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Everything posted by 7kstar

  1. I guess it must be unpopular to dislike Season 7. I almost stopped watching, really. So I don't see much to like in this Season and nothing, absolutely nothing they have done has redeemed Sam in my eyes. I guess if you buy the I'm so sorry but I never did and the stupid stuff they did with Amy. I don't even know if I like one ep out of this season that's how bad my dislike is. I know I'm alone in this opinion so I won't weigh in the discussions about how great season 7 is. Maybe because Sam is too close to someone I know in real life that is always saying I'm sorry, but never means it and goes back to doing the rotten stuff as usual. For me this is why Carver broke up Sam and Dean again, because he was aware of how many were saying some pretty bad stuff about Sam. It is just my view but it was Carver that pulled me back into watching live. Though to be fair it was season 9. I still haven't watched a lot of season 8. I did like Benny but after they killed off Benny 8 went down the drain, again. I hope that Carver will redeem Sam in season 10 and stop with I'm so mad at Dean bit. The brothers fighting is too worn out to ever be enjoyable to watch again. I know that one view isn't unpopular. So I guess if you only watch half a season you can love Supernatural? Sorry, my warped sense of humor is showing up again. :)
  2. I don't think it would even enter their minds. The mind wipe and Sam never bring up Lisa again was directed to us the audience through Sam. I never hated Lisa and Ben so I wouldn't mind them coming back but I know that too many fans have the opposite reaction. I think Sam is the likely candidate but am willing to wait to see what they really do. It might be a way to actually repair some of the damage that they did to Sam over the years if. I do say if. If he helps Dean by telling him he understands the torment and that Dean doesn't have to deal with it alone. I've been there and let me help you charter these muddy waters without giving into guilt. But I really doubt they will do that, since they keep damaging Sam's character.
  3. I found a season 4 promo shot that totally matches Dean. So I think they may all be season 4. But Dean doesn't have long hair often. So my guess it is Season 4 Dean and Sam and Misha could be after they didn't kill him off so soon. Just a guess.
  4. Dean not getting that much time with Mary isn't my major complaint. 1. both brothers were in danger, now and needed help. 2. Mary chose to save both sons and say the one regret she had on her mind when she died. All of this wouldn't have been such a problem, if the writing for Dean had been done better. Showing him getting some support as he dealt with the most traumatic situation in his life. If Missouri had shown Dean just a little compassion it wouldn't feel as if he was left drowning on his own, especially since he couldn't confide in Sam as he needed to keep the tough act in order to just do the job. I wish they had used John more and had even shown Missouri trying to keep Dean from figuring out her being mean was to mislead him so he wouldn't catch on that his Dad was there, watching in the background. My biggest upset, is they ignored the conflict with Dean and barely touched it. Sam wouldn't need the same support as he didn't know her. I guess I use my life comparison, I never met my grandfather, he died before I was born. I know it is sad, I know its hard for my Dad but it just isn't that sad for me. Now Sam wishing he had a mother memory, wanting to know what that would feel like as a child, that is his conflict. This easily could have been a two parter but I'm well aware that the writers thought people only cared about the monster of the week and so many writers, frankly are week in strong characterization or realize how important it is. So I have to fill in the gaps this ep isn't the worst and has some really strong moments that I do cut it a lot of slack. I think it goes back to trying to cram too much material in a ep and in this case it weakens it. I don't know if they couldn't get JDM and so had to go with what little time they could get him, but him not contacting his sons is a major goof IMO.
