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Everything posted by 7kstar

  1. ++ Yellow Fever ++ Death Takes a Holiday --It's a Terrible Life 33 - Lazarus Rising 29 - On the Head of a Pin 27 - The Monster at the End of This Book 25 - In the Beginning 21 - Death Takes a Holiday 19 - Yellow Fever 17 - It's a Terrible Life 17 - Are You There, God? It's Me, Dean Winchester 17- Jump the Shark 17 - Wishful Thinking 15 - Lucifer Rising 15 - Monster Movie 09 - When the Levee Breaks 07 - The Rapture Sent to Hell with No Hope of an Angel Rescue Criss Angel Is a Douchebag Family Remains Metamorphosis Sex and Violence I Know What You Did Last Summer Heaven and Hell After School Special It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester
  2. In the clip when he is trying to kill Sam, he has regular eyes until they flash black. Maybe my version is that Demon Dean isn't stupid, if he looks normal and acts a bit normal, the hunters will leave him alone and he can have fun hunting them. Just an idea, and not sure one they will use. But I can see how they can twist this so he looks normal. Plus Soulless Sam looked normal at first too. Of course, I do want them back together enjoying fighting together again...So torn...but I hope the story is satisfying. Jensen did talk about how he had a meeting for the first time, in LA with Carver...so that may be that he influenced a storyline???? At least for now I'm enjoying that I'm looking forward to the beginning of a season. It's been way too long for that.
  3. I'll tell you what I was told from an executive producer on another show and a big network when we made the same complaint. If the numbers of the show is solid and they're not worried about it loosing viewers, they won't promo it and put the money into the shows that they feel need the push or is the show that gets the most viewers. Now do I agree with this? Of course, not. But hopefully they will put something into it soon. Of course, I don't watch anything else on CW, so I wouldn't know if they did anything or not. At least they are planning a special before the season starts which may be in their mind all they have to do. I don't like the new photo but maybe they have just forgotten how to do decent photos? Or they flunked advertizing 101
  4. -- It's a Terrible Life ++ Death Takes a Holiday ++ Yellow Fever 33 - Lazarus Rising 29 - On the Head of a Pin 25 - In the Beginning 21 - The Monster at the End of This Book 19 - Death Takes a Holiday 19 - Yellow Fever 17 - It's a Terrible Life 17 - Are You There, God? It's Me, Dean Winchester 15 - Jump the Shark 15 - Lucifer Rising 15 - Wishful Thinking 15 - Monster Movie 13 - The Rapture 13 - When the Levee Breaks 07 - It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester Sent to Hell with No Hope of an Angel Rescue Criss Angel Is a Douchebag Family Remains Metamorphosis Sex and Violence I Know What You Did Last Summer Heaven and Hell After School Special
  5. I was talking about what was written on the script more than the final product. I lied, and I'm proud of us is much more personal than what was written in the script. Personally I like the change and agree that it makes it stronger and improves on the bond between the brothers.
  6. I can totally see why both actors struggled with the lines and for me the changes improved it by giving such a strong message and at the same time left it open enough for wiggle room for season 10. When I first read the actual script what I saw from Dean's line was for the first time we followed the rules, didn't change it and did what they wanted us to do, and Sam's line but we lost, meaning anyway we did it we couldn't win. I like the line changes and for me I got with Sam's line "I lied," was his acknowledgement that it wasn't as easy as he thought it would be. That he understood why Dean just couldn't let him go. It also shows how deep both Jared and Jensen go into trying to portray their roles. Sadly, I think it also shows why the writers don't get what makes this show a success. I'm not sure they get it, and they just want to write their moment without looking at what it does to the characters in the long run.
  7. --After School Special --IKWYDLS ++On the Head of a Pin 35 - Lazarus Rising 27 - On the Head of a Pin 25 - In the Beginning 19 - The Monster at the End of This Book 19 - It's a Terrible Life 19 - Are You There, God? It's Me, Dean Winchester 17 - Death Takes a Holiday 17 - Yellow Fever 15 - Jump the Shark 15 - Lucifer Rising 15 - Wishful Thinking 15 - Monster Movie 13 - The Rapture 13 - When the Levee Breaks 11 - It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester 01 - After School Special 01 - Heaven and Hell Sent to Hell with No Hope of an Angel Rescue Criss Angel Is a Douchebag Family Remains Metamorphosis Sex and Violence I Know What You Did Last Summer Although there are moments that I like of IKWYDLS, to me both it and Heaven & Hell need to go out close together. But I went after "After School Special", because of the horrible job they did with Dean. Maybe another actor could have helped the script, but the size difference just didn't work and the actor was the same age of Jared when he started and his performance takes me out every time. Yes I do love Collin Ford and I do love Dean in the gym shorts but not enough to save it. I did enjoy the scene where they jump out of the church, unless I'm remembering the wrong ep. So someone that loves the ep more can give it a better send off for it's final resting place.
