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Everything posted by 7kstar

  1. Since I came after season 3, I found myself like both Bella and Ruby. I did think they just didn't know what to do with them. Your reasoning why fans wouldn't like Bella most likely was true. I liked her in Bad Rock and Red Skye, but the old woman with Sam, yuck. I really think the show has suffered from the death of Kim Manners. I do think he added so much to the first 3 seasons. My real issue is that in season 4 they had the perfect opportunity to deal with Dean's issues and set it up and then said "got ya" nope not dealing with it. I agree they play it too safe and they can't seem to decide what direction they are going. It had that problem in seasons 1-3 but it wasn't as obvious as it is now, IMO. I also loved the introduction of the angels and it started off with a bang but then now it just doesn't seem to fit. Cas works better when he is with the boys than on his own. I think the other issue is that they don't really watch it from a fan's perspective. I think if they did, they might be more surprised and see what the fans are fussing about. JMV
  2. I'm seeing the healing and it's working for me this season. It is a breathe of fresh air and it lands real to me. I'm still hopeful that it will continue. If it does I might even make it through a rewatch of the bad years...lol.
  3. Although I liked Catherine, the actress left last year and this is there way of wrapping it up so Steve can move on. To me it is fun to see the little shout outs. Off topic but I wish they had done a reunion before it was too late due to actors not being able to do it. really loved the Danny and Steve moments as they starred at the box. There teasing each other is what drew me to the show in the first place. I'm not sure why Frankie didn't sing. Maybe he has a singing problem now??? Carol has sung every time she has been on, so it is in her character to sing. Plus they used the line I thought I would have a big career in singing which didn't happen. So I was fine with it and many woman as they get older their voices change. I am a CB fan so maybe this is why it didn't bother me.
  4. TV world and Real World will never be totally real. Some cops never draw a weapon and that includes FBI. But in TV land that would be boring, so now we see them pulling their weapon. I thought the show dealt with the issues in a positive way, because there are those that are guilty of doing wrong and then there are those that are accused of doing wrong. I really liked how Frank got the witness to give up the video. Not sure how I feel about Danny's new chief. On hand I liked how she takes Danny to task and the other I know that Danny is going to do it again, so it will be interesting to see how it goes. I'm starting to like Danny's new partner, but I still miss Jackie. But she is growing on me, I just wish I didn't have the knowledge of how the actress was fired. Is this show perfect, of course not...but I think it is trying to show two sides and create discussion. I really liked this one and hope that others can deliver.
  5. I have very mixed feelings on this one. I love the idea but the opportunity feels wasted. there are some really good moments but I also don't remember it that well. Like so many this season it has a great beginning idea but the finish product just doesn't work.
  6. I don't know why but that opening scene where Dean is turned and Sam watches just pulls me in and I have to re-watch it again. I didn't get upset about the miracle cure and I actually liked Gramps at this point. For me, I saw Dean trying to resist but knowing that he has to be killed and he just had to see Lisa & Ben one more time. He had control until Lisa got physically closer then his vampire issues took over. I don't blame Dean for going and it took a lot of control to leave them and not turn them. But in fighting that moment he hurt Ben which sealed Lisa being very upset at Dean. Especially since she didn't know what had happened. Does soulless Sam get a pass, heck NO! But I can also understand how Dean could subconsciously blame Sam when he came back. So I like this one even if it is too gory.
