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Everything posted by 7kstar

  1. ++Frontierland --All Dogs Go to Heaven ++Live Free or Twihard 25 - Frontierland 23 - Weekend at Bobby's 21 - French Mistake 19 - The Man Who Would Be King 19 - Appointment in Samarra 17 - Mommy Dearest 17 - Two and a Half Men 17 - The Man Who Knew Too Much 17 - Live Free or Twihard 15 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe 15 - The Third Man 15 - You Can't Handle the Truth 15 - My Heart Will Go On 13 - Like a Virgin 13 - Family Matters 13 - Mannequin 3: The Reckoning 13 - ...And Then There Were None 13 - Caged Heat 11 - Unforgiven 11 - Exile on Main St. 11 - Let It Bleed 01 - All Dogs Go to Heaven
  2. Actually I don't find it that hard, I didn't find out about it until 2006 and Jensen likes to play music. I doubt he is exploring the internet. He may have heard a bit of it, knows the definition but I doubt he's ever read any of it. And with all the hours he's working he just doesn't have time to devote to something I don't think he would get into to begin with. It will either be really interesting or a bomb. But I kind of want to watch it with one eye closed. I do hope that they acknowledge more than young girls, because fanfiction is written by all ages. I started trying it to see if I could learn how to write, some I'm proud of and others...But I can certainly see why Jensen was concerned about the storyline. It will also be interesting to see how mixed the reviews are. some may love it and others may hate it.
  3. ++Live Free or Twihard --All Dogs Go to Heaven ++Frontierland 23 - Frontierland 19 - Weekend at Bobby's 19 - The French Mistake 17 - Appointment in Samarra 17 - Mommy Dearest 17 -The Man Who Would Be King 15 - The Third Man 15 - Two and a Half Men 15 - You Can't Handle the Truth 15 - My Heart Will Go On 15 - The Man Who Knew Too Much 15 - Two and a Half Men 15 - Live Free or Twihard 13 - Unforgiven 13 - Caged Heat 13 - Like a Virgin 13 - Family Matters 13 - Mannequin 3: The Reckoning 13 - ...And Then There Were None 13 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe... 11 - Exile on Main St. 11 - Let It Bleed 05 - All Dogs Go to Heaven When I looked at the votes it should have gone up or down, so I fixed it to what you marked, and added the two votes. As far as I can tell it should be correct now.
  4. Dang now it means we are starting season 6...I do remember a few but this is the start of me refusing to buy the season. Many strong ideas but the execution is somewhat left to be desired... It will be interesting to see which ones we agree are the best. :)
  5. Well if you want to get technical, in acting count how many male parts there on a show vs female, It has been this way for a long time. Danny's first female partner wasn't white and he named his child after her. Personally I didn't see a lynching, I saw someone that could be beautiful but had an evil heart. I didn't stop and think oh she's dark skin. It easily could have been a male part and instead was given to a female. Could it have been someone of another race, I think so. If this had happened 30 years ago, it would have been a male in the role. So it is changing. I guess you have to decide if your offended enough to stop watching, however I'm enjoying this season and I honestly don't share your point of view. I also don't think that every show has to be politically correct but needs to tell a good story. As far as violent...well I've watched several shows that have been showing a lot more, and to be honest they are getting away with a lot more violence and gore than they use to. But I don't think the intention was to offend, JMV.
  6. I don't think this is spoiler but in case, Personally, I think they are trying to beat Smallville run and that would mean at least 11 years. So they may sign a contract for 2 more but I think they also would like to do something else. Exploring a new character is a big draw for an actor and I would love to see what new projects they could get. It depends on what they do this season for me, if they do something different but if they gave the mark to Sam....I think that would be the last straw for me.
  7. -- The End + Dark Side of the Moon 06 - Dark Side of the Moon 05 - The End Trapped in the box with Michael and Lucifer Fallen Idols Swap Meat The Devil You Know Sympathy for the Devil Free to Be You and Me 99 Problems I Believe the Children Are Our Future Swan Song Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid The Curious Case of Dean Winchester Two Minutes to Midnight My Bloody Valentine Good God, Y'All Abandon All Hope The Song Remains the Same The Real Ghostbusters Hammer of the Gods Sam, Interrupted Point of No Return Changing Channels I'm fine with a tie but it does look like some will say the end and others the moon but there isn't much a difference for me. However, I won't vote them off. So someone else will have to kill them.
  8. So far I'm really enjoying this season and I hope the ratings will help it go on. Not sure how well they are doing, but now that it's reached the 100 ep, if the ratings aren't good enough, they are in danger of being cancelled even if they are on the dreaded Friday night. But at least this season the show seems to be hitting the right marks for me. I haven't been excited to see this show in a long time.
