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Everything posted by 7kstar

  1. 16 - Weekend at Bobby's 16 - Frontierland 15 - The French Mistake 14- The Man Who Would Be King 13 - Appointment in Samarra 12 - Mommy Dearest 07 - The Man Who Knew Too Much 03 - Live Free or Twihard In flagrante with the King of Hell All Dogs Go to Heaven Unforgiven Mannequin 3: The Reckoning Like a Virgin Family Matters And Then There Were None Let it Bleed Caged Heat Exile on Main St. You Can't Handle the Truth Two and a Half Men The Third Man My Heart Will Go On Clap Your Hands If You Believe * Just fixing the votes and took off the extra repeat ep. So as far as I can tell the count is now correct. Darn I really tried to changed the votes, but luckily my angelic side won, and I fixed my mistake. I didn't see it honestly at first....But after checking it three times I think it is now all fixed. :)
  2. Well, I bought 6, 7 & 9. Honestly if they hadn't been selling 6 & 7 so cheap, I wouldn't have bought it. So thanks for the heads up, because otherwise I wouldn't have even looked. But now that time has gone by I may find myself liking some eps more than I did the first time around. Shame supernautral doesn't do more commentary on their DVD's. I know some that do it on almost all, or all.
  3. Weekend at Bobby's -- Mommy Dearest -- The Man Who Would Be King -- 18 - Weekend at Bobby's 17 - The French Mistake 16- The Man Who Would Be King 16 - Mommy Dearest 16 - Frontierland 15 - Appointment in Samarra 11 - The Man Who Knew Too Much 02 - Live Free or Twihard In flagrante with the King of Hell All Dogs Go to Heaven Unforgiven Mannequin 3: The Reckoning Like a Virgin Family Matters And Then There Were None Let it Bleed Caged Heat Exile on Main St. You Can't Handle the Truth Two and a Half Men The Third Man My Heart Will Go On Clap Your Hands If You Believe Well Live Free lasted longer than Clap. I loved Clap because I'm a Star Trek Voyager Fan, and it was fun to see the doc once again...he is a great actor. I also liked that Dean was picked due to being the first born son. It had a few good lines, like the ad-lib "Fight the faries" I think they could have done more. I'll mourn Live Free when someone else kills it, noticed I won't. It's hanging on by a thread. lol. As far as the top three, it looks like it will be a fight to the finish because I don't think we agree at all.
  4. Appointment -- The Man Who Would Be King -- Frontierland + 26 - Frontierland 20 - The Man Who Would Be King 20 - Weekend at Bobby's 19 - Appointment in Samarra 19- The French Mistake 18 - Mommy Dearest 13 - The Man Who Knew Too Much 06 - Live Free or Twihard 05 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe In flagrante with the King of Hell All Dogs Go to Heaven Unforgiven Mannequin 3: The Reckoning Like a Virgin Family Matters And Then There Were None Let it Bleed Caged Heat Exile on Main St. You Can't Handle the Truth Two and a Half Men The Third Man My Heart Will Go On Well although I would love to save Live Free...I only have so many votes...so I guess it will soon move on. It's just not one I would have moved on yet....choices, choices...
  5. Well to be fair, my mom has said some really positive stuff to someone I hardly knew but she never said it to my face, so I could see John being a bit proud but how the conversation happened is the key. So that part of the ep didn't bother me. As far as the insult, that came out of left field and I never liked it. Maybe it was suppose to show Sam being angry at Dean for getting him back into the hunting business, the irrational side, that if Dean hadn't come by to ask him to help on the hunt to find Dad, Jess would still be alive. But I agree, it was a lousy part of the script and not one I ever liked.
  6. Hey if you like her, no problem. I didn't like the actress and it has nothing to do with Jared. I felt that the storyline would have killed her no matter what. Even if she had been played by the first Ruby, her death would have been the same. So we just don't see eye to eye. Your being a feminist, doesn't make a difference for me. I believe in women's rights. Now can I see how this show is weak with strong female characters, sure...but they have also had some strong female characters. The irony of the show is that it has a major female viewing audience...so not telling you how to feel but also don't tell me what I should feel either. Maybe I took your post wrong but I didn't feel I deserved any type of attack for what I said.