  7. It's a little better but I've had a high tolerance to pain for a long time, but I know when you get overloaded you can go the opposite way. Chronic Pain sucks. I'll be seeking help, but just not sure what it is but thanks for the support. :) Which is why I escape to Supernatural. I think the one point the youth of today's society can't get is the freedom we had growing up. Yes, there was bad times, but also mixed in there good times. This is the Dean I love finding mixture of happiness in the bad times. The little things that made him happy like pie. Because people have so many views the show has a tight tight-rope to walk. It's just a thin line and then you get everyone upset. But lately they are crossing those lines and by doing that it makes the fans fight more, I think. JMV. They've always had some strange lines - ex. in season 1 - that caused WTF moments. Sam putting Dean down about his new invention, Missouri talking mean to Dean when she first meets him and if the show had been in the 70's no one would even have picked up on it. But because we now try to shelter people so much more, these things really stand out. Kripke is more child like and I think that showed up in the scripts. The other show runners seem more serious. I know I'm always laughing after listening to Kripke that I haven't done with the others. I don't know if the writers are trying to explore deeper issues and failing or if they are all over the map. But sometimes it feels to me that what I would like to see is the unpopular opinion but my love for supernatural hasn't died yet. This season has sparked it back up more than the others, but I'm also prepared for the big fall of disappointment. Is it really too much to ask that both brothers grow and start enjoying working together again? Really? Darn!
  8. -- Clap Your Hands If You Believe ++ Live Free or TwiHard ++ My Heart Will Go On 39 - Frontierland 35 - Weekend at Bobby's 35 - Appointment in Samarra 29 - The French Mistake 27 - The Man Who Would Be King 25 - Live Free or Twihard 23 - Mommy Dearest 23 - The Man Who Knew Too Much 15 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe 11 - My Heart Will Go On 09 - The Third Man 01 - Two and a Half Men In flagrante with the King of Hell All Dogs Go to Heaven Unforgiven Mannequin 3: The Reckoning Like a Virgin Family Matters And Then There Were None Let it Bleed Caged Heat Exile on Main St. You Can't Handle the Truth
  9. I think that's why I never saw John as awful as some fans. I enjoyed riding my bike and being away from my folks for almost an entire day and not having my parents worried I would be killed. I took care of my younger brother & sister and I had a smarter older brother. So I saw the show as using Dean and Sam to show the conflict of the blue collar vs college. There are still people that believe if you don't go to college you aren't as smart as those that do. But the funny thing from my dad who went to college so he wouldn't be a private in the war by his father pushing him. His Dad didn't want his son to suffer the issues he dealt with just because he didn't go to college. So a good portion of the blue collar vs college, I got. I also got just because I went to college didn't make me smart because I got the easy degree. Actually it wasn't but it is perceived to be that way. So some of the stuff I ignore. Both brothers are important and yes, the show did start to revolve around Sam because I think the writers relate to him more than Dean. Both brothers have flaws and I will always be drawn more to Dean than Sam. I want the writers to expand and explore new things. If they insist on revisiting something by switching the burden on someone that doesn't usually get it, then go for it. I really want to see Sam struggle with how to help Dean and use his understanding of how difficult it is because he's been there. I expect to see Dean hide the issues after all Sam has done it over and over to him. But the writers need to explore the brothers working together even if they don't see eye to eye. I really really am sick of what's wrong with Sam. I always find moments in every ep. I still like Dean and what drew me in, was the two brothers reconnecting and really trying so hard to be there for each other. Because I didn't see 1-3 live, I think I didn't react the same as fans that did watch it live. But I find eps that some hate, that I really like them. It's the potential of the show that keeps sucking me back in. So although I can understand why some say poor Dean, or poor Sam, I'm more like poor Brothers. I also still liked Bobby and didn't really want him killed off. I just wanted the boys showing how they could work together to solve the mystery of the monsters. Also I know this is very unpopular, but I really hate how much gore and blood they use now. I miss when it was less is more. Last thought, I truly believe that Dean has been shown to be smart, it is just he's more creative than Sam. We as a society don't respect the creative mind as much as the logic mind. Most of my very creative students, get in trouble and can't behave. So I see this as Dean. He's very creative and many of us, feel stupid because we to put it simply, we don't think like the majority. We also get told how we are doing it wrong. When maybe we just see the big picture and what is coming way before the majority gets it. JMV. So I'm use to being the one with the different view from everyone else but at least here, I can share with fans that care about the show and the weirdness, isn't so bad if it is shared. If that makes any sense. Not sure how clear I'm being since I'm in a lot of pain right now.