  9. I think if they weren't so much afraid of being judged as "Touch by An Angel" They could have realized the potential of showing two sides. There certainly is so many missed opportunities but once you decide to show an opposite side do something different, don't make the angels the same as the demons. Without contrast it puts you into a trap and creates a burden that is difficult to overcome. I think my second issue is not really having a plan, a strong big picture so that you can stay consistent with the characters and really give the characters a reason to act out of character. Ex. Sam not looking for Dean in season 8, why didn't they give a compelling reason, it could have easily been done with a few lines. I don't think they think things through and then are surprised by fan reaction. I also think there is a group think in Hollywood, that they can do whatever and the fans will come. Example you use to never kill of the main characters, which is why there was the joke of don't wear a red shirt on Star Trek. But now they seem to think that killing off the main characters is exciting. Sure it can tell a strong story, but if you do it too often as Supernatural has done, it can also turn people off. My real question I wonder, is how many fans have lasted the whole 10 years? I started season 4 but I wonder if really the rise in ratings is due to new fans? Which aren't so bored or upset with the repetition.
  10. The problem I had was trying to figure out what was Mo Fat's plan and it was a little confusing why Steve thought he was experiencing another life. But it reminded me of the 70's shows major plot use of drugging someone so you could brainwash them into a different life. So I wasn't clear if it was supposed to be Steve escaping into a dream world or Mo Fat attempting to make Steve believe they were brothers so he would give him the information he wanted. The ending was powerful, Danny's face when Steve asked for his father and all the moments that made me fall for this show in season 1. So far I am really enjoying this season and I hope they continue with the extra's adding to the show and not stealing moments away from the core group. I will admit I was surprised they killed Mo Fat as I thought in the original he didn't die. Still it left me wanting more and that is a good thing. A powerful 100 ep and well I've expect lots of shoot outs on this show. :) ETA: I hate when you find a mistake after you post!
  11. This is misery for this Dean girl fan! --The End +Dark Side of the Moon 14-The End 11- Dark Side of the Moon Trapped in the box with Michael and Lucifer Fallen Idols Swap Meat The Devil You Know Sympathy for the Devil Free to Be You and Me 99 Problems I Believe the Children Are Our Future Swan Song Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid The Curious Case of Dean Winchester Two Minutes to Midnight My Bloody Valentine Good God, Y'All Abandon All Hope The Song Remains the Same The Real Ghostbusters Hammer of the Gods Sam, Interrupted Point of No Return Changing Channels
  12. I really like Wendigo and yes I can get the CGI isn't something that younger fans think is strong, but Hayley and Dean is such a fun combination. I'm okay with not agreeing on some of the eps, but the Spin off did deserve the neg. press from the fans in my opinion. Some of the best are not my best...but I've never been someone that follows what everyone else likes.
  13. For me they are pretty tied, so it isn't one is greatly better than the other. So I'm happy either way it goes, I agree with the top two...so as long as I don't have to kill either one, I'll be fine. I think that will be the issue for me...I won't be able to send either one off to the cage.
  14. Both actors have at times gone method, but to be fair he has said this many times about having John come back and calling him Dad. Plus he knows there are fans that want to see this too. He's asked this at conventions a lot and he is the first one he says he would love to see come back. Sometimes when you act lines get blurred and I know I've seen it and had it happen to me as well. It is the part that non actors will never get. But I don't hear anything to be worried about. I did read something from an actor once that made me feel he crossed the line and had trouble getting back and unfortunately, he didn't survive. I didn't think it was the only factor, but going too deep in method can be dangerous, which is why I don't teach my students that method. I don't really Jensen as that type as actor as he looks at the beat of the lines and such and that grounds him. He did have some trouble last season but recognized it and asked for time off, so that is a good sign. Plus sometimes you make an connection with a performer that makes the performance stronger. I think he misses that part, and I can understand because those scenes are really strong and I wouldn't mind John coming back.
  15. Well I'm the meanie that killed Changing Channels and yes it had some really awesome moments but for me it was in third place. I loved Sam having to play Kit, the Sitcom Dean and Sam, Doctor Sexy and the Sunglasses. Not a big fan of the commercial but it did have some really nice moments. If I forgot something important, well it is your turn to speak... but something had to go and it was it's turn IMO. The next two I can live with however the vote turns out, I think I would put Dark as 1st, because I like that Sam and Dean have a even role in this one, the beginning...WOW!! and the ending...well I must admit it inspired a fan-fiction story which I just had to write and since The End didn't move me like that, well it makes it second for me. So I look forward to seeing just how we decide this, and I do believe it is a tough vote. Vote away. The End -- Dark Side of the Moon + Changing Channels-- 16 - The End 15 - Dark Side of the Moon Trapped in the box with Michael and Lucifer Fallen Idols Swap Meat The Devil You Know Sympathy for the Devil Free to Be You and Me 99 Problems I Believe the Children Are Our Future Swan Song Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid The Curious Case of Dean Winchester Two Minutes to Midnight My Bloody Valentine Good God, Y'All Abandon All Hope The Song Remains the Same The Real Ghostbusters Hammer of the Gods Sam, Interrupted Point of No Return Changing Channels ETA: I can't spell.