  7. At the time so many people wanted Ruby dead, that the fans generally liked it. I wasn't upset over it because I wanted Ruby gone, not because she was female but because I couldn't stand the character any more. I don't think the show thinks about it since technically a demon isn't really male or female. At least I think that is how they think about it. JMV
  8. I guess I'm a minority in liking Crowley's Mom. I really enjoyed the opening, the interaction between the brothers was fun. I totally expect Sam to give Dean a hard time using a dating app. It worked for me. I liked that the girl that usually stands around to be killed at least tried to save herself and fought back. Although the results was the same, at least she was more than some screaming woman. Was it the best ep ever, no, but it did have it's moments. Of course now Sam gets to be the one that worries about Dean lying to him. He knows that Dean isn't okay and should realize that Dean won't come clean but neither is Sam coming clean about his difficulty of killing monsters. Maybe my viewpoint got tainted when I watched the clip about the new actors and what they thought about being on the show. I liked their personalities...so the scenes were not so dull for me. I see the witch as more as the character they may try to spin off than Cole, but not sure I would watch the spin off anyway. I really watch for Jensen and the few good moments the show gives. I thought the part with Hannah worked, at least with the results the show was aiming for. I'm okay with Hannah being gone. It wasn't a sit on the edge of your seat type story but it did keep my attention for a good portion of the show. I'd give it a 5 out 10, with 10 being top.
  9. The story goes that Jensen was brought in to read for Sam. Jared was brought in to read for Sam, then they had two Sam's but not a Dean. Then the question was brought up to have Jensen read for Dean and he had prepared for that because it was the character he was most interested to play. They liked what they saw and the rest is history. Now did Jensen request to read for Dean, I don't remember but he wasn't originally brought in to read for Dean. A smart actor is prepared especially if he is interested in doing it. Jensen is smart. :)
  10. Sue, Good luck in getting on the plane. I hope you get where you want to go and have a great time with friends and family. I'm wishing I felt good enough to go anywhere. But right now I can only put weight on my foot for about 5 min. I'm hoping I can find a solution that doesn't mean surgery, and supernatural is my distraction from the pain. I feel like a big baby or whimp but I guess my tolerance for pain has dropped to zero. Not use to this at all. I just hope it gets better soon. Hey you entertain us, so go ahead search away, besides we won't tell, so your secret is safe with us! lol
  11. Really interesting. Does anyone know how Travis Aaron Wade (Cole) hurt his arm? Is it catching, first Jared and now Travis. I really liked the actors behind the scenes info and it is interesting to find out you can get jobs based on your twitter followers and such. So much has changed since I tried being an actress and there are so many new ways to get yourself out there. Nice to know so I can inform my students that have the desire to make it in the industry.
