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Everything posted by 7kstar

  1. + On the Head of a Pin -- Wishful Thinking --It's a Terrible Life 35 - Lazarus Rising 25 - The Monster at the End of This Book 23 - In the Beginning 17 - Are You There, God? It's Me, Dean Winchester 15 - Monster Movie 11 - It's a Terrible Life 09 - Wishful Thinking 09 - On the Head of a Pin 05 - Yellow Fever 01 - Death Takes a Holiday Sent to Hell with No Hope of an Angel Rescue Criss Angel Is a Douchebag Family Remains Metamorphosis Sex and Violence I Know What You Did Last Summer Heaven and Hell After School Special It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester The Rapture When the Levee Breaks Jump the Shark Lucifer Rising
  2. that looks better than the other one...very interesting. Hopefully it will be better than we first fear'd
  3. Not really thinking you don't want them to be happy but the more I think about it, I think the real issue is that none of her pics ever look natural and that's what would make her look more real and Jensen just doesn't come across fake. If someone could capture her without her knowing about it, I wonder if the energy on film would look very different?
  4. Well if someone knows Star Trek the original, then they know Star Trek IV with the whales as it was consider the top one at it's time with the Wrath of Khan as the next one in line. So it has to be that Bobby and Sam have only heard of Star Trek but don't really know anything about it. But some of the pop culture I don't pay attention to as something else distracts me from that moment. I do wish they would go back to the different ways the brothers are smart because Dean isn't just muscle and he isn't dumb. Sam can be smart but even smart people can be dumb about somethings sometime. @SueB I guess my problem is, no she didn't. It was too obvious that the only one she conned was Sam. That he bought made me think he was really stupid or not thinking with his brain. The only thing I liked about Lucifer Rising was Dean and Cas and Zach taunting Dean. Of course Dean killing Ruby was AWESOME! but I kept waiting for Sam to see the light but of course he was too dumb to figure it out. I think the problem I really had was that the audience was supposed to be surprised by Ruby and well that had been revealed in Season 3??? Why was it suppose to be a surprise? Nothing they did, fooled me...maybe it's just me. But it's one of the reason that I really think that Genevieve failed as an actress but it could be the writing and directing that really is more to blame. To be honest I haven't seen her do anything else. I guess that sounds harsh. ;(
  5. I have seen some really handsome actors with someone that wasn't that pretty and vice versa, but if they are happy that is all that really matters. When Jensen talks about her, it's always, ah...I want a guy that thinks that way about me...and sometimes someone that looks great has a really bad personality. Actually I'm kinda of jealous of Jensen, does he ever have a bad picture? I think it's rare if I get a nice one of me... I think the only thing I see about Jensen and Danneel is that the pictures always look poised and not a spontaneous image. Where the picture with the Jet skies is spontaneous and those pictures always turn out better. Other than that I don't really have any thoughts about them belonging or not belonging together. But I do hope they have a long happy marriage. :)
  6. -- Wishful Thinking + On the Head of A Pin -- It's a Terrible Life 35 - Lazarus Rising 25 - The Monster at the End of This Book 23 - In the Beginning 19 - Are You There, God? It's Me, Dean Winchester 15 - Monster Movie 14 - It's a Terrible Life 13 - Wishful Thinking 13 - On the Head of a Pin 09 - Yellow Fever 05 - Death Takes a Holiday Sent to Hell with No Hope of an Angel Rescue Criss Angel Is a Douchebag Family Remains Metamorphosis Sex and Violence I Know What You Did Last Summer Heaven and Hell After School Special It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester The Rapture When the Levee Breaks Jump the Shark Lucifer Rising
  7. Jared could be seen as clumsy but most people think a big guy can easily take out a small guy. I know when I fenced, some were surprised how easily I defeated some guys that were much bigger than me and I almost beat the best fencer in the class, lost by one point, so I can get why people have misconceptions. Plus the con where Kevin reported it, he basically stated they were just playing around and describing how he wouldn't let go but had he felt he had been in more danger he would have. @catrox14 where are you finding such wonderful pics????? Please share. :) I have a question, how would you describe Jared and Jensen's faces? I know when I write I'm terrible at this, so asking for help. Maybe it's because I just start staring at Jensen's face and I can't focus after that...but if you didn't know how they looked how would you write it down on paper? I'm being serious.
