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Everything posted by Maverick

  1. I remember Jimmy Johnson and a vague recollection of Na'Kona and the shoe incident. Nothing else rings a bell. Anyone who wears a $1,000 pair of shoes to go on Survivor deserves to lose them.
  2. I didn't even remember it. I had to look it up. Looks like it was only in play for 4 episodes and was part of a young vs. old season, which I also barely remember. Apparently not a very good season.
  3. If Chef Military Daddy Makes Me Sad is for real, he needs to find someone to talk to. For a grown adult to be going on that much about a parent making them feel like shit as a child and still be that effected by it, there is a serious problem there.
  4. Called it! He shall henceforth be Not!Liam Neeson to me.
  5. If there was a non-alcoholic drinking game for the tropes on this show, I'd still get alcohol poising from the Club Soda. So Freddy's character isn't just an asshole, bean counting administrator, he also had to drop out of med school because of his sight AND his wife left him AND he can't talk to his children. With a background like that, he could win any Food Network competition show he wanted. What nationality is the guy playing TC? Because he sounds like he's trying to cover up an accent. He sounds to me like Irishmen who try to cover their brogue but talking deep and growly (looking at you, Liam Neeson). So one of the kids alters was beating up the mom? I thought when the mom had injuries the implication was a dad/boyfriend was beating both of them and she was protecting him. The kid being the abuser still doesn't explain a) why the kid has alters in the first place b) why the alter has a hate on for the mom and c) why the mom being arrested brought out the abusing alter. If he didn't like, the mom shouldn't he have been glad she was being taken away.
  6. I didn't care for pageant girl either. She didn't make the cut two seasons ago, totally blew her 30 second presentation and ended up in the bottom 2 the first week. Why is she still here? I instantly didn't like Christopher. Being from New Orleans should have helped temper the doucebag factor (it does for John Besh) but nope, just didn't like him. Luca is annoying. I didn't get Donna. She's the healthy one this year and chooses a BLT as her dish. Her version has endive, arugula and bacon. Um, the bacon is the bad the part, not the tomato dear. She's reminded a bit of nutty Dzinznda from a few years ago (Dzinznda loves to dance! Dzinznda loves to twirl!) and the show needs a few goofs like that because most of these people take themselves WAY to seriously. I was surprised they dispensed with the healthy contestant so early this year and basically said, "yeah, no one's going to watch that" I know I said the show needs some nutty characters, but....Lenny needs to go. Stat. Unless they revive Hee Haw, Lenny doesn't need to be on TV. And if they do, I don't care if he's on there because I'd be watching something else anyway. Can we replace him with Ross?? Giada bugs to no end. What was up with the hands in pocket thing in the first segment? Some weird body language there. Defensive, off putting, something. Ah the press walk. So cringe worthy. Glad they did it in the first episode this year so that everyone has to run the gauntlet of embarrassment. I hope they pay those extras well (and keep them out of focus) because really, there's a thankless job.
  7. But Kiera did make a choice. When the two Alecs were facing off, she chose to take down Hoodie!Alec and hand him to the Freelancers. When Suit!Alec chose Piron over Emily, she knew he was the one more likely to bring about her future.
  8. I agree with Antonia not wanting GZ to win. Besides just generally not liking him, I didn't care for the thought of a Johnny Come Lately winning. Dude's judged one episode of Cutthroat Kitchen, and that was obviously so they could have a fourth to round out the Judge's episode.
  9. My guess: hedging their bets. Hoodie!Alec is locked up and can't meddle with the timeline any longer. If they ever decide Keira choose poorly, they can always kill Suit!Alec and release Hoodie!Alec back into the wild.
  10. I don't think Amanda likes sweet deserts. Or maybe it's Alex. I'm not sure Chris Santos likes them either. I know I've heard a couple of them say it's just the right sweetness when another complains it's not sweet enough.
  11. Glad they were 1 and 2 out. I don't care for either of them. Guy should have been competing too. Or does he not want to acknowledge he made it on FN thanks to Food Network Star. Other than that, has he ever participated in any kind of FN competition show? Almost every FN STAR has put them selves out there. Even Princess Giada did Iron Chef.
  12. Is Frank the one that was always yelling at us from the Diary Room?
  13. I can't believe they'd do Blood vs. Water. Survivor is doing another next season and people are already saying that's too soon. Shoehorning in a BB version is going to be total overkill. Suvivor is clearly the favorite child while BB is the bleach blonde summer stepchild, so I'm surprised they let them do anything that might detract from Survivor. Also, BvW is about being put on separate tribes and forced to compete against you family member (at least in the beginning). Unless they're going to introduce some team concept as well, BB house guests are basically free agents and the family members will be an unbreakable pair. BB has done variations of this theme already (Project DNA, Secret Pairs) so this seems like a sad attempt to ride Survivors coat tails.
