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Everything posted by 7kstar

  1. There are moments I like such as Death, but Adam, Pestilence isn't one of them. Plus it sets up the mess of swan song and well for that alone, sorry not going to help it along. -- Two Minutes to Midnight -- Hammer of the Gods ++ The Curious Case... 37 - The End 37 - Dark Side of the Moon 37 - Changing Channels 31 - Good God, Y'All 31 - Point of No Return 27 - The Song Remains the Same 25 - Hammer of the Gods 23 - The Real Ghostbusters 19 - Sam, Interrupted 19 - Abandon All Hope 17 - My Bloody Valentine 17 - Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid 17 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester 13 - Two Minutes to Midnight 07 - Swan Song 03 - I Believe the Children Are Our Future Trapped in the box with Lucifer and Michael Fallen Idols Swap Meat The Devil You Know Sympathy for the Devil Free to Be You and Me 99 Problems
  2. I like Wendigo and Red Sky...not the old lady and not every moment but they both have some wonderful moments. Poor Jared and Jensen, sounds like they got stung for nothing. But after this, I really think that Carver should never open his mouth, he sounds bored about his own show and the lack of emotion, well it doesn't work. However, Kripke always is interesting to listen to, even I don't agree with him...Maybe the problem is we need a show runner that loves the show and has a real understanding of why the fans love it, even when we don't agree, we do all find some common ground. It would be nice if they had more hits than misses, but the look back was fun but it makes me long for the times when the boys enjoyed saving people and hunting together.
  3. I agree jumping forward in time didn't help matters. Angel fight...not sure why they are so worried about getting the angels back, because the issues happened when they were united...supposedly so rather they find another story for Cas. Not really sure how I feel about it. I did like seeing the pants line, and Dean singing one song, but still not seeing Dean as that bad of a demon.... At least they made it make sense why Jared had his arm in a brace but would have rather seen it. Not a great opener.
  4. ++ Hammer of the Gods -- Two Minutes to Midnight ++ The Curious Case of Dean Winchester 35 - The End 35 - Dark Side of the Moon 33 - Changing Channels 31 - Point of No Return 29 - Good God, Y'All 27 - The Song Remains the Same 23 - The Real Ghostbusters 23 - Hammer of the Gods 19 - Sam, Interrupted 19 - Abandon All Hope 17 - My Bloody Valentine 17 - Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid 17 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester 13 - Two Minutes to Midnight 07 - I Believe the Children Are Our Future 05 - Swan Song Trapped in the box with Lucifer and Michael Fallen Idols Swap Meat The Devil You Know Sympathy for the Devil Free to Be You and Me 99 Problems
  5. Watching the preview last night and reading this article, I really think Carver should never open his mouth. I think he is terrible with telling his ideas. At least I enjoyed listening to Krikpe and he gets excited about it, but Carver is too emotionless and should just let others do the sharing and interviews. What happens and what he says will happen never seems to match up, so I'll not get upset yet. I'll wait to see what happens tonight.
  6. -- Two Minutes to Midnight ++ Dark Side of the Moon ++ The Song Remains the Same 35 - The End 35 - Dark Side of the Moon 31 - Point of No Return 31 - Changing Channels 29 - Good God, Y'All 27 - The Song Remains the Same 23 - The Real Ghostbusters 19 - Sam, Interrupted 19 - Abandon All Hope 19 - Hammer of the Gods 17 - Two Minutes to Midnight 17 - My Bloody Valentine 17 - Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid 17 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester 11 - I Believe the Children Are Our Future 07 - Swan Song Trapped in the box with Lucifer and Michael Fallen Idols Swap Meat The Devil You Know Sympathy for the Devil Free to Be You and Me 99 Problems
  7. I'm afraid Jensen's looks, will distract me from the show, of course a repeat watching should be interesting but if this season gave us nothing else, I do like the fact that he has to work out a bit. It does look good on him. Shame Dean doesn't get to wear a white -t shirt, ball-cap and jeans in a ep...just saying. ;)
  8. I guess I'll have to rewatch I just can't seem to keep it all in my head and I've forgotten which season. But I did like the back story and how Charming keeps everyone centered when they can't seem to go on. Of course will the threat from Bo Peep mean anything? I doubt it.
  9. I can totally see that, and I think the problem is that when you film you have to frame every shot and it lends itself to a fixed way of thinking about it. I know as a set designer for my stage productions, they really started to get interesting when I let go of how it is suppose to be done and just worked with how can I actually do this. It's lead to some out of the box thinking and now I usually like the set so much more. I just see this from Bob in his interviews. I'm sure there are parts where he is really good, but it made it a mess I think in this one.