  12. First of all a series regular does not mean they get more eps than a guess star, but that they have a commitment to the show. This allows them to continue to tell the story they want, that if they didn't have a contract they could lose the actor. If Misha really didn't want to do it, he wouldn't have signed on, period. Nor do I think they are ignoring Misha, in fact they have actually set up a point which they couldn't have if he had been totally with Dean and Sam. Carver has stated this season is about the character's exploring themselves and it has been doing that. From an actor's perspective, Misha has gotten something to set his teeth into. It may not be your cup of tea, but it hasn't been nothing. He has done some really good work IMO. As an actress, it also has been complex. The show will never do Dean and Cas more than bros, they haven't really implied they would and I would insert that Fanfiction made it clear, you have your story you want to tell and we have ours. Yes they have joked around, but I don't think they ever thought it would go that direction and the separation IMO is to allow the writers freedom to write the story they want to tell and honestly, that is their job. Since they are gaining viewers, they can do it. Carver is someone that has a plan and sticks with it. He may make a few changes but I don't see him as someone that will cave to the fans demands but will tell story he wants to tell. Carver found a reason to bring Cas back and it's organic to the show. The angels learning about what their jobs really entails is kind of interesting, not the biggest and brightest but it does a moment of interest. But I'm also a fan that thinks it is okay to expand the show beyond Sam & Dean. Actually to me, it really looks like they are setting up the spin off on a witch. Crowley's mom. There is definitely a richness to the story that could be interesting. Cole might show up due to the fact that he met her and allowed her to leave but...if the writers were smart, it would be the place they could go and it would allow for a strong female presence. Every show has something that as a fan you don't like, but believe me, if any of these actors really hated being there and were doing it for a paycheck, they would have left. The fact that many guest actors comment on how much these actors give to the guest stars states how committed they are to the production. The layers they are setting up are interesting. 1. Dean feeling he can't be saved. 2. Sam being afraid to kill, he's had this issue twice now. 3. Cas trying to do the right thing and unsure how to do it. 4. Crowley having to deal with Mom back in town and create order in the chaos that was allowed to happened when he spent all that time trapped at the bunker. That said, I don't see Cas away from the boys as a bad thing but actually an opportunity. The question is what do they do with this... Also the writers, actors have tough skins. They have gone through more rejections than most people deal with. It's a tough business and the ones that can't handle it, don't stick with it. Misha gets to explore other things and he is having a blast from everything I've seen from interview and such. The only upset I saw is him wanting to be in the 200th ep but I truly understand why Carver wouldn't allow it. The actress that played Hannah showed her range from being able to convey two types of characters in just a few lines. She did her job. So I'm not one of the fans that thinks Misha should leave. He should do what he wants and I support his choices. If he decides to leave, he will and I wouldn't hold it against him. Now would I like to see Dean, Sam & Cas working together, of course and I have the suspicion that will happen in the second half. Honestly I haven't enjoyed the show as much as I have this season in a long time. I may not agree with everything, but no one is phoning it in and they are doing their jobs. JMV
  13. The French Mistake -- Weekend at Bobby's -- Appointment in Samarra -- 28 - Weekend at Bobby's 26- Appointment in Samarra 25 - The French Mistake 25 - The Man Who Would Be King 24 - Frontierland 21 - Mommy Dearest 19 - The Man Who Knew Too Much 11 - Live Free or Twihard 09 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe In flagrante with the King of Hell All Dogs Go to Heaven Unforgiven Mannequin 3: The Reckoning Like a Virgin Family Matters And Then There Were None Let it Bleed Caged Heat Exile on Main St. You Can't Handle the Truth Two and a Half Men The Third Man My Heart Will Go On I really liked "My Heart will Go On" and I really thought Ellen and Bobby was a good match. Looks like we are all over the place on the top ones. It will be interesting to see what happens. Not sure I will agree with the final results, but some of the better ones aren't majorly better than the others IMO.
  14. There is a full pilot script that had John dead and Dean trying to get Sam to help him figure out how his father died. The network hated the idea so he went back to the drawing board and came up with the pilot we know. His first pitch was news reporters and had nothing to do with family. Both Jensen & Jared read for Sam, in fact they flew Jensen in to read for Sam, which they didn't do for Jared. Kripke realized he had two Sam's but zero Dean's. So they asked Jensen to read for Dean and the rest is history. The focus was all on the myths and urban legends and so the focus was on Sam very much in the beginning. Then Manners and Bob so the gold in the family dynamics and got Kripke to see it. Hence a change in the writing. Krikpe used the Star Wars analogy so yes he was very much interesting in Luke Skywalker. Jess was originally suppose to be a Demon, but he decided against that. What none of them were prepared for was the chemistry between the two actors that created gold. Jensen recently admitted that he wasn't suppose to be more than a supporting role but then things started changing. I don't think Krikpe ever saw a myth arc for Dean until Season 4. How it would have ended or at least how much different, we will never know. But anyway you look at it, the show took a life of it's own and Krikpe was smart enough to listen to some extent to others.
