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Everything posted by 7kstar

  1. -- The Benders -- Faith + Something Wicked 52 - Pilot 49 - Scarecrow 12 - Something Wicked 06 - Faith 03- The Benders 03 - Dead in the Water GANKED: Route 666 Bugs Provenance Dead Man's Blood Hook Man Nightmare Asylum Wendigo Hell House Bloody Mary Home Salvation Shadow Phantom Traveler Devil's Trap Skin
  2. Jensen has stated that the show started out as Sam's POV. And most of Season 1& 2 follows Star Wars. Jensen was a stronger actor than they thought, I think. I brought something they hadn't expected and suddenly they started writing for him thus the Pov sort of shifts. The writers suck at giving both POV and that would be a lot more powerful I think. I still think that none of them get what made Supernatural popular in the first place. Plus I felt they could relate to Sam as they were Sam. They had been picked on by a bully Dean but Jensen added heart to the role and everything got mixed up. One thing that is difficult to understand, you have an idea in your head, you think it is going the way you intend and then people have to go and add different meanings and now you can't see their version because you're still creating yours. Plus I think they get into group think, too many thinking alike and the person that thinks differently isn't allowed or doesn't express another solution. So they get into let's fix this issue, that will work, oops that made it worse. Okay try this, scratch head, why didn't that work? I get it from a beginning writer's viewpoint and director and actor viewpoint. the fact that they can't surprise us blows their minds. Ruby 2 comes to mind. She was suppose to make us believe she was really helping Sam so we would be blown away by the betrayal but we kept figuring out the clues and they couldn't figure out, HOW??? JMV
  3. Guess one of mine, is I wish there was one good guy higher up really on the boys side. I don't see a problem with some good guys helping out the guys with higher powers. So I wish they hadn't made every angel or God all negative and found a new way to tell the story. I don't think all dark, all evil is fun to watch. Plus I really think they need to go less on the gore. It doesn't scare me, it just makes me want to stop watching. But then I really hate horror shows and if Jensen wasn't on this show, I would have dropped out a long time ago. Sam has never been the one to pull me in. In fact some of his best eps have come from not being with his brother in at least the last few season's. I would like to believe that the boys being together would be fun to watch.
  4. -- The Benders -- Faith + Something Wicked 52 - Pilot 48 - Scarecrow 13 - Something Wicked 09 - Faith 08- The Benders 05 - Dead in the Water GANKED: Route 666 Bugs Provenance Dead Man's Blood Hook Man Nightmare Asylum Wendigo Hell House Bloody Mary Home Salvation Shadow Phantom Traveler Devil's Trap Skin
  5. I'm not sure even the writers know what they wanted here. But if the goal was to make everyone hate Sam after trying to get people to feel sorry for him last year...well it worked??? NOT! It made me really upset with the writing and I'm not sure how much I will like this season on rewatch. There are some ideas that really work but a lot of it, just fast forward. I think they were patting themselves on the back for figuring out how to get Death and Bobby back and to throw everyone off. But it didn't work, because I doubt anyone was really shocked about the final this season. I just hope we are finally done with selfish Sam and we can get the Sam that drew me to the show in the first place. I want the brothers back!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. + Something Wicked -- Scarecrow -- Faith 52 - Pilot 47 - Scarecrow 16 - Something Wicked 14 - Faith 12 - The Benders 09 - Dead in the Water GANKED: Route 666 Bugs Provenance Dead Man's Blood Hook Man Nightmare Asylum Wendigo Hell House Bloody Mary Home Salvation Shadow Phantom Traveler Devil's Trap Skin