  10. Well, he is 14 and that is normal. I look at the difference all the time between 7th and 8th grade and I believe he would be a freshman, so they won't be able to keep him little for long. Don't remember what age they have him playing Henry as...but he is normal since He's a growing up teenager. I've taught some 8th graders that they looked at least two years older because of their built and height, when I saw them after high school, I didn't even recognize them. I really liked this one, except for Charming's hair...I know it is a cut for that time period, but it just didn't look good, and I'm glad it is one I won't have to see often. I liked the entire ep, and all the pluses I agree with except for the Regina part. I liked it and I really liked Elsa. There were a few parts that dragged just a bit, but so many nice moments. I just don't remember how Charming went from being a farmer to prince. But so far I really like this season. I'm a lot more excited to see this one than I was last season, so I'm really enjoying it.
  11. Love how they show Misha laying on a blanket to protect the suit he is wearing, lol. Also other warning...White t-shirt...not saying anything more...other than I want more. So Crowley will be important to saving Cas? I just hope it leads somewhere...why does "Somewhere over the Rainbow" pop into my mind just now? Enter Charlie.
  12. I can agree with a good bit, but I don't mind talky if I like the scene but yes action is so much better. But stage plays are talky and since I do love plays & I can enjoy a good monologue. I only remember three things and the rest is like what happened? I did love the moment that Cas saved Dean and Sam from Zach. Zach also wasn't the smartest angel in the planet, he should have shown Dean how he would save lives and then whisked him away to "the End." The second moment I liked was Dean getting Bobby to overcome being a demon long enough to save his life. At this point in the show, Dean has twice gotten the people that loved him to stop the Demon action, and I thought this meant something...but I guess NOT. darn it. I did enjoy Dean giving the speech to Bobby and Sam about how we keep fighting, but then when Sam thinks everything is now okay between them, Dean letting him have it. It was a real moment and needed to be done. Otherwise I would never have believed it and it was a start in redeeming Sam for me. I still liked Sam this season...I just wished that some smarter and better choices had been made after this point. I also now wonder if this is the season we really see how much influence that Kim Manners had on the show. Season 4 had a burst of new ideas but those burst of new ideas were starting to dwindle. I think he knew how to make things better even if the script wasn't that strong. I'm not sure that Bob Singer was a good match since I think he tends to agree with the writers but that is best to discuss in another thread if it warrants discussion.
  13. -- Two Minutes to Midnight ++ The Song Remains the Same ++ Changing Channels 33 - Dark Side of the Moon 33 - The End 33 - Point of No Return 31 - Changing Channels 27 - Good God, Y'All 25 - The Song Remains the Same 21 - The Real Ghostbusters 19 - Two Minutes to Midnight 19 - Sam, Interrupted 17 - My Bloody Valentine 17 - Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid 17 - Abandon All Hope 17 - Hammer of the Gods 13 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester 11 - I Believe the Children Are Our Future 09 - Swan Song 07 - 99 Problems 03 - Free to Be You and Me Trapped in the box with Lucifer and Michael Fallen Idols Swap Meat The Devil You Know Sympathy for the Devil Sympathy for the Devil does have a fun scene with Dean and Zach, just when you think that Zach will win, in comes Cas to the rescue. We don't know how he's alive until it turns out God must have brought him back. ETA: Found out the answer: Bobby is stabbed as he overcomes the demon control and saves Dean. I did enjoy Dean telling Sam now he really felt at the end and because I have someone in my family I can't trust, I could relate. I also forgave her but I'm now on the lookout, because she just can't be trusted. The issues are different but I could see why Dean needed time to forgive, it always takes time if you feel betrayed by someone you love. I liked moments, but it wasn't on must save list. I did think it was one of the weakest starts but I wonder if several others would have been really weak if Kim Manners hadn't been there. I guess that's the best I can do for a sendoff, anyone else have anything else to add? Although I don't like Swan Song, there is another one I want to go out about the same time so Swan Song got a pass this round. :)
  14. Really looking forward to that show, it does look fun. Something that Jensen said in an interview and it stuck for me to and I stole it and I'm telling my students. He got this from the late Kim Manners. "Do the unexpected, give the audience what they don't see coming." He said that he took that to heart and thought about what would Demon Dean be and how could he really be scarey, someone who just didn't care. Now whenever they put clips together, it always sets up a show that doesn't happen. They put the moments together designed to pull an audience to watch and sometimes the preview is very different than the actual show. So there has to be something we aren't seeing that hopefully will make this work. However, if the idiots haven't watched their own show, like season 1-3 we may be just wondering what on earth???? I still believe Jensen is a strong enough actor to help us with this mess. It's why some things backfired last season. They thought the audience would do what they told us, and well some of us do have a brain and can make up our own minds. I also blame all the stupid shows the young people have grown up with that don't require any imagination or thought to understand. There has always been a mix of thoughtful and stupid shows but it is like they don't understand that people can still think on their own. JMV :)
  15. ++Changing Channels ++ The Song Remains the Same -- Two Minutes to Midnight 33 - Dark Side of the Moon 31 - The End 29 - Point of No Return 29 - Changing Channels 25 - Good God, Y'All 23 - The Song Remains the Same 21 - The Real Ghostbusters 19 - Two Minutes to Midnight 19 - Sam, Interrupted 17 - My Bloody Valentine 17 - Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid 17 - Abandon All Hope 15 - Hammer of the Gods 13 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester 11 - I Believe the Children Are Our Future 09 - 99 Problems 09 - Swan Song 07 - Free to Be You and Me 05 - Sympathy for the Devil Trapped in the box with Lucifer and Michael Fallen Idols Swap Meat The Devil You Know
  16. I have actually enjoyed the last two shows. For me, they have used the new characters in a way that doesn't take away from the core 4. It reminds me of season 1 which is what turned me into a fan in the first place. So far I'm enjoying the ride and I hope I continue to enjoy it this season. I liked the little girl that was kidnapped, I thought she did a nice job. A nice twist in that I kept thinking it was the father that had done something and then it was the wife instead. Also recognized the mom that caused it all from another show I really liked, Eli Stone. I enjoyed both moms in this one.
