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Everything posted by 7kstar

  1. Sounds like a good Name and I get the humor of the original title, but if we hate Crowley do we really want Crowley to name Dean's thread? Just saying.... But I'm fine with either one. :)
  2. Which is why you love to hate him and yes Crowley needs payback...turning him human, having Demon Dean do something to him...oh the possibilities are endless...can he be stuck with Metatron in a cell together with neither having a way to leave, they could talk themselves to boredom and I'm fine with only seeing a glimpse of it as it fades to black.
  3. Soulless Sam did some pretty bad things and Dean blames himself for the things he did in hell. The problem is the writers throw stuff out there but sometimes the way it lands isn't their real intention. Plus for Dean, Soulless Sam cost Dean Lisa and Ben...maybe not directly but it did have a huge impact on Dean. Add all the times that Dean never really expressed what he thought and you get repressed anger, plus at this point in the game, he felt he should be the one doing the trials and he should be the one dying. So I can see him getting in a few punches without really thinking about it or even realizing he did it. But remember emotions are a funny thing, they AREN'T logical. They are mixed up feelings and you feel more than one emotion and the problem when you are trying to sort them out, is figuring out why you feel all these emotions in the first place. It's why strong actors never play one emotion, you realize that you are really playing several all at once and trying not to show it, it gives a deeper performance and is closer to what really happens. How many times has someone gotten upset with you and you couldn't pinpoint what on earth you had said or done that had caused the miscommunication in the first place. Since Dean and Sam never clear the air, it leads to more miscommunication and their way of dealing with it is to ignore the elephant in the room so to speak. So I fully expect to see Demon Dean giving all the lines in a twisted way designed to take Sam down until Dean can escape. If he can get Sam off course, he can get loose and you know that is his real goal to begin with. Plus now he wants to give payback to Crowley as well. I'm really excited about next week and scared at the same time. Usually when I get to excited it is when I feel the most let down about a show, any show...so I'm trying to just go with the flow and be prepared for it to be a let down, but some of the scenes they have spoiled, well it makes me think I will like some of it anyway. :) Hopefully my ramblings makes sense. Remember that a Priest cured a demon without doing the trails and Sam has been cured so, he is just trying to cure a demon. Of course (play evil music) Sam has demon blood in him so will this have an unexpected side effect? I can see Hannah giving her grace to Cas, but what did Crowley have in his hands? Was it part of Cas original grace, because taking another angel's grace will only lead him back to death eventually, anyway. So do they want to cure Cas?? that is the million dollar question.
  4. It almost makes me feel sad for Crowley...almost...but then again he is the bad guy you love to hate and I still like him on the show. But seeing Dean turn on him...well the boy never learns. I wonder if he will call Dean "Squirrel" to his face if he gets his blade back... Has Crowley ever had a winning plan?? Seems like they always blow up in his face. Is that because he really doesn't get others since he only loves himself? I like the title, it fits.