  16. I'm hoping from the interviews that the growth is what they are going for and finally head in a new direction. Listening to the interviews, I really hear how much they love the fans and even the fans that create fanfiction and they are trying to honor the fans. I hope I will enjoy the 200 ep although since I used the promo to teach my classes about makeup and set design, I have that song stuck in my head and it is starting to grow on me a bit more than the first preview of the promo. Even if I hate it, I know that they really wanted us to like it and I can respect that even if they fail. Hopefully they wont. Crossing fingers. :) If they show the struggles, I can deal with demon Dean's demise ending early if they do something with the mark and Dean struggling with his humanity. I liked that Dean didn't back down from his point of view, so maybe this time the boys can enter into the conversation as equals and enjoy working together and saving people's lives.
  17. The End -- Dark Side of the Moon + Changing Channels -- 19 - Dark Side of the Moon 17 - The End 7 - Changing Channels Trapped in the box with Michael and Lucifer Fallen Idols Swap Meat The Devil You Know Sympathy for the Devil Free to Be You and Me 99 Problems I Believe the Children Are Our Future Swan Song Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid The Curious Case of Dean Winchester Two Minutes to Midnight My Bloody Valentine Good God, Y'All Abandon All Hope The Song Remains the Same The Real Ghostbusters Hammer of the Gods Sam, Interrupted Point of No Return Other comments helped me make my mind up!
  18. One of the issues I think they explored was Dean's love for family and taking care of family. It is so engrained in him, that it started much sooner than Sam ever imagined and this memory was important for Sam to get a new perspective of his brother. Sam has a lot of growth in this ep, which is one of the reasons I really like it. He gets an insight to how complex his brother really is and Dean gets to see first hand how important it is for Sam to leave and how unaware he was of it. Two brothers longing for something so different. Zach is supposed to be a dick and a broken record incapable of creating a new idea so he gives it up for one goal, revenge. So I didn't have a problem with him, but it is a shame he couldn't have tried something new. I think the point of Dean and Pam, is Dean is disappointed to find out how rigid heaven is. So once you've explored all your greatest hits what's left. You find yourself stuck in false memories with fake people and how on earth is that honoring the memory you have of your family, especially his mother. So I get his anger and he lashes out at the one person that seems find with it. There has always been shows that said, if you got your dreams you would become so bored. I think Pam is smart enough to understand why Dean is reacting the way he is and is attempting to persuade Dean into a new way of thinking. I honestly don't know the original air dates but this ep does do a big build up and once again it is like the writers can't deliver. I see weak spots but yes I do really like this one. I'll join those of you that believe Sam has the necklace and is waiting for the right time to give it back, we may never see it on screen though.
  19. I agree the white suit was really off-settling. It works especially with Jared's expressions. I wonder if the reason Dean went off the rails was Zach trying too hard to sell Dean on look this is what you will become. This is a weakness in the script. But Jensen's performance...wow. It truly is interesting watching two Dean's that are not alike but yet we get that Dean lies and can call his future self on it. I know they were going for this is what Dean became when he only had torturing left...but it is a strong reason for Dean to reunite with Sam in spite of his misgivings. It is one of the top eps in season 5 for me.
  20. -- The End + Dark Side of the Moon --Changing Channels 22 - Dark Side of the Moon 20 - The End 13 - Changing Channels Trapped in the box with Michael and Lucifer Fallen Idols Swap Meat The Devil You Know Sympathy for the Devil Free to Be You and Me 99 Problems I Believe the Children Are Our Future Swan Song Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid The Curious Case of Dean Winchester Two Minutes to Midnight My Bloody Valentine Good God, Y'All Abandon All Hope The Song Remains the Same The Real Ghostbusters Hammer of the Gods Sam, Interrupted Point of No Return Although Comedy can be stronger than drama, Dark Side just is stronger for me. At times I like the End a bit more but it has some weak spots too. All three are eps that I've felt had some really powerful moments. Point of No Return, Dean coming back from giving up and it did have some good points but Cas beating up Dean and everyone talking down for Dean for giving up...bugs me. It feels like everyone beating him down and how many times had he kept them fighting the good fight, so I couldn't save it. But it does have some interesting moments.
