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Everything posted by 7kstar

  1. Found some pics but not sure which ep they really belong with. So Holy Terror
  2. From other shows talking to showrunners, they work on the script 8 days and then shoot eight days. Also Jared and Misha have commented that they would have played the scenes differently if they knew what was going to happen, so they may get a few shows at the beginning but then as the season goes on, it is most likely only one or two eps ahead. Jensen is very protective of Dean and will always play the moments from I'm the older brother I love you, when he is human. The last interview reading between the lines as a director and actress...sounds like he doesn't believe that Dean has crossed the lines to the point he can't be redeemed. But he might be upset that Sam didn't keep to I wouldn't do it Dean I would let you die. So it sounds like a reversal of Season 9 with Sam being in the hot seat. This would be in line with them keeping score so to speak. I WILL be upset if they make Sam the villain in all of this. But Jensen did state that he didn't think that the line "I'm Proud of US" would be no longer valid. It just sounds like they are playing with Season 3 & 4 and NO, I don't think this was planned from season 3, I think this was Carver's Plan from when he took over. Okay the rumor - Read at your own Risk - Do not have any sharp objects in your hands and wait to drink until after your fit is over. NO killing allowed, I'm just the innocent bystander that read the rumor ONCE. it was for an ep and it sounded really interesting and then suddenly the description changed and what was shown was nothing like the rumor. But Dean is someone that keeps secrets and he does have some addiction like issues, such as drinking heavily. He was to keep the secret from Sam and Crowley. Dean discovers a way to get information from a Demon, and no it didn't involve any blood but more like a way to look through a Demon's eyes and gain all the knowledge he has. Dean got addicted to this and continued to do this behind Sam and Crowley's back. So a level of season 4 but yet it was knowledge he was after. I don't know if that is clear but it sounded interesting to me but like I said, they didn't do it. Now will it show up this season...NO Clue. Not throwing anything at me please, pretty please!
  3. Told you I wasn't taking it out. In My Time of Dying -- What Is and What Should Never Be 23 - In My Time of Dying 03 - What Is and What Should Never Be Moved on: Roadkill No Exit Heart Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things Croatoan Everybody Loves a Clown Playthings Simon Said Hunted Houses of the Holy Bloodlust All Hell Breaks Loose Pt 1 The Usual Suspects All Hell Breaks Loose Pt 2 Folsom Prison Blues Born Under a Bad Sign Crossroad Blues Tall Tales Nightshifter Hollywood Babylon
  4. To what season are you referring here, 7kstar? @catrox14 - I'm referring to season 9. The rumor which DIDN'T happen was that Dean would be much darker and he would deal with an addiction which involved Demons. I don't know whether giving the rumor will add more to the fire or not. They may make it part of this season but the ep had a very different description and suddenly it changed. What aired wasn't the description of what was suppose to air. I don't remember the name... but it was season 9. I can tell it but don't throw things at me if you hate it even more. It could be an idea that was never valid and has since been tossed down the drain. Jensen always acts like he finds out just a bit before we do, but I'm not sure how much of that is really true. He requested time off when he read a script I believe. he had some days off as he was being drained by the negative emotions which I can totally relate. I've played some dark characters and it does drain your energy so I greatly respect his boundaries and that he set them. Season 8 isn't my favorite but this show has always had many missed opportunities and I can't say that one showrunner is the worst of them all. I will say it is making the last few days interesting to read different points of views. It's certainly more fun to have something to read and react to but MY expectations are low so I can't be that disappointed. But I can support the excitement they have in creating this season. I don't always agree with Jared's point of view as I don't think he did as great of a job as he likes to think he did, but he really has improved over the years too.
  5. I agree with you 100%. I love them both and well I doubt I will have to worry about it because many have been voting WIAWSNB down. To me they are pretty equal but I doubt it will make it to my time to vote. But I won't be the one to vote it off...I Refuse to believe they aren't equal and my love for both of them will continue even if it makes it an unpopular opinion. At least I know there are some that agree with me. LOL>
  6. Nothing wrong with being disappointed and wanting something stronger. I really think you have hit the nail on the head, the flashbacks for the love story just doesn't work well. Now the flashbacks for Dean and Benny's story did. Everything I've read is that Sam will be actively looking and what I wonder if we won't see the things he is willing to do for family. Dean tells Sam in Season 1, the things I'm willing to do for you or Dad scares me. The Sam we saw in Mystery Spot was dark and scarey. Carver wrote that story and I think he's had an end in mind all along. It doesn't feel so much like oops that didn't work, get rid of the storyline. In fact I think they planned to take Dean darker when Jensen asked for some time off because it was being too much. The did rewrite on story and it didn't have the impact that the rumors had for Dean. Sometimes I wonder how much us watching this live is the problem when I watched to catch up, I just didn't feel some of the stuff that some fans were complaining about. Carver does seem to stay his course regardless of fan complaints, so that tells me he has a something in mind that he thinks will fix this issue. I do wish they hadn't done flashbacks for this season because I think the impact might be more interesting if they didn't use it and now it's becoming old. During it for three seasons in a row is a drag, so I can share your complaint on that issue.