  8. Dean has the warrior mindset, so I can see him easily killing when he believes he is doing it for the greater good and having a conflict of killing people. Also due to being in hell and turning to torture, the question could rise up, am I only a good killer, soldier. Actually it has, and Crowley's line "You're the one that doesn't see your worth" something to that effect just adds to the self loathing Dean tries to hide. In real life when soldiers come back from war, they have a hard time adjusting from kill or be killed to not seeing their enemies everywhere. How they deal with this, will be the question and the writers don't seem to agree to begin with, as I think that is why the stories jump so much. One writer puts something in and another takes it another direction causing much confusion and upset in the fan base. I'll also say this, it reminds me improvisation games, one actor starts a line with the intent of going one direction and then another actor takes it to a totally different place. Now when it's the actors turn to say their line, they try to get it back on course, but because of the change it never goes smoothly. This is how I see the supernatural writing team...not what does that say about it all? :)
  9. I guess we'll just disagree about some things. I know family members that say they are close and then are totally surprised when that family member finally reveals a secret that they had been hiding for a long time, such as religious beliefs. So I don't know that anyone could find Dean if he really didn't want to be found. We'll see the answer to that this season I think. Bobby leaving Dean doesn't show he doesn't care. He tried but Dean wouldn't be budged and at that point a major threat had just happened and Bobby knew he couldn't help Dean and take care of the larger threat. He also didn't realize how much Dean hated himself. So he never dreamed in his wildest thoughts that Dean would repeat his Dad's mistake and make a deal. Also at this point Bobby wasn't planned on coming back but as the fans began to really love Jim Beaver, they started changing things to keep him around. Being someone's favorite also doesn't mean that you like that person way over the other. I have two nephews that I'm closer to, because we talk. Who's my favorite might switch depending on our connection from time to time, but I don't dislike my other nephews and niece less, I'm just not as connected. Dean and Bobby shared things, cars, hunting that Sam didn't really take an interest in. Also I never had a problem with Bobby throwing ball with Dean as I didn't see it as he did it all the time but just this once or on occasion he understood that Dean needed an outlet, a way to escape if you will. My last point and then I'll shut up, This post was taken in a direction I didn't plan. How many times have what the writers created also spouted up issues that they had never intended or thought about. That's why I don't use every example as this is the truth, because I think just like Jensen and Jared can't remember everything they portrayed in the series, neither can the writers. It's why I liked Jared's statement, something to this effect, "The fans forgive us and keep watching and we really appreciate that."
  10. + On the Head of A Pin -- Monster at the End of this Book -- It's a Terrible Life 35 - Lazarus Rising 25- The Monster at the End of This Book 25 - In the Beginning 18 - Are You There, God? It's Me, Dean Winchester 17 - Wishful Thinking 17 - Monster Movie 16 - It's a Terrible Life 16 - On the Head of a Pin 14 - Yellow Fever 09 - Death Takes a Holiday Sent to Hell with No Hope of an Angel Rescue Criss Angel Is a Douchebag Family Remains Metamorphosis Sex and Violence I Know What You Did Last Summer Heaven and Hell After School Special It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester The Rapture When the Levee Breaks Jump the Shark Lucifer Rising Counts looks right now - battle stations it doesn't look like we agree on much! :)
  11. one of the things that I saw about Bobby was that he was becoming the father figure, not that he was a father figure when the boys were growing up. I had an uncle that I only saw a few times a year. Some believe we were very close, but we didn't see each other that often and most of the time he was supportive and helpful when dealing with family issues. But once he got really upset and said something not so nice because he couldn't or wouldn't see the issue about his sister. I kind of put Bobby in this role. It leaves Dean watching out and caring for Sam on a daily basis, and there could have been adults that Dean didn't realize that were watching out for him if things got bad every once in awhile, but I doubt it was often. I blame the writing for all the messiness of the princess speech and season 6 & 7. Some fans loved it so they made it bigger thinking they were giving the fans what they wanted. But some of the stuff Bobby says and does, makes you shake your head. I agree that Bobby didn't know everything that went down when Dean told Sam if you walk out, but I also see that as "hey, let's repeat what happened with John and Sam with Dean and Sam". They do like to use the same things in a different way over and over. Was I happy with some of the stuff they have had Bobby do and say, nope. But it was written to give the excuse to do certain actions. No long term effects were ever considered. So that why I choose to ignore some of it, as I do find it out of character for Bobby. Bobby always tried to support both brothers, but he also did favor Dean more than Sam. So yes, I do agree Dean was his favorite but that doesn't mean he can't like Sam a lot. For me, not being able to find Sam shows just how little he knew how to find Sam. He didn't really know Sam well enough to figure it out and the whole purpose for Dean finding Sam so quickly was that he did know his brother inside and out. Sam doesn't. Personally I don't think the writers know how to write things that deep, and I think they just go hey this would be cool and do it. Listening to Ben talk about how he wrote some of the dark stuff, really supports this idea. So I'm on the fence, I hate some of things that Bobby did and I do like Bobby still. But I do wish they hadn't done some of the speeches in the matter they did because I don't think they intended the outcome that came afterwards. JMV.