  15. One thing you have to remember is John's military background, you put yourself below the mission. The mission is everything. Just one big problem, Sam and Dean didn't agree. Also before this one, he gets onto Dean for questioning his orders and looks at Sam. Why, because Sam is the one that can stand on his own too feet and is willing to do it different. Dean was the peacemaker and John hadn't ever seen Dean in the light of rebelling before. So when you look at the entire picture and if you know anything about fighting in the Vietnam War, John looks like a lot of messed up Vets from that time frame. So I don't see a simple Bad Dad, but a very complex man with issues. Also woman usually in that time period were the nurturing ones, Men said things like toughen up, don't cry and etc. This time period is very different from today. We didn't see child abuse around the corner. I remember a friend that was beaten everyday, but because her bruises weren't big enough, it was decided it wasn't abuse. Today, they would react differently. So I still see a man that did his best and loved his sons but didn't have a clue on how to do it correctly. He showed remorse before he died, but he had a split second to save Dean. In the end, like his wife, he chose his son over living. but he also had to warn Dean. It is a shame the show didn't look into the richness of this and give us more.
  16. + Frontierland -- Weekend at Bobby's -- The French Mistake 31- Frontierland 30 - Weekend at Bobby's 30 - Appointment in Samarra 27 - The Man Who Would Be King 26 - The French Mistake 23 - Mommy Dearest 22 - The Man Who Knew Too Much 17 - Live Free or Twihard 15 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe 07 - My Heart Will Go On In flagrante with the King of Hell All Dogs Go to Heaven Unforgiven Mannequin 3: The Reckoning Like a Virgin Family Matters And Then There Were None Let it Bleed Caged Heat Exile on Main St. You Can't Handle the Truth Two and a Half Men The Third Man I will always prefer Dean to Sam in looks, but Jared looks healthy here, but I'm afraid if he had to do this scene today he would look really sick. He is getting too thin. That said I prefer this look on Jared vs. today. He does look Hot, but I really wanted a matching scene with Jensen. I'm evil aren't I. :) I'm also a cougar in this thought, but I can still appreciate fine wine. Getting older doesn't stop those thoughts. Now does it?
  17. That scene and the end scene with Dean is why I really don't think John was really trying to be all bad. He saw his errors but he couldn't figure out how to change it as it was too late. For me the surprise about the visions was more about I didn't know and that means Sam is in danger, as though as long as he wasn't having any special skills he was safe, at least that is how I saw it. When he found out about it we don't really know. I think he also couldn't kill Sam, and he had to count on Dean to finish the job. Plus, they were fighting so much that Dean was the only one that had a shot at saving Sam and he only had a short time to warn him about the possible need to end Sam's life. That was the part that many fans can't forgive, but since he wasn't really planning on having his sons finishing it and always thought he would, I can give him a little slack. Was he father of the year, HELL NO, but with him being such a good hunter, some of his actions do make sense.
  18. Yeah, the issue I have is Dean using his real name. I also expect this to go very bad, because lately any time he has dated it has ended in a bad way. I just hope I don't hate the whole thing! Sam is being the usual brother though, I know more than you which he did a lot in the early years. So it may be what the writers think we want from the early years but do they really get what we really want????? That's the million dollar question.
  19. the original John Winchester is going to be at the Vegas Con, Jensen announces it at the Burbank Con videos at the end of part three. Sorry I only know how to put on a link. It is fun to watch but there could be spoilers, I don't remember. Listen to the end only if you are looking for the information about him coming. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-j5Bu_8n50
  20. I remember something I read from interviews because I really wanted more information on John's back story. The journal gives the portion of Dean not talking and withdrawing. I really wish they had given us more about this time as I think this really is the spin off. There is such a richness that hasn't been tapped and it's definitely an interesting place to explore. I put the next part in spoiler tags in-case someone new is just now starting, just to be safe. So for me that give a reason for John having a strong military background and that the fear drove him. I know fear can look so many ways...but it is why I still think John cared about his boys and Dean had to have enough moments that he felt it or he wouldn't have reacted so strongly once his father had been found. I'm sure that are parts he hated but he also admired him if that makes any sense.
