company and get them to confirm they would install a pay phone for him to act in that episode, for example) Can you imagine him getting a script from this show?
  19. App was restaurant/kitchen slang long before iPhones and tablets came along.
  20. I was disgusted with the way Frankie was all over Jeff. Cody is such a girl. The way he was a"zomg it's Jeff and Jordan. Their super sweet romance tots made me into the show!"
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