  5. ++ Nightshifter ++ Hollywood Babylon -- Houses of the Holy 49 - In My Time of Dying 49 - What Is and What Should Never Be 47 - Tall Tales 47 - Born Under a Bad Sign 43 - Hollywood Babylon 33 - Crossroad Blues 31 - Nightshifter 27 - All Hell Breaks Loose Pt 2 23 - Folsom Prison Blues 21 - The Usual Suspects 13 - Houses of the Holy 09 - All Hell Breaks Loose Pt 1 09 - Bloodlust Moved on: Roadkill No Exit Heart Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things Croatoan Everybody Loves a Clown Playthings Simon Said Hunted
  6. I wouldn't get in a major fuss over any spoiler...cause sometimes they all change in the production room floor and it is a bit early. The only question for me, would be if they didn't want to repeat Season 9. That they have hinted at stealing someone's grace isn't the same as when Cass lost his the first time. So I can see this being possible as they didn't seem to really enjoy writing Cass human that much. It's still very early so everything can change in a heartbeat and as we know they will drop stories and change them even mid stream. And yes, Misha does like to string the fans along. So this could all be treated as a rumor. But it might make things interesting if Cass has a deadline...or will he just keep stealing other angels grace, How about Metatron's? Now that might be fun. :)
  7. Misha will not turn human when his grace dies.http://www.enstarz.com/articles/39892/20140619/supernatural-season-10-spoilers-castiels-grace-is-running-out-what-will-misha-collins-angel-do-before-he-dies-video.htm Unlike when Metatron sniped Cas' (Misha Collins) original grace (see video below), Collins' character will not revert to a human form when his essence dies out. Instead, the angel will find himself six feet under. Unless Team Free Will can find a way to restore Castiel's original grace, that is. While the Supernatural writers find away to (hopefully) save the heavenly solider, Collins recently contemplated what Cas would do if he only had one day left to live. "He would probably get a cat and cuddle up with it," Collins said at Rome's fifth annual Jus In Bello Con. "I think, knowing Cas, he would probably try to fix as many things as he can with his diminishing power before he dies because he is always trying to do the right thing, you know. And he is willing to sacrifice himself if it comes to that. In the midst of trying to save or improve as many lives as possible, Castiel would also want to make a stop at the Men of Letters bunker before his light fades out completely. "He would probably want to say goodbye to Dean and Sam," Collins continued. "Probably not Crowley." How much will change between now and the first ep - anyone's guess but since the fans like Misha so much...I doubt they will kill him off unless season 10 is the last season. NO...nothing to say that it is. How much is the cast having fun with the fans...don't know, didn't they give some red herrings last year too? Of course, Jared talks about Dean and Sam's relationship now being fine just before his death...really one speech and everything is really rosey? I figured this was the place to post this, let me know if I put it in the wrong place. I didn't put it in spoiler tags since this is where spoilers are talked about. So if your reading this, I would expect you would know the risks.
  8. Okay before I rewatched Hunted, I remembered it being stronger than it was. I loved poor Dean tied up and every emotion that crosses his face when he really believes Sam has been and killed and the ending. But the Ava part dragged it down for me. I think because of just too much talking, so putting it out of it's misery so it can go to a better place in this world. I liked Ava's as a character but it just isn't one I will fight to keep and if I have to vote one down, well I like helping out my fellow fans. Dittydotdot just honoring your request. Folsom Prison Blues ++ In My Time of Dying ++ Hunted - 47 - What Is and What Should Never Be 47 - In My Time of Dying 45 - Tall Tales 45 - Hollywood Babylon 45 - Born Under a Bad Sign 33 - Crossroad Blues 27 - Nightshifter 27 - All Hell Breaks Loose Pt 2 23 - Folsom Prison Blues 19 - The Usual Suspects 17 - Houses of the Holy 11 - Bloodlust 11 - All Hell Breaks Loose Pt 1 Moved on: Roadkill No Exit Heart Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things Croatoan Everybody Loves a Clown Playthings Simon Said Hunted
  9. If you listen to the commentary from Kripe, on "What is and What should Never Be, that show would have been totally awful. I really think it was Manners that figured out what was working and tried to move them in a better direction. Kripe first directing would have been a mess if it hadn't been that Manners basically helped him figure it out. Plus, the notion that good acting is just plain good casting. Yes that helps, but no good acting comes from strong training and skill and mix that with talent you've got a master piece. Good directing really helps the actors do their best work. I think most go for the average conflict. I'm suppose to be sad now, so let me be sad, instead of I'm really depressed and sad, but you won't see it. I'm going to play something else, this adds reality and layers. Jensen thinks this way which helps him be such a strong actor. Two because of his eye of directing, and taking photos, he has helped Jared improve. But talented actors still can't overcome bad scripts. I think they understand bouncing off ideas off of each other, but they just