  12. I know there is a contest for fanart for Season 10 as it popped up on my facebook page. I do like the pic and wish TPTB had done a better job, but maybe the fanart will make up for it a tiny bit? My thinking is that the Mark is driving Dean...the need to kill is still there. Dean may no longer need to worry about dying, but he may not have the willpower to not give in to the killing and he is just doing all the things he wouldn't allow himself to do before... Wondering if Sam has hidden Dean's knife so for now he needs Sam alive to get his knife back or if Crowley has gotten his hands on it and he thinks Sam will be a way to get it back.... Jensen's arms...wow...I don't think he will really get as bulky as Jared because he said working out like that hurts but whatever he is doing me likes. One of the things I can deal with Sam, in Season 3 he did some major stuff trying to find the trickster, so far I'm not seeing something to throw Sam under the bus, as A. He is really thinking about his brother's relationship and trying to find him B. He really really hates demons...so if he is torturing a few demons...I can live with that.
  13. For me, Sam wasn't over his anger in Season 1 and I can understand that. In life you forgive in layers. You think you're over it, you might even express it but then bam it hits again and you've got more letting go to do. I agree if they had allowed Sam to show concern, Dean needs to be protected because he's been through too much in Hell, I need to protect him since I couldn't save him from going to Hell and also add in the twist of bitterness that Dean forced me in this position to begin with by making the deal, I think I would have liked that Sam a lot more. Plus it would add depth to a character and richness that would have made the storyline complicated like real people are. Bobby's line, Yeah I really hated what they did with Bobby here and I tend to pretend it never happened, that's it, just erase that moment out of the script. I think you could have done several things better, Dean could still be angry with his brother but discover with a better written speech from Bobby that he still loved Sam more and he couldn't help but try to make amends especially since they always add the parent role to his character. The storyline for Sam at the beginning of Season 8...awful just plain crap. It easily could have been I shut down Dean I just couldn't do anything, I hit the dog and I just couldn't figure out why my trying to save people mattered anymore since we always lose. Why? Then I met her and I tried to save myself by getting lost in something good cause... I think if they had really thought about fans reactions, the course change wouldn't have been needed. But I blame the writers for focusing on a section of a story they want to tell and refusing to look at the consequences to the character in the long run. Maybe it is because I've acted I see the stronger choices. Add in directing, and I see more than I think the average writer sees. I say this because I have heard several writers talking about how they don't understand actors and by not getting it, they find things happening on a page that they can't predict a way the audience may react. Of course, audiences will always be mixed in reviews...always because we relate to some things more than others. Plus we all have some button that the characters may push. Not sure if I explained anything well, but I'm very mixed about Season 4 - 5. If Jensen wasn't such a good actor, I doubt I would have stayed with the show. I think it's why I really had a hard time with Gamble because I was so sick of some of the stuff when it repeated in season 6 & 7 I almost quit watching all together... I just hope this season will pay off for sticking with the show. And I really do love the brother's...I'm just ready for some hope because my life has too much sucky moments that I don't really need to watch a show that will not give any hope. I need a way to escape from my life issues, not add to them.