  10. It was a recent interview but I don't remember where I saw it. Too much going on right now. It just hit me and I just think that he was trying so hard to get the fans to see Sam as always trying to be there for his brother when it hasn't always been so. But yes the reference was season 5. He was talking about 5 before he made that statement. Now the guys do say that sometimes they can't remember all the eps, so it may just be that is what Jared remembers and since he hasn't really been thinking about it as much as the fans, he just believes it reads that way, if that makes any sense. I think this is really one of the problems. They don't think about how it will land. Then get shocked at the reaction. I also get how the actors don't think about the show in the way we do. It's their job and they don't fret about it over and over. They do their job which is to make the characters real, then let it go and move on to the next ep. I get that because after teaching over 20 I can't remember some of the thoughts or issues I had with most of my past students, because the next problem child takes their slot. So I can give Jared a bit of slack but I don't agree with his statement. JMV.
  11. Carver seems to be good with certain types of arc's. Dean & Benny seemed golden, On the whole the MoC works. But I think they are trying to please too many and avoid upsetting fans. But the dark stuff does seem to flow better sometimes. I totally believe all are giving their best and that they care about it. It is always easier to find fault, find what didn't work, it is much harder to fix what is broken. The fact that the two leads aren't phoning it in, is great. It is easy to do after doing it for so long, but I think they will give their all until the show ends. I love that they mix comedy with drama. As long as they remain passionate, I am for them continuing. But I also want them going out with me wanting more, not leaving when I no longer care. I think personally it is because they care so much that the show is still on the air.
  12. First of all I like both brothers. I don't see Sam going to college as something bad, period. But why the no contact...honestly I wish the show had addressed that a bit better. The story started out revolving around Sam. It was written for Sam = Luke Skywalker, Dean = Han Solo. However Dean was the more complex character at the beginning and the more interesting character to portray. I never saw Sam over Dean until Season 4, but I didn't think it was a big deal at the time, because I had faith they would tell Dean's side. This is the part that for Dean fan's that create all the frustration and mess, at least for me. I can't speak for anyone other than myself. Dean's hell experience is dropped but then Sam gets to go to the cage and have the worst hell experience. Jared even makes it worse by saying Sam does it for Dean. Nope, he doesn't, he does it to pay for his crime of starting the end of the world. Of course Dean bears the weight of really starting it by breaking the first seal...you don't break the first one, it would have stopped it right there. Now, I accepted why they dropped it and went back to Sam, but then they add insult by saying Dean after not fighting for a year would be a terrible hunter/fighter. Now, I'm getting tired of the boys circle of who's done what to who, and just want them to fight the good fight together. When the purgatory storyline got dropped and now the Demon after only a few eps, it is frustrating. I get why they did, so the 200th could be one that any fan would love, but once again it feels as if Sam's stories get a longer life span. Now have they done a good job with Sam, nope. Although not every guess star gives Dean the good feels, Death started out seeming like he liked Dean, but he also tore him down to shreds. And I think that is what creates a lot of the WTF. I will say right now I like both brothers, and I'm really hoping they will do justice with the MOC...but I don't have faith. I don't love all of Edlund's eps either. I also am very much okay if he doesn't come back. Nor do I agree that Sam had this major turn around in Season 7. However, I am probably one of the few that can read the disagreements and not really get bothered by it. I don't have to see what you see, I just have to respect your views. & sometimes, I do get my mind changed a bit. I have just now started thinking I should really rewatch 7...and that is huge for me. :) Personally I love when the brothers grow and get something new about each other. I also like most of the BM moments. Though Fanfiction has changed that meaning for me. I'm hopeful for the rest of season 10 but also still worried of what damage with the do to the brothers this time without any real need. To sum it up, yes actions can speak louder than words, but when the words come more than the actions it leads to an interpretation. Plus our personal experiences make us see things that others might not feel. I can see parts of both sides, but lately it feels like Dean isn't getting the strong storylines and that they favor Sam a bit more. Notice I said bit...Sam hasn't been treated great in the last few seasons either.