  7. Nothing wrong about voicing your opinion and in fact I think this is exactly what Carver is trying to do. If everyone is talking about it with great passion it is a win win for him and I think he is really trying to create that passion. I also think he has acknowledged that fans hated Sam not looking for Dean but his reasons will most likely show up this season. I also agree that the creative process shouldn't cave to the fans or it becomes a tug of war and creates a show that the actors and writers no longer love which totally shows up on camera. So I'm glad they are excited and hope that this time Sam does get a good storyline. Watching Season 3 makes me wonder how much of this is really coming from watching the earlier eps and asking the question What if? It is so vastly interesting how different our views are and yet where we find middle ground. But I believe 100% that Carver is just as passionate about this show as Kripke was about some of his ideas that not all the fans loved. Season 5 gets such mixed reviews with half saying the greatest season ever and the other half saying totally worse ending. Certainly I support you in voicing your views because how else can I see more or learn more without seeing what others see? And to be honest I have too much real life drama going on, to get worked up over Supernatural right now. For me it works sooooo much better when I don't have any expectations and just watch. The more I really want something the more I get really really disappointed. So I'm in the middle. I expect half I'll like and half I won't. And I like both Dean and Sam. I even like Cass and Crowley. I just happen to lean as a Dean girl more than Sam but then again I relate to the burden Dean had growing up. I wasn't the baby in the family and I did help raised my little brother and sister. But I also went against my parents wishes so I can relate to Sam on that extent. I think that is why Supernatural has one of the highest numbers of fanfiction out there, so many fans have so much passion that they turn to writing to fix the errors of TPTB ways. Not trying to start a fight or to put down anyone's views, really. :) I just won't panic over the wording especially when I believe there is so much interpretation to the spoilers. I do look forward to comic con because it always leaks out some really interesting tidbits.
  8. WOW! Just reading some of the comments. First off J Carver doesn't hate the characters or the show. If he destroys this show, he hurts his career and anyone who wants to do this as a profession knows that. All I've read has me going wait and see not freak out. Everyone has admitted that Season 7 was NOT a good Season and @AwesomO4000 I'm talking about the big bad more than anything else. I respect how much you liked the season. Jensen is very protective of Dean and I do believe if he had a major problem with the storyline, he would be calling and asking for a meeting. Neither actor is signed on after this year, so they have to like the direction. Plus in one of the interviews, Jensen said to set up for his directing ep, he went back and watched all the high points of the seasons to prepare him for this event. Now Carver did write Sam as very dark in Season 3 and it struck me when I was watching Mystery Spot with this season 9 in mind. Bobby had a major concern at where Sam's mind was at. He didn't hesitate to kill and was very driven and wiping out monsters left and right. This could be something that Carver will expand. Although he did GOOF with Sam in season 8 to not look for Dean, I think this was deliberate to show a difference for this season. Carver keeps more secrets than some of the other show runners and I think deliberately stirs up the pot. Jared and Jensen have both stated in order to really see who Cas and Crowley are you have to see them not together with the Winchesters. I also take some of what Carver is saying about Dean as something very simple. We all have a dark and light side or good and evil. Dean normally keeps his evil under control but now it is as if his good his missing. It reminds me of an Old Star Trek when Kirk is split in two and one being all good and the other being all bad and the good Kirk discovered he couldn't survive without the bad side. When he was changed back into his normal self, he had to deal with the emotions that he had locked down. He also had to respect the bad side as something good and not hate himself for it. So what if Carver is really exploring Dean's dark side. The real dark side that took pleasure in torture and killing. What if it opens up new things for both Sam and Dean. Carver has united Dean and Sam twice. The ending in season 8, Shows how much Dean loves Sam and Sam lets Dean know how much he loves his brother. Dean's never really been the brother in danger and Sam ignored the signs. Dean owns his choices too. He took