  7. I guess I'm the only writer of fanfic here??? Just wondering?
  8. Scarecrow -- Faith -- Something Wicked + 51 - Pilot 48 - Scarecrow 19 - Something Wicked 18 - Faith 16 - The Benders 13 - Dead in the Water GANKED: Route 666 Bugs Provenance Dead Man's Blood Hook Man Nightmare Asylum Wendigo Hell House Bloody Mary Home Salvation Shadow Phantom Traveler Devil's Trap Skin
  9. + Pilot + Something Wicked -- Scarecrow 52 - Pilot 49 - Scarecrow 23 - Faith 20 - Something Wicked 17 - Dead in the Water 16 - The Benders GANKED: Route 666 Bugs Provenance Dead Man's Blood Hook Man Nightmare Asylum Wendigo Hell House Bloody Mary Home Salvation Shadow Phantom Traveler Devil's Trap Skin
  10. + Something Wicked -- The Benders + Pilot 53 - Pilot 51 - Scarecrow 24 - Faith 23 - Something Wicked 17 - Dead in the Water 15 - The Benders 01 - Skin GANKED: Route 666 Bugs Provenance Dead Man's Blood Hook Man Nightmare Asylum Wendigo Hell House Bloody Mary Home Salvation Shadow Phantom Traveler Devil's Trap
  11. + Faith + Dead in the Water + Something Wicked 50 - Pilot 49 - Scarecrow 26 - Faith 24 - Dead in the Water 24 - Something Wicked 18 - The Benders 07 - Skin GANKED: Route 666 Bugs Provenance Dead Man's Blood Hook Man Nightmare Asylum Wendigo Hell House Bloody Mary Home Salvation Shadow Phantom Traveler Devil's Trap
  12. I think there are few things that will most likely happen, maybe only for one ep, but I think Crowley's final speech before open your eyes, was to get Dean to realized I've never lied and I here for you. I didn't let you down...not that it's true of course but hopefully it will make Dean decide to allow Crowley to live. Of course, how will Dean react...on that I'll wait. Sam will try to figure out a way to get Crowley to undo the mess but how he react's to Dean...I'll wait. Cass could try to steal Metatron's grace or just decide to become human? Lot's of directions to go, so more information is needed but you certainly could have fun trying to figure out the real direction the show will take. Or will it just frustrate you more?
  13. + Pilot + Faith + Something Wicked 50 - Pilot 49 - Scarecrow 27 - Faith 25 - Dead in the Water 23 - Something Wicked 18 - The Benders 09 - Skin GANKED: Route 666 Bugs Provenance Dead Man's Blood Hook Man Nightmare Asylum Wendigo Hell House Bloody Mary Home Salvation Shadow Phantom Traveler Devil's Trap (Interesting that all of the one's left have strong Dean moments and of course moments where we love the brothers. In honor of last night's final, I will not vote anything down. :) )
  14. I was surprised on a few bits, Sam and Dean almost making up, Gad being the one that dies and how they used the mark to turn dean and connect it to cain. I would have rather had Metatron dead...and Gad alive. Wasn't totally surprised as so many things had been leading to this part for a while. The real question for me is how will they deal with this. What will Sam do this time, will he once again go for normal or will he look for a way to fix it. So there are questions, and Dean's reactions to being a demon will have a chance to be interesting...especially if he isn't the demon that everyone expects him to be. Will have to see how I feel after another rewatch but it seemed better than I though it would be so that is a good sign for me. Lots of messes to clean up, but hopefully next season will be a bit stronger...crossing fingers until I see what happens.
  15. +Pilot + Dead In The Water + Something Wicked 48 - Scarecrow 48 - Pilot 27 - Dead in the Water 24 - Faith 24 - Something Wicked 16 - The Benders 12 - Skin GANKED: Route 666 Bugs Provenance Dead Man's Blood Hook Man Nightmare Asylum Wendigo Hell House Bloody Mary Home Salvation Shadow Phantom Traveler Devil's Trap
  16. God returning or the trickster being alive would be a surprise. Part of me just wants to see what happens and enjoy the ride. I wonder if Cain will show up. Could Dean turn into something other than a demon. Sometimes he really acts more like a monster than demon with him growling and such. One thing that might be a real surprise would Dean paired up with Crowley and not united with Sam and Cas at all. My only other thought and most likely way off, what if Gadreel wasn't him. What if instead he was God pretending...what? Of course we've never had the answers of what has really happened to John or Mary. Since both are missing where are they and could they show up as a last minute surprise. Guess I will just have to see what happens, thinking on this is making my head hurt. LOL.
  17. Pilot + Dead in the Water + Something Wicked + 47 - Scarecrow 47 - Pilot 28 - Dead in the Water 27 - Something Wicked 26 - Faith 16 - Skin 16 - The Benders GANKED: Route 666 Bugs Provenance Dead Man's Blood Hook Man Nightmare Asylum Wendigo Hell House Bloody Mary Home Salvation Shadow Phantom Traveler Devil's Trap
  18. Dead in the Water + Something Wicked + Pilot + 46 - Scarecrow 45 - Pilot 28 - Something Wicked 27 - Faith 27 - Dead in the Water 18 - Skin 17 - The Benders 02 - Devil's Trap GANKED: Route 666 Bugs Provenance Dead Man's Blood Hook Man Nightmare Asylum Wendigo Hell House Bloody Mary Home Salvation Shadow Phantom Traveler Fixed Scarecrow's score since Tiny didn't vote it down.