  5. Most likely he isn't able to work out and he may be watching what he eats or he is still in the lucky stage he can eat what he wants and burn it off. He is a tall guy and always has had a lanky build. Also I think he is a bit of a method actor and since Sam has been in a terrible place, he might be not eating as much as he should which would help with the idea of how hard Sam is pushing himself to get his brother back. He will need to watch doing this if he is doing that, Tom Hanks became diabetic from losing the weight and regaining it for roles but Jared is far from doing what Tom Hanks did to himself. I would bet as soon as things return to normal with the brother's together again, Sam will start to put on weight and when Jared gets the all clear to work out, he will once again put back on the muscle. There was a picture with Jared in a ski jacket and he didn't look sick this summer and that was after he had hurt his shoulder. I've seen him at Cons on the internet without wearing his brace, bad boy...lol but he has to be careful because once you dislocate a shoulder it can happen again, so right now no horseplay with Kevin or Jensen...lol
  6. ++ Dark Side of the Moon -- Changing Channels -- The End 44- The End 44- Changing Channels 44 - Dark Side of the Moon 31 - Point of No Return 29 - The Song Remains the Same 29 - Hammer of the Gods 21 - Good God, Y'All 18 - The Real Ghostbusters 18 - Sam, Interrupted 15 - Abandon All Hope 03 - My Bloody Valentine Trapped in the box with Lucifer and Michael Fallen Idols Swap Meat The Devil You Know Sympathy for the Devil Free to Be You and Me 99 Problems I Believe the Children Are Our Future Swan Song Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid The Curious Case of Dean Winchester Two Minutes to Midnight
  7. Sam has always had something else he was interested in besides hunting and family. period. Now that is not saying that is wrong...but it why his giving up feels harsher IMO. On one hand I can totally relate with Sam, sometimes you have to walk away to survive the issues your family brings up. He has always actively pursued his dreams, by going to college and having a relationship with Jessica. Yes, it was cruelly taken away but he did the one thing that Dean couldn't bring himself to do...leave his family. How much different would Sam be if Dean had left say like in Bad Boys. So for me, Sam leaving has been shown as history...Dean's has been shown as giving up the fight to get the family back together again. So I would like Sam to acknowledge to Dean how he can see the importance on not walking away from family. I like when Sam says things like we are still family even when I leave but it changing and growing, that Sam I can support, but the Sam of "Purge"...can we just forget that Sam ever ever happened and maybe this is Carver's attempt to fix that massive fail...I blame the writing more than Sam by the way. Which is why the lie can hurt so much. It's hold on a soul is strong and Dean is attempting to get Sam so rattled that he makes a mistake. Also some emotions are so strong that even if you try to rationalize why it's not the way you should feel or think, if it occurs when you're a child such as four, the power of it just doesn't go away. For me it is most likely a mixture, on one hand Sam gave Dean a purpose for moving forward and the other hand, he just wants his mommy back and the happy moments that helped to make him feel safe. We've already seen that it wasn't always happy at home, but children can focus on the good times and turn the bad times inward that somehow they are to blame. Mom has been put on a pedestal and neither brother has been able to really put the blame on Mary, but I can understand why Dean has a harder time on this than Sam. So this mix bag of issues, can easily become a weapon to hurt Sam, but I also think Sam is smart enough and dealt with enough demons to understand how badly Demon Dean is twisting it to hurt him. The real question is once Dean is normal, how will Sam react? It would be nice if repression and letting go were intentional but with our writers...well it just hasn't been their track record. I really don't want the apology tour, just a quick acknowledgement and then have them both move on. I would even take a bad joke, so we've both done the soulless thing, but Dean I'm proud of us too..
  8. I love Death and I loved that scene, but my love for the rest is not higher than my top three. But it does show how well the writers can write when they really do it right. I just want more scenes like this throughout the series and that is my problem with supernatural, they don't nail it down as often as they just miss the mark. But those wow moments are what keeps me watching, hoping I will find another one soon. I will agree, that every ep left has moments I love...so now I just have to figure out which one is weaker IMO. :) Welcome, amensisterfriend :) The End+ Dark Side of the Moon + Sam, Interrupted -- 45 - Changing Channels 45 - Dark Side of the Moon 45 - The End 32 - Point of No Return 29 - The Song Remains the Same 28 - Hammer of the Gods 22 - Good God, Y'All 19 - The Real Ghostbusters 17 - Sam, Interrupted 17 - Abandon All Hope 09 - My Bloody Valentine Trapped in the box with Lucifer and Michael Fallen Idols Swap Meat The Devil You Know Sympathy for the Devil Free to Be You and Me 99 Problems I Believe the Children Are Our Future Swan Song Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid The Curious Case of Dean Winchester Two Minutes to Midnight
  9. Personally I'm so worn out of Dean worrying about his Brother, Sam. So I hope that Dean for ONCE keeps his story without passing it along to his brother. If not, we need to figure out a way to send Carver a message...but hopefully he has been listening in a good way. Only time will tell. I'm looking forward to next week and I hope it lives up to the hype.