  8. @dittydotdot, I think we are on the same page. Since Jared can't sing, I don't really want him to sing, much. I wouldn't mind if we got Jensen singing well, but I can't figure out how they could do that unless it was a spell that forced it to happen. But I really expect it will be others singing as they play the parts of Dean and Sam. I just hope the show is as fun as they are telling us it will BE! :)
  9. Thanks for posting the links. It is a good way to get a laugh and I think I can see how guess star actors could find it difficult, sure it is fun but if you're trying to create a strong performance and you don't know your character, you do need a bit of seriousness to jump into it and certain acting styles their goofing around would really be distracting. But I think it would be a double edge sword, on one hand you'd love it, the other hand you'd want to strangle them. Jensen trying to tweet by phone, is so funny. I've never tweeted by phone so I think I can relate. Plus I'm still guilty of reading others more than tweeting. Sometimes I can think of a good reply but most of the time I just read other tweets. So I can get how crazy it seems to Jensen right now, but it will be interesting to see how that changes over the year.
  10. Since Jensen never wants to play himself in the show, I doubt it will be him singing as well as he can. Now an easy way to get Sam and Dean to sing is a spell or it is the actors of the play portraying Dean and Sam singing and not the real Sam and Dean singing. They did say that it will be like French Mistake in that either the fans will love it or hate. I think Jensen is very clear this will either be a hit or a big bomb. But if it bombs their intention was to tell the fans how much they love them. I also don't want the Demon story wrapped up in 4 eps, but it could be much like Soulless Sam, that Dean is working with Sam but he isn't back to himself. This I could see them doing. To some degree I'm not trying to figure this out, because any time I get too excited about a show, it always lets me down, but if I just enjoy the ride I'm much happier. So I'm content to just ride this one out for now. The con video did seem to support the idea that both Jared and Jensen intend to pass Season 10 and get a Season 11 so they can give Welling a hard time in that they beat him in how long their show got to stay on the air. So unless the show nosedives, I expect we will see a season 11.
  11. ++ On the Head of a Pin -- I Know What You Did Last Summer -- After School Special 33 - Lazarus Rising 27 - On the Head of a Pin 25 - In the Beginning 19 - The Monster at the End of This Book 19 - It's a Terrible Life 19 - Are You There, God? It's Me, Dean Winchester 17 - Death Takes a Holiday 17 - Yellow Fever 15 - Jump the Shark 15 - Lucifer Rising 15 - Wishful Thinking 15 - Monster Movie 13 - The Rapture 13 - When the Levee Breaks 13 - It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester 05 - I Know What You Did Last Summer 05 - Sex and Violence 03 - Heaven and Hell 03 - After School Special Sent to Hell with No Hope of an Angel Rescue Criss Angel Is a Douchebag Family Remains Metamorphosis What they did to Dean in After School Special makes me vote this one down. I liked younger Sam but agree they badly casted the younger Dean. If I had one more vote I would try to bring up Heaven and Hell but voted down the other one since they should go out together and it certainly isn't better than Heaven and Hell in my opinion. I do agree that the outcome may not reflect my personal views and I would have to re-watch the season to figure this one out, just don't have time to do that right now.