  14. --The Monster at the End of This Book -- It's a Terrible Life + On the Head of a Pin 35 - Lazarus Rising 27 - The Monster at the End of This Book 25- In the Beginning 21 - It's a Terrible Life 19- On the Head of a Pin 19 - Monster Movie 19 - Are You There, God? It's Me, Dean Winchester 18 - Wishful Thinking 15 - Yellow Fever 11 - Death Takes a Holiday Sent to Hell with No Hope of an Angel Rescue Criss Angel Is a Douchebag Family Remains Metamorphosis Sex and Violence I Know What You Did Last Summer Heaven and Hell After School Special It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester The Rapture When the Levee Breaks Jump the Shark Lucifer Rising Caught a math error on Yellow Fever and even though I would rather have it higher, it wasn't so I fixed the count...Checked it twice darn it. :( As far as I can tell the count is correct now.
  15. Welcome RandomMe! It's a Terrible Life -- On the Head of a Pin ++ Yellow Fever ++ 35 - Lazarus Rising 31 - The Monster at the End of This Book 25- In the Beginning 23 - It's a Terrible Life 23- On the Head of a Pin 19 - Monster Movie 19 - Yellow Fever 17 - Are You There, God? It's Me, Dean Winchester 17 - Wishful Thinking 15 - Death Takes a Holiday 05 - Lucifer Rising 01- Jump the Shark Sent to Hell with No Hope of an Angel Rescue Criss Angel Is a Douchebag Family Remains Metamorphosis Sex and Violence I Know What You Did Last Summer Heaven and Hell After School Special It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester The Rapture When the Levee Breaks
  16. I agree he is entertaining to listen to and I'm not sure I would say the same for Carver. With Kripke I can forgive some of his bad ideas because he is just so excited about it and you can tell his excitement caused him to overlook some important things. I don't know if Carver is just too laid-back but he isn't as entertaining to listen to. It is funny to see where Kripke can joke about his failures and the surprises he has had along the way including Supernatural internet fans but he seems to really appreciate his fans. Also he is very protective of Gamble and I wonder if some of the hate for her is because she came right after Kripke and too much comparison happened. I think my problem was I just wanted the brothers having fun again and I didn't enjoy the reasons they were not having fun together saving people and hunting down the monsters. But I can agree Supernatural has had some really bad eps.
  17. ++ In the Beginning ++ On the Head of a Pin --It's a Terrible Life 35 - Lazarus Rising 31 - The Monster at the End of This Book 27 - In the Beginning 25- On the Head of a Pin 21 - It's a Terrible Life 19 - Are You There, God? It's Me, Dean Winchester 19 - Monster Movie 17 - Yellow Fever 17 - Death Takes a Holiday 17 - Wishful Thinking 09 - Lucifer Rising 03- Jump the Shark Sent to Hell with No Hope of an Angel Rescue Criss Angel Is a Douchebag Family Remains Metamorphosis Sex and Violence I Know What You Did Last Summer Heaven and Hell After School Special It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester The Rapture When the Levee Breaks
  18. ++ On the Head of a Pin -- The Monster at the End of This Book ++ In the Beginning 33 - Lazarus Rising 27 - On the Head of a Pin 27 - In the Beginning 25 - The Monster at the End of This Book 21 - Yellow Fever 19 - Death Takes a Holiday 19 - It's a Terrible Life 19 - Are You There, God? It's Me, Dean Winchester 17 - Monster Movie 17 - Wishful Thinking 09 - Lucifer Rising 07- Jump the Shark Sent to Hell with No Hope of an Angel Rescue Criss Angel Is a Douchebag Family Remains Metamorphosis Sex and Violence I Know What You Did Last Summer Heaven and Hell After School Special It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester The Rapture When the Levee Breaks Just so you know, all the negative things you point out is why Yellow Fever isn't my top 3. I really think they just didn't think it through because they were so surprised at the negative reaction that for the first time Kripke gave a personal reaction to explain it. I think they just focused on the funny moments and never thought about how fans would react to how they treated the ghost at the end, which does lower the ep. But for me it seems like most eps for season 4 I only thought parts were good and the rest should be dumped. So many missed opportunities in my opinion and sad that a season that starts off with a bang seems to whimper on the ending of the season. It will be interesting to see the final results. :)