the mark knowing it had a burden, a cost but he didn't care. Too me it's almost as if Carver is going back to the end of Season 3 and yet Sam isn't as innocent as he was then. Even though EVERY ShowRunner had done things I don't like, Carver did give us Benny and some moments that were really well done. Do I expect there will be some angst, YES. When has there not been. Did I like how dark they made John over the years, NO! I also know that the most boring scene in the world is people being totally happy. Now can they use a nice blend, sure. But I do respect the creative process and Carver did do one thing I never thought he could. He made me re-interested in the show. A show I really thought I was ready to give up. So I will remain hopeful that Sam gets a redeeming arch and that Dean learns to respect himself a bit more. I still remain hopeful that somehow the boys will unite and move the conflict to fighting the good fight together. That could never happen as long as Sam longed for a normal life. I think this is what Carver was after in season 8, to make it clear to Sam that normal apple pie life just isn't in the cards for him. And he is the one that is always hopeful that something good can come from all the bad stuff. When Dean only saw being a grunt and dying, Sam saw a light and something more. It's time both brothers see that for themselves. How that will look I don't know. Also I'm NOT bashing what any of you are feeling, I'm just saying wait a bit before you think it is all going down the drain. Some of your worst fears might happen, but some may not. That has been this series since day one. This show will never please all the fans, but if it can do a good enough job that I enjoy the ride then I'll continue. I think Carver is trying to set up a LOT of HYPE, so that the fans are buzzing and that will make people tune in. That's his Job, because if the fans don't watch, all of them, the crew, the actors and the writers are out of JOBS and in this business that isn't a good thing. I know a set of writers that created a strong show still haven't gotten back in production since their show went off the air. Some fans were happy but many weren't. This is a business and it must produce enough income to keep going. Carver is going to do his best to keep it going.
  9. @DittyDotDot - Just to be clear I'm talking about a generality, not you. There are certainly many Jo/Dean fans as there are plenty of fanfiction for it. I didn't get involved until Season 4 and I guess I just didn't see some stuff that those that watched it live did. I do agree that Kripke didn't always know how to introduce some characters but some it really works better after watching it with the entire ep in mind. This one will never be my fan favorite but I certainly see several things to like.
  10. In My Time of Dying -- WIaWSNB + 28 - In My Time of Dying 08 -What Is and What Should Never Be Moved on: Roadkill No Exit Heart Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things Croatoan Everybody Loves a Clown Playthings Simon Said Hunted Houses of the Holy Bloodlust All Hell Breaks Loose Pt 1 The Usual Suspects All Hell Breaks Loose Pt 2 Folsom Prison Blues Born Under a Bad Sign Crossroad Blues Tall Tales Nightshifter Hollywood Babylon
  11. I've never understood this fandom dislike for certain characters, especially the female. I've always liked Jo, but never saw that she would be a good love interest for Dean at least not in the earlier seasons. She was too much too innocent and this ep brings out the protective streak in Dean. She works in this ep really well. There are moments that really shine as others have stated. I liked that Dean forces her to get back in the game by being bait. I don't see it as being mean but more like understanding that if she didn't address the fear right then it would cripple her. I get this from this life experience. I now have a fear of heights I can't over come. I fell and hurt myself but didn't get back on ladders until much later. Then I discovered how scared I had come even to the point of not being able to move. I had a snow skiing accident and fell, yes I know that makes me sound really clumsy but I did get up and ski again and the fear was manageable. Both are the short versions of the stories. So I know from personal experience that being pushed to do something you don't want to do is actually kinder than waiting. So I think it works. There are some parts I wish they had taken a better route, like trying to destroy John seems like a real waste. What I never could really get is they made John to be heroic only to destroy it at every single turn. Yes he wasn't a role model for a dad, but they could have left him more complex and made him a much more interesting person. I guess this is how I view him. If he really was only awful, I really really doubt that Dean would have worshiped him so much.