  13. The French Mistake -- Weekend at Bobby's ++ Live Free or Twihard ++ 37 - Frontierland 37 - Weekend at Bobby's 35 - Appointment in Samarra 31 - The French Mistake 25- The Man Who Would Be King 23 - Mommy Dearest 23 - The Man Who Knew Too Much 19 - Live Free or Twihard 13 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe 11 - My Heart Will Go On 09 - The Third Man 03 - Two and a Half Men 01 - You Can't Handle the Truth In flagrante with the King of Hell All Dogs Go to Heaven Unforgiven Mannequin 3: The Reckoning Like a Virgin Family Matters And Then There Were None Let it Bleed Caged Heat Exile on Main St. Although I love parts of French Mistakes, it feels like an ep that tries to hard. Not my fav meta.
  14. Well during the rehearsals I think she was there. Dean must of protected me after the show, rats I didn't even get to thank him. they say a terrible rehearsal makes a good show, notice I didn't say great! But middle school kids are cocky and they think they can pull it off even if you don't know your lines. It's why the Meta Eps do have some parts that I love. Well I kind of did when I talked about why I wouldn't kill it. :) But I will always love Lisa & Ben and some really good moments in this one. But I do have a love hate relationship with it. I hate that Dean looks like a fool in the final fight.
  15. Play finally over and I'm starting to recover. :) Live Free or Twihard ++ My Heart Will Go On ++ Two and a Half Men -- 37 - Frontierland 33 - Appointment in Samarra 33 - Weekend at Bobby's 33 - The French Mistake 23- The Man Who Would Be King 23 - Mommy Dearest 21 - The Man Who Knew Too Much 19 - Live Free or Twihard 15 - My Heart Will Go On 11 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe 11 - The Third Man 07 - You Can't Handle the Truth 05 - Two and a Half Men 01 - Exile on Main St. In flagrante with the King of Hell All Dogs Go to Heaven Unforgiven Mannequin 3: The Reckoning Like a Virgin Family Matters And Then There Were None Let it Bleed Caged Heat Although I'm not entirely happy with the opening of Season 6, I can't kill it either. The moments with Lisa and Ben, I love. I also like how they introduced the family but some parts I hate. Like Dean suddenly not being able to fight after taking one year off. I never bought that. They should have gone with a competition and kept that going until Dean realized that something isn't normal. I also liked that for the first time, Dean didn't choose his brother but wanted to stay with Lisa and Ben. I knew it wouldn't last but it was nice to see a new response. I think the ideas were great, but it just needed to be fleshed out and really think about impact of the reactions they put in place.
  16. I had to download the songs and I really find myself listening and watching them way more than I should. Dean head-bobbing is such a great moment. Of course since we are doing our production tomorrow, I'm a little jealous that there actors will GET OFF Script before the performance. Oh the joys of middle school. So I enjoyed this show in so many ways. I agree there are issues, but right now it I'm more on cloud 9 with the show and I'm hoping I won't have to come crashing down. Last time Dean's fighting ability got stronger after he killed someone. They tend to go back and forth on who is incompetent depending on the nature of the plot. But I would like this addressed. As far as the Sam girl, I think that was just addressing many fanfiction writers. Sam fans do like to write it as Dean is really helpless and only Sam can save the day. Then they had the other give Sam advice on how he could make a good Dean by cutting his hair. I don't think this show is meant to be taken too deep. It was addressing all the issues that fans have gotten into heated discussions about and con issues. I enjoyed it. I also am a fan that wanted Sam to pick the amulet out of the trash can and I'm fine with him not giving it back to Dean especially until the timing is right and it wouldn't represent a burden. Marie's speech was just her believing she knew the answers when in reality she doesn't really have a clue about the struggles the brother's have dealt with. Plus she's a teenager, they know all the answers, don't you know.
  17. my heart is happy, Dean working on baby, Sam & Dean banter and Dean's reaction to the coffee cup, especially Sam knowing that Dean really wants it. Ah can the happy moments last for a bit.. Or how about a change when the angst comes back let it be the brother's against the issue...NOT each other.
