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Everything posted by 7kstar

  1. Dang wish I could see them singing. Jensen's sounds really great, Jared's couldn't really tell but I don't think he's as comfortable as Jensen singing. Wonder if we will soon have fans demanding that the boys sing together at cons? :)
  2. I think I'm joining you in the bitter department...I'm trying really hard not to go there, but right now it looks like they should have never turned Dean into a Demon...if you aren't going to do it right, don't do it. Last week felt like this will save us some money and it really makes it hard to be excited right now. I knew I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up.
  3. Dark Side of the Moon + Point of No Return -- Sam, Interrupted -- 38 - Dark Side of the Moon 35 - The End 31 - Changing Channels 12 - Point of No Return 04 - Sam, Interrupted Trapped in the box with Michael and Lucifer Fallen Idols Swap Meat The Devil You Know Sympathy for the Devil Free to Be You and Me 99 Problems I Believe the Children Are Our Future Swan Song Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid The Curious Case of Dean Winchester Two Minutes to Midnight My Bloody Valentine Good God, Y'All Abandon All Hope The Song Remains the Same The Real Ghostbusters Hammer of the Gods
  4. The End -- Sam, Interrupted -- Dark Side of the Moon + 37 - The End 37 - Dark Side of the Moon 36 - Changing Channels 15 - Point of No Return 10 - Sam, Interrupted Trapped in the box with Michael and Lucifer Fallen Idols Swap Meat The Devil You Know Sympathy for the Devil Free to Be You and Me 99 Problems I Believe the Children Are Our Future Swan Song Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid The Curious Case of Dean Winchester Two Minutes to Midnight My Bloody Valentine Good God, Y'All Abandon All Hope The Song Remains the Same The Real Ghostbusters Hammer of the Gods
  5. Man I hope the 200th, is better than the preview...PLEASE! The only good line, no singing. Shame Dean has to be a bad singer. Although it might be fun if we saw Sam singing and dancing and doing a really great job.... :)
  6. The anvils did make it hard to pay attention and I guess I missed the Paul Bunyan line.... I don't even remember Bitten...or Kate...But Dean's we kill monster's line, really so that is what you want Sam to do? I also wished it was more clear that Dean was either not up to his standard in fighting or he choked...I couldn't tell and that bugs me. I did like the brother's talking and both saying not trying to start something but a real let down after waiting all summer for a really badass story. I really should stop getting my hopes up...I tried but once again I failed. I hate when I'm proved wrong.
  7. Sam, Interrupted -- Dark Side of the Moon + Point of No Return -- 42 - Dark Side of the Moon 41 - The End 38 - Changing Channels 21 - Point of No Return 17 - Sam, Interrupted Trapped in the box with Michael and Lucifer Fallen Idols Swap Meat The Devil You Know Sympathy for the Devil Free to Be You and Me 99 Problems I Believe the Children Are Our Future Swan Song Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid The Curious Case of Dean Winchester Two Minutes to Midnight My Bloody Valentine Good God, Y'All Abandon All Hope The Song Remains the Same The Real Ghostbusters Hammer of the Gods I can join you in being surprised, but there were some good parts, I wouldn't put it in my top 5, but then again with only so many voting options...but it does have some nice moments. :)
  8. The Song Remains the Same - One of the reasons it isn't in the top 3 is because of what they did to Anna. But I really liked Sam seeing growth towards his father, the man he felt so deeply about all the wrongs he did to him. Yet having to tell his father, he wasn't an evil man that he understood and forgave him. That doesn't mean he felt everything was fine what he did, just that now he could understand where his father's actions were coming from. I also love the scene with them in the car so there is half that is really well done and at this point I expecting some of the actions and hadn't gotten so sick of it and could over look it, if that makes any sense. Changing Channels -- Sam Interrupted -- Dark Side of the Moon + 45 - The End 44 - Dark Side of the Moon 43 - Changing Channels 24 - Point of No Return 18 - Sam, Interrupted 07- Hammer of the Gods 04 - The Real Ghostbusters Trapped in the box with Michael and Lucifer Fallen Idols Swap Meat The Devil You Know Sympathy for the Devil Free to Be You and Me 99 Problems I Believe the Children Are Our Future Swan Song Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid The Curious Case of Dean Winchester Two Minutes to Midnight My Bloody Valentine Good God, Y'All Abandon All Hope The Song Remains the Same
  9. Misha is a hoot, and sorry for some reason my eye goes to Misha so he got the vote. But one thing was wrong, fans enjoyed seeing Misha in regular clothes. But right now he is winning by a wide margin. But I really loved Misha's response. :)
  10. The End -- Dark Side of the Moon + Changing Channels -- 46 - The End 45 - Dark Side of the Moon 43 - Changing Channels 28 - Point of No Return 21 - Sam, Interrupted 12 - Hammer of the Gods 09 - The Real Ghostbusters Trapped in Cage with Michael and Lucifer Fallen Idols Swap Meat The Devil You Know Sympathy for the Devil Free to Be You and Me 99 Problems I Believe the Children Are Our Future Swan Song Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid The Curious Case of Dean Winchester Two Minutes to Midnight My Bloody Valentine Good God, Y'All Abandon All Hope The Song Remains the Same
  11. I had a scorpion on my bed, so yes they are alive and well in TX but luckily most of the time they die or run around outside. It's when it gets really dry and hot that they move indoors. It still makes me laugh thinking about Jensen playing with the scorpion, which reminds me of a cat playing with it's food. Not really trying to kill it but just knocking it senseless just enough so it can't escape. I could go with the new title.