  12. On the Head of a Pin ++ Metamorphosis -- In the Beginning ++ 29 - Lazarus Rising 25 - On the Head of a Pin 25 - In the Beginning 19 - The Monster at the End of This Book 17 - It's a Terrible Life 17 - Are You There, God? It's Me, Dean Winchester 17 - Death Takes a Holiday 17 - Yellow Fever 15 - Jump the Shark 15 - Lucifer Rising 15 - Wishful Thinking 15 - Monster Movie 13 - The Rapture 13 - When the Levee Breaks 13 - It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester 09 - Sex and Violence 09 - I Know What You Did Last Summer 09 - After School Special 07 - Heaven and Hell 01 - Metamorphosis Sent to Hell with No Hope of an Angel Rescue Criss Angel Is a Douchebag Family Remains
  13. This is where I blame the writing. And I'll keep with if you have no intention of dealing with it, Don't DO it! I think if the fun episode had happened a little later I would have been all ready for it, but you have to remember I'M not a horror fan to begin with. And if Jensen wasn't in the show, I doubt I would be watching. I do think Head on a Pin was one of Jensen's strong ep's but where I get that from is the end scene with Cas and when he is trying to refuse to return to torturing. I would have to rewatch to see if there is something else that really sticks out as not so good. So for those that hate Jensen's acting in this one, that's your opinion and I'm not going to stomp on it, as I know there are times we disagree about Jared's and to be honest that is the power of acting. One person will get hit because of life issues and another will miss it because they don't relate to it. I have the interesting part of being the oldest daughter but also a middle child. I helped raised my little brother and sister. I also was under the shadow of the super smart brother and I just didn't measure up. I now know that I'm very creative so my smarts just isn't logic smarts. I also know that I'm the kind of director that sees how difficult a scene is and I respect an actor when they nail a scene, even if part of the ep doesn't work. So sometimes I start watching as a director or actor and it will pull up a performance because I know how difficult it is to deliver those scenes well. Also remember I didn't start watching live until season 4. I remember reading about some things and going WTF? But I also enjoy the heck out of yellow fever and even more after seeing some of the behind the scenes even though I don't like the ending and there are some really bad lines. But I will throw those out and only focus on what I like. I really blame the writing for the mess of Season 4. It has one of the best beginnings in my opinion and then it slips. It's such a roller-coaster ride. To tug at peoples heart strings for no reason is just bad form. So in some ways I think several of us are saying some of the same things but maybe not exactly the same way. But I would never feel that you have to agree with me or only like what I like, because that would make such a boring place. I don't know if I stated it well but hopefully it comes across without being too upsetting. :)
  14. On the Head of a Pin had so many interesting questions and dynamics for both Sam and Dean. But instead of dealing with the fallout and the emotional breakdowns for all characters, they jump to "It's a terrible Life" and to be honest is why I hate that ep. If you're going to break a character, then DEAL WITH IT!!!! Otherwise don't bother. Had they dealt with it in a clever way, okay I know that's impossible for them. But if they had, I think Sam would have looked better and we might have been where the writers wanted us to be. Instead they skip it like never mind It's not a biggie and loose the opportunity. So for me I went from liking parts of season 4 to wishing they would just get it over already so they could repair the damage in season 5 and get the brothers back together hunting again. It almost felt like any enjoyable eps after Head of a Pin, was an accident. Part of me is excited about this season 10 but the other half is scared to death that I will go back into just kill the show. If they deal with the moments that should have been dealt with and it adds growth to both brothers and creates a show that people are excited to see, I can forgive them some of their worst choices. But I really really hope it doesn't suck. I want to get back to cheering for the boys.
  15. -- It's a Terrible Life ++ On the Head of a Pin ++ In the Beginning 27 - Lazarus Rising 25 - On the Head of a Pin 23 - In the Beginning 19 - The Monster at the End of This Book 17 - It's a Terrible Life 17 - Are You There, God? It's Me, Dean Winchester 17 - Death Takes a Holiday 17 - Yellow Fever 15 - Jump the Shark 15 - Lucifer Rising 15 - Wishful Thinking 15 - Monster Movie 13 - The Rapture 13 - When the Levee Breaks 13 - It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester 11 - Sex and Violence 11 - Heaven and Hell 09 - I Know What You Did Last Summer 09 - After School Special 07 - Metamorphosis Sent to Hell with No Hope of an Angel Rescue Criss Angel Is a Douchebag Family Remains
  16. I liked it the first time I watched it, but I haven't re-watched it. I love the outtake on this one. I won't say I loved it though. On re-watch I might feel differently but I don't own season 8 but I might buy this one on itunes. I do love the ending with Dean and Sam and I like Dean with Charlie. I think I had a problem with part of it being slow pace so it was a mix bag. Usually it is the rewatch that I look at it with the director's eye. The first time I try to play audience. But I have watched some shows that were for kids and enjoyed them, but usually it is because some actor catches my eye. I just thought that Dean and Sam were thinking they were taking this stuff way to seriously especially since they didn't know what was really out there. I also remember Dean being torn, wanting to join in but also feeling to be cool he has to not do it. His last talk with Sam, saying I get it, we don't have to join in and let's go. Then Sam turns it around saying I think it would do both of us a world of good and I love Dean's expression. First just plain excitement to okay sure I can do this, and acting as if it is still beneath him. I don't think they were really making fun of them but trying to show a bit of both sides. It's certainly not the worst ep and for once I think it makes Sam look good at the end. At least it's the Sam I like even though he doesn't seem to stay around for long.
  17. I agree it isn't the worst and It's always interesting to see which one goes first because sometimes it is one that I would have put in the middle, the ep with Sara in season 1 comes to mind. Family Remains would have been my first pick. But we did get to see Dean almost hung in Criss Angel. My problem with this season, I haven't rewatched so I'm just going by the ones I remember and there isn't that many of them. I'm sure there are favorite bits in every one, because I remember thinking that during the live watch but I also got frustrated with lets destroy the brother's relationship pretty fast. I wish they had kept the mystery of who was after Dean, a bit longer.