  18. ++ Live Free or Twihard ++ Let It Bleed -- Family Matters 35 - Frontierland 29 - Weekend at Bobby's 27 - Appointment in Samarra 27 - French Mistake 23- The Man Who Would Be King 21 - Mommy Dearest 21 - Live Free or Twihard 17 - The Third Man 17 - The Man Who Knew Too Much 15 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe 15 - Two and a Half Men 15 - You Can't Handle the Truth 13 - My Heart Will Go On 09 - Caged Heat 09 - Let It Bleed 07 - Family Matters 07 - Exile on Main St. 07 - ...And Then There Were None 01 - Like a Virgin In flagrante with the King of Hell All Dogs Go to Heaven Unforgiven Mannequin 3: The Reckoning Most likely enough time has gone by that if I rewatched this season some of my dislikes would change, but I have always found a gem in every ep even if it is just plain awful. It's why I'm still here for the really good ones. I don't have time for a re-watch nor do I own this season, so I'll just vote for the strong ones I remember. I liked Dean trying to pull the sword out of the stone, so I'll let someone else kill Like a Virgin.
  19. I never saw the ep, that was the one I haven't seen and I liked Lisa and Ben. My problem is I don't know how I would feel about it now. I just don't have time to do a watch and I doubt I would buy the entire season, but some eps stick out. That is the entire problem with the Gamble years, she had some really interesting and challenging ideas but the execution creates more problems than it solves. But I have to vote on what I like the most from that season and Frontierland sticks out more than the others. Plus it is so funny that the guy that can ride a horse isn't allowed to do it. I also think it is cool to hear how Jensen learned how to do a quick draw and the issues that actors had to deal with when they did so many westerns so long ago. For me this is why Fanfiction was created to try to fix some of the weak spots of the show you love.
  20. I really enjoyed fanfiction and I'm hoping that they continue the brothers being concerned about each other and fighting the good fight together. I do want Dean to deal with the mark and for Sam to be concerned about Dean. I also want Dean to help Sam deal with the fallout of having to rescue his brother from turning into a demon, but I hope that Carver & the writers, understand you can mix humor and drama. A nice mix is enjoyable, and that if they are going to go dark have it mean something, not just throw up there and say oops forget about it. With 200 episodes in the bag, Carver is looking ahead to what's coming up the rest of this season...aka get ready for some major Winchester brotherly bonding! "Both brothers are first and foremost struggling to reconnect," Carver said. "We saw that in episode four and that will continue, this brotherly reconnection, but their troubles are not over yet for either of them. Dean's not quite out of the woods yet regarding the Mark of Cain and Sam is not quite out of the woods as to what that means to him as well." But the return of the "Samulet" hanging from Dean's rearview mirror is giving us hope that these two can get through anything, as long as they're together. http://www.eonline.com/news/596947/oh-my-god-we-need-to-talk-about-that-shocking-return-on-supernatural I really hope they are telling the truth and that we can see this.
  21. We are just now starting season 6, but I took our top 3 from each of the survival game votes. I wondered what we would vote off first if you had to compare season to season. The list only includes the top 3 that survived in the survival game. I wonder how many would agree they all belong on the top 30 out of 200 eps. So I guess once we finish the seasons the game could be the top 30 from the list of winners, Just wondering how we as a group would decide the fate. I know I'm evil aren't I? Also see how I'm avoiding creating my own list of the top 30. :) 1. Pilot 2. Scarecrow 3. Faith 4. In My Time of Dying 5. What Is and What Should Never Be 6. Hollywood Babylon 7. Mystery Spot 8. A Very Supernatural Christmas 9. Bad Day at Black Rock 10. Lazarus Rising 11. The Monster at the End of This Book 12. Are You There, God? It's Me, Dean Winchester 13. The End 14. Dark Side of the Moon 15. Changing Channels The list is not the order of the top 15, just in order of the top 3 from each season 1 - 5, in case that wasn't clear. I love too many that are on this list.