  12. Damn, I was really hoping we would be made wrong. If they really did just end it for a lame idea...why can't they use the potential for Dean, it's suppose to be about two leads but this is sounding like it's all about Sam...and I'm really sick of that. At least the brothers are working together, I guess...but not excited about next week. I need the show to throw in surprises, not telling the same story over and over again. Sounds like they are just looking for the spin off that will work on supernatural before they try it again...but do they really know why we watch this show? :(
  13. It did have some good moments. I did have to work to believe that Dad and Chin were younger. I liked that Steve called Danny and wanted him to call him back, Certainly some fun moments but mixed about the overall show. Parts I really liked and at times it seemed really slow. It does seem like they are going back to Season 1 formula in that Hawaii 5 O can break the rules and not worry about it. Although the case was solved not sure they could do anything else.
  14. Next week looks awful...:( It seems like the Halloween Eps are the worst ones. Jerry kidnapped...shocking...not really...I just hope it's not as painful as it looks. At least they did have Steve call Danny, I hope that the partnership stays at the center of the show. With the spoilers for Danny having to have consequences for his actions, sounds like Grace will be threaten. Trying to be positive, but not feeling the vibe from next weeks preview.
  15. scorpions should die. I hate them and if they come in the house I kill them. Now it is funny that Jensen's idea of fun is torturing them for a while instead of just quickly ending it's life. Should we be worried that Supernatural is warping his mind? or was it already warp? :) I can see a story with Jensen and Jared too.... :)
  16. Sam, Interrupted-- Dark Side of the Moon + The Song Remains the Same + 48 - The End 46 - Changing Channels 46 - Dark Side of the Moon 30 - Point of No Return 21 - Hammer of the Gods 17 - Sam, Interrupted 17 - The Real Ghostbusters 12 - The Song Remains the Same 01 - Abandon All Hope Trapped in the box with Lucifer and Michael Fallen Idols Swap Meat The Devil You Know Sympathy for the Devil Free to Be You and Me 99 Problems I Believe the Children Are Our Future Swan Song Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid The Curious Case of Dean Winchester Two Minutes to Midnight My Bloody Valentine Good God, Y'All
  17. Well, there are certainly some fans that agree with you but Jensen does have the ability to act and direct. Could the script be tighter, could they have done some things better and could they have expanded the Demon part, yes. I think the biggest fail, is doing this whole part as a flashback because it brings the conflict down and takes away the urgency. It is difficult to recover from that when you head down the wrong path. Do I believe this is the strongest script, nope but it had moments that I really enjoyed. So sorry I disagree and considering Jensen did this one before he did the other two, it holds up. Jensen's acting continues to knock it out of the park. I think the reason for the long knocking down the door with the hammer was homage to horror films. They always have the bad guy doing something that would allow the other person to easily escape but they stand still waiting for the other shoe to drop. However, Jensen isn't doing Botox. There is a strange look on a face when they do it in all the places your implying he is doing, and well he wouldn't have the deep wrinkles he has. Botox would make it impossible for deep wrinkles and he has plenty of them. Lighting also can cast an illusion about lack of wrinkles. They did that in the old days to help actresses look younger, one example Lucy, from I Love Lucy. So I guess we will just disagree. The one thing I really don't see, Sam doing something so much worse than what Dean did, that he now holds the monster card. For once, I really don't have any complaints in that department. It will be interesting to see if Dean and Cain meet and how the mark will effect him. this ep isn't the best one ever, but it does have some strong moments and some oops what were they thinking? I do wish they had tried some other ideas, and right now, not interested in the surprise woman at the end. Overall I liked it more than I hated it, so that was good, I was afraid I would really hate it.