  19. IA. The writing has really damaged Sam. I know the Sam girls will say Dean is the meanie, but to be honest I'm not sure I care. There comes a point that the angst isn't real. In real life you forgive and then discover you have tried to forgive but it comes in layers like an onion. You peel back the first layer but there are so much more to go. I think we are seeing Dean finally reaching the point that his anger that he has tried to bury just can't. If Sam had said something different...shown he still cares it may have been different. But if they continue this meaningless angst, I don't really care. The show I enjoyed isn't fun anymore. Just to watch for the blame game is too much work unless they make it mean something and resolve it. I'm hoping they have a resolution because I'm not sure I'll sign up for another season of Sam and Dean not getting along.
  20. Jared has said at other Cons this year, that only family knows how to hurt family when your really upset. I think this is really what happened. Sam's actions have shown he cares and the spoiler shows a reverse of Season 4 where this time it is Dean that is locked up. Last time Cas let Sam out, and this time it looks like Crowley let Dean out. Just guessing. Now what game changer, new idea, never thought they would go there???? It would have to be something really different for that to be true. I know that fans never believed that Dean would go to hell and I actually didn't start watching until the last ep of season 3, so I had to catch up by watching all the eps over the summer. Now will they really surprise us...don't know. I know I kept wishing they wouldn't do what they did on the end of season 5 but I wasn't that surprised by it. One telling interview is Misha. He says he has plenty of ideas but they never go there so he will just have to wait to see what they will do. If it keeps the formula, Dean lies to Sam, Sam finds out going...I won't be excited. Kevin's death wasn't exciting for me and certainly not a surprise since lately they kill off anyone that gets close to the brothers. So I'm trying to go in without to much in my head because if I get too worked over it, then I usually hate it. I just hope it is better than last season's.
  21. -- Scarecrow +Something Wicked -- The Benders 45 - Scarecrow 43 - Pilot 27 - Something Wicked 26 - Faith 25 - Dead in the Water 20 - Skin 17 - The Benders 06 - Devil's Trap GANKED: Route 666 Bugs Provenance Dead Man's Blood Hook Man Nightmare Asylum Wendigo Hell House Bloody Mary Home Salvation Shadow Phantom Traveler
  22. + Something Wicked -- The Benders + Faith 46 - Scarecrow 43 - Pilot 25 - Dead in the Water 26 - Faith 26 - Something Wicked 19 - Skin 18 - The Benders 06 - Devil's Trap GANKED: Route 666 Bugs Provenance Dead Man's Blood Hook Man Nightmare Asylum Wendigo Hell House Bloody Mary Home Salvation Shadow Phantom Traveler
  23. (Sniff - Bye Bye Phantom Traveler- So many little moment I love but I'll catch when I have a season 1 marathon. Do I really have to pick between the ones that are left???? sniff) The Benders -- Something Wicked + Devil's Trap+ 44 - Scarecrow 42 - Pilot 25 - Dead in the Water 25 - Faith 24 - Something Wicked 21 - The Benders 17 - Skin 08 - Devil's Trap GANKED: Route 666 Bugs Provenance Dead Man's Blood Hook Man Nightmare Asylum Wendigo Hell House Bloody Mary Home Salvation Shadow Phantom Traveler
  24. Well I guess my Sunday nights just got free again. Now only one show I watch and it isn't on NBC. In fact I don't know if I do watch NBC at all... I thought it was finally moving in a good direction, but I figure it most people don't want to watch just a feel good show anymore. At least I'm not really upset about it being gone, I hadn't gotten attached since it hadn't made it past the first season. So NBC...good luck on finding viewers. You lost this one but then I guess that doesn't mean much now does it. lol.
  25. Check out Mask of Insanity by Reading on fanfiction dot net. www.fanfiction.net/s/5479811/1/Mask-of-Sanity Okay this is a question about what nicknames to use. I did a search for nicknames and the ones I like are Ace, Sport, for John to call Dean. I have Dean calling Caleb, Cab since he likes one syllables for names. I want to stick with the idea of on syllable for Caleb. I think I like Cab over Cal. But I need a nickname for Caleb to call Dean and something that could stand for two. I found Deuce but I know that the Brotherhood AU uses that nickname...so would they think I'm stealing. I have a very different reason for it. Any opinions? Suggestions?
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