  10. Danny showing so many emotions and the surprise when Chin does come up with the money and you know it's going to hurt him down the line. I did like that Danny warned him and even thought Steve would stop him, but is it really over? It was a nice twist to have the hit-man trying to save lives instead of taking them. Still really liking this season and I hope they can keep it up.
  11. If that is the plan, Carver will need to hide, because I don't think any fan is wishing for that crap, I hope they have a better plan for Cole and right now, I'm not buying he is younger than Dean when he looks the same age. Perhaps a curse on... will fix it if Carver does something this stupid. :) Sam, this is karma biting you in the ass. It's not fun to be on the receiving end but I'll give props to Carver if Dean doesn't ask for forgiveness when he is cured. Funny thing is Sam, the line about Mary...ouch and you know he's thought that one before but it's one to to think the thought and totally another for the thought to be said to you, now isn't it. I just hope they keep it going in the direction where I like both boys...It's been too long. Really been missing this Sam, the one that family does mean something. I hope he sticks around for the entire season. Please Carver, don't let me down...please.
  12. . 44 - Changing Channels 43 - The End 43 - Dark Side of the Moon 31 - Point of No Return 33 - Hammer of the Gods 31 - The Song Remains the Same 26 - Good God, Y'All 19 - The Real Ghostbusters 19 - Sam, Interrupted 19 - Abandon All Hope 15 - My Bloody Valentine Trapped in the box with Lucifer and Michael Fallen Idols Swap Meat The Devil You Know Sympathy for the Devil Free to Be You and Me 99 Problems I Believe the Children Are Our Future Swan Song Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid The Curious Case of Dean Winchester Two Minutes to Midnight oops forgot to put the change on my two up votes. It should be correct now on all shows left.
  13. Didn't vote yesterday but sorry 2 Minutes, not willing to save you and since I need to vote something down...will let someone that loves it give it a sendoff. It has moments but not on my list to save. The End ++ Dark Side of the Moon ++ Two Minutes to Midnight - 43 - Changing Channels 41 - The End 41 - Dark Side of the Moon 33 - Point of No Return 33 - Hammer of the Gods 31 - The Song Remains the Same 25 - Good God, Y'All 19 - The Real Ghostbusters 19 - Sam, Interrupted 19 - Abandon All Hope 15 - My Bloody Valentine Trapped in the box with Lucifer and Michael Fallen Idols Swap Meat The Devil You Know Sympathy for the Devil Free to Be You and Me 99 Problems I Believe the Children Are Our Future Swan Song Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid The Curious Case of Dean Winchester Two Minutes to Midnight
  14. Dean and Crowley had some really nice moments and Dean evil yet still acting like he wants to do some good, otherwise why not just kill the cheating wife. Sam and Dean moments were really chilling... So far I'm really loving this Sam. I see nothing to give him a hard time about other than giving Crowley the blade but I'll let that pass for now since I like Sam again. I almost feel sorry for Crowley when he was looking at the Dean and Crowley pics. Of course I wouldn't mind seeing Sam slicing Crowley, even if he can't kill him right now. I did like Cas standing up to Metatron and Hannah and with the little girl, but other than that, easy to skip on the rest. Not the best ep, but I did enjoy parts more than last week. Jensen is knocking it out of the park, I'm really enjoying his performance.
  15. Vote when you can, and I haven't voted everyday. Hope the family crisis gets better soon. The vote isn't rocket science and doesn't represent everyone, just those willing to cast a ballot. So vote when you can, because you know Dean is counting on ya! :) Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid - Love how Dean just takes charge of getting Bobby's house back in order. Sam asking if he will be okay and Dean not sugar coating it. It is a nice ep with some really strong moments. I'd say going out in the mid range is about right.