  18. Dark Side of the Moon + Changing Channels + Good God, Y'All -- 46 - The End 45 - Dark Side of the Moon 45 - Changing Channels 31 - Point of No Return 22 - Hammer of the Gods 19 - The Song Remains the Same 18 - The Real Ghostbusters 17 - Sam, Interrupted 05 - Abandon All Hope 03 - Good God, Y'All Trapped in the box with Lucifer and Michael Fallen Idols Swap Meat The Devil You Know Sympathy for the Devil Free to Be You and Me 99 Problems I Believe the Children Are Our Future Swan Song Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid The Curious Case of Dean Winchester Two Minutes to Midnight My Bloody Valentine
  19. I thought they were trying to show Sam being afraid, afraid that they had failed and Demon Dean would continue and his only option would be to kill his brother. I get Sam needing a break and heading for all the things that make Dean happy and a drink suggests that he needed to leave to get himself in check. I didn't feel Sam wanting to blame his brother for what almost happened but you know that he is feeling the moment of dying and not able to save his brother if Cas hadn't stopped Dean. But I think they will need to talk a little and then of course they will once again shove it down and ignore it. Dean still has the mark which will be driving him to kill and if he doesn't kill...will having the blade gone help Dean control this issue which we saw was happening before he touched the blade. I think this might be the best this writing team has done...IMO Doesn't mean I think they are awesome, but we did have some really good moments. For the first time in way too long, I'm not mad at Sam, just don't push me back into that mode. That's all I'm hoping for, and a bit of bonding with the brothers. the angel storyline...not working but I did like Hannah a little this ep. Crowley gave some good moments but the point of the story...not sure I see the need. Also not sure I get why the angels no longer can zap to place to place with most of the angels restored to heaven...I get why Cas can't but why can't Hannah or is she just pretending so she has an excuse to stay with Cas? This part is a weak story though, in any shape and form.
  20. Got mixed reviews. Still processing and questioning how I feel. Okay Show, if I'm supposed to be mad a Sam and feeling he did worse than Dean...got nothing. Also for once I am hopeful I will continue to like Sam and that's been a long time coming. I was afraid that the line "Do it!" was going to lead into the next ep and be a set up for more, but they wrapped it up fast. Also all the best scenes were leaked so, that didn't help. I did like Dean and Sam and Jensen's performance...WOW! But if they drop it and ignore it and suddenly it is all about Sam again...well supernatural won't be top on my list to watch...so you better deliver both brothers hunting things and saving people. It is kind of sad on one hand how easily it was to save Dean. I really think they goofed showing this in flashbacks and really there wasn't any need. An active storyline would have really helped. I wish we had gotten a Sam and Dean moment and we better get one next week. I did love both brothers going through the pictures and I hope this will lead to Sam realizing how much better off they both are when they fight together and that he shares the line "I'm proud of us." Dang for not sure how I feel, I sure wrote a lot.
  21. My top 3 are tied but I like moments in all that are left....Abandon All Hope not top 3, but on one hand I love Ellen and Jo in this one, but I really hate that they brought them back just to kill them off. Dark Side of the Moon + Changing Channels + Sam, Interrupted -- 44 - The End 44 - Dark Side of the Moon 42 - Changing Channels 32 - Point of No Return 25 - Hammer of the Gods 23 - The Song Remains the Same 19 - The Real Ghostbusters 15 - Sam, Interrupted 13 - Good God, Y'All 09 - Abandon All Hope Trapped in the box with Lucifer and Michael Fallen Idols Swap Meat The Devil You Know Sympathy for the Devil Free to Be You and Me 99 Problems I Believe the Children Are Our Future Swan Song Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid The Curious Case of Dean Winchester Two Minutes to Midnight My Bloody Valentine
  22. Dark Side of the Moon + Changing Channels -- The End -- 43- The End 43 - Dark Side of the Moon 42 - Changing Channels 32 - Point of No Return 28 - Hammer of the Gods 27 - The Song Remains the Same 19 - The Real Ghostbusters 17 - Good God, Y'All 16 - Sam, Interrupted 11 - Abandon All Hope Trapped in the box with Lucifer and Michael Fallen Idols Swap Meat The Devil You Know Sympathy for the Devil Free to Be You and Me 99 Problems I Believe the Children Are Our Future Swan Song Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid The Curious Case of Dean Winchester Two Minutes to Midnight My Bloody Valentine
  23. But of course Crowley hasn't given up on Dean, he's just wisely exiting stage right, he'll show up again when he feels he can gain the upper hand. Stupid Crowley, don't you realize you'll never control Dean...some demon's never learn but it will be fun to see how Dean puts him back in his place, eventually...that is. I'm okay if Hannah dies...Not a big fan of her from the beginning. Why does this show always kill off the interesting ones and keep the ones that aren't interesting for a long time. 2nd Ruby comes to mind as well as 2nd Meg. Or the just make the character interesting and then cue the music for death scene....sigh
  24. I'm torn so I say I like these two, but I'm okay with whatever gets voted on.
  25. Not sure what this is about? I know Will Scarlet from Robin Hood but I didn't watch the spinoff, so was this revealed already or does this belong in spoilers? If they think that every fan watched the spinoff, then they will have to recreate it for us, because this fan never got into Alice and I don't even remember the correct title.
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