  22. Weekend at Bobby's ++ Frontierland ++ Mannequin 3: The Reckoning - 33 - Frontierland 29 - Weekend at Bobby's 27 - Appointment in Samarra 25 - French Mistake 21 - Live Free or Twihard 21 - The Man Who Would Be King 21 - Mommy Dearest 17 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe 17 - The Third Man 15 - The Man Who Knew Too Much 15 - Two and a Half Men 15 - You Can't Handle the Truth 13 - My Heart Will Go On 13 - Caged Heat 11 - Family Matters 11 - ...And Then There Were None 09 - Exile on Main St. 09 - Let It Bleed 07 -- Like a Virgin In flagrante with the King of Hell: All Dogs Go to Heaven Unforgiven Mannequin 3: The Reckoning Someone that loved “Mannequin 3: The Reckoning” eulogize it. I don’t even remember it so it was a easy kill for me.
  23. To be honest I think this is the heart of what draws anyone to a show. It's the character development and it does take skill to make that happen so it is nice to see it get the recognition it deserves. The article also talks about the biggest complaints fans have about the show as well. A really nice article from Forbes
  24. ++ Frontierland ++ Let It Bleed -- Unforgiven 31 - Frontierland 25 - Weekend at Bobby's 25 - French Mistake 21 - Appointment in Samarra 21 - Live Free or Twihard 21 - The Man Who Would Be King 19 - Mommy Dearest 17 - Two and a Half Men 17 - The Third Man 15 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe 15 - The Man Who Knew Too Much 15 - You Can't Handle the Truth 13 - My Heart Will Go On 13 - Caged Heat 11 - Family Matters 11 - ...And Then There Were None 09 - Mannequin 3: The Reckoning 09 - Like a Virgin 09 - Exile on Main St. 09 - Let It Bleed 07 - Unforgiven In flagrante with the King of Hell: All Dogs Go to Heaven There are parts of Let it Bleed I really like, but my problem is I haven't rewatched 6 and I didn't watched it live. Some eps I missed and others I don't remember at all. So I only will be saving those that stuck out. I think the problem with season 6 is they tried to do too much, and they couldn't pull off the ideas. If it had had a bit more focus, I think it could have been really outstanding. I don't think Gamble was bad, just really inexperienced and stuck in group think. I think the Campbell family addition could have been awesome but it fell short and I loved Lisa and Ben. Plus she had the hard time overcoming the followers that thought Krikpe was the best. I came in later and never saw him as the best and felt that really they had equal good and bad but that is a discussion better left for another thread. the opening and the moment with Lisa & Ben get me. I get how stupid it was for Dean to go to them, but for some reason I like it more than I hate it. But I can see your point, I just found myself watching parts of it over and over again.
  25. I guess I thought they did, since the original girl that played Sam heard the whole truth when they were captured and why Marie wanted Dean to have the amulet. Fanfiction has so many broad stories that writers like to focus on, Deaged Dean, or any other main character, Lost sister and too many others to list, besides the few the show touched on so it was nice hearing stick to your Shakespeare allowing fanfiction writers to feel they can write even though the show will never acknowledged them other than this. As A middle school drama teacher and having seen way too much bad high school shows as well, this one was really funny for me. I laughed at the fun way of Mary dying on the ceiling and all the tricks they used some old and some brilliant such as the car. I loved the brother moments. Although Dean lost the fight, it didn't look like he wasn't trying but that he doesn't have the juice he had after he killed. So perhaps some of the issue is, he hasn't killed anything but he did give it his all, so I didn't cringe that much, but it is time for Dean to save the day. I loved musicals so I found this one really strong and agree with so many of the positive thoughts others have already stated. I didn't feel let down and I did feel it was a love letter to all fans. Although I would be fine if this is the last time we see Chuck and I guess I interpreted it as the show did what he wanted it to do, it got Dean and Sam back on the road together. Please keep it that way for a bit. Then when you go back for the angst can it be Sam supporting his brother...please.
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