  12. Hollywood Babylon - how I miss Dean's love of life and food. Dean showing he's good at being in charge of more than Hunts. Also for me the top two are tied so it makes it easy to vote. -- In My Time of Dying + What Is and What Should Never Be 29 - In My Time of Dying 15 - What Is and What Should Never Be Moved on: Roadkill No Exit Heart Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things Croatoan Everybody Loves a Clown Playthings Simon Said Hunted Houses of the Holy Bloodlust All Hell Breaks Loose Pt 1 The Usual Suspects All Hell Breaks Loose Pt 2 Folsom Prison Blues Born Under a Bad Sign Crossroad Blues Tall Tales Nightshifter Hollywood Babylon
  13. One thing I admire about Jensen is his attention to details and the ability to listen to suggestions. He's open and understands the creative process whether he learned this at school or not. I know I learned a lot about acting, directing differences between film and stage, but found that my students have taught me more as I tried to figure out the process that would work for them to improve their own performances and no one student is the same. I also allow my students to give me ideas and find that we create so much more. But then I have the benefit of more time for a production even though I'm fighting they don't know that much and are kids. Both Jensen and a director he has stated he has admired both got their start in directing in a similar pathways. Robert Duncan McNeill and both have learned from listening. I think it's this ability to listen and feel that this is new and interesting direction that will provide some very interesting choices for Demon Dean. Right now I'm looking forward to the season and I wonder what kind of trouble Dean has gotten himself into. I wish we had a bit more to go on, as it is hard to speculate with the variables being so open. This also makes me hopeful that some breath of fresh air will be thrown into the mix and the rinse and repeat will not be so strong this season.
  14. Edlund's a hit and miss for me. Some of his earlier ones I really liked, and I've liked Robbie's so nothing will make all the fans happy. I think it depends on how they do this, but then again I'm not a horror fan and what some say is bad writing isn't so much as they are unhappy with the story being told. Yes there is bad fanfiction out there, but there is also some that is really interesting and some just write a form that their fans like. I think the problem with the Meta, is they no longer try NOT to break the fourth wall. Sometimes it is too much inside jokes and they should pull back a bit. Writing the characters out of character isn't really the problem, it's not hitting the mark on why they are out of character. All of us do things that are a bit out of character at times, but the reason has to be strong enough for us to buy that. That sometimes is the weakness for me.
  15. I don't know, some of his has been done pretty well, I liked First Born so I'll wait to see what they do. I think the thing I like about the actors is that they seem really excited about the season and their characters and that is a good sign. Although there are always parts I don't like there are parts I do. If creating shows were so easy to do right, everyone would be doing it. It's easy to nitpick but I don't think Robbie is terrible writer for the show. I like musicals but you have to accept that musicals are an art form and expressed through singing and movement. Now they could poke fun of it and create something funny. I have seen some that were good but those that hate musicals very seldom like musicals. If they used a curse or something that made the characters have to sing and dance it could be a hoot. Now what they will come up with I don't know. But it could be funny if the cast was cursed to perform a Disney like musical and afterwards , after they were cured they could deny that they even did it. But then again I'm twisted that way. :) Not sure that anyone would like what I like, but did I stress I like Musicals to begin with?
  16. -- In My Time of Dying + What Is and What Should Never Be + Hollywood Babylon 29 - In My Time of Dying 21 - What Is and What Should Never Be 02 - Hollywood Babylon Moved on: Roadkill No Exit Heart Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things Croatoan Everybody Loves a Clown Playthings Simon Said Hunted Houses of the Holy Bloodlust All Hell Breaks Loose Pt 1 The Usual Suspects All Hell Breaks Loose Pt 2 Folsom Prison Blues Born Under a Bad Sign Crossroad Blues Tall Tales Nightshifter I rewatched HB last night, it is such a fun ep. But mostly I love Dean's beginning to think that being a PA sucks to finding out he is really good at it. It's like for one ep he's a little boy in heaven. Plus I like the story of them making fun of hunters killing ghost with salt and the girl having trouble screaming. How many girls have to scream in a stupid horror flick. My top two are not separated by much. It depends on my mood, so I guess I will be in the minority here. But at least my top two are there. I can't save HB, but at least it lived for a bit longer.
  17. I agree there is a lot to enjoy. I love the music montage at the end, Ronald finding out he isn't crazy at least he did figure out something bad was happening. Poor Dean's dilemma when Ronald is killed, he can't let the people go and now they have the FBI breathing down their necks. It certainly is one of my top 5 or 6. Sorry just not my top 3. But there is a lot I enjoy.
  18. It will be interesting to see what they do with the musical-ish ep. I think this spoiler adds a little more details but it is still pretty vague. I know Psych did a musical ep, but it will be interesting to see what they do. It would be fun if something supernatural was making Dean able to sing on key for a few songs only to have it end and him singing totally off-pitch once again. That's something I would like to see, not sure that I would see it. http://www.hypable.com/2014/07/18/supernatural-tca-spoilers-200th-episode-musical/ I like Dean's hair on top to either be a little shorter or spiker if the sides are so short, but that's just me. Jared is looking pretty thin, I think he could use a little more meat on his bones, it makes his face a little out of portion, but I guess that's just me. I do like his hair length but Jensen has always been the better looking one for me. Although Jared did look mighty pretty in season 3. I know bad to be so shallow. Of course neither guy has something to worry about in the looks department.