  16. It's a little early to talk about the new ep, but I really liked Crowley's last line in the promo. Poor Crowley, you knew it was going to happen, he just needs, wants a friend and well Dean was more than he could control...oopsy. So the question remains when Dean gets free, does he do by accident or is it a plan that Sam has to fix his brother. I'm also wondering if it leads into the fans ep which is a strange way to somewhat cure Dean.... Now the shoe is on the other foot, and Sam isn't liking what he sees but I like what I'm seeing in Sam so far. What monster was Dean hunting that he let Cole live even though he has seen Dean or is Dean not aware that he's been seen.
  17. Dark Side of the Moon ++ Changing Channels ++ Two Minutes to Midnight -- 41 - The End 41 - Dark Side of the Moon 41- Changing Channels 31 - The Song Remains the Same 31 - Hammer of the Gods 29 - Point of No Return 25 - Good God, Y'All 21 - The Real Ghostbusters 19 - Sam, Interrupted 19 - Abandon All Hope 11 - My Bloody Valentine 07 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester 05 - Two Minutes to Midnigh Trapped in the box with Lucifer and Michael Fallen Idols Swap Meat The Devil You Know Sympathy for the Devil Free to Be You and Me 99 Problems I Believe the Children Are Our Future Swan Song Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid
  18. Gabriel and Cas would be interesting because it could cause some interesting conflict which is what this story needs if it is to be compelling. My problem is that they don't seem to know what they are trying to tell and just when it gets a little interesting they go back to blah blah blah. The conflict is weak and good storytelling needs conflict and a tie end with the winchesters would help. If it showed how it could hurt humans or felt like it meant something I could get interested. But as it is done now, it just doesn't interest me that much. I know a lot liked this ep, but I only liked moments and it is one of the weakest openings compared to season openers. However, I'm hopeful that next week it will get more interesting. I also get that Crowley and Cas are there to give Jensen and Jared a break and that is understandable but I hope they figure out how to tell something new. It seems like their angels version isn't better than "Touch by an Angel" and there is a new direction they could take if they really got clear on what story they were trying to tell. I think some of the jokes are hurting instead of adding to the storyline. So right now, I can agree I'm not really interested in the angel war.
  19. ++The Real Ghostbusters ++ The Song Remains the Same -- Two Minutes to Midnight 41 - The End 39 - Dark Side of the Moon 39 - Changing Channels 31 - The Song Remains the Same 29 - Point of No Return 27- Hammer of the Gods 27 - Good God, Y'All 21 - The Real Ghostbusters 19 - Sam, Interrupted 19 - Abandon All Hope 11 - Two Minutes to Midnight 11 - My Bloody Valentine 07 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester 05 - Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid Trapped in the box with Lucifer and Michael Fallen Idols Swap Meat The Devil You Know Sympathy for the Devil Free to Be You and Me 99 Problems I Believe the Children Are Our Future Swan Song
  20. the first one he wasn't comfortable but the 2nd one I think he knew it better and it really sounds good. I think his buddies have been working on him to sing, because he has several that are singing for a career. Another actor is now writing and singing since his acting jobs seem to be far apart. So this is another direction that Jensen could go if he gets the confidence. Doing the cons where the fans will support you no matter what you do, is a great way to start. I love that he sings to his daughter, I grew up in a singing family and that is one of the cherish memories I will always keep and I love when someone that can sing gets the confidence to do it. To many times we tear people down instead of supporting them on their journey of creative endeavors. The more I learn about Jensen the more I really like him as a person and respect his many talents.
  21. It's the moments like this that keeps me watching the show. I'm afraid Jensen will never get recognized as long as he is on supernatural because it is the equivalent to being on soap opera...and never gets awards due to the misconception that it doesn't require good acting chops. Jensen is an amazing actor and he is only getting better in my opinion. Also when you look at the story's potential in Supernatural, it has such a deep rich history which only helps an actor to get better. I hope once Supernatural ends we get to watch him in something else and that he doesn't go behind the scenes...only time will tell.