  18. -- Family Remains ++ Death Takes a Holiday ++ In the Beginning 25- On the Head of a Pin 25 - Lazarus Rising 21 - In the Beginning 19 - The Monster at the End of This Book 19 - It's a Terrible Life 17 - Are You There, God? It's Me, Dean Winchester 17 - Death Takes a Holiday 15 - Heaven and Hell 15 - Jump the Shark 15 - The Rapture 15 - When the Levee Breaks 15 - Lucifer Rising 15 - Wishful Thinking 15 - Yellow Fever 13 - Monster Movie 13- Sex and Violence 13 - It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester 13 - Metamorphosis 11- I Know What You Did Last Summer 11 - After School Special 01 - Family Remains Sent to Hell with No Hope of an Angel Rescue Criss Angel Is a Douchebag
  19. ++ Yellow Fever ++ In the Beginning -- Family Remains 25- On the Head of a Pin 25 - Lazarus Rising 19 - The Monster at the End of This Book 19 - It's a Terrible Life 19 - In the Beginning 15 - Heaven and Hell 15 - Death Takes a Holiday 15 - Jump the Shark 15 - The Rapture 15 - When the Levee Breaks 15 - Lucifer Rising 15 - Are You There, God? It's Me, Dean Winchester 15 - Yellow Fever 13 - After School Special 13 - Monster Movie 13- Sex and Violence 13 - It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester 13 - Wishful Thinking 13 - Metamorphosis 11- I Know What You Did Last Summer 05 - Family Remains 03 - Criss Angel Is a Douchebag
  20. It depends on a lot of factors, but yes some shows will do it especially if it will mean that the actor will want to resign their contract. I know of a show that they wrote the character out and replaced him for half the season so he could act on 24. He asked and they agreed even though they could have said no. However he wasn't a lead but he was considered a strong supporting actor and it did change the dynamics of the show a bit and some fans were very upset. Worse, one of the actresses got pregnant and she had to be written out but it became a running joke of how will they hide the bump this time. She came back for one more year before she decided to leave for good. The show continued without her, but it is harder for Supernatural to do because Jensen and Jared have such large parts so they can only write them out an ep or do a light ep for them, so it would be difficult and at this time neither want to spend that much time away from family.
  21. I just saw the worst ALS Challenge ever...the actor I won't name was sleepy and having trouble with his thoughts and well my respect for him is gone. If he was trying to be funny it was awful and worst an insult to the cause. He should have just donated the money and done nothing. At least everyone I've seen from the show has been really funny, interesting or at least just wanting to support it. I'm still waiting on Jensen. There is hope right? It's funny how a little tidbit can make your night better. :) I never thought Jensen would join twitter but he promised he would let you know if he ever did. Oh and now Jensen is following Jim, so that report is now false. Unfortunately Jensen is no longer on top as world or US trends. But that may change...who knows. Thanks @Dittydotdot for providing the link to Jim's.
  22. I haven't been on twitter in a very very long time so for Jensen I went back in and started following him. His count is now 256k. I was already following Jim Beaver and he also took the Ice Bucket challenge and challenged Erick Krikpe and some others. It's personal for him since he lost a good friend last year. But is vid is a riot. You should watch. I don't know how to link it but it shows up as a youtube vid but if you follow him you can find it easily. I wonder if he will give Jensen a hard time for not following him. lol.
  23. ++ On the Head of a Pin ++ Lazarus Rising -- Family Remains 23 - On the Head of a Pin 23 - Lazarus Rising 21 - The Monster at the End of This Book 17 - It's a Terrible Life 17 - In the Beginning 15 - Are You There, God? It's Me, Dean Winchester 15 - Monster Movie 15 - Yellow Fever 15 - I Know What You Did Last Summer 15 - Heaven and Hell 15 - After School Special 15 - Death Takes a Holiday 15 - Jump the Shark 15 - The Rapture 15 - When the Levee Breaks 15 - Lucifer Rising 13 - It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester 13 - Metamorphosis 11 - Sex and Violence 09 - Family Remains 05 - Criss Angel Is a Douchebag
  24. Well I didn't hold to my time since it was a new season we where voting on. If I did something wrong. OOPS!
  25. What I remember is vague. I do know that he was light in many eps of early season 4 and was finishing up a movie that he started on break and vacationing as well while Jensen had a really heavy load. Jensen has talked about it in cons giving Jared a hard time, but never as if he really was upset about it. As far as them doing it right now, I doubt either would due to wanting to spend time with family. As far as I know neither is really looking for gigs right now due to the time needed to do supernatural. My thought was more along the lines if they wanted to let them do it, they could but they would have to be able to schedule it so it didn't harm Supernatural story lines. Which is why Jensen hasn't been able to do any major movies. A TV movie might work. That's a big if too. :)
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