  19. He definitely is working out again and I'm loving every minute of it. Did he get a new puppy and that's why he is carrying it? While I really enjoy the arms and the awesome tease, yes I'm selfish, I want to see a bit more. :)
  20. ++ Yellow Fever ++ In the Beginning -- It's a Terrible Life 33 - Lazarus Rising 25 - The Monster at the End of This Book 25 - On the Head of a Pin 25 - In the Beginning 21 - Death Takes a Holiday 21 - Yellow Fever 17 - It's a Terrible Life 19 - Are You There, God? It's Me, Dean Winchester 17 - Monster Movie 15 - Wishful Thinking 13- Jump the Shark 11 - Lucifer Rising 03 - When the Levee Breaks Sent to Hell with No Hope of an Angel Rescue Criss Angel Is a Douchebag Family Remains Metamorphosis Sex and Violence I Know What You Did Last Summer Heaven and Hell After School Special It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester The Rapture I know I'm in the minority of loving Yellow Fever, but Eye of the tiger, Dean screaming like a girl when a bitty dog is chasing him, the scene with the cat and the scary moment with Lilith helps me to forgive the awful ending. I really think this is one of the shows where they looked at a few moments and didn't really think about what it meant when they put Dean as the victim and I do watch those moments.
  21. This may the first one I've bought since Season 5. I wish I could have as much fun as they do at work. Love how they make it look like no one loves Misha and poor guy can't even get his name spelled correctly. I enjoyed watching the fan and the bloopers back to back. Now wondering who won't catch the joke and spread that Jared really wears a wig. lol
  22. ++ On the Head of a Pin ++ Yellow Fever -- The Rapture 33 - Lazarus Rising 27 - On the Head of a Pin 25 - The Monster at the End of This Book 25- In the Beginning 21 - Death Takes a Holiday 21 - Yellow Fever 19 - It's a Terrible Life 19 - Are You There, God? It's Me, Dean Winchester 17 - Monster Movie 17- Jump the Shark 17 - Wishful Thinking 15 - Lucifer Rising 07 - When the Levee Breaks 01 - The Rapture Sent to Hell with No Hope of an Angel Rescue Criss Angel Is a Douchebag Family Remains Metamorphosis Sex and Violence I Know What You Did Last Summer Heaven and Hell After School Special It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester
  23. Oh I can agree about the interpretations, and which why you can only ponder if this is true or not. A good actor is very aware of body language and how to use it. I think the problem with actors liking a storyline, is that some are not aware of their limitations and then others put down their abilities. But us fans can't agree on which stories are awesome and awful. But some stories challenge the artistic side of acting and usually that is why they like the storyline. (A lot of actors have large egos, it's what helps them to thread the dangerous waters of rejection) I know I wouldn't mind playing a lead in "Death of a Salesman" but I really don't want to watch it as it is just to dang depressing. I'm just too use that the show I really love gets canned, so it is nice when it lasts longer than I thought it would.
  24. It was a very recent con interview. He backtracked but said that he made a point to visit them in LA and it wasn't really clear what he talked about other than he had some concerns. He has always been professional. When I look at his body language and reactions the only time I think he may have really had a problem was with Gamble but he never really said anything other than some statements he has let slipped in the last year or so. But I did notice that his excitement seemed off on some of the panels but how much of it was due to that or just being tired, don't know. But he will always spin it that he supports the head writer. I know he was asked at a Con about hating Season 6 and he replied just having a hard time with new direction and that he wasn't upset with her. But he did sort of slam her later about the coat that he saved in recent cons...so make up your own opinion on that. During 6 & 7 his favorite years answers was always season 1... I do remember some con were he talked about he didn't want his current story, the mark storyline dropped like season 8 with purgatory. But he quickly moved on, to another topic. I don't really like the new pic, it looks cheap to me. But it isn't the first time they reused a shot. The used the snake one more than one year too. In some ways Supernatural is lucky because on another network I don't know if it would have made it. TNT seems to kill good shows way to soon, Leverage comes to mind.
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