get too excited about their vision and lose the opportunity by having someone to be objective about it. Kripke talked about how he was blessed in having such a foundation to help his vision, his idea transform into something better than he ever thought of. This is the element of good elaboration. Honestly, I think the Campbells, The alpha Monsters, and Souless Sam could have been a good thing if they had spread it out over two years. I think the problem with Lisa and Ben would have worked if we saw Dean still being a badass when he fought beside Sam. Instead of him becoming weaker, it should have been a true battle with Sam winning a bit more than normal. Then the fun would have been organic and the stories could have flown so much better. I will give Carver one more season, to see if he can improve his work. I think I can see some of the layers he has prepared and it might move into a good direction if he moves the brothers relationship forward. He can separate them and not have to have them working together. If the separation isn't about them hating each other but something new, that would spark interest. I need to stop because I'm getting too long winded. Hopefully it makes sense. :)
  10. I don't have a problem changing the title what does everyone want to name it...which one is the winner? Or do you have a better suggestion?
  11. For some reason now, I really hate the number 13. So that's as a good as any reason to not love this ep. Thanks for the laugh, I was feeling a bit down and I really needed that laugh. Is it sad that I can agree with you on this. :)
  12. Jensen says he's no dummy, he likes wearing layers so he doesn't have to work out that hard. So I agree he has moved on from doing lots of shirtless stuff but it is nice when they find a creative way to do it. To make myself clear in case it is coming out wrong since you can't see my expressions, I'm teasing about Jensen having to be shirtless. I'm not really counting.
  13. Thanks for the amusing tidbits. I didn't watch season 1-3 live, so I don't know a lot about the behind the scene stuff. Other than to get the gory parts they want, they send in something much worse knowing that they'll then approve the part they wanted. They are sneaky sometimes too. I do think the networks get stuck in this is what will draw in people and not realize that really its good characterization and storytelling that draws people in. I do have to work on this ep to find it though. :)
  14. Yep, I knew it was too easy, but it is just so fun to tease Dean about stuff like that, isn't it. your turn.
  15. I think it actually shows two things, Dean's goes against his Dad's order to never talk about the family business with outsiders. Plus it shows his need to find someone to be close to. His search if you will and yes I agree that Cassie wasn't into Dean as much as he was but I chalk that up to his need to find someone to share his love of hunting with and share what he's experienced. Of course he'll get burned because it takes time to even find someone that can deal with it. Even Sam didn't share his history with Jessica and supposedly they had a much deeper relationship. So this begins Dean's spiral of don't trust people, because they will always let you down. JMV I always enjoy looking for shirtless moments in any show I watch if the guy is good looking. It won't keep me watching a show, if they can't act or make me laugh or cry I'll be gone. But they have found some organic ways to do it with Sam, so I want the equal treatment with Dean and this one sort of does that. I know it's shallow but if the show can do both, why not! :)
  16. Well she did give us the Sam shirtless scene doing pullups. Dean didn't get equal treatment. darn it. :) I agree she was an important voice and it is the mix of the group that has sparked such a love for this show all over the world. Every showrunner or writer has given us some what moments. I think Sera's problem is that she has great ideas but and she certainly could have done two years on the mother Eve and alpha monsters. Leviathans were just a plain mess. Less is more idea. The big bad just wasn't that great so I wish they hadn't done that story period or dropped it a lot sooner. One or two shows on them were interesting but most of season 7 I just don't watch. As far as the after school special effect since when doesn't tv shows not use that? I guess I expect it too much so I just blow it off. I would rather they left it more open ended but when you get passionate about something, sometimes you forget those points. Also since I've done so much bashing, let me point out how creativity works. It is never one person that can do it. It requires a group working together to spark that magic. Then it build off of each individual creating something stronger than one person could ever vision. A strong leader, which in the Theatre world is the director. But in TV it is the showrunner / writer because he or she is the only one that is constantly there from the beginning to the end. That is something that is now missing. Singer isn't that person in my opinion. Every interview show how much heart and soul they have put into this show. The crew and cast love working together. Otherwise this show would have died a long time ago. It has grown and if I wasn't so tired of why are the brothers fighting now, I would think Carver is moving the show in an interesting direction. I wonder if Craver and Sera could have created something better together?