  19. Well one point that has been shown forever, is Dean not on your side is a death sentence. Crowley was making sure that Dean would save him against another demon so maybe he thinks Dean will be easier to lead with the mark and now being a Demon. But he isn't stupid and knows he needs friendly Dean vs something else. I doubt Crowley wants Lucifer out of the cage because that would definitely put a large dent in his plans. Now that Crowley has had the taste of being top dog, I doubt he would do anything to end that. Also anyone that harms Moose would have a mark on his back. Crowley wouldn't want Dean to have a definite reason to kill him. Making them drinking buddies is his best option for trying to control a loose cannon.
  20. Sniff Hollywood I doubt I can save ya and it looks like a bitter battle for the top two. Several gave Tall Tales a good send off and how I love the trickster but it wasn't my favorite ep of his. The cool music ending for Nightshifter and poor Dean trying to savage the mistakes poor Ronnie made when he got killed but at least he died knowing he wasn't totally crazy. I haven't made my mind up on the top two since I love them both! -- In My Time of Dying + What Is and What Should Never Be + Hollywood Babylon 33 - In My Time of Dying 31 - What Is and What Should Never Be 05 - Hollywood Babylon Moved on: Roadkill No Exit Heart Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things Croatoan Everybody Loves a Clown Playthings Simon Said Hunted Houses of the Holy Bloodlust All Hell Breaks Loose Pt 1 The Usual Suspects All Hell Breaks Loose Pt 2 Folsom Prison Blues Born Under a Bad Sign Crossroad Blues Tall Tales Nightshifter
  21. I always wondered where that shot came from and today when I rewatched I was like ooh, that's where it comes from. It is a great shot. Dean does go through so many emotions in this ep and you can almost getting whiplash also Dean as a killer seems to get started in this ep, I should say enjoying killing. It is almost funny with Dean telling Sam hit me, you get a free pass and Sam turning him down. It is almost comical and yet really sad at the same time. I did enjoy the fun opening of this ep. Dean loving Baby is something special.
  22. Well Changing Channels is the first thought that comes to mind. So will season 10 open with a sitcom? We could have the trickster being the game host. Not a spoiler because I'm making it all up based on the photo! Watch someone spread it as if it is true. Of course the last joke would be on us if they did go with something this obvious! :)
  23. I expect some comedy and drama with Crowley and Dean. Crowley thinking that he has control over Dean only to find out that Dean is doing his own thing. Looking at Season 2, They kept pushing Dean is good at killing. Carver's ep in season 3 really pushed the notion that Sam needed to let Dean go to get out of the cycle of being used by the bad guys. Carver has been more tight lipped than Kripke ever was. In fact most of his comments seem to be purposely misleading. So no I'm not getting upset. I've held out this long and there were some good eps last season, so there will be a few this next season. Some we will snarl and cringe but I'm expecting Jensen to knock it out of the park whatever material they give him. So for now I'll be a bit excited. I find if I'm too excited I get really really disappointed but if I'm hopeful without too much expectations I enjoy the season a lot more. I really doubt they will have Dean and Sam away from each other for the entire first half because they have NEVER been willing to do that. I also hope it will lead to rebuilding of the brothers...HOW I don't have a clue!
  24. Crossroads Blues, how much I love ' Dean almost making a deal to bring Dad back' Then how Dean refuses to answer Sam. Sam getting concerned when he finally realizes that Dean almost caved when Dean won't answer the question and insteads turns his head and turns up the music. Sam you should have really given him a what for, for even considering making a deal. Not ready to take out Tall Tales, I know call me whimp I don't care. Sorry Nightshifter but something has to go down. Who made the stupid rules you have to vote one down???? -- Nightshifter + Hollywood Babylon + What Is and What Should Never Be 37 - What Is and What Should Never Be 36 - In My Time of Dying 09 - Hollywood Babylon 03 - Nightshifter 02 - Tall Tales Moved on: Roadkill No Exit Heart Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things Croatoan Everybody Loves a Clown Playthings Simon Said Hunted Houses of the Holy Bloodlust All Hell Breaks Loose Pt 1 The Usual Suspects All Hell Breaks Loose Pt 2 Folsom Prison Blues Born Under a Bad Sign Crossroad Blues
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