  21. + Frontierland + Live Free or Twihard -- The French Mistake 36 - Frontierland 33 - Appointment in Samarra 33- Weekend at Bobby's 27 - The French Mistake 27 - The Man Who Would Be King 23 - Mommy Dearest 23 - The Man Who Knew Too Much 20 - Live Free or Twihard 15 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe 11- My Heart Will Go On 03 - The Third Man In flagrante with the King of Hell All Dogs Go to Heaven Unforgiven Mannequin 3: The Reckoning Like a Virgin Family Matters And Then There Were None Let it Bleed Caged Heat Exile on Main St. You Can't Handle the Truth Two and a Half Men I loved Dean with his two babies! Dean was a much better parent than his Dad and it was nice to see that side of him.
  22. IMO, the show made sure we would not like John. Just in case you didn't have an issue with him, let's add this to his list of bad stuff so they really won't think of him as a great father. but I also thought that season 6 gave one nice turn for John, with Dean discovering hunting and raising a child really didn't work that well. But then again, I liked Lisa and Ben.
  23. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/03/28/michelle-borth-hawaii-five-0_n_5052860.html No word yet on the reason for Borth’s departure, though a tweet from the actress on March 17 might suggest that she wasn’t thrilled with the gig. Borth, who became very active on Twitter when she joined the show, told the Honolulu Star Advertiser last April that she wanted to embrace “all the love” that fans had to give on Twitter. Apparently, she’s no longer feeling the aloha. So, I think it was mutual but I don't know that it was her idea and some actors do want to leave a show when they are doing very well. It is the nature of an actor to want to explore new characters. I know of an actress that left, not because they wanted her to leave, but because she wanted to explore new work and that meant going back into the unemployment line. Actually it is sometimes more difficult to find work if you stay too long as people start to see you as that character.
  24. At the end of Season 3, Sam's eyes go black. So the plan was always for Dean to save Sam from being the monster. Dean wasn't suppose to go to hell at all. Then they came up with the angel storyline and kept it a true secret which is one reason Season 4's opening is such a strong opening, JMV. Cas was only suppose to be in 4 to 6 eps, but fans liked him so much that they expanded his role. I think that is why he was such a poor fighter in the beginning I think he would have been killed off. What would have happened if 5 had been the real end...not totally sure other than Cas would have been killed and Bobby as well. Would the mess with Adam still have happened I don't know. I did read an interview with Gamble stating that they had to work to figure out what to do with Sam as they had to re-film the ending. I know some fans had a clearer picture that had been around longer than I was a fan, but I don't know what differences they would have done. I do think they set up stuff and then never deal with it. Like why did Dean's eyes bleed in "Bloody Mary" We were teased about yes, there was a story, but the time wasn't right to share and it wasn't when dean played video games instead of watching Sammy. sometimes I also think they don't know what they are going to do and then meet and say how do we get out of this mess. Which usually creates more problems. I think Kripke had a broad plan and said look we can tie this to this ep. Sometimes he really did plan it, but I really wonder how much was really planned in advanced. He created three ideas for the pilot and two of them were not that good, so I'm not totally surprised about the mess we see sometimes. JMV
  25. From what I read it was her choice and I think it was kind of mutual. Too many fans were vocal about not liking her. I only have a vague memory of it, but I think she wanted to leave, don't quote me on that. The new love interest might work if they allow it to move along slowly. It really depends how they do it. If she takes away from the main core I think the fans will respond negatively. And to have Steve's Aunt encourage him to find love is a good way to clear the path. He's encouraged Danny, now it's his turn to try to get back in the game. It might even be fun to see Danny encouraging him and making him eat dirt at the same time. Because he can do the big, "I told you so..." None of this is spoiler's because I don't have a clue where they are going from this ep. But it is clear they are setting up the direction for Steve to find love. Of course, how long will that last? This show isn't good about the happy ending. Look at Chin for the major example.
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