  17. okay this one is probably really easy. Yeah, Myspace, what the hell is that?
  18. I know I'm selfish, I just want more shirtless scenes with Jensen, especially now that he is older. I just think this one nails another hammer into the coffin of Dean never going against Dad's orders cause he always gets burned when he does. Not a big Cassie & Dean fan, because I didn't like her that much, but first season shows always have huge problems that need to be addressed that I just overlook them. I am always more lenient on the first season as I know they are trying to figure out so much and usually the first season has a lot of hits and misses.
  19. Okay, this one has lots of problems and I'll leave it at that. I did like that we get a bit more exploration into Dean's character. That when he tries to go against his father, he'll always get burned. So he thinks he met the love of his life, and he spills the beans about the family business and she calls him crazy. No wonder the poor guy is only interested in one night stands. It was nice that we got a rare shirtless scene with Dean. Seems they are always showing off Jared's body but Jensen's gets covered up. Not a show I rewatch that much, but I do watch a few moments of it but then again, I usually find a few moments in any show.
  20. Just a place to talk about what you wish the show would do. If anyone has a better title not a problem of it being changed. I didn't see a place we could discuss this...so I started one. So I'll start it off with. 1. I want Sam to acknowledge how when he was placed in a similar situation he immediately went to have to find a way to fix this. He also knows point blank that Dean wanted to die instead of being turned into something not human...so when he meets Dean again that we get a brotherly moment and of course Dean being a demon, says everything he's ever bottled up and spits it back in his face. Then of course Sam is somehow saved so he can figure out a way to help Dean rediscover his human side again. 2. That the show moves to the brothers conflict be against Crowley and somehow unite mid season. Maybe Demon Dean goes on a killing spree hunting Demon's and Angels and accidentally or on purpose helps Cas get heaven in a better position. 3. Demon Dean isn't all bad...that he provides something positive even when he is being a demon. Maybe even having the twist that Demons can be nicer and kinder than Angels. Not sure if I'm saying this in a clear way. 4. A very shallow request, More Shirtless Dean. I don't want Jensen sick mind ya, but it would be nice to have another special shirtless moment.
  21. A moment of silence for Playthings, who couldn't love Sam's dive for the save, the begging of Dean to save him and being a easy drunk. The creepy Inn and the Ghost that wins...rewatched recently and it really had a great creepy feel all the way through. Also I thought the grandmother trying to save the family wasn't that over easily to figure out as you think it's someone else, the butler did it comes to mind. LOL. Oh and who could forget the continuation of the boys being gay. Simon Says, sorry just had to put you out of your misery. You had some really great moments, nothing personal. Poor Dean having to give up his baby just because the guy told him to do it. So anyone else that wants to join me in the sorrow of this show moving on...know I understand your pain. :) Nightshifter -- AHBL, Pt 2 ++ Simon Said - 45 - What Is and What Should Never Be 45 - Tall Tales 43 - Born Under a Bad Sign 41 - In My Time of Dying 41 - Hollywood Babylon 33 - Crossroad Blues 31 - All Hell Breaks Loose Pt 2 29 - Nightshifter 21 - Folsom Prison Blues 17 - Houses of the Holy 17 - The Usual Suspects 15 - All Hell Breaks Loose Pt 1 13 - Bloodlust 05 - Hunted Moved on: Roadkill No Exit Heart Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things Croatoan Everybody Loves a Clown Playthings Simon Said
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