  14. So from Rusun's description, it looks like the gay couple and African-American ladies aren't in this pic. I can see it now. "You 4 stand over there. No, over a little farther. No, over THERE. What? Don't worry about where the camera is. So was the color matched teams not a requirement? Because if so the Asian couple didn't seem to get them memo. And if not, it's a tad odd so many of the other teams went the twinsies route. And if no one was coordinating this, imagine how mortifying to show up to the starting line wearing the same outfit as another team. Quadruplets! https://tv.yahoo.com/news/amazing-race-season-25-cast-174000524.html
  15. I'm confused. Are they remaking/"reimagining" the original movie, doing a sequel to the original movie that ignores the TV shows or doing a continuation set in the shared original movie/TV show universe?
  16. Unfortunately LW's Steve Trevor--both versions--comes off as a bit of a cheesy dolt so I'm fine with his character being pushed to the background as the show progresses. I'm not sure why they included him in the 70s version to start with since they didn't want to "go there" with him being a love interest.
  17. My favorite part was Diana driving around Washington DC in a convertible on Christmas Eve.
  18. Am I imagining things, or was Cocktail Hour inserted into last night's repeat and the goodnights were cut?
  19. Well if that's what Lenkov thinks then he's way off the mark. NCIS didn't really become a hit until the repeats started on USA. He should have realized they had a good formula and seen that they could have, over time, built their modest success into a big show.
  20. I hate commercials that are built on the pretext dopey/wimpy husband and arrogant overbearing wife (and for the record I hate the reverse as well). So some people who need to go away right now are: the husband and wife in the Allstate commercial playing rock/paper/scissors over a check. He wins the game, but she takes the check because "wife beats rock". Really? Ever heard of community property? Ever heard of managing finances as a couple? You get the extra money just because your the wife? Shrew. Also need to go away: the woman in the refrigerator commercial who prattles on in inner monologue about how ignorant her son (and later husband) are for looking staring into the fridge for something to eat. She just goes on and on about how dense her husband and child are. Straight up bitch. To be fair, the husband and son look virtually catatonic and on the verge of leaking drool out of their mouth at any moment, but I suspect it's because mommie dearest has been secretly drugging their food for years. And last that needs to go away in this theme, there's a paint commercial with mom on a business trip talking to dad and kids on Skype. Dad and kids assure her everything is fine, but when we see things from their perspective after the call ends the kitchen looks like the fridge, pantry and oven have exploded all over the walls. Because poor dopey dad can't handle the kids.
  21. Keenan has said he won't leave until they make him. He said he realizes there aren't many opportunities after SNL. Nasim is almost a given since her show was picked up, which is too bad. I like her. It seems like there's two routes they can go next year: essentially gut the cast like they did in season 21 or just make a few tweaks. In the former scenario, I'd think Keenan, Bobby, Taran, Jay, Kate and Ceicly return. Maybe Beck or Sasheer as well. In the latter, I think Milhiser is out (this is practically a given), Brooks is out (slim chance Noel might be out too, slimmer chance she's out instead of him) and O'Brien goes back to the writers room but still pops up in digital shorts he writes.
  22. I've watched every season of Survivor (admittedly many with much disinterest) but I have no recollection of the Survivor team at all. Did they get very far into their season? Are the pro wrestlers particularly famous in their field? I'm wondering if they're a "big name" gimmick couple of more like the pro wrestler couple they had on many moons ago (who I actually kinda liked). TeJay? Really? Ugh.
  23. My first thought was amnesia guy was Keira's husband from the new, altered future. But then the hologram should him with a wife and kid. So like others I thought, grown up son looking for mom. But I also agree there's some sexual tension there and even the episode description describes him as a handsome stranger so they seem to be pointing to love interest. He described the city he remembered as bombed out and skeletal buildings. The shots we've seen of future!Vancouver show it as a gleaming, hi-tech metropolis so I'm still thinking whoever he is, he's from an altered timeline. Maybe Alec being so desperate to accelerate his discoveries causes too much of an advancement in technology too fast. The world's militaries get the advance tech (before the governments fall and the corps take over) and it leads to devastating war. They were emphasizing how Alec wanted to help people and move away from military projects. I think amnesia guy is going to be the vehicle that let's the time travelers know how they've changed the future and made it worse for everyone. I thought Chen recognized amnesia guy so maybe he will play into his resurrection story.
  24. I love Judge MM. From her doling out Rough Justice to giving some of the dolts who walk into the courtroom the smackdown they rightfully deserve. Sometimes I think she cuts litigants off too short and goes a tad too far with them, but I get the impression they're probably after she's heard several cases that day and has just lost all patience with the idiocy she's had to put up with.
  25. Can we change the title of this topic to All Episodes Talk: What You Are About to Is Real
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