  17. Thanks for sharing more tidbits, you always find out some interesting stuff. Sometimes I'm not good at finding things and those two pics are really funny. Hmmm Jensen singing Christmas songs....will have to see if I can check it out...just might have to buy the album. LOL.
  18. I haven't watched the show that often in a long time, but why did David ask not to be in the lab? Hasn't he still been seen in the lab? I liked Sweets because he did grow on me but I'm not really sure I ever bought him being Booth's partner. I wonder about some of their ideas. If they deal with his death in a realistic way, I can deal with it.
  19. The things we do for love, :) Thanks for the research. I doubt he will catch to either of them soon, but it is cool to know his start was a strong one. Of course waiting to join, might have given him an edge. lol. Still smiling over the lonely Jensen twitter pics...I think that was a cool thing to do...think Jared considers it a prank or did the two goofs cook it up together.
  20. I know they are way ahead of him right now, so yes in terms of time, is he doing as well as they did.?
  21. Interesting but I wonder in terms of Misha's numbers and Jared's when they started out on twitter how well he is doing. See how evil my mind can go? :) I want him to beat them too!
  22. Well it is cute and I did enjoy the eye candy. Although I would have preferred if they hadn't used Sam & Dean's line from season 1. But I did smile with the pants line. Not seeing a big way that Dean is being that different with women though. Seems like the line he uses would have been a normal line as regular Dean. We know he had a healthy love life in the early years and didn't commit to anyone but I don't see how he is doing something awful at this point. If the relationship is short and sweet it might be okay but I don't see it being a long term thing.
  23. Interesting Jensen just signed with a new agency...not sure what it means. http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/supernatural-star-jensen-ackles-signs-736999
  24. Dark Side of the Moon ++ The Song Remains the Same ++ The Devil You Know -- 29 - The End 29 - Dark Side of the Moon 23 - Good God, Y'All 23 - The Song Remains the Same 21 - Point of No Return 21 - Two Minutes to Midnight 21 - Changing Channels 19 - The Real Ghostbusters 17 - Sam, Interrupted 17 - My Bloody Valentine 17 - Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid 17 - Abandon All Hope 17 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester 17 - Hammer of the Gods 15 - I Believe the Children Are Our Future 13 - Sympathy for the Devil 09 - 99 Problems 09 - Free to Be You and Me 09 - Swan Song 03 - The Devil You Know Trapped in the box with Lucifer and Michael Fallen Idols Swap Meat
  25. The Curious Case of Dean Winchester ++ Swan Song -- Dark Side of the Moon ++ 27 - The End 27 - Dark Side of the Moon 23 - Point of No Return 21 - The Song Remains the Same 21 - Good God, Y'All 21 - Two Minutes to Midnight 21 - Changing Channels 19 -The Real Ghostbusters 17 - Sam, Interrupted 17 - My Bloody Valentine 17 - Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid 17 - Hammer of the Gods 17 - Abandon All Hope 17 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester 15 - I Believe the Children Are Our Future 13 - Sympathy for the Devil 11 - Swan Song 11 - 99 Problems 11 - Free to Be You and Me 07 - The Devil You Know Trapped in the box with Lucifer and Michael Fallen Idols Swap Meat I wish they had Swap Sam with Dean like they had talked about instead of what they did. Also why is it anytime Dean gets praise from family it is very seldom from his family. ;( At least Swap Meat points this out and another reason I don't like it.
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