  22. ++The Curious Case of Dean Winchester -- Good God, Y'All -- Two Minutes to Midnight 39 - The End 39 - Dark Side of the Moon 39 - Changing Channels 27 - Point of No Return 27 - The Song Remains the Same 27 - Hammer of the Gods 25 - Good God, Y'All 19 - Sam, Interrupted 19 - Abandon All Hope 19 - The Real Ghostbusters 11 - Two Minutes to Midnight 11 - My Bloody Valentine 11 - Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid 11 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester Trapped in the box with Lucifer and Michael Fallen Idols Swap Meat The Devil You Know Sympathy for the Devil Free to Be You and Me 99 Problems I Believe the Children Are Our Future Swan Song
  23. Just wondering if this the ep where see the shot of lonely Jensen at the beginning of the ep, the one that everyone has had fun with creating photos. Not really surprised that the boys are back together, they are never apart long...ever.
  24. They are using the excuse in order to get who these characters are and to add growth to their characters you have to see them react to other characters. Anytime you have a great broromance - slash happens and since they DO want to keep this story family friendly they will not write Destiel so the natural course would be to separate Dean and Cas. I do think if they are smart they will pair Cas and Sam which will add a new twist. Plus they had a weird line last year where Dean said something about Cas being a "weird little man". We can blame the mark on that line, but I think that was an attempt by the writers to put the brakes on Destiel. Just not possible, once fans create something you can't uncreate it. I'm not interested in Destiel but if you read anything across the web, there is a large fan base that is. So the question becomes how can you get away from it, separate the characters and pair them up with someone else. I really wish the writers were better and to some degree it's their own fault for fanning the fire so to speak. JMV But I agree the storyline for Cas isn't interesting and the angel storyline is weak at best. I always thought that Crowley wanted his own knight under his command and has been trying to convert Dean into that role. Hence the speech from last season as he needed a way to convince Dean not to blame him for turning into a demon. Crowley always has a selfish plan and doesn't do anything without an agenda for how it helps him. This most likely was his personality before being a demon and it's just gotten bigger. I think Crowley goofed, he doesn't really get Dean and his betrayal will bite him in the butt. I think the whole point they are trying to show with the angels and rather poorly, is that they couldn't think for themselves so God create man. If he failed with the angels so to speak, what about a human that has zero superpowers but can imagine and create. Then the angels were set up to protect the weak humans because they have zero superpowers but over time that gets boring. Any angel that starts to think for themselves or shows human emotions is considered bad and must be taken care of otherwise they could turn into a Metatron. Hannah always had moments of being too driven by rules so her characterization seems natural but I agree I liked the angels they killed and I would rather they had killed Hannah instead and somehow use her grace to keep Cas going.
  25. I'll leave Swan Song to those that love it. Good God, Y'All -- Two Minutes to Midnight -- My Bloody Valentine -- 39 - The End 39 - Dark Side of the Moon 39 - Changing Channels 29 - Good God, Y'All 29 - Point of No Return 27 - The Song Remains the Same 25 - Hammer of the Gods 19 - The Real Ghostbusters 19 - Sam, Interrupted 19 - Abandon All Hope 17 - Two Minutes to Midnight 17 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester 15 - Two Minutes to Midnight 13 - My Bloody Valentine 13 - Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid Trapped in the box with Lucifer and Michael Fallen Idols Swap Meat The Devil You Know Sympathy for the Devil Free to Be You and Me 99 Problems I Believe the Children Are Our Future Swan Song Although Two Minutes has some great moments, it isn't enough for me to want to save it nor do I put it above the ones I want to save so it is an easy one for me to vote down. I do have some others that I will hit to make it fair as long as my favs are safe. When it gets to my top three....ouch!
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