  21. Changing Channels -- Point of No Return -- The End + 25 - Dark Side of the Moon 23 - The End 17 - Changing Channels 1 - Point of No Return Trapped in the box with Michael and Lucifer Fallen Idols Swap Meat The Devil You Know Sympathy for the Devil Free to Be You and Me 99 Problems I Believe the Children Are Our Future Swan Song Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid The Curious Case of Dean Winchester Two Minutes to Midnight My Bloody Valentine Good God, Y'All Abandon All Hope The Song Remains the Same The Real Ghostbusters Hammer of the Gods Sam, Interrupted
  22. -- Changing Channels -- Point of No Return + The End 29- Dark Side of the Moon 26- The End 23 - Changing Channels 6- Point of No Return Trapped in the box with Michael and Lucifer Fallen Idols Swap Meat The Devil You Know Sympathy for the Devil Free to Be You and Me 99 Problems I Believe the Children Are Our Future Swan Song Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid The Curious Case of Dean Winchester Two Minutes to Midnight My Bloody Valentine Good God, Y'All Abandon All Hope The Song Remains the Same The Real Ghostbusters Hammer of the Gods Sam, Interrupted My top two are tied so I'm focusing on the rest....it has been interesting this season. Hope things are better!
  23. I must be asleep, until I saw this and enlarged the pic I didn't get what they had done. It is a hoot. I bet Misha hate's Sam showing Misha as so short. I wish I could have as much fun as they do on the set in my job. It does have it's good days but....
  24. The show has constantly shown either brother weak at fighting only to turn them into the best fighter EVER when it was needed story wise. So do I believe Dean will not be fighting, nope...but I do think it isn't clear why Dean failed. I can guess but is my GUESS the correct one the writers want us to feel. This part is sloppy, IMO. I will rewatch, haven't yet but I'm really tired of depressed Dean and it doesn't make me want to watch the show. It is time for the show to give us something to root for, for both brothers honestly and if this mess leads to that I will wait before I got totally in the bitterness thread. But I am on the ledge...Right now it looks like the solved the Demon Dean WAY too early and if they don't give us something strong...well supernatural will go on the back burner. I won't watch it live and switch to another show I enjoy but is at the same time. Which could happen on the 200th ep...because I'm not looking forward to it either, now. Won't talk about it as it leads to spoilers. I want to root for both Sam and Dean. Dean is more interesting for me since his character is more layered and that is due to the actor's talent. I'm tired of the current trend, Strong story for Dean 1st half, then oops drop it cause now it's Sam's turn. I want it strong for both characters and it could lead to that if the writers can write. Dean has had such a major impact on his life. Turned into a demon...Sam's worst nightmare and Dean's starting season 3. Dean's line on I need to make the right choices is in reference to some of his worst choices, Selling his soul, and getting the mark. I doubt he still sees having Sam saved by angel as a worst choice, because although it killed Kevin, it also saved Sam, Cas and Charlie. All of those characters would be dead and I bet Kevin would have been killed anyway since he was on Metratron's hit list. So that would have left Dean totally alone with the Mark. I can get why Sam is concerned, he's healed Dean of being a demon but not the Mark and the show did show us this. The question for me is what will they do with Dean now??? This is the part I don't trust and yes I know for some Sam fans this is their complaint as well. Can the writers create a compelling story that will keep older viewers and retain the new viewers. I don't think anything I've said is spoilerish, but let me know and I can add a spoiler tag. But I hope they move forward in a way that I like what they are doing and that is the problem with season 7...I didn't like Dean's storyline and almost stopped watching the show. They sold me on Dean's storyline and to have it dropped so abruptly is majorly disappointing. So give me something to enjoy because the show I loved was two brothers despite all the obstacles were fighting the good fight together, killing monsters and saving lives. I don't need a myth arc, I just need to see the brothers working together and I can deal with Sam being the one trying to look out for his brother, to be in Dean's shoes so to speak, since Dean does have the Mark and it IS something to be worried about.
  25. -- Point of No Return -- The End -- Changing Channels 32 - Dark Side of the Moon 28 - The End 25 - Changing Channels 8 - Point of No Return Trapped in the box with Michael and Lucifer Fallen Idols Swap Meat The Devil You Know Sympathy for the Devil Free to Be You and Me 99 Problems I Believe the Children Are Our Future Swan Song Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid The Curious Case of Dean Winchester Two Minutes to Midnight My Bloody Valentine Good God, Y'All Abandon All Hope The Song Remains the Same The Real Ghostbusters Hammer of the